http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== JREF Forum > General Topics > General Skepticism and The Paranormal > The Golden Thread of Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PDA View Full Version : The Golden Thread of Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------ tim 22nd December 2003, 12:56 AM This is a new one on me. "The Golden Thread of Time ISBN 0-9541639-0-7 by Crichton E M Miller could be one of the most profound enlightenments about our prehistoric past to come to light since the science of investigative archaeology started. Crichton Edward McGregor Miller is qualified Yacht master, navigator, author and researcher. He is member of The Royal Yachting Association, Society of Authors and an inventor who has had many papers published on ancient history in various specialist magazines. Miller's theory is that there has been sufficient evidence publicised over the last hundred years by both academics and amateur researchers in favour of our prehistoric ancestors having the capability of understanding astronomy, the navigation of oceans, earth measurement, time keeping and the construction of remarkable feats of engineering such as the aligned pyramids all over the world, that on balance it was worth investigating thoroughly. What Miller realised was that, where most researchers pointed out that remarkable alignments existed, the problem was that no one could explain how our ancestors could have achieved the results. This inability to explain the problem satisfactorily on the part of science has led to considerable public speculation that aliens or gods must have been involved, or that we are descended from a destroyed super civilisation. Using reason and common sense, Crichton E M Miller started his research on this problem in 1997 and made his remarkable discovery in 1998. The discovery was of an instrument that was so advanced in concept and yet so simple in design that it was shocking. It was shocking because the instrument resembles one of the most famous icons in the world consequently throwing many accepted concepts into question and controversy. Yet despite its simplicity, the instrument was multifunctional and remarkable in design. The possibilities of the instrument lend considerable credence to the voyages and theories of the late Thor Heyerdhal. The instrument so simple to make that Practical Boat Owner IPC Magazines published a full page on the discovery as an emergency sextant in their April 2001 issue. Miller has not just posed a theory; he has discovered and manufactured a working model that supports his theory in exceptional detail. Crichton E M Miller has been awarded not one, but two British Patents on this ancient forgotten design in 2000 and 2001 proving that the design is not obvious and that it has unique properties unknown even in our highly technological age. Following true scientific principles, Miller has therefore fulfilled the all the normal requirements of bringing a theory to proof with working models. The Celtic cross is a cross piece with a wheel, that Miller feels should not be confused with the crucifix of the Christian religion. The knowledge of the principles involved with the Celtic cross, led Miller to discover the possibility of a technologically similar instrument in the Great Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt which he has published in his first book, The Golden Thread of Time. The Celtic cross is probably one of the better known icons in the world and to find that it was an ancient measuring instrument used by our ancestors to exploit the complexities of geometry, astronomy, surveying and navigation, is a Rubicon in understanding our history. Well written and personal, the author goes on to show that our ancestors could not only design pyramids, cross oceans and keep time with this artefact. Miller reveals the methods by which longitude can be found through astronomy in line with the prediction of Sir Isaac Newton. He also speculates on how the ancients thought both spiritually and in harmony with the Earth and Nature because of their practical knowledge To read this book will change the reader's historical perspective completely, most rational people will find Millers discovery hard to dismiss." Details from These folk seem to exist to publish this one book. The author is a "qualified Yacht master, navigator, author and researcher". This qualifies him as an expert in this field how, exactly? I guess if he's qualified in one field, he's qualified to write on everything. :rolleyes: I like the way he brings in Sir Isaac Newton and Thor Heyerdahl. Pyramids are always good, and he's been published. In Practical Boat Owner. I would buy the book, but really, £19.99 is a lot for this sort of thing - and I don't want to encourage him!:D Anyone else heard of this bloke? The cover's nice, though! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yahweh 22nd December 2003, 02:28 AM I agree, that is one of the nicest covers I've ever seen... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ © 2001-2009, James Randi Educational Foundation. All Rights Reserved. vBulletin® v3.7.5, Copyright ©2000-2009, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.