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Exposure of pseudoscience

[Sections: Alternative history in action; Ancient maps, crustal displacement and mammoths; False hype over Ancient Egypt; Creationism]

Alternative history in action

Distinguishing Science and Pseudoscience, by Professor Rory Coker

Driekopseiland Rock Engraving Site, an examination of loony ideas surrounding southern African rock art, by Dr David Morris

Abuses of Skepticism, by Chris Mooney

Antarctic Farce, by Assistant-Professor Garrett Fagan

Tiwanaku: Alternative History in Action, by Assistant-Professor Garrett Fagan

Three Basic Principles of Archaeological Research, by Assistant-Professor Garrett Fagan

An Answer to Graham Hancock, by Assistant-Professor Garrett Fagan

Analysis of Hancock's "Position Statement on C-14 Dating, by Assistant-Professor Garrett Fagan

The "Lost Civilization" in Historical Perspective: Déja-vu All Over Again, by Professor Ken Feeder

An analysis of the quality of Graham Hancock's science, by Mikey Brass

Definition of peer-reviewed journals: a rebuttal to the lunatic fringe, by Mikey Brass

Open letter to Mr R.G. Bauval and Mr G. Hancock, by Mikey Brass

Robert Bauval, Graham Hancock and their support for the Hindu creationist Michael Cremo, by Mikey Brass

Science explained, pseudoscience exposed, by Mikey Brass

Absence of Evidence, by Derek Barnett

The Spanish Imposition, by Katherine Reece

The Myth of the Open Mind, by Duncan Edlin

The Gentle Art of Myth Management: Hancock's Use of Mythology, by Duncan Edlin

Pick a Card, Any Card - How Hancock "Finds" Precessional Numbers, by John Wall

The Wrong Question (or: The Myth of the Mystery of the Missing Messages), by John Wall

Sitchin's Twelfth Planet, by Rob Hafernik

Refutation of the Aquatic Ape hypothesis, by Jim Moore

Open letter to Mr Schwarz-Schilling (High Representative and EU Special Representative, Bosnia) from archaeologists, historians and geologists of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Europe and America, dated March 14, 2007. It concerns his perceived endorsement of rising pseudoscientific practices in the region. [pdf format]

Ancient maps, crustal displacement and mammoths

Tracing Graham Hancock's Shifting Cataclysm, by Mikey Brass

Book: "The Piri Reis Map of 1513", by Gregory C. McIntosh and Norman J. W. Thrower

Refutting the so-called ancient maps of Piri Reis, Orontius Finaeus, Philippe Buache, by Diego Cuoghi

Piri Reis Map, by Paul Heinrich

The Mysterious Origins of Man: The Oronteus Finaeus Map of 1532, by Paul Heinrich

Fingerprints of the Gods: The Oronteus Fineaus Map, Exhibit 8, by Paul Heinrich

Charting Imaginary Worlds: Pole Shifts, Ice Sheets, and Ancient Sea Kings: A Digression that Simply Got Out of Hand, by Sean Mewhinney

Living in Imaginary Worlds: More Denials, by Sean Mewhinney

Piri Reis: Giving Credit Where Credit is Due, A Man Ahead of His Time, Which Way's Up?

The Mysterious Origins of Man: Atlantis, Mammoths, and Crustal Shift, by Paul Heinrich

Champsosaurs of Axel Heiberg Island, by Paul Heinrich

Fossil Forests of Axel Heiberg Island, by Paul Heinrich

Beech Trees of Antarctica, by Paul Heinrich

Paleoclimatic Reconstructions And Scandinavian and Scottish Ice Sheets, by Paul Heinrich

Woolly Mammoths: Evidence of Catastrophe?, by Sue Bishop and Philip Burns

Review of the NBC Television Show "The Mysterious Origins of Man", by Frank Steiger

False hype over Ancient Egypt

The Palermo Stone, by Mikey Brass

Review of "Not Out of Africa: How Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Teach Myth as History by Mary Lefkowitz"

Rebuttal to Gerald O'Farrell's "The Tutankhamun Deception", by Amun list members

A review of The Orion Mystery, by Dr Jaromir Malek

Astronomer Tony Fairall and "Secret Chamber", by Mikey Brass

Precession and the layout of the Ancient Egyptian pyramids, by Professor Tony Fairall

The transcript of the BBC Horizon program dealing with "The Orion Mystery" and the adjudication of the Broadcasting Standards Comission ruling Hancock & Bauval

Offsite article by Professor Tony Fairall refutting Bauval & Hancock's claims on BBC Horizon

Response to Bauval and Hancock's criticisms of the BBC "Horizon" program, by Professor Tony Fairall

Pyramid Marketing Schemes, by Dr E.C. Krupp

The Sphinx Blinks, by Dr E.C. Krupp

Astronomical Integrity at Giza, by Dr E.C. Krupp

Trace Bauval's shifting policy on the Giza-Orion correlation, with the inaccuracies exposed in as much detail as you can handle, by Frank Doernenburg

The Orion Correlation and Air-Shaft Theories, by John Legon

Review of Fingerprints of the Gods, by Dr Jaromir Malek

Aldebaran and the Dashour Pyramids, by Jane Sellers

The ARCE Sphinx Project: a Preliminary Report, ARCE Newsletter, No. 112, 1980

Deterioration of the Stone of the Great Sphinx, ARCE Newsletter, No. 114, 1980

Notes and Photographs on the West-Schoch Sphinx Hypothesis, by Associate-Professor Mark Lehner (KMT 1994)

The Redating the Great Sphinx of Giza, by Associate-Professor Robert Schoch

The date of the Great Sphinx of Giza, by Associate-Professor Robert Schoch

The response, by Dr Hawass and Associate-Professor Mark Lehner

The reply, by Associate-Professor Robert Schoch to Dr Hawass and Associate-Professor Mark Lehner

Comments on the geological evidence for the Sphinx's age, by Professor James Harrell (March 2000)

More Sphinx debate: "He said, I say..." : Response to James A. Harrell, by Associate-Professor Robert Schoch

Letter to KMT vol. 5, no. 2, Summer 1994, by Associate-Professor Robert Schoch

Response in Archaeology by Associate-Professor Schoch to Hawass and Lehner, January/February 1995, by Associate-Professor Robert Schoch

A Modern Riddle of the Sphinx, in Omni 1992, by Associate-Professor Robert Schoch

Scholars debate age of the Great Sphinx by Associate-Professor Robert Schoch, responding to the criticisms from Egyptologist Dr Frank Yurco

Comments by Robert M. Schoch on "Giza: The Truth"

Articles on the Sphinx by Colin Reader, Ian Lawton and Alex Bourdeau are available on the "Giza:The Truth" website, as are additional papers on Ancient Egypt. Ian Lawton also has on Ancient Mesopotamia, which refute Sitchin.

Age of the Sphinx, by Alex Bourdeau

David Billington traces of the course of the controversy caused by Schoch, West, Schoch, Bauval and Hancock, with links to sites offering rebuttals to some of the views. He takes an objective examination of the critiques which have been raised by against Schoch's hypothesis by both Egyptologists and geologists (including links to two recent articles by thegeologist Colin Reader who disagrees with Schoch but who also argues for a pre-Fourth Dynasty date for the Great Sphinx), and provides a summary of an interview with Schoch.


"Fuck the creationists" rap song. Check it out!

Similarities between apes and humans, and the implications for human evolution, by Mikey Brass

Refutation of the UK creationist organisation Truth in Science's claims on human evolution, by Mikey Brass

Creationists falsely claim there are not many hominin fossils, by Mikey Brass

Questions for creationists, by Mikey Brass

The second law of thermodynamics, by Mikey Brass

Francisco Ayala's Darwin's gift to science and religion

The 11th European Skeptics Congress

The British Centre for Science Education speaking out against the UK creationist organisation "Truth in Science", on BBC Radio Manchester, Friday 13th October 2006

Michel Behe and His Irreducible Complexity, by Timoth Chase of the BCSE

Understanding evolution - an evolution website for teachers, Berkely University

The complete works of Charles Darwin online

The life and texts of Russell Wallace, the co-founder of natural selection as a mechanism for evolution

Why fight for strong evolutionary science standards ?, by Patricia Princehouse

Antievolution and Creationism in the United States, by Dr Eugenie C. Scott (originally published in the journal Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 26. (1997), pp. 263-289)

Starting with the rejection by a district court and subsequent removal of the "evolution is just a theory" stickers in Cobb County, 2006 proved to be a watershed year against Intelligent Design proponents. It was followed by the famous Dover (America) trial, in which Judge Jones found ID to be religion masquerading as science in an attempt to illegally teach religion in school science classrooms. The NCSE has a news archive of all the major important events of 2006 in America. Judge Jones's ruling is online at Alec MacAndrew has a concise, but very detailed, page at explaining what Intelligent Design is.

William Dembski's research assistant admits that "critical analysis" is ID in disguise

A creationist in Cambridge, England, a personal account by Mikey Brass

UK: Does creationism have a place in the classroom? Independent newspaper

Letters to the Guardian concerning the teaching of creationism in UK science classroom, including Richard Dawkins and Mikey Brass (Chairman, British Centre of Science Education)

The eye as a contingent, diverse, complex product of evolutionary processes, by PZ Myers

The Cambrian as an evolutionary exemplar, by PZ Myers

A creationist parody, by Michael Suttkus

Darwin on race and slavery

Evolution & Creationism: Terminology in Conflict, by Richard Joltes

The Fossil Fallacy: Creationists' demand for fossils that represent "missing links" reveals a deep misunderstanding of science, by Michael Shermer

Creationist Steve Austin, from the ICR, lies that the Grand Canyon Park service officials were considering changing the park's public lectures and signs to reflect creationist ideas, by Lenny Flank

Laurie Appleton - Young-Earth creationist blunder specialist

Goodbye, Columbus (Ohio Board of Education, March 2002), by Professor Kenneth Miller

The Truth about the "Santorum Amendment" Language on Evolution: The "No Child Left Behind" Education Act does not call for the teaching of "Intelligent Design", by Professor Kenneth Miller

Finding Darwin's God: A Scientist's Search for Common Ground Between God and Evolution (book information plus except from the last chapter), by Professor Kenneth Miller

Life's Grand Design, by Professor Kenneth Miller

Life's Grand Design (updated excerpt prepared for the 2001 Evolution series on NOVA), by Professor Kenneth Miller

Defending the Teaching of Evolution, by Professor Kenneth Miller

A Debate on Evolution (against Phillip Johnson), by Professor Kenneth Miller

Design on the Defensive (Behe et al.), by Professor Kenneth Miller

A Review of Darwin's Black Box, by Professor Kenneth Miller

Haeckel's Embryos, by Professor Kenneth Miller

The Peppered Moth, by Professor Kenneth Miller

Dissecting the Alabama Disclaimer, by Professor Kenneth Miller

Darwin, God, and the Human Genome, by Professor Kenneth Miller

Paley in a Test Tube, by Professor Kenneth Miller

A "Dying Theory" Fails Again (refutation of charges by the Discovery Institute against the PBS Evolution series; .pdf format), by Professor Kenneth Miller

Dissecting the Oklahoma disclaimer, by Professor Kenneth Miller

DI Fails Again to "Crack" the Code (refutation of charges by the Discovery Institute against the PBS Evolution series), by Professor Kenneth Miller

Discovery Institute Goes "0 for 3" against PBS (refutation of charges by the Discovery Institute against the PBS Evolution series), by Professor Kenneth Miller

The Discovery Institute's Hidden Religious Agenda, by Lenny Flank

Debunk vs Dover; Fighting the Intelligent Design Movement, by Lenny Flank

The Kansas Kangaroo Kourt, by Lenny Flank

Who Are the Creation "Scientists"?, by Lenny Flank

What Are the Aims of the Creation "Scientists"?, by Lenny Flank

Creationism and the Religious Right, by Lenny Flank

What Is the "Scientific Theory" of Creationism?, by Lenny Flank

Is Evolution "Just a Theory"?, by Lenny Flank

Creation "Science" and Education, by Lenny Flank

The Created Kind, by Lenny Flank

Noah's Flood: the Creationist Explanation of Fossils, by Lenny Flank

Archaeopteryx, by Lenny Flank

The Therapsid Fossil Series, by Lenny Flank

Triadobatrachus, by Lenny Flank

Ambulocetus, by Lenny Flank

Fossil Hominids and the Evolution of Humans, by Lenny Flank

Reasons for a Creationist Young Earth, by Lenny Flank

The "Appearaance of Age" Argument, by Lenny Flank

Radio Dating and the Age of the Earth, by Lenny Flank

The "Population Growth" Argument, by Lenny Flank

The Earth's Magnetic Field, by Lenny Flank

The "C Decay"Argument, by Lenny Flank

The "River Inflow" Argument, by Lenny Flank

Creationist Credentials: Is There a REAL Doctor in the House?, by Lenny Flank

Does Science Discriminate Against Creationists?, by Lenny Flank

The Paluxy Footprints, by Lenny Flank

The Latest Lie: the Tulsa Zoo Story, by Lenny Flank

Is Evolution Science the Work of the Devil?, by Lenny Flank

Did Noah's Flood Really Happen?, by Lenny Flank

Mainstream Churches and the Creationists, by Lenny Flank

Creationism and the Republican Party, by Lenny Flank

State Textbook Boards, by Lenny Flank

Local School Districts, by Lenny Flank

Debates, by Lenny Flank

"Be Prepared:" Keeping Tabs on the Creationists, by Lenny Flank

A Reading List, by Lenny Flank

How Evolution Works, by Kevin L. O'Brien

The Changing Relations Between Science and Theology, by John Brooke

Self-Organisation and the Development of Complexity, by Niles Eldredge

How the World's Religions Interpret Evolution, by Lawrence Sullivan

Eugenie Scott on Design

Michael Ruse on Design

Eugenie Scott on 'Intelligent Design' and 'Creationism'

Michael Ruse on Teaching 'Intelligent Design'

Michael Ruse on the Fossil Record

Eugenie Scott on the Fossil Record

Eugenie Scott on the Origins Controversy

Reviews of Michael Behe's "Darwin's Black Box"

Thermodynamics for Two, Please, by Bob Riggins

Creationist Techniques

Creationism in Europe, by Fedor Steeman

The 10 Main Arguments against Creationism, by Fedor A. Steeman

The Evolution Evidence Page, by Robert Williams

Hard truths about science, by Bob Riggins

Creationism: The Watch in the Desert, by Bob Riggins

Things Creationists Hate, by Bob Riggins

Noah's Speech, by Bob Riggins

A perspective from anthropologist Jeffrey K. McKee

Jeffrey K. McKee & David Phillips

Jeffrey K. McKee & Duane T. Gish

Creationist Contradictions, by Jeffrey McKee

The Religion of Creationism and the Science of Evolutionary Theory FAQs and OGAs, by Jeffrey McKee

Dr. David Menton (Answers in Genesis) caught lying about the the Tiktaalik fossils, by by Martin Brazeau

Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science

National Center for Science Education: Defending the Teaching of Evolution in the Public Schools

Scientists Debunk Criticism of WGBH Series: 11/29/2001 - Doubting Darwinism through Creative License, by Skip Evans

Scientists Debunk Criticism of WGBH Series: 10/18/2001 - DI Fails Again to "Crack" the Code, by Kenneth Miller

Scientists Debunk Criticism of WGBH Series: 10/15/2001 - Gee Responds to Discovery Institute Use of Quotations

Scientists Debunk Criticism of WGBH Series: 10/14/2001 - Kauffman Rejects Intelligent Design

Scientists Debunk Criticism of WGBH Series: 10/12/2001 - Gilbert Rebukes Discovery Institute for Use of Quote

Scientists Debunk Criticism of WGBH Series: 10/3/2001 - Moore Corrects Discovery Institute's Poor History

Scientists Debunk Criticism of WGBH Series: 10/3/2001 - Discovery Institute "0 for 3" vs. Miller, by Kenneth Miller

Scientists Debunk Criticism of WGBH Series: 10/1/2001 - Coyne Exposes Discovery Institute's "old tricks"

Scientists Debunk Criticism of WGBH Series: 9/27/2001 - Congregational Study Guide for Evolution Series Now Available

Scientists Debunk Criticism of WGBH Series: 9/26/2001 - Discovery Institute Quotes Clark Out of Context

Scientists Debunk Criticism of WGBH Series: 9/25/2001 - Miller: A "Dying Theory" Fails Again, by Kenneth Miller [you will need Acrobat Reader, available for free from Adobe]

Scientists Debunk Criticism of WGBH Series: 9/17/2001 - Hanken, Pace give lesson to Wells, Behe: creationists wrong again

Articles About Creationism

Antievolutionism and Creationism in the United States, by Eugenie Scott

Creationism, Ideology, and Science, by Eugenie Scott

Not (Just) In Kansas Anymore, by Eugenie Scott

Unmasking the False Prophet of Creationism, by Barbara Forrest

Articles About Intelligent Design

Creationism Evolves: Review of Robert Pennock's Tower of Babel, by Eugenie Scott

Darwin Prosecuted: Review of Johnson's Darwin on Trial, by Eugenie Scott

Intelligent Design' Not Accepted by Most Scientists, by Eugenie C. Scott and Glenn Branch

Design and Its Critics: Yet Another ID Conference, by Jeff Otto with Andrew Petto

Keep Science Free from Creationism, by Eugenie Scott

Review of Darwin on Trial, by Eugenie Scott and Thomas Sager, Esq.

Scott Replies to Dembski, by Eugenie Scott

The Elusive Scientific Basis of Intelligent Design Theory, by George W Gilchrist

New Voices for Evolution

American Anthropological Association, 2000: Statement on Evolution and Creationism

Association of College and University Biology Educators, 1999: Resolutions of the 43rd Annual Meeting

Statement on Evolution in Textbooks by Authors of Biology Texts

Ecological Society of America, 1999

Iowa Academy of Science, 2000: Statement of the Position of the Iowa Academy of Science on the Validity of Evolutionary Science and on the Status of Creationism as a Scientific Explanation of Natural Phenomena

Kentucky Academy of Science, 1999: A Resolution of the Kentucky Academy of Science In Regard to Omitting Evolution Terminology and Teaching in the Public Schools

Magisterium Is Concerned with Question of Evolution For It Involves Conception of Man, Pope John Paul II: Message to Pontifical Academy of Sciences October 22, 1996

National Academy of Science, 1998

National Conference on Teaching Evolution, 2000, by Judy Scotchmoor

National Science Teacher`s Association Statement on Evolution, 1997

North American Benthological Society Statement Endorsing Evolution by Natural Selection, 2001

North Carolina Scientists Speak Out on Evolution, 1997, by the North Carolina Academy of Science

Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2001

University of North Carolina, 1997, Science Instruction and the Theory of Evolution: A Position Statement

Pamphlets from the National Center for Science Education

"Scientific Creationism", Evolution & Race, by Eugenie Scott

Creation or Evolution?, by George Bakken

Eight Significant Court Decisions, by Molleen Matsumura

Evolution, Creation, and Science Education, by Molleen Matsumura

Facing Challenges to Evolution Education, by Molleen Matsumura

Facts, Faith, and Fairness, by Thomas Demere and Steve Walsh

Looking for information to counter creationists?

Origin Myths, by Robert Carneiro

Ten Tips For Letter Hacking, by Mary Lou Mendum

The Evolution of Creationism, by William Thwaites

The Record of Human Evolution, by Eric Delson

Twelve Tips for Testifying at School Board Meetings, by Eugenie Scott

What’s Wrong with "Theory not Fact" Resolutions

Would We All Behave Like Animals? A Conversation, by William Thwaites

Photographs from the National Center for Science Education

Dinosaur and "Human" footprints at Paluxy River, Texas, by Ira Walters [photograph]

Congregational Study Guide for Evolution

Teaching Evolution

Analysis of the Melvindale Science Curriculum Sub-Committee Book Recommendations [requires a Word compatible editor]

Cans and Can`ts of Teaching Evolution, by Eugenie Scott

Dealing with Anti-Evolutionism, by Eugenie Scott

Dissecting the Disclaimer, by Kenneth Miller

National Conference on Teaching Evolution, by Judy Scotchmoor

Problem Concepts in Evolution: Cause, Purpose, Design, and Chance, by Eugenie Scott

Responses to Jonathan Wells's Ten Questions to Ask Your Biology Teacher

Icons of Evolution? Why much of what Jonathan Wells writes about evolution is wrong, by Alan D. Gishlick
* Introduction
* Miller-Urey experiment
* Darwin's Tree of Life
* Homology
* Haeckel's embryos
* Archaeopteryx
* Peppered moths
* Darwin's finches
* Conclusion
* Figures
* References

Project Steve, by the National Center for Science Education
* What is Project Steve
* Project Steve in the media
* The FAQs
* The list of scientists
* The press release
* Want to become an NCSE Steve?

Archives of the Creation/Evolution journal, the forerunner to the Reports of the National Center for Science Education
* Issue 01 (Volume 1, Number 1 - Summer 1980): "Yes, Virginia, There is a Creation Model", "Why Creationism Should Not be Taught as Science", Book Review of "Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity. Edited by John N. Moore and Harold S. Slusher"
* Issue 02 (Volume 1, Number 2 - Fall 1980): "Reactions to Creationism in Iowa", "The New York Creation Battle", "Common Creationist Attacks on Geology", "The Return of the Navel, the "Omphalos" Argument in Contemporary Creationism", "Evidence Supporting a Great Age for the Universe", "Evidence of the Quality of Creation Science Research", "Another Favorite Creationist Argument: "The Genes for Homologous Structures are Not Homologous" ", "An Additional Note on the Omphalos Argument", "Reagan Favors Creationism in the Public Schools"
* Issue 05 (Volume 2, Number 3 - Summer 1981): "Defining "Kinds" -- Do Creationists Apply a Double Standard?", "Why Scientific Creationism Fails to Meet the Criteria of Science", "The Bombardier Beetle Shoots Back", "Response to Dr. Kofahl", "Genetics and Genesis: The New Biology Textbooks that Include Creationism", "Response to Zuidema", "The Alabama Creation Battle"
* Issue 07 (Volume 3, Number 1 - Winter 1982): "Answers to the Standard Creationist Arguments", "A Closer Look at Some Biochemical Data that "Support" Creation", "Scientific Creationism and the Science of Creative Intelligence", "Creationism and the First Amendment", "Victory in Arkansas: The Trial, Decision, and Aftermath"
* Issue 08 (Volume 3, Number 2 - Spring 1982): "Charles Darwin: A Centennial Tribute", "Kelvin Was Not a Creationist", "Are There Human Fossils in the "Wrong Place" for Evolution?", "Answers to Creationist Attacks on Carbon-14 Dating", "Creation-Evolution Debates: Who's Winning Them Now?"
* Issue 09 (Volume 3, Number 3 - Summer 1982): "The Dilemma of the Horned Dinosaurs", "Six "Flood" Arguments Creationists Can't Answer", "As the World Turns: Can Creationists Keep Time?", "Old-Time Religion and the New Physics"
* Issue 10 (Volume 3, Number 4 - Fall 1982): "Those Amazing Animals: The Whales and the Dolphins", "True Vestigial Structures in Whales and Dolphins", "Whales: Can Evolution Account for Them?", "The Turtle: Evolutionary Dilemma or Creationist Shell Game?", "Censorship of Evolution in Texas"

Richard Dawkins on the Alabama Disclaimer

Science, Religion, and Evolution, by Eugenie Scott

The Creation/Evolution Continuum, by Eugenie Scott

The Textbook Chooser’s Guide, by Dr William Mayer & Dr James Barufaldi

Voices for Evolution

Introduction: Science versus Creationism, by Isaac Asimov

Legal Background

Statements from Civil Liberties Organizations

Statements from Educational Organizations

Statements from Religious Organizations

Statements from Scientific Organizations

National Center for Science Education online store

The Talkorigins site

Transcripts from the Dover trial
at Talkorigins
Debating Creationists: Some Pointers, by Eugenie Scott & Richard Trott

How Not to Respond to Criticism: Barry Price Compounds His Errors, by James Lippard

Public Debate with a Creationist: An Account, by Rob Day

Hugh Ross and Duane Gish Debate the Age of the Earth and the Universe, transcribed by William Hamilton

Debate between Richard Milton and Jim Foley

Duane Gish and Creationism Richard Trott Critiques Duane Gish's Presentation at Rutgers University, by Richard Trott

An account of the 1993 International Creation Conference, by Alan Feuerbacher

"Sons of Light": A Visit to the Sixth European Creationist Congress, by Bart Koene

A Age of the Earth Debate

McLean v. Arkansas Board of Education, transcribed by Clark Dorman

Edwards v. Aguillard: U.S. Supreme Court Decision, transcribed by Clark Dorman

Epperson v. Arkansas: United States Supreme Court, contributed by Kenneth Fair

Peloza v. Capistrano Unified School District: U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, transcribed by Clark Dorman

Sauropods, Elephants, Weightlifters: Ted Holden and Megafauna, by Wayne Throop

Ice Core Dating, by Matt Brinkman

"Polystrate" Fossils

Problems with a Global Flood, by Mark Isaak

Flood Stories from around the World, by Mark Isaak

Sun Pictures and the Noah's Ark Hoax

The Texas Dinosaur/"Man Track" Controversy, by Glen Kuban

Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study, by Glenn Morton

Dinosaur Footprints in Coal, by Andrew MacRae

Coal Beds, Creationism, and Mount St. Helens, by Keith Littleton

The Geologic Column and its Implications for the Flood, by Glenn Morton

Is the Devonian Chattanooga Shale Really a Volcanic Ash-Fall Deposit? A Review of a Creation Research Society Quarterly Paper, by James L. Moore

The Vapor Canopy Hypothesis Holds No Water, by Paul Farrar & Bill Hyde

Geology in Error? The Lewis Thrust, by Joel Hanes

The Age of the Earth, by Chris Stassen

Geological Time Scale, by Andrew MacRae

Radiometric Dating and the Geological Time Scale: Circular Reasoning or Reliable Tools?, by Andrew MacRae

Changing Views of the History of the Earth, by Richard Harter

Isochron Dating, by Chris Stassen

A Criticism of the ICR's Grand Canyon Dating Project, by Chris Stassen

Geochronology according to John Woodmorappe, by Steven Schimmrich

The Decay of c-decay, Robert Day

On Creation Science and the Alleged Decay of the Earth's Magnetic Field, by Tim Thompson

Meteorite Dust and the Age of the Earth, by Tim Thompson

The Recession of the Moon and the Age of the Earth-Moon System, by Tim Thompson

Evolution's Tiny Violences The Po-Halo Mystery: An Amateur Scientist Examines Pegmatitic Biotite Mica, by John Brawley

The Solar FAQ: Solar Neutrinos and Other Solar Oddities, by Sverker Johansson

Debunking Robert Gentry's "New Redshift Interpretation" Cosmology, by Ryan Scranton

Various Interpretations of Genesis, by Steve Schaffner

What is Creationism?, by Mark Isaak

A Creationist Exposed, by Chris Stassen

Scientific Creationism and Error, by Robert Schadewald

Some Questionable Creationist Credentials, by Brett Vickers

Lucy's Knee Joint: A Case Study in Creationists' Willingness to Admit their Errors, by Jim Lippard

So You Want to be an Anti-Darwinian: Varieties of Opposition to Darwinism, by John Wilkins

Patterson Misquoted: A Tale of Two 'Cites', by Lionel Theunissen

The Coso Artifact: Mystery from the Depths of Time, Pierre Stromberg & Paul Heinrich

Missing Supernova Remnants as Evidence of a Young Universe? A Case of Fabrication, by Ken Harding

FABNAQ (Frequently Asked But Never Answered Questions), by Tom Scharle

Stumper Questions for Creationists, by Tom Scharle

Plagiarized Errors and Molecular Genetics: Another argument in the evolution-creation controversy, by Edward Max

Irreducible Complexity and Michael Behe

Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics, and Probability of Abiogenesis Calculations, by Ian Musgrave

Creationism Implies Racism?, by Richard Trott & Jim Lippard

The Creation Research Society's Creed, by Brett Vickers

Creationism and the Platypus, by Jim Foley

Bombardier Beetles and the Argument of Design, by Mark Isaak

Feathers: Created or Evolved?, by Paul Keck

Evidence for Jury-Rigged Design in Nature, by Chris Colby, Loren Petrich, et al.

NBC's "The Mysterious Origins of Man", by Jim Foley

Clarence Darrow: Misquoted by Creationists, by Rob Zuber

ICR Graduate School Catalogue and List of Publications, by Steven Linke

Creationist Whoppers

Visits to the ICR Museum

Francis Hitching: Commonly quoted by creationists, by Alan Feuerbacher

Creationist Dmitri Kouznetsov: Scientist?, by Laurence Moran & Richard Trott

Review of Michael Denton's Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, by Mark Vuletic

Critiques of Anti-Evolutionist Phillip Johnson's Views, by Jim Lippard & Bill Hamilton

Jehovah's Witnesses and Evolution, by Alan M. Feuerbacher

Life: How did it get here? By evolution or creation?, reviewed by a former Jehovah's Witness

The International Flat Earth Society, by Robert Day

An Introduction to the History and Basic Scientific Concepts in Evolution, by Alec MacAndrew
* Darwinism - The Origin of Species: An introduction to Natural Selection as the mechanism by which evolution occurs
* Genetics and Gregor Mendel: Genetics - the rules of inheritance
* The Modern Sythesis: Bringing genetics and the mechanism of Natural Selection together
* The Structure of DNA: Unravelling the genetic code
* How does the Genetic Code work?: The mechanism by which the code controls the synthesis of protein in the cells
* How is the DNA stored in the cells?: The way the DNA is stored in the cells; chromosomes and cell division; DNA in reproduction
* The genetic code is a recipe not a blueprint: Complexity in the code means very few one to one relationships between genes and functions
* Mutation, variation and creation of new genetic information: How variation arises for Natural Selection to work on
* Speciation: The mechanisms by which new species arise
* The major steps leading from bacteria to Man: The fossil record reveals the major steps in the evolutionary process
* Modern Issues and Ideas: The direction that evolutionary theory is headed now

Introduction to Evolutionary Biology, by Chris Colby

What is Evolution?, by Laurence Moran

Evolution is a Fact and a Theory, by Laurence Moran

The Modern Synthesis of Genetics and Evolution, by Laurence Moran

The Origins of Species, by Charles Darwin

An interesting summary of the definition of species

Macroevolution, by John Wilkins

29 Evidences for Macroevolution: Scientific Evidences for the Theory of Common Descent with Gradual Modification, by Douglas Theobald

Are Mutations Harmful?, by Richard Harter

The Evolution of Improved Fitness by random mutation plus selection, by Edward Max

Darwin's Precursors and Influences, by John Wilkins

What is Darwinism?, by Joel Hanes

Random Genetic Drift, by Laurence Moran

Punctuated Equilibria, by Wesley Elsberry

Evolution and Philosophy: An Introduction, by John Wilkins

Evolution and Chance

Evidence for Evolution: An Eclectic Survey, by Chris Colby

Observed Instances of Speciation, by Joseph Boxhorn

Some More Observed Speciation Events, by Chris Stassen, James Meritt, Anneliese Lilje & L. Drew Davis

Fossil Hominids: The Evidence for Human Evolution, by Jim Foley

Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ, by Kathleen Hunt

Piltdown Man: The Bogus Bones Caper, by Richard Harter

The Archaeopteryx FAQs, by Chris Nedin

Horse Evolution, by Kathleen Hunt

The Natural History of Marsupials, by Chris Nedin

The Evolution of Color Vision, by Mickey Rowe

The Origin of Whales and the Power of Independent Evidence, by Raymond Sutera

Thermodynamics, Evolution and Creationism

The Probability of Abiogenesis, by Andrew Ellington Book Recommendations, by Chris Stassen

Creation/Evolution Organizations and Periodicals, by Chris Stassen

Professor Colin Groves' anti-creationist pages

From Ussher to Slusher, from Archbish to Gish: or, not in a million years..., by Professor Colin Groves

Evolution in Context, by Professor Colin Groves

Missing Links?, by Professor Colin Groves

Near-complete Australopithecine Fossil Found in South Africa, by Professor Colin Groves

Creationism: The Hindu View, a review of Michael Cremo & Richard Thompson's "Forbidden Archeology" by Professor Colin Groves

Did Ancient Humans Live Millions of Years Ago?, by Professor Colin Groves

In Six Days: Why 50 Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation, by Professor Colin Groves

Getting Desperate, a comment by Professor Colin Groves on Answers in Genesis' response to Up From The Apes Time magazine, August 23, 1999

Review of Jack Cuozzo's "Buried Alive", by Professor Colin Groves

Science of Today and the Problems of Genesis, by Professor Colin Groves

Australopithecus garhi: A New Found Link?, by Professor Colin Groves

Bogus "Noah's ark" from Turkey exposed as a common geologic structure, by Lorence G. Collins

Does the Bible contradict accepted biological concepts?, by Lorence G. Collins

Are Po halos in coalified wood evidence for the Noachian Flood?, by Lorence G. Collins

Polonium halos and myrmekite in pegmatite and granite, by Lorence G. Collins

Review of the article: "The thermal erasure of radiohalos in biotite" (Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, v. 8, n. 2, 1994, pp. 212-222), by by Mark Armitage and Ed Back

The geology of Gentry's "TINY MYSTERY", by Richard Wakefield

Creationist geologic time scale: An attack strategy for the sciences, by Donald U. Wise

Salt, Pepper, and Blah, by Lorence G. Collins

Critique of article by Mark Armitage, "The effect of thermal stress on radiohalos in biotites," American Laboratory, November, 1997, v. 29, no. 22, p. 25-33, by Kurt Hollocher

Equal time for the origin of granite - A miracle!, by Lorence G. Collins

Christianity and science - are they contradictory?, by Lorence G. Collins

A challenge from a person holding a Th.D degree, by Lorence G. Collins

Is Evolution a Secular Religion?, by Michael Ruse, summarised by Alec MacAndrew

Supernova 1987A Refutes 6000 Year Old Universe, by Geno Castagnoli

Eomaia scansoria: discovery of oldest known placental mammal, by Alec MacAndrew

An early transitional from fish to land animals, by Alec MacAndrew

What does the mouse genome draft tell us about evolution?, by Alec MacAndrew

Human Chromosome 2 is a fusion of two ancestral chromosomes, by Alec MacAndrew

Four-winged Dinosaur Fossil Found, by Alec MacAndrew

Genetic Recombination Misused: A critique of Chris Ashcraft's 'A New Look at Genetic Recombination', by Alec MacAndrew

Misconceptions and Confusions in U-Pb dating: A Critique of Selva Harris’s Untitled Essay on U-Pb Dating, by Alec MacAndrew

A Creationist ‘Physicist’ is Confused: A Critique of Russ Humphreys’s AiG article on superluminal light propagation, by Alec MacAndrew

Misconceptions Around Mitochondrial Eve: A Critique of Carl Wieland's AiG article on Mitochondrial Eve, by Alec MacAndrew

No scientific support for Bible literalist's Eve. Carl Wieland replied to my critique of his Mitochondrial Eve article: here is my response, by Alec MacAndrew

A different kind of Transitional, by Alec MacAndrew: Transitionals are usually regarded as extinct fossil species that occupy a space between major groups and which represent the process of transition between these groups. So, for example, the transition between marine and land vertebrates is represented wonderfully by a number of clear transitionals such as Acanthostega gunnari, Ichthyostega , Tulerpeton, Pederpes finneyae and Tiktaalik (see also Jennifer Clack’s superb book on the marine:land transition, Gaining Ground). Transitionals are, of course, not just represented in fossils – all species are in transition between the ancestral form from which they came and the evolved form to which they are headed. A recent paper in Science (Nakabichi et al, Science 314, 267) seems to me to represent a different sort of transition in action.

A very early chordate fossil, by Alec MacAndrew

Addition of functionality to a bacterial genome: added information, by Alec MacAndrew

Critique of Russ Humphreys, by Alec MacAndrew

The gene FOXP2 and its relevance to the evolution of language, by Alec MacAndrew

Refutation of Christian de Quincey's anti-Big Bang, anti-science essay on modern cosmology, and explores recent findings on the CMB anisotropy and its relevance for the Big Bang hypothesis, by Alec MacAndrew

Rates of intron loss and gain: Implications for early eukaryotic evolution
Scott William Roy and Walter Gilbert
PNAS published 12 April 2005, 10.1073/pnas.0500383102

Modeling gene and genome duplications in eukaryotes
Steven Maere, Stefanie De Bodt, Jeroen Raes, Tineke Casneuf, Marc Van Montagu, Martin Kuiper, and Yves Van de Peer
PNAS 2005;102 5454-5459

Functional genomic analysis of the rates of protein evolution
Dennis P. Wall, Aaron E. Hirsh, Hunter B. Fraser, Jochen Kumm, Guri Giaever, Michael B. Eisen, and Marcus W. Feldman
PNAS 2005;102 5483-5488

Evolution and development of facial bone morphology in threespine sticklebacks
Charles B. Kimmel, Bonnie Ullmann, Charline Walker, Catherine Wilson, Mark Currey, Patrick C. Phillips, Michael A. Bell, John H. Postlethwait, and William A. Cresko
PNAS published 11 April 2005, 10.1073/pnas.0408533102

Heterotopic expression of MPF2 is the key to the evolution of the Chinese lantern of Physalis, a morphological novelty in Solanaceae
Chaoying He and Heinz Saedler
PNAS published 11 April 2005, 10.1073/pnas.0501877102

An emerging consensus for telomerase RNA structure
Jiunn-Liang Chen and Carol W. Greider
PNAS 2004;101 14683-14684

Gene duplication and speciation in Drosophila: Evidence from the Odysseus locus
Chau-Ti Ting, Shun-Chern Tsaur, Sha Sun, William E. Browne, Yung-Chia Chen, Nipam H. Patel, and Chung-I Wu
PNAS 2004;101 12232-12235

Evolvability is a selectable trait
David J. Earl and Michael W. Deem
PNAS 2004;101 11531-11536

The twilight of Heliozoa and rise of Rhizaria, an emerging supergroup of amoeboid eukaryotes
Sergey I. Nikolaev, Cedric Berney, Jose F. Fahrni, Ignacio Bolivar, Stephane Polet, Alexander P. Mylnikov, Vladimir V. Aleshin, Nikolai B. Petrov, and Jan Pawlowski
PNAS 2004;101 8066-8071

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