Donald Patten, Seattle, UK

Periodic cycles of 54, 108 and 540 years appear  in Hebrew literature, where one can  find a description of repeating catastrophes chronologically dated.  In no other ancient source are history, chronicles and catastrophic scenes so well documented. Ancient Hebrew literature includes the Old Testament, the Talmudic literature and commentaries, the works of Josephus, etc.

Four times in Hebrew literature, twice in the Old Testament, twice in Talmudic literature and commentaries, catastrophes were dated by the Hebrew calendar at the 13th of Nisan.  These  events include the Sodom-Gomorrah Catastrophe and the last catastrophe or the Isaiah-Hesiod event, both  in Talmudic literature.  The Exodus Catastrophe and the Gideon Catastrophe occurred on the Passover night and are documented in the Old Testament.

The question is  asked, were these  catastrophes occurring in non-periodic cycles (like blizzards and hurricanes) or did they occur in periodic cycles (like tides, the lunar and planetary movements)? Our research has found that the ancient catastrophes occurred in periodic cycles.  This is supported by two ancient pre-Roman and early Roman "fearidays", the "tubulustrium" (at the Ides of March, namely at the vernal equinox, March 20-21) and the "armilustrium", (around October 24).

It has been discovered that the cycles were periodic.  The period for the March cycles, or "Passovers", was 108 years, always occurring at night, Hebrew time.  It was the equivalent of our night of March 20-21. The October catastrophic scenarios also were found to be in 108 year cycles.

Our research indicates that every fifth cycle was a "mega-catastrophe" for both March and October.  The October events featured Jupiter in Cancer, while simultaneously Saturn was in Capricorn, 180 degrees opposite.  The March mega-catastrophes featured the reverse geometry, Jupiter in Capricorn and Saturn in Cancer. One of the magacastrophe can be associated to the Flood of Noah, that we estimate occurred as an October event in the year 2484 BC.

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