Recovering the Lost World,
A Saturnian Cosmology -- Jno Cook
News of Changes and Additions.
$Revision: 1.28 $ (news.php)Real News, October 2018:
- Updated Catal Hoyuk text, chapter 12.
Real News, December 2017:
- Added link to first t-shirts.
Real News, August 2017:
- "t.htm" images ordered as t-shirts.
- Absent from EU Conference.
Real News, May 2017:
- Printed book, "Polliwog Edition."
- "t.htm" as slides at Ukranian Institute of Modern Art.
Real News, February 2017:
- "sun.html" corrected; math checked.
Real News, September 2016:
- Combined Preface and Chapter 1 as "index.php."
Real News, July 2016:
- Expanded line of sight as an endnote to "align.php."
Real News, June 2016:
- Electric Universe (Thunderbolts) conference in Phoenix.
- Presented volumes at "Creative Artists Gathering".
- Video interview by Andrew.
- Added crucifixion to Sibylline Star Wars.
Real News, May 2016:
- Andrew Fitts conference in Toronto.
- Delivered a paper on 685 BC events.
Real News, March 2016:
- Adjusted image and table spacing.
- Book in print and available, "Toronto edition."
- 981 emails sent out; 207 bounces.
Real News, February 2016:
- Removed change log.
- Adjusted spacing for book formats.
- Book back covers designed.
Real News, January 2016:
- Removed Mercury from destructions blame.
- Estimated rate of Mars's move past Earth.
- Last of typos, grammar corrections.
Real News, November 2015:
- Setting HTML up for printing.
Real News, October 2015:
- Dropped http://lostworldforum.org.
- First proof printing of Volume 1.
Real News, June/July 2015:
- Moved Peratt chapter up in contents order.
- Pdf, Epub, Mobi versions made available by Kees.
- Attended 2015 EU Conference in Phoenix.
Real News, April 2015:
- Conversion to a single pdf file in progress.
- Added the Tippe-Top torques, Appendix E.
Real News, March 2015:
- Removing the tulip shape below Saturn; edit 42.
- "Sun.html" javascript substituted for "sun.bas".
- Found latitude for blowgunner pot inscription.
Real News, December 2014:
- Completed image attributes.
- Determined 8347 BC as end the first plasmoid period.
- Adding 10,900 BC as the start of the first plasmoid period.
Real News, November 2014:
- November: Completed metric conversions.
Real News, October 2014:
- Mozilla Firefox corrected table rendering after two months.
- Sorted out dates for burning planets.
- Started search for image attribution.
- Started metric listings.
Real News, March 2014:
- Removed "flare" as noun or verb.
- Allowed for plasmaspheres within plasmaspheres.
- Attended 2014 Thunderbolts (EU) Conference, Albuquerque.
- Moved the source of the Flood to the South Pole.
Real News, September 2013:
- Changed polarity of Saturn to positive.
- The First Chicago 'talk' group meeting.
- Removed all notions of Saturn showing like a comet.
- A date of the Sodom and Gomorrah destruction determined.
Real News, March 2013:
- Corrected outer orbit concepts.
Real News, February 2013:
- Corrected the identity of the Pawnee red Morning Star.
Real News, January 2013:
- A listserv started.
- Forum at http://lostworldforum.org, by Andrew Fitts.
- Attended 2013 Thunderbolts (EU) Conference, Albuquerque.
Real News, December 2012:
- Changed all instances of 10,500 to 10,900 BC.
- Date of the flood of 3147 set at May 28th.
- Complete word edit by Kevin Widen.
Real News, November 2012:
- 26 degree as the earliest axial inclination.
- Near inversion suggested for 1492 BC.
Real News, August 2012:
- Early Bronze Age Mars destructions, Chapter 21.
- Sodom and Gomorrah, Chapter 21.
Real News, November 2011:
- The Moon on fire added.
Real News, June 2011:
- The changing inclination of the axis.
- Added the count of seven Maruts.
- Horizontal separation in 3147 BC.
Real News, April 2011:
- Added pdf versions of the chapters and appendixes.
- Reduced text to 34 chapters.
Real news: December 3, 2010
- 2150 BC as the extinction of Jupiter (Tower of Babel story).
- The real Tower of Babel involves Mercury on March 23, 686 BC.