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Earth Expansion
(...Previously known as Plate Tectonics....)
(*Lower image*: continental assembly prior to Pangaean dispersal viewed
from opposite sides of the Pacific; dilation is hinged in the
Mediterranean region. Earth is shown smaller than in the top image to
conserve space.)
Purchasing the disc accesses the content below and contributes to
support of the site. Thank you to ALL correspondents.
The lists below largely reflect the order of writing and prolific links
between pages frequently repeat themes so that the main points are
quickly apparent. The site does not include an exposition of Plate
Tectonics, which is only mentioned insofar as refutation deems it
necessary (the Wikipedia
provides a reasonable account of the consensus view).
The geological construction is an original work exclusive to the site,
so if referencing please credit accordingly. Essential elements are:-
* A planetary oblateness in Mesozoic times somewhat greater than
that of today,
* Equatorial rupture coupled with massive mantle breakout focussed
in the Indonesian - South China Sea region.
* Large-scale swivelling crustal accommodation to breakout followed
by longitudinal dilation of the Atlantic,
The importance of Earth rotation in steering adjustment to Pangaean
dispersal follows directly from this construction.
*_Synoptic simplicity_* [1
_Degradation rituals - a selection_
2006-06-17 to 23 Coming soon
2006-06-18 to 24 No mechanism
2006-06-24 to 26 Negating Plate Tectonics - Strike 3
2006-06-29 - July 1 Trouble with rubble
2006-05-26 - Aug 16 How to falsify EE?
2006-05-14 - 21 Questions for the bored No 38
2006-01-26 - May 30 Q. for the bored 1 - 40
Christmas 2003 - the essential picture
Christmas 2004 - the Sumatra tsunami
Christmas 2005 - abstracts
The evidence for Earth Expansion
The evidence for Plate Tectonics
Abstract - 2000
About: "look Ma - no plates"
Site origins
The Law
Stage 1 - Precursor
Stage 2 - Thesis
_Concepts and Principles_
Transform faults
Spreading Ridges
Subduction zones - (see 'Nonsense')
Denying convection
Dip and strike
Pangea template
Crustal scale boudinage
Boudinage analogue
Structural sequence
A question of size (hokey-kokey)
Push or pull?
Mantle grows - crust doesn't
Ridge growth - the 'Y' of it
Ridges grow - (underplating)
Ridge symmetry
Ridge -transforms (synoptic profile)
Overlapping spreading centres
Transform faults - proof of expansion?
Transform faults - (South Atlantic)
Transform faults - (North Atlantic)
Transform faults - (Pacific 1)
Transform faults - (Pacific 2)
Transform faults - the nemesis of PT
Transform faults grow - initiation1
Transform faults grow - initiation2
Transform faults grow - profile
Transform faults as tramrails
Transform faults first motions
Earth expansion template
The Four Horses of the Apocalypse
Mata Hari
Mountain building and orogenesis
Crustal collapse
Crustal crumple (Morcles)
Crust-mantle decoupling
Arcuate faults and island arcs
Circular mantle breakthrough -1
The dynamics of curvature
Valles Pacificus
Circular mantle breakthrough - 2
Parallellism of ridges and uplifts
Listric faults
Three-part global structural sequence
Continental margins - active / passive
Oblateness partitions spin symmetry
Sea-floor spreading
Spreading template
Continental margin, Brazil
Himalayan collapse
Himalayan collapse - more
Seismicity, Asian Torsion, Pacific extrusion
The eye of the Pacific
Movement picture
Subduction according to Earth Expansion
Folds, thrusts, plateaus, mountains, basins
Overriding versus subduction
Plates grow (!) do not move (!)
Plate Tectonics is a theory
Earth expansion is a fact
Where does the extra mass come from?
_Reconstructing Pangaea_
The key to Pangaean disintegration
The Indian ocean
Africa -Arabia - India - Madagascar
India - Australia
Australia - New Zealand
Australia - Antarctica
Africa - Antarctica
LIPS (Large Igneous Provinces)
South America - East Pacific Rise
Zagros - Persia - Red Sea
Gondwana assembly
Pangaea dispersion-1
Pangaea dispersion-2
Circumglobal mountain belt loop
Big Rip 1: northeastern extent
Northern hemisphere (slipped bikini)
Northern hemisphere - torsional disruption
Australia - Antarctica (conundrum)
Look what happens when....
Apocalypse now!
Looking at you
Unroofing the Pacific diapir (scorpion/ fan)
Global symmetry 1
Birth of the Pacific
Opening of the Pacific
Torsion vectors of the Pacific
The hinge of Pangaean opening
Unhinging the Caribbean Pivot
Palaeoposition of North America
Alpine region as gravitational collapse
Nankai Trough
_Ridges _
Ridge growth
Abyssal hills
UP means UP
_Triple Junctions_
Rodriguez Triple Junction
Galapagos Rise
Tasman step-down
The Pacific diapir - Indonesian sector
Unroofing the Pacific diapir
Pangaean ambital dislocation - Torsion Line 1
Mountains of the world
What is a mountain belt?
Crustal uplift? - or falling sea-level?
Crumpled crust
Gravitational Collapse - Pakistan
Gravitational collapse - Iran, Pakistan
Drainage systems of the world
Blobtonics and dissected plateaus
_Anatomy of the Pacific diapir_
Figurative summary
Hawaiian hotspot; Fiery Ring
Torsion Line 1
Diapirism to Torsion in 700km
_'Grace ' (Dual Satellite Earth Gravity)_
The Hawaiian Hot-Spot
Pangaean dilation
Synoptic framework - "Figure-of-Eight"
Global torsions
Diapiric correlates of an expanding Earth
The Western Pacific - overview
43my Pacific bend
Mediterranean diapirism
The Red spot of Planet Earth
The Russian Peninsula
Himalayan dilation and the Alaskan Pivot
The Marianas and the Pacific
Scissoring the Americas - the proto-Pacific
Madagascar in the southern position
Clouds 'n crust
The galaxy far away
One for the advanced class
Gravitational collapse
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