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Sahara-Sahel archaeology


Call for volunteers to join the Western Sahara Project. See the details and contact Dr Nick Brooks at


Brass, M. 2003. Tracing the Origins of the Ancient Egyptian Cattle Cult. In Eyma, A. & Bennett, C. (eds.) A Delta-Man in Yebu: Occassional Volume of the Egyptologists' Electronic Forum No. 1. Parkland: Universal Publishers, 101-110. (PDF onsite)

Wendorf, F. & Schild, R. 1994. Are the Early Holocene Cattle in the Eastern Sahara Domestic or Wild? Evolutionary Anthropology 3, 118-128.

Brooks, N., Di Lernia, S., Drake, N., Raffin, M. & Savage, T. 2003. The Geoarchaeology of Western Sahara. Preliminary results of the first Anglo-Italian expedition in the liberated zone. Sahara 14: pp. 63-80 (PDF offsite)

Brooks, N. 2006. Cultural responses to aridity in the Middle Holocene and increased social complexity. Quaternary International (draft version, PDF offsite).

Brooks, N. 2004. Beyond collapse: the role of climatic desiccation in the emergence of complex societies in the middle Holocene. In Leroy, S. & Costa, P. (Eds.) Environmental Catastrophes in Mauritania, the Desert and the Coast. Abstract Volume and Field Guide. Mauritania, 4-18 January 2004. First Joint Meeting of ICSU Dark Nature and IGCP 490. (PDF offsite)

Anag, G., Di Lernia, S., Cremaschi, M. & Liverani, M. 2002. Environment, archaeology, and oil. The Messak Settafet Rescue Operation (Libyan Sahara). African Archaeological Review 19 (2): 67-73. (PDF offsite)

Cremaschi, M. & Di Lernia, S. 1999. Holocene climatic changes and cultural dynamics in Libyan Sahara. African Archaeological Review 16 (4): 211-238. (PDF offsite)

Cremaschi, M., Di Lernia, S. & Garcea, E. 1998. Some Insights on the Aterian in the Libyan Sahara: Chronology, Environment and Archaeology. African Archaeological Review 15 (4): 261-286. (PDF offsite)

Di Lernia, S. 2001. Dismantling dung: Delayed use of food resources among Early Holocene foragers of the Libyan Sahara. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 19: 1-34. (PDF offsite)

Minozzi, S., Manzi, G., Ricci, F., di Lernia, S. & Borgognini Tarli, S.M. 2003. Nonalimentary tooth use in prehistory: an Example from Early Holocene in Central Sahara (Uan Muhuggiag, Tadrart Acacus, Libya). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 120: 225-232. (PDF offsite)

Other Saharan websites

The Western Sahara Project

* Volunteer opportunities
* Historical background and the Western Sahara conflict
* Scientific context - Saharan environmental change and human occupation
* Study area
* Past and present environments
* Funerary monuments
* Rock art
* Western Sahara Project links page
* Project team and contact details
* Photos from the recent expeditions

The Fezzan Project: Geoarchaeology of the Sahara

* Study area
* Archaeology
* Palaeoclimate and environment
* Geomorphology
* Remote sensing
* Recent environmental change

Italian-Libyan Archaeological Mission in the Acacus and Messak

* Overview: Presentation, history, aims, funding, partners and staff
* Fieldwork
* Conservation and protection: Tourism, oil drilling and development
* Photo album: Geoarchaeology, prehistoric archaeology, rock art, historic archaeology and landscapes
* Maps

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