- is there evidence for ancient civilisation?

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©Peter Thomson 1999/2002

An ice age civilisation may well have occupied, and left their traces on the continental shelf exposed for the duration of the ice age and now submerged, but there is another vast depository of technological activity on this planet – the ice fields of Greenland and Antarctica that have collected the atmospheric dust year by year since the last ice age started. The ice that formed at the time of the Roman empire stores the lead and copper dust of its smelters and mines, but what of the many centuries and millennia before that?

The ice does indeed hold a record of changing levels of lead and copper dust. Levels similar to those of the Roman activities but rising and falling over the past 40 000 years. The signature of technology is recorded in the dust!


With this tantalising suggestion that there was real evidence of technological civilisations prior to our own, I started to search for other signatures of technological events that might be recorded in the ice sheet. I was particularly looking for evidence of anomalous isotopes that might indicate the operation of fusion devices. This might show as fluctuations in isotopes in ice cores, or in the mud layers of lakes – known as lake varves.

Lake varves are being used to calibrate the carbon14 dating of prehistoric artefacts. Carbon 14 dating assumes a constant natural source of C14 in the environment. When lake sediments are counted back year by year the date is known with some precision. What this shows is that prior to 10000 years ago the levels of C14 in the environment were chaotic, and cannot be used to date artefacts. Yet another pointer to a previous technological civilisation.


One paper got me very excited!!


“Nuclear Event in North America” by Richard B. Firestone, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and William Topping, Consultant, Baldwin, Michigan

"Our research indicates that the entire Great Lakes region (and beyond) was subjected to particle bombardment and a catastrophic nuclear irradiation that produced secondary thermal neutrons from cosmic ray interactions. The neutrons produced unusually large quantities of 239 Pu and substantially altered the natural uranium abundance ratios ( 235 U/238 U) in artefacts and in other exposed materials including cherts, sediments, and the entire landscape. These neutrons necessarily transmuted residual nitrogen ( 14 N) in the dated charcoals to radiocarbon, thus explaining anomalous dates."

They give no comment, no explanation, just a statement of their measurements.

Ice and water are excellent shields, absorbing radiation with ease. For the rock to show the tracks of particle bombardment at a period when the rock was covered by thick ice sheets completely rules out some cosmic catastrophe from above. The nuclear explosions must have occurred at the base of the ice sheet.

This set me on the next train of thought:

At the height of the glaciation of the last Ice Age, the main ice sheets covered eastern North America, Greenland, and across the North Sea to Northern and Western Europe. The peak was only about 15000 years ago, and the ice was continuing to spread. By contrast it was ice free from Eastern Europe across Siberia and into Alaska, and Siberia was enjoying a temperate climate.

Suddenly all the ice melts in the huge ice cap of North America, Greenland doesn't melt at all and the European ice cap melts
slowly - indeed its remnants are still melting today.


Neither does Antarctica suddenly melt, but there is some evidence that the ice cap suddenly extends into new regions.

This is not the sequence that should happen! Ice requires a lot of energy in order to melt, and that energy has to be delivered to it. North America still has a very cold climate with short summers and long winters. It is still frozen for much of the year. You would not expect an ice cap in the middle of a continent to melt rapidly. By contrast Europe has a much warmer climate, with energy delivered by the Atlantic ocean, you might expect the ice to melt here first.

Siberia's temperate climate for much of the ice age is also wrong. There is no warm ocean currents to bring energy to it. At the distance it now is from the North Pole, it should have had a colder climate than now.

It doesn’t make sense to suggest that the icecaps were not centred on the poles. If the ice cap during the last glaciation was not centred round the present day pole, then the only conclusion is that the pole moved!

For the ice to be centred round the pole for last main glaciation period the north pole of rotation must have been in the region between North America and Greenland. (shown blue on the map, present day pole shown red) Click on map for a higher resolution version.

map of carolina bays This makes sense of the extent of the glaciation over Europe, which was then much closer to the pole. It makes sense of the climate in Siberia, which then was in temperate latitudes – see how far it was from the pole, and it also makes sense of the build up of ice in Antarctica.

At the moment, Antarctica is a cold desert. There is very little movement of water vapour into the interior from the coast, yet in the past there must have been weather patterns that moved vast amounts of water to fall as snow on the ice caps. If the South pole of rotation was offset from its present position for much of the last ice age, then the weather patterns would have blown into the interior, rather than round the continents edges, which is what is required to produce the snowfall.

But why should the poles move?

The earth is an almost liquid sphere spinning with huge rotational energy. Like a spinning top, its axis will stay the same. It cannot suddenly flip!

However it will always rotate around its centre of mass. It cannot rotate with any imbalance. If there is any change in the distribution of mass of the earth, the axis of rotation must change in exact synchronisation.

The build up of ice caps is unlikely to cause a change in mass because of the plasticity of the crust. As ice builds up, slowly over tens of thousands of years, the ground surface sinks beneath it. Basic hydrostatic forces will ensure that there is no change in mass distribution. The axis of rotation stays the same.

But we know that when the ice melted, it melted very much faster than the hydrostatic forces and plasticity could react to. The regions that were glaciated are still recovering from the weight that has been removed today. Because this demonstrates that the centre of mass is not in equilibrium, it proves that the axis of rotation has also moved.

The melting of the ice is very peculiar

Conventional glaciology agrees that the melting of the ice cap has been very anomalous, with the huge North American ice cap melting suddenly. Not an even melting all round the axis of rotation. Because this melting was far to fast for the earths crust to recover its position, it has to result in movement of the axis of rotation. Because the axis of rotation has to be round the centre of mass, the change in the axis of rotation will be to move the North pole of rotation directly away from the region that has suddenly lost its mass.

This is exactly what we observe. The North pole of rotation moves to where it is now, Europe has been moved from arctic to temperate and Siberia moves from temperate to arctic. Antarctica moves from off centre at the south pole to more centred and becomes a dry polar desert. Note that nothing physically has moved. It is the axis of spin that has been forced to move by redistribution of mass.

There was no reason for it to melt!

There was no reason for an ice cap on land at the North Pole to melt!

But it did! and it did locally, and there is strong evidence of a major local nuclear event in North America (Not my words) Part of the ice cap melted in the position where it should have been last to melt. It melted the ice so rapidly that the axis of rotation was moved to the middle of the arctic ocean.

The only position where the world would then emerge from the depths of the ice age.

The Carolina Bays are an interesting phenomena that appear to date from the same time. These are a series of shallow craters that can be found from Canada right down to the Gulf of Mexico.

bays from space more bays from space  http://www.georgehoward.net/cbays.htm

For a detailed analysis see http://abob.libs.uga.edu/bobk/cbayint.html

However it stretches my credulity too far to suggest that each part of a commetary debris explodes at just the right height above the ground to produce its crater - as suggested as the only possible explanation.

see also http://abob.libs.uga.edu/bobk/cbaymenu.html

Another explanation is that they are a natural feature developed by man http://www.srarp.org/bay.htm

But they could be the result of blowing up the ice cap!!where a nuclear explosion is used to eject the main ice cap south into a warmer climate where it would melt rapidly. This would give the right trajectory and low velocity for the fragments of ice to create the thousands craters in the sandy ground but leave no debris behind.

Throughout the ice age the interiors of most continents were arid and inhospitable. Most or all humans would have lived on the coastal plains which are now submerged.

Then we have a tradition in many societies that somebody went round warning them that there was a flood coming and they must move, with all their livestock and possessions onto higher ground.

It is my hypothesis that the ice cap in North America was deliberately melted by a technological civilisation. Was it with the deliberate intent of moving the axis of rotation into the middle of the arctic ocean and bringing the Ice Age to an abrupt end? Or were they trying to prevent somthing else happening? Were Siberia and the coastal plains  sacrificed in order to make the continents habitable?

They used fusion weapons to blow up and to melt the ice.

This information is copyright Peter Thomson 2001-2004

 anomalies record in the ice
Couldn't a comet or asteroid have caused the large local input of energy to cause the melting of the North American Ice sheet?

I follow and agree with a lot of your arguments, but not the blowing up of the ice to cause the big shift. It's just too huge and too risky a proposition for the ancients.

Why not an "natural" disaster that wiped out all the coastal civilizations 9k years ago (or is it 15k?).

The evidence for purposeful nuclear holocaust is just too thin.

Keep up the good work!


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 anomalies record in the ice
  M Harvey
You have said that it's possible that pockets of civilization have rose and fell in the ancient past. I agee, this COULD have been the case, BUT, can you have it both ways? Meaning, that there seems to be evidence of a nuclear war in India and Egypt, and on the other side of the world a nuclear event used to melt the ice to create living space for civilization.

If we really want to stretch it, we could maybe say that Edgar Cayce was describing the Sons of the Law of One, as the ones in the Americas and the Sons of Belial as the ones using the nuclear devices to destroy things with. The age old argument arises - can two different cultures, on opposite sides of the world, develop and advance technologically at the same pace? If Carl Jung is correct and we can tap into a group consciousness, then maybe different groups of people can tap in at the same time and get the same information!! Anything's possible.

If we believe in Atlantis then they were all the same culture to start with, but events separated them and they all developed differently, some faster than others, probably depending on environment and attitude

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 anomalies record in the ice
This may be lengthy and I wonder how often this site is checked. Maybe no one is home anymore. I can see much of what you are saying and agree. First, one concern we have today from a nuclear war is a nuclear winter. the debris that would be strewn into the atmosphere would likely darken the sky and reduce surface temperatures dramatically. Now, let's say the Veda is correct and a nuclear war took place. Afterward, as is usually the case man goes, nuts, we all lost. Then again if we blow the ice cap and create a lot of precipitation and it pulls the dust from the air and we can afford to move our civilization as opposed to losing it we could come back a winner. So, they prepare and with methodic intention blow sections of the ice caps,existing then and it almost works. one small side affect you already described. they know the possibility of a mass shift could reset the land mass of the planet but hoping for the best, they take a chance. It's live and die no matter what anyhow. So earth starts her little wobble as the rain/snow falls back to surface with much sediment, redistributing land mass and water as ice and snow. This could in ways explain anamolous ice samples containing soil and debris not consistent with the area taken from as well as a shift in poles which is almost already a given and leave us other anamolies that only make sense in a short nuclear winter as opposed to an era long ice age. Helps explain mammoths found in areas of the north with fresh greens in their mouths as an almost instantaneous amount of cold precipitaion fell from the sky. Literally freezing on contact in the already near global nuclear winter. The aftermath of warming and floods and likely volcanic activity then restructering the very terra and the geological table goes out the window. Another reason all era of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals are found in the same strata and near each other in large groups. See the web on Mt.St. Helens, USA and the results now 20 years later and the formation of geological layers in a matter or hours and days. WE did it in physics class.

Anyhow, I was thinking on these lines looking for the thread that binds it all together. I also feel that an asteroid strike could have caused the same nuclear winter conditions. Problem is where did it hit? Lastly, a super volcanic explosion. SO why did the ancients blow the cap. Any one is a good call, but the real question of the hour is this. Where did they get the technology? Maybe we didn't come from stupid apes. Well at least not all of us

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 anomalies record in the ice
  Paul Kuhlmann
Interesting how the location of the explosion is so near to what is a huge round lake - Hudson Bay. For a decade, I have lived in Florida and have pondered Lake Okeechobbee, this huge and very round mega-lake in Florida. It gets me to considering other large and round bodies of water, such as Lake Pontchartrain in New Orleans. Are they craters? Are they craters and remnants of ancient nuclear wars?

Imagine if Hudson Bay is man-made. The force of the weapon used could easily alter the rotation of the axis, drive all of North America's large animals into extinction and bring about instant changes in climate.

Keep working on this

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 anomalies record in the ice
If we assume that the technology for nuclear detonations are in place. We could argue that the civilizations,of different continents might not have developed, without being influenced by each other, Therefore making it possible that advancements could be shared globaly

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 anomalies record in the ice
Interesting theory, but what if the traces were created by naturally-occuring fenomena like plasma discharges, as presented by the Electric Universe theorists?



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 anomalies record in the ice
I would expect natural phenomena to give a much more consistent pattern. But we are talking here about traces of heavy elements. A plasma discharge would only cause nitrates to be deposited from the atmosphere

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 anomalies record in the ice
Geologists have discovered a vast new landscape that rose above the north Atlantic waves 56 million years ago.

Discovered by UK researchers, the river-valley system is off the north west of Scotland, about 200km west of the Shetland Islands.

The results are published in the journal Nature Geoscience.

Over a six-month period the researchers reflected sound waves off the seabed to discover the new landscape.

They surveyed about 10,000 sq km of seabed; the sound waves reaching depths of up to several kilometres.

"It is supposed to be just boring layers of mud and sand down there," said Nicky White from the University of Cambridge, UK who was involved in the project.

"What we found was a big surprise: three-dimensional surfaces of hills and valleys," he told BBC News.

The lead author Ross Hartley, from the University of Cambridge, UK, plotted out the surfaces and discovered clear evidence of the drainage pattern of a river system, going down to what looked like a coastline.

It looked just like the surface of land, except that it was under a thousand metres of ocean, and a further 2000m of accumulated sediment.

Chipping away
The team managed to obtain drill samples; not complete cores that might contain macroscopic fossils, just chips from commercial drilling. But that was enough to prove that this had once been land.

In the sediments above and below there were the microscopic remains of plankton such as foraminifera. But at the suspected land surface they found pollen from terrestrial plants and lignite from rotted vegetation.

"This hidden landscape was above the waves between about 56 and 55 million years ago," said Dr White.

"It must have risen about a kilometre within 2 million years and then subsided just as quickly. That is extraordinary," he added.


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Copyright Peter Thomson 2012-March-23
