mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== THE YOUTHFUL ATMOSPHERE OF VENUS by Charles Ginenthal In Worlds in Collision Immanuel Velikovsky claimed that Venus is a new planet. Analyzing mythological and historical evidence, Velikovsky concluded that less than ten thousand years ago Venus was expelled from the gas giant Jupiter, roamed the solar system as a comet, nearly collided with the Earth around 1500 B.C., and only later settled into its present, highly circular orbit. While subsequent research by other catastrophists has raised questions about certain specifics of Velikovsky's theory, this research has, on the whole, only reinforced Velikovsky's original and mostfundamental claim that Venus appeared in historical times as a comet. Velikovsky's thesis concerning Venus' recent birth and cometary past can be tested against considerable evidence gathered since the thesis was first published in 1950. Among other things, it implies that contrary to the expectations of astronomers- the atmosphere of the planet should exhibit evidence of extreme youth. In this paper I will show that a great deal of "surprising" data indicates that Venus' atmosphere is that of a very young planet; in fact, according to previously accepted tests, this atmosphere suggests the planet has been in existence far less than four eons. In 1985 Lawrence Colin stated flatly: "The chemical composition of the air [of Venus] remains the most controversial aspect of our knowledge of the Venusian atmosphere."2 As will be shown, the reason for the controversy is that the data simply do not fit the conventional model. ABUNDANCE OF SULFURIC ACID In the course of a decades-long debate, one of the most often-cited arguments raised against Velikovsky has involved the finding that the clouds of Venus are composed of sulfuric acid. Extrapolating from historical sources, Velikovsky himself had anticipated a dominance of hydrocarbons, something which has not found support in the new data. But the more recent discoveries raise entirely new questions. One that has yet to be answered satisfactorily is this: can sulfuric acid remain stable in the atmosphere of Venus over the time required by the usual models of the planet's history? Peter R. Ballinger, a researcher in organic chemistry, raised this question in 1965, when he wrote: It is likely that sulfuric acid would be gradually decomposed by solar radiation of ultraviolet and shorter wavelength, panicularly in the presence of iron compounds...to give hydrogen and oxygen. This process would also be expected to result in the preferential retention of deuterium. as discussed in another context...Because of this and other chemical reacnons, sulfuric acid might well have a relanvely short lifetime, consistent with a recent installation of the planet in its present orbit.3 There is indeed iron in the Venusian atmosphere, as reported in Science in 1979.4 And if the prevailing sulfuric acid model of the clouds is accepted, Venus could not be 4.6 billion years old: solar radiation would have long ago decomposed its sulfuric acid. Hence, the very presence of sulfuric acid is telling evidence of a recently-constituted atmosphere NOT ENOUGH CARBON MONOXIDE Ballinger noted in passing that there were "other chemical reactions" indicating the same result, and these too are of significance. It is known that ultraviolet rays break down carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and oxygen molecules, O2. Once these molecules of carbon monoxide and O2 form, they do not recombine again easily. Since Venus' atmosphere is about 97 percent carbon dioxide, one would expect to find a great deal of carbon monoxide and oxygen in the upper and middle atmospheric layers of Venus. This would be so especially if Venus is billions of years old. Thus U. von Zahn et al., emphasized this very problem when they wrote- The central problem of the photochemistry of Venus' middle atmosphere is to account for the exceedingly low abundance of CO [carbon monoxide] and O2 [molecular oxygen] observed at the bottom of the middle atmosphere. In fact, O2 has not been detected even at I ppm [part per million] level. Due to low abundance of O2 and 03 [ozone which absorbs ultraviolet radiation] solar ultraviolet of sufficient energy to photolyse C02 penetrates down to 65 km [or 39 miles above the surface] of Venus. The 3-body recombination reaction with a rate constant Kb [based on temperature] is, however, spin-forbidden. Consequently, at typical temperatures of the Venus middle atmosphere (200K) this [recombinalion] reaction has a very small rate...[But at this temperature] oxygen is converted to molecular oxygen...with a rate constant Kc which is 5 orders of magnitude higher than Kb. Neg]ecting for a moment the effect of trace gases in Venus' atmosphere, CO2, CO and O2 are nonreactive with each other and we therefore expect a fairly rapid transition (on geologic time scales) of the C02 atmosphere to one dominated by CO and O2, CO2 would disappear from the upper atmosphere within a few weeks and from the entire middle atmosphere in a few thousand years. Indeed these arguments describe the situation correctly for the upper atmosphere of Venus. provided we take into account also the various dynamic processes exchanging gas between the upper and middle atmosphere. The above arguments, however. fall short in explaining the observed composition of the middle atmosphere which at least close to its lower boundary is characterized by an extreme dearth of CO2 photolysis [break down] that is CO and O2. 5 There is at present no observed or reasonably deduced process to explain this situation. So there is an interesting dilemma for conventional theorists. In order for the abundance of carbon dioxide to persist in the middle atmosphere of Venus, the planet must be only a "few thousand years" old. ABSENCE OF WATER Velikovsky pointed out long ago that Venus contains practically no water in its atmosphere. Andrew and Louise Young reported in 1975 that studies at radio wave lengths "have established-once again that there is no more than .1 or .2 percent water vapor in the lower atmosphere, and the true value is probably close to .01 [/1000 of a percent.] The cloud tops are drier still."6 But if Venus went through the same early evolution as the Earth billions of years ago, it should have, over time, out-gassed an ocean of water at least comparable to that of the Earth. Young and Young tell us that, "If one assumes that Venus once had as much water as the earth has now, it is necessary to explain how all but one part per million of it was lost. There is a known mechanism by which a planet with abundant water could lose a large portion of it: Water vapor in the upper atmosphere could be dissociated by ultraviolet radiation and the hydrogen could be lost to space, either by thermal escape or through the influence of the solar wind. That effect however could not produce an atmosphere so thoroughly desiccated as Venus' is. Of the water Venus has today, very little reaches the upper atmosphere and therefore it is not dissociated; at the present rate Venus would not have lost a significant amount [of water] in the history of the solar system."7 Venus has either lost water inexplicably, or it has simply not yet had time to generate the abundance of atmospheric and surface water the conventional models would predict (over the assumed billions of years). The presently accepted notion for the development of oceans is the "outgassing hypothesis" presented by W. W. Rubey in 1951. The hypothesis is based on the fact that gases expelled by volcanoes and hot springs contain steam, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and carbon monoxide. It is believed that this process, operating throughout the 4.6 billion year history of the Earth, can account for major atmospheric constituents of the earth. Also, the depth of the oceans would, under this process, steadily increases over the eons. If this is so, even if Venus had lost its first atmosphere and oceans, say 3 or 4 billion years ago (after the first atmosphere and water of the planet were removed by the solar wind and a new atmosphere of carbon dioxide had baked out of the surface rock), then outgassing during the subsequent 3 or 4 billion years would have produced a new ocean of shallower depth. Protected by the new, dense atmosphere, this ocean would not have escaped from the planet. Thus Lawrence Colin tells us: "Overwhelming evidence suggests that in its past Venus had much more water, perhaps as much as the Earth today-a whole ocean." 8 The same question is asked by Kelly J. Beatty in an article titled "Venus: the Mystery Continues." Beatty wonders, "Where has all of Venus' water gone? Theorists have asked this question for years. It doesn't make sense to them that a planet so like the earth in size and distance from the sun should have 10,000 to 100,000 times less water. After all, the pair have comparable amounts of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, so the water was probably there at the outset but has somehow disappeared."9 What ever water Venus possessed was apparently burned off when Venus was a stupendously hot, brilliant comet. The established view, holding that Venus is as old as the Earth, requires enorrnous amounts of water vapor in its atmosphere. Why, then, is the required water missing? If, as Velikovsky claimed, Venus is a new planet, then it has not had time to outgas sufficient water vapor into the atmosphere and therefore it should have very little, or practically none. In fact, if the amount of Venusian water is one-one hundredth of one percent of Earth's (the "more likely" estimate of Young and Young), then Venus could be no older than 10,000 to 20,000 years. MISSING OXYGEN An added problem is the dearth of oxygen in Venus' atmosphere, a condition inexplicable under the present view that Venus is an ancient planet. Eric Burgess in his book, Venus an Errant Twin, informs us that the missing oxygen is vital to the question of what happened to the water: "If water molecules were broken down into hydrogen and oxygen, the disappearance of the oxygen has to be explained, since very little of this gas is present in the atmosphere today. No completely satisfactory explanation is yet available for what happened to the oxygen."10 This particular dilemma is aggravated by the problem of photodissociation of carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and oxygen discussed earlier, and also by the photodissociation of sulfuric acid into hydrogen and oxygen. If Venus' atmosphere is ancient, photodissociation of water (into oxygen and hydrogen) in conjunction with photodissociation of carbon dioxide (into carbon monoxide and oxygen) and sulfuric acid (into water and hydrogen) should have given Venus an abundant supply of oxygen. However, if Venus is extremely young the absence of oxygen from its atmosphere is fully explained. Perhaps a brief analysis of the evolution of the Earth will make this concept clearer. It is generally held by both geophysicists and biologists that our planet's primitive atmosphere lacked oxygen. The reason is the well known chemical fact that oxygen would have been fatal to any incipient life forms emerging during Earth's early history. Jeremy Rifkin gives this overview of the principle: To begin with, most scientists agree that life could not have forrned in an oxygen atmosphere. If the chemicals of life are subjected to an oxidizing atmosphere. they will decompose into carbon dioxide. water' and nitrogen. For this reason it has long been assumed that the filst precursors of life must have evolved in a reducing [oxygen free] atmosphere, since an oxidizing atmosphere would have been lethal.l1 From this reasonable principle it follows that, if Venus is a young planet, it should lack appreciable oxygen-as, in fact, it does. The historical implication is quite clear and points unambiguously to the novel concept first set forth by Velikovksy. HYDROCHLORIC AND HYDROFLUORIC ACID In his well-known attempts to discredit Velikovsky's theory of a forrner cometary Venus, Carl Sagan has stated that the sulfuric acid cloud model for Venus, "is consistent with the chemistry of the Venus atmosphere, in which hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acid have also been found."12 What Sagan did not mention is that these acids, when they react with rocks, are quickly neutralized. Thus these gasses, interacting with new (volcanic) surface rock, should have been completey neutralized over its four to six billion year history. Young and Young report that- Among the more exotic materials proposed for the clouds only one has been detected spectroscopically. It is hydrogen chlonde, and it was found along with hydrogen fluonde by William S. Benedict of the University of Maryland in the spectra reported by the Connesses. Both gases are highly corrosive; when they are dissolved in water, they yield hydrochlonc acid and hydrofluoric acid. Their abundance is too low for them to be the clouds, but that they should be present in the atmosphere at all is a surpnse.13 The chart supplied by Young and Young shows hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid moving to and from the surface of Venus. It is clear, therefore, that these acids interact with the surface rock. The authors go on to say, "Such strong acids could not survive for long in the Earth's atmosphere; they would react with rocks and other materials and soon be neutralized."14 The amount of water vapor in the Venus atmosphere, though small, is sufficient to convert hydrogen floride and hydrogen chloride into acids. It is therefore assumed ad hoc that the high temperature cooks hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride out of the surface rock. But this theory assumes that these gases would not be neutralized as they formed acids in the rocks. As stated by Young and Young, "A number of assumptions are implicit in this hypothesis: that the rates of chemical reactions at the surface are high, that the atmosphere and the surface are in chemical equilibrium and that the effects of circulation in the atmosphere are small enough to be neglected."15 Perhaps with enough "ifs" one can fit anything into the gradualist picture of Venus' atmosphere and surface. But if one or more of these ad hoc explanations is incorrect (and oul of three variables this is quite probable) then there is no accounting for the existence of these gases in Venus' atmosphere- apart from the possibility that a very youthful Venus has not had sufficient time to neutralize them. Issues such as noted above must be addressed alongside other considerations pointing in the same direction. Anthony Feldman informs us of a "recent discovery about the composition of the Venusian atmosphere [which] has cast doubt on the popular theory accounting for the formation of the solar system." He writes- The innerrnost planets-Mercury, Venus, Eanh and Mars- are thought to be small and rocky because the Sun drew their light constituents away. If this idea is correct, the closer a planet is to the Sun the Iess likely there is to be lighter gases in the atmosphere. But in the atmosphere of Venus the opposite is true. In particular, there seems to be 500 times as much argon gas and 2700 times as much neon as in the atmosphere of Earlh. So far scientists cannot explain why thcse gases were not drawn away from the planet dunng the birth of the solar system...Funher discoveries about Venus may soon force a revision of the most basic ideas about how the Sun and the planets were formed.16 Feldman's remarks are specifically corroborated by the finding of argon- 36 in Venus' atmosphere. Dr. Michael McElroy, a scientist involved with Pioneer spacecraft exploration of Venus, is quoted in the Washington Post as stating, "The atmosphere of Venus contains as much argon-36 as you would expect from a planet's original atmosphere."17 Here, then, is another piece of evidence which Velikovsky's critics have let slip under the rug. This evidence-together with the principles of photodissociation of sulfuric acid and of carbon dioxide, the extreme dearth of water vapor, the extreme dearth of oxygen, and the unneutralized hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid-point in unison to the youth of Venus' annosphere and provide dra)natic support for Velikovksy's claim that Venus is a new planet. FRESHLY STREWN ROCK Yet still other lines of evidence are available. Since Venus is supposedly as ancient as Earth and has an atmosphere of highly corrosive gases, most of its surface rocks should show erosion. Eric Burgess informs us that "the rocks of Venus undergo different types of weathering. Chemical weathering would be expected to decompose olivines, pyroxenes, quartz and feldlspars into magnesite, tremolite, dolomite and sulfides and sulfates. Mechanical weathering would be expected to disintegrate rocks by spalding and preferential chemical weathering and possibly by wind erosion. "Although winds on Venus near the surface do not blow at high velocity they represent the movement of extremely dense air by terrestrial standards, sufficiently dense to move particles up to several millimeters diameter across the surface of Venus."18 Needless to say, these winds, operating over great spans of time, should have drastically eroded surface rock materials and blown the resulting debris into basins, forrning vast sand dunes. To the contrary, however, Burgess tells us that "the radar data are...inconsistent with Venus being covered by vast areas of windblown debris."19 Just how rapidly do the winds blow on Venus? Isaac Asimov explains that on Venus "surface winds were recorded that weren't very fast, only a little over 11 kilometers (7 miles) an hour. Since the atmosphere of Venus is so dense, however, such winds would have the energy of earthly winds blowing at 105 kilometers (65 miles) an hour. The 'gentle' wind is just about equivalent to a hurricane on earth.''20 These winds of Venus are blowing continuously over its entire surface. For an idea of the effects, I ask the reader to imagine terrestrial surface winds blowing day in and day out at 65 miles an hour. Imagine this hurricane blowing for 3 or 4 billion years, remembering also that the gases rushing over the surface rock are highly corrosive. Based on any reasonable, gradualist suppositions, the result would be a global, sandy Sahara! While one might wonder if the absence of sand dunes was in the eye of the beholder, due to poor resolution of the radar pictures, the undeniable state of surface rock was noted in a 1975 Science News article titled "Grand Unveiling of the Rocks of Venus." Here the author described Venera 9 photographs of the surface: The initial photo, apparently taken with the camera looking almost straight down (suggesting that mission officials wanted to ensure at least one picture before moving anything). contains a remarkably clear view of some sharp-edged angular rocks. According to Boris Nepoklonov, one of the mission scientists quoted by the Soviet news agency Tass, 'This seems to knock the bottom out of the existing hypothesis by which the surface was expected to look like a desert covered with sand dunes bccause of constant wind and tempcrature erosion.' In fact, he says. 'even the moon does not have such rocks. We thought there couldn't be rocks on Venus--they would all be annihilated by erosion- but here they are, with edges absolutely nol blunted. This picture makes us reconsider all our concepts of Venus. 21 THE ENERGY PROBLEM Nor is there a clear explanation for the tremendous energy that is moving the dense atmosphere. According to Billy P. Glass, "The pressure at the surface [of Venus] is approximately 90 bars, which is equivalent to the pressure in the ocean on earth at a depth of nearly 1 krn [3,000 feet] below sea level."22 This energy problem ties in with the enigma of Venus' rapid flow pattern of its upper atmosphere. Atmosphere flows on Earth take weeks to circle our planet at the equator. Though Venus rotates much slower (its rotation period is 243 days), its atmospheric cloud-rising 39 miles above the surface-flows at 100 m/sec (about 330 feet per second), circling the planet in only 4 to six days. Young and Young thus report: In the earth's atmosphere such winds are encountered only in narrow jet streams. Jet streams could not, however, account for the rapid atmosphenc movements observed on Venus. since the Venusian winds seem to involve larger regions of the planet... Theoretical attempts to explain the generation of the winds have produced several possible mechanisms. such as convection caused by the uneven heating of the day and night sides of the planet. None of them. however. have been shown to be capable of explaining velocities greater than a few meters per second.23 Velikovsky's youthful Venus, however, fits this bizarre atmospheric behavior remarkably well. Since Venus was a comet-like body, its tail gases and coma atmospheric gases would still have great inertia after Venus entered its orbit, the momentum of its massive tail being transformed into a dense planetary atmosphere. Thus the high velocity still persists in the Venusian upper (lighter) atmosphere, while at the surface, where the atmosphere is most dense, the gases move more slowly. TEMPERATURE This finally brings us to the oft-discussed matter of Venus' atmospheric temperature. One of the major problems with the "greenhouse" explanation is the process of convection. Stated simply-hot air rises. Clark R. Chapman explains what is basically wrong with the thinking of the meteorologists who resort to a supposed greenhouse effect to account for the anomalous high temperature of the Venusian atmosphere. It was recently pointed out to embarrassed meteorologists who have debated the relevance of their greenhouse calculations that this effect may not even be imponant for greenhouses. Outside ground warmed by the sun heats adjacent air, which then floats upward to where the barometnc pressure is less. The air parcel expands, cools and settles into equilibrium. Meanwhile at the ground the wanned air is replaced by cooler parcels from above. This process...warms upper regions and keeps the air near the ground from getting too hot. Air on earth begins to convect whenever the temperature begins to drop with altitude more quickly than about 6 1/2 degrees C per kilometer [of altitude]. So except in an inversion, when the upper air is relatively warrn [warrner than the surface air] convection maintains the 6 1/2 degree C per kilometer profile which is why mountain tops are cool. The reason it is wanner inside than outside a greenhouse is mainly that the [glass] roof keeps the warrned-up air inside from floating away by convection. There is no lid on Venus and the dense carbon dioxide is free to convect.24 The super hot air of Venus, therefore, must rise and carry away the surface heat of the planet to the upper atmosphere where there is no covering. There the heat will radiate into space. This upward motion or convection of gas by heat will allow it to pass right through the clouds. Hence, the reality is that Venus would convect and radiate its surface heat into space long before its surface reached anything like 750 degrees K. Achieving a relatively high surface temperature for Venus would require a cover encapsulating the entire planet to keep the hot air at the surface from mixing with the cold air of the upper atmosphere. No such mechanism is available, and this simple fact poses an immense problem for the greenhouse theory. The problem becomes fatal when it is discovered that Venus' atmosphere actually rises and expands over the entire surface and then falls and contracts periodically like a pulsating star. A 1973 article in the New Scientist noted the work of four scientists at Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory demonstrating that Venus shows "regular changes in the spectrum of its atmosphere," with marked variations in the carbon dioxide lines on a four-day cycle: Over 20 years ago Gerard Kuiper noted day-to-day fluctuations in Ihe infrared spectrum of Venus. but no one has yet got to the bottom of the basic cause of these changes. In order to study the oscillations A.T., L.G., and J.W. Young and J. T. Gerstrahl obtained spectra nightly during the autumn of last year [1972]. Their data on the carbon dioxide line show an unmistakable oscillation. The observed variation is not exactly penodic. but more akin to a relaxation oscillation in which the amplitude builds up on successive cycles and then suddenly collapses. In order to produce the observed changes the cloud deck of Venus must be moving up and down by as much as one kilometer. simultaneously over the entire surface of the planet. such a large atmospheric oscillation requires a high input of mechanical energy. This condition is difficult to account for in the case of a slowly rotating planet heated uniformly by the Sun's rays [Greenhouse effect]. Therefore Ihe cycle variations point to some unexplained deep-seated property of the atmosphenc dynamics." 25 Gases expand when heated and contract when cooled. What is very apparent is that the surface heat is building up so strongly that it cannot be convected away as rapidly as it builds up. The superhot air therefore expands and rises, pushing the layers above it which also expand and rise. This process goes on until the upper air layers have risen sufficiently high to permit heat to dissipate more rapidly in the freezing altitudes of space, following which the entire atmosphere contracts to repeat the process. The amount of energy required to accomplish such a feat is far greater than could be produced by any "greenhouse" that lacks a cover!. It is thus impossible to reconcile the observed condition with a thermally balanced atmosphere: an ancient planet would have achieved a thermal equilibrium long ago. Hence, the fact that the Venusian atmosphere is not in equilibrium makes the "greenhouse" effect a charade and points to the same conclusion as the other considerations reviewed above. In sum, the evidence we have presented regarding Venus' atmosphere disputes the uniformitarian view that Venus is an ancient member of the solar system; in every instance, however, this evidence is completely en rapport with Velikovsky's view that Venus is a newcomer to the planetary system. NOTE: After the Footnote Section there is a contact list for ----- further information on current Velikovskian research. l Imrnanuel Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision (New York. 1950). 2 Lawrence Colin. "Venus the Veiled Planet.Ó in The Planets, B. Preiss ed. (New York. 1985). p. 282. 3 Taken from comments by Velikovsky in KRO~OS III: 2 (Winter. 1977). p. 95. Ballinger's observations appeared in the Transactions of tlle Faraday Society, Vol. 61 (1965). p. 1681 (emphasis 4 Science. Feb. 23. 1979. p. 753. 5 U. von Zahn, et al., "The Atmosphere of Venus," in Venus, edited by D. M. Hunten, L. Colin. T. M. Donahue and V. I. Marov (University of Arizona 1983). p. 133. 6 A Young & L. Young. "VenusÓ, in The Solar System (Sci~ Books. 1975). p. 53. 7 1bid.. p. 56. 8 Bryon Preiss' ed.. 171e Planets (New York. 1985). p. 282. 9 Kelly J. Beatty. "Venus: The Mystery Continues." SAy and Telescope, Vol. 63 (198~), p. 134. 10 Eric Burgess. Venus an Errant Twin (New York. 1985), p. 133. 1l J. Rifkin, Algeny (New York, 1983), pp. 149-150. 12 Scientists Confront Velikwsky (Cornell Univenty Press), p. 75; Carl Sagan. Broca's Brain (New York. 1979). p~ 13 Young & Young. Op. Cit., p. 53. 14 Ibid. 15 Ibid.. p. 54 l6 Anthony Feldman, Space (New York, 1980), p. 85. 17 Washington Post (Dec. 11,1979), page A6 (emphasis added). 18 Burgess, Op. cit., p. 141. 19 1bid. 20 Isaac Asimov. Venus Near Neigllbor (New York, 1981). p. 120. 21 Science News' Vol. lOB (1975)' page 276. 22 Billy P. Glass' Introduction to Planetary Geology (New York' 1982). p. 311. 23 Young and Young. op. cit.' p. 51. 24 Clark R. Chapman. the Inner Planets (New York. 1977). pp. 102-103. 25 New Scientist VoL 58 (1973). p. 72 (emphasis added); see also the Astrophysical Journal Vol. 181. p. L5.