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Search results for aztec
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Use browser's "find" to locate aztec[syn.php]: sources. The Aztecs produced graphic images of these planets, although...
[cos.php]: shown in the much later giant Aztec calendar wheel as an actual tongue of...
[cos.php]:[cos.php]: of the Aztecs; after Wikipedia. ...
[dryas.php]: obliterated. Cardona also quotes from Maya, Aztec, and Inca sources. They ...
[polar.php]: The Aztecs also had a notion that the present Sun seen in the sky was...
[polar.php]: A later depiction of Mars, among the Aztecs, shows Mars with its...
[time.php]: Mars (also seen in the central figure of the Aztec Calendar Stone) would...
[sun.php]: between Aztec philosophers of the Valley of Mexico and Spanish...
[sun.php]: by edict of the Emperor of China in 213 BC is an example. The Aztecs...
[sun.php]: demonstrate that the Aztec were hardly "savages." The Aztec philosophers,...
[sun.php]: the accommodation of the Aztec to the religious environment of the Central...
[jup.php]: America, Mexico (Aztecs), Central America, South America, and Peru. Not...
[jup.php]: Interestingly, the primary God of the Aztecs, Huitzilopochtli,...
[jup.php]: Bernadino de Sahagún recorded his observations of Aztec...
[jup.php]: of Mesoamerica. Its influence lasted into the Aztec era. The Aztecs still...
[moses.php]: succumbed in the war against the Aztecs, the younger race that proclaimed...
[quet.php]: The center of the Aztec "Calendar Stone" shows a face with a tongue...
[quet.php]: The Aztec's chief god is Huitzilopochtli, "destroyer of cities and ...
[quet.php]: killer of people," and the Aztecs proceed (at a much later date) to ...
[quet.php]: the start of the year (New Year's day) among the Aztecs at the time of ...
[quet.php]: Although the Aztecs arrive very late to Central Mexico (AD 1100) they ...
[quet.php]: Mexicans" are the Aztecs, since the Maya celebrated New Year on July 26th ...
[quet.php]: sources for the start of the Aztec new year. Vincent Malmstrom writes, ...
[bolt.php]: carried through for a thousand years to the Maya and the Aztecs....
[hist.php]: Aztecs) had no ceremonies or festivities associated with the solstices....
[star.php]: For the Aztec, the pacification of the Gods remains at the center of...
[star.php]: life. The Aztecs, the people of Mars, had successfully kept cosmic...
[star.php]: Cortez's soldiers over possession of the city of Tenochtitlan, the Aztec...
[lang.php]: the type of activity. Hopi belongs to the Uto-Aztecan language family...
[lang.php]: group which includes Nahuatl, spoken by the Mesoamerican Aztecs, and the...
[maya.php]: Guatemala) and the calendar of the Maya (and Aztecs), the other widely...
[maya.php]: by all except by the Toltecs and the Aztecs, who claimed that the world...
[maya.php]: Teotihuacan, used July 26. In colonial times the Aztecs celebrated the ...
[chil.php]: with the Aztecs. Other books of the specifically blame...
[chil.php]: time of the Aztecs (as well as the Incas), where humanity originated....
[chil.php]: "suns," except for the Aztecs who counted their own arrival at the Central...
[chil.php]: Aztec "Calendar Stone" he is presented in the center with his tongue...
[chil.php]: Aztecs....
[rec.php]: Christianity, so that the Maya and Aztecs easily adopted the Catholic...
[olmec.php]: concepts of kingly leaders are late concepts among the Maya and Aztecs....
[olmec.php]: Aztecs was known as the "speaker" -- he talked to the Gods on behalf of...
[olmec.php]: among the Aztecs....
[olmec.php]: later when Cortez met up with the Aztecs....
[kan.php]: Street of the Dead" by the Aztecs) is the giant Pyramid of the Sun (also...
[kan.php]: appropriately named by the Aztecs). The Sun sets directly opposite the...
[kan.php]: the Aztecs arrived. The Maya records survived until the Spanish arrived....
[kan.php]: remained unmolested by the Aztecs....
[kan.php]: Aztecs applied it to their own city of (today Mexico...
[kan.php]: City) as well. Not much is known of since the Aztecs plundered...
[kan.php]: was a very large city southeast of the Aztec city of...
[kan.php]: importance, enough so that, at the time of the fall of the Aztec empire,...
[kan.php]: Aztec princes were still formally anointed by a Cholulan priest" ...
[kan.php]: of the Maya. The later Aztecs took up the concept of military control...
[kan.php]: existed in the shadow of the Aztec empire....
[kan.php]: de los Aztecas, Incas, Mayas, y Muiscas (1980), states that the Nahua...
[kan.php]: (Aztecs) believed that the present "world" came into being in the...
[popol.php]: a limited metallurgy by Aztec times....
[popol.php]: Toltecs and also adopted by the Aztecs. It might be suggested that the...
[popol.php]: Aztec deity Nanahuatl, "who throws a thunderbolt to open the mountain...
[popol.php]: The Aztecs also had a notion that the present Sun seen in the sky was...
[popol.php]: this was a major deity of both the Aztecs (as Quetzalcoatl) and the other...
[popol.php]: Nahuatl (Aztec) texts, and also that there is a Lord Nacxit mentioned in...
[popol.php]: origins of the Toltecs or Aztecs (the Nahua), and points to the fact that...
[popol.php]: Balam, although based (says Brinton) on Aztec mythology....
[chron.php]: Valley of Mexico were destroyed by the Aztecs.)...
[mech.php]: España (circa AD 1530) who identified the start of the Aztec...
[books.php]: Mitos y leyendas de los Aztecas, Incas, Mayas,...