mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== Announcement of Discovery Gary Vey A ancient alphabet has been found and successfully translated on six continents. Translations and grammar suggest a global human culture thrived in antiquity. Abstract The author, in attempting to document some unusual and very old rock art in remote North America, has discovered an ancient alphabet. This alphabet is similar to ancient writing found in other locations around the globe and the author suggests that this is the result of a cultural migration. The Colorado site, located near La Junta, has been dated to before 800 BC. In the Negev desert of Israel, the same alphabet has been meticulously dated to 1500 BC. In South Australia the alphabet is estimated to be over 5000 years old. Similar alphabets have been discovered in Oklahoma, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and in Western Asia. The alphabet has been given the name "old Negev," after the location of the alphabet's initial discovery in the Sinai by a Harvard funded expedition (see James Harris, Ph.D., Brigham Young University). In Australia it has been known by the name "Panaramitee Art." In the Americas it has been misrepresented as Native American Indian sign language (See LaVan Martineau, The Rocks Speak). The alphabet has most recently surfaced in Yemen, where it was carved in a beautiful font style associated with the Sabaean Empire under Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba. The alphabet is now understood to be proto-Himyaritic, or Sabaean, and has successfully been translated using the port-Canaanite algorithm. The author recognizes the danger of describing the language as "old Negev" or "old Hebrew," despite the fact that root-Semetic languages are used in the translations. Evidence of the antiquity of this script in both the Americas and Australia suggest that this root language may pre-date that of the Hebrews by at least a millennia. The author and his associates suggest using an unbiased name, such as "the First Tongue," to avoid any biased association with a specific people, culture or era. The content of the translations, although not complete, suggests a global culture and religious belief system devoted to a monotheistic deity, often symbolized by the word "AL" or "EL." But more scrutiny of this language system, its content and occurrence around the globe is indicated. Photographic evidence is presented here and on-going translations are posted from the ViewZone Expedition in May 2000 which returned to Colorado and Oklahoma and also the Yemen Expedition of 2001. A discussion of the evidence is welcomed. A helpful summary of background data is presented [1]HERE beginning with the first publication of the petroglyphs in 1998 on viewzone.com. New Archive of Global Petroglyphs Here! Note: We have a large archive of unusual petroglyphs from [2]around the world. We welcome any jpegs or images you wish to submit for inclusion. Please send an email prior to sending the image and we will give you instructions on how to send it. Send your enquiries to myristicin at hotmail.com. Thank you. THE ALPHABET Summarized Links by Topic and Region [3]The Alphabet contains basic, distinct geometric shapes that correspond to established phonetic sounds. Certain letters have more than one symbol so that they can be used consecutively with either inclusion or exclusion of the corresponding word. Since there are no word breaks (spaces) in this language, this is a natural requirement. The vowels (except for Y) are almost always omitted, unless they are necessary to distinguish precise meaning. Most words have one sylible. Earlier attempts to translate the symbols failed because the alphabet was believed to be [4]proto-Arabic. This was a natural assumption since the symbols were first seen only in the Sinai and the Arabian peninsula. However, translations have successfully been made by using an old Semitic dialect that ore-dates Hebrew. The alphabetical symbols were originally found pecked in stone. The stone surface is typically flat and has a dark patina of oxidized minerals, similar to a blackboard. The surface is breached with a sharp object, removing small chunks of the patina and revealing the bright contrasted stone. The bright petroglyphs gradually darken with age making them visible only with oblique lighting and shadows. An exception to this was the discovery of the Sabaean font in Yemen, which utilized the finest masonry and carving techniques. The Yemen text was also found cast in bronze and printed with movable typographic characters. The alphabetic symbols are often arranged in groups that can be mistaken for pictures or maps. These "[5]ligatures" can be broken down into discrete letters and phrases. Curiously, many of the ligatures are made such that the word meaning is conveyed both phonetically (for those that can read) and symbolically. A typical word or phrase will have two or three symbols in length. The direction of flow and the grammar are explained in detail in subsequent papers linked from this page. [BUTTON] <-- Use the tear-off alphabet chart to understand the photographs as you view the evidence. BACKGROUND DATA The Expedition 1998 was undertaken as a way of becoming familiar with petroglyphs. The four-corners area of Monument Valley was documented, as well as Anasazi habitats never before filmed. Special attention was given to the nature and style of the petroglyphs and pictograms (painted on rock) of that area. An attempt is made to translate some of the symbols using the methods of [6]LaVan Martineau, with limited success. [7]The Four-Corners, Anasazi Habitat (1998) The Expedition visited the Hopi Reservation and was allowed to document ancient petroglyphs, never before photographed, and to explore the mythology and tradition of the oldest North American habitat. [8]The Hopi Reservation (1998) All of the visits to known American Indian sites were in preparation for assessing the southeast Colorado petroglyphs, which were meticulously documented in the feature, "The Picketwire People," shown for the first time on ViewZone Magazine in 1998. At the time, no similar alphabet was known to the author. [9]The Picketwire People (1998) PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE COLORADO, USA We revisited the Colorado location again in May of 2000 and May 2002 with a higher resolution imaging and recording apparatus and documented many new sites. The most impressive was named "the Gillespie Stone" and contained an altar stone with appropriate texts praising the One God, "El." (see [10]The Colorado Expedition of 2000 and [11]Colorado Expedition 2002). [12]Other Atrifacts recently translated reveal the manner in which the alphabet is grouped and can easily be mistaken for a picture. These [13]OKLAHOMA translations were made after discovering an old photograph taken of a remote site in Colorado. The black and white original is in a museum, largely forgotten. SOUTH AUSTRALIA Most recently, Viewzone received photographs from a team in Australia who depicted similar petroglyphs of a much older date (i.e. in excess of 1800 B.C.) These were examined and translations of the material proved that it originated with the same root culture and ascribed to the same rules of grammar and symbols. Translation of these Australian panels, a style known locally as [14]Panaramitee Tradition, has been completed but the complete and the results have been successful. [15]We provide some examples here. [16]The Australian Petroglyphs (2000) #1 [17]The Australian Petroglyphs (2000) #2 [18]Australian Petroglyphs (2001) #3 NEGEV DESERT, ISRAEL [19]The Negev Desert has been explored by Dr. James Harris, of BYU, who identified some of the [20]grammar and structure of the Middle-East petroglyphs. Dr. Harris has described the ancient alphabet as "old Negev." His translations are reviewed in detail. Additional script from the Negev region are also included for review. [21]Negev Mine script [22]Harkarkom Stone [23]More script from Harkarkom For a look at petroglyphs from around the globe, see [24]the Archive. Dr. Harris was among the first scientists to recognize the frequent use of "ligatures," where two or more letters are creatively combined to form a word-picture. Ligatures are seen in almost every site and frequently represent an important person or deity. "EL," the name of the ancient monotheistic deity, is depicted with a circle ("Aleph") dissected by a vertical line ("lamed"). Another name for God was "Yah," spelled yod-het. This ligature looks very much like an armless stickman. The ViewZone expeditions established the existence of a cursive form, where one letter flows into the next. Update from Yemen: Translations. In 2002, John McGovern, busy documenting the First Tongue in Australia, located pictures of inscriptions from the what is believed to be The Queen of Sheba's archaeological site in Yemen. The language on the wall, although stylized into a font, appears to be First Tongue. Click [25]HERE to see a recently uncovered panel and our attempt at a meaningful translation. Additional translations of a stone, partially buried in the sand and unexcavated, are attempted [26]HERE. We suggest that this ancient alphabet was used much as Latin inscriptions and Roman Numerals are used on contemporary dedication plaques. A dead language never changes and is therefore constant through time. Old temple uncovers Queen of Sheba The Mahram Bilqis contains priceless documents, artifacts from the time of the biblical queen. September 13, 2000 TORONTO (Reuters) A Canadian archaeologist said on Tuesday that his team was slowly unravelling the secrets of a 3,000-year-old temple that may have belonged to the Queen of Sheba. Half-buried under the sands of the southern Arabian desert in northern Yemen, the Mahram Bilqis or Temple of the Moon God contains priceless documents and artifacts from the time of the biblical queen. The Yemeni government does not have control over the various tribal groups that live in the country and who believe that they own the land'The temple was a sacred site for pilgrims in Arabia from around 1200 BC to to 550 AD, the time that fits with history's record of the Queen of Sheba and her visit to King Solomon of Israel. "To have such historical, religious and cultural connection to one site is tremendous. Not often in archaeology do we have that." Professor Bill Glanzman the project's director told Reuters. The discovery and excavation of the temple began in 1951 by the late American archaeologist Wendell Phillips. But it was halted abruptly a year later because of political unrest. Work was restarted in 1998 by the American Foundation for the Study of Man, a nonprofit organisation that spearheads such projects. Surprisingly, Phillips and Jamme, in the 1950's, remarked that some of the oldest scripts in Yemen seemed to have proto-Canaanite characteristics and did not translate using Arabic dialects. The team were ousted from Yemen before this could be explored. Curiously, none of the subsequent research -- including the present work at the Temple Bilquis -- has attempted to apply this method to the texts. Glanzman, leader of the recent University of Calgary expedition to Yemen, said the Bilquis Temple could become an "eighth wonder of the world," attracting people from around the world. But another expert disagrees. "This is the most optimistic of statements at the moment, given the economic and political situation and the problem of raising money for such things," said Edward Keall, senior curator of Middle Eastern Archaeology at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. "I do not expect to see it in my lifetime," he said. "As of the moment, the Yemeni government does not have control over the various tribal groups that live in the country and who believe that they own the land," Keall said. But Glanzman tries to sell the importance of the excavation, saying it is as important a discovery as the ruins of Pompeii, the pyramids of Giza or the Acropolis. "The sanctuary is packed with artifacts, pottery, artwork and inscriptions, opening a new door to the ancient civilisations of southern Arabia," he said. Glanzman said his team could be finished with the excavation within 15 years. _________________________________________________________________ NEW!-->[27]View Multiple Recent Translations from Yemen. [28]PRIVATE GLOBAL ARCHIVE Editor/ Viewzone.com Because of the huge amount of spam we receive, we must ask you to use myristicin at hotmail.com to reply or request additional information on this topic. Thank you. [29]Back to Viewzone References 1. http://www.viewzone.com/purg.html 2. http://www.viewzone.com/stantest22.html 3. http://www.viewzone.com/negev-hebrew.gif 4. http://www.viewzone.com/tabuki.gif 5. http://www.viewzone.com/negev.protection.html 6. http://www.viewzone.com/picket.lavan.html 7. http://www.viewzone.com/day2.html 8. http://www.viewzone.com/day7.html 9. http://www.viewzone.com/picket1.html 10. http://www.viewzone.com/gillespie.html 11. http://www.viewzone.com/comanche.html 12. http://www.viewzone.com/FTJohn.jpg 13. http://www.viewzone.com/oklahoma11.html 14. http://www.viewzone.com/panaramitee.html 15. http://www.viewzone.com/blessing.jpg 16. http://www.viewzone.com/sydney1.jpg 17. http://www.viewzone.com/sydney2.jpg 18. http://www.viewzone.com/Picture73.jpg 19. http://www.viewzone.com/harris.book.html 20. http://www.viewzone.com/negev-rules.jpg 21. http://www.viewzone.com/turquoisemine.jpg 22. http://www.viewzone.com/harkarkom.petro.jpg 23. http://www.viewzone.com/harkarom.base.jpg 24. http://www.viewzone.com/stantest22.html 25. http://www.viewzone.com/sheeba.live.jpg 26. http://www.viewzone.com/sheeba.concealed.jpg 27. http://www.viewzone.com/sheba.flipped.html 28. http://www.viewzone.com/stantest22.html 29. http://www.viewzone.com/VIEW.ZONE.html