http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== Cowpapyrus1.jpg (40542 bytes) Het-Hert as a celestial cow Het-Hert is often depicted as a full cow wearing horns with double feathers and/or a sun disk. A frequent motif seen in the Book of the Dead or tomb reliefs is that of Het-Hert emerging from the papyrus swamps in Her bovine form. At Qis , Het-Hert was called /Tjentet/, the "pre-eminent cow." Her emblem as a cow goes back at least as early as the 1st Dynasty, with the depiction of the head of a woman wearing horns and the ears of a cow on a stone vase. These two essential elements of Het-Hert's iconography appear throughout Egyptian history. Het-Hert was also connected with the divine cows of Egyptian mythology, several of which became titulary goddesses in their own right. These included the four sacred cows that accompanied Het-Hert, representing the four regions of the sky. They furnished the tables of the gods and Their names are as follows (transliterations from the hieroglyphs are in parentheses): (1) *Hesat* (HsAt) - "sacred cow" whose name may be derived from the word Hsi, meaning "Wild One." In Ptolemaic texts, She is associated with Aset and provides milk for the King. HsAt sacred cow.jpg (4579 bytes) Hieroglyphs of the Name Hesat (2) *Weryt* (wryt) - "great lady" - divine cow who provides milk for the King Wryt sacred cow.jpg (6143 bytes) Hieroglyphs of the Name Weryt (3) *Shedyt* (Sdyt) - "nurse" who nourishes Ra; an epithet of Het-Hert. Sdyt sacred cow.jpg (5910 bytes) Hieroglyphs of the Name Shedyt (4) *Sekhat-Heru * (sxAt-Hr) - "the one who remembers Heru" sxt-Hr.jpg (6082 bytes) Hieroglyphs of the Name Sekhat-Heru The cosmic aspect of Het-Hert, in Her connection with the celestial cows, can be see in Her function as the one who nourishes humans and gods. Like Nut, She is the celestial goddess who continuously rejuvenates the solar disk, giving birth to Ra at every sunrise. The Seven Hathors are also often depicted as seven cows. For more information, see the following page on this website: The Seven Hathors References Het-Hert emerging from the papyrus swamps in Her form as a Celestial Cow from /The Egyptian Book of the Dead/, translated by Raymond Faulkner Allam, Schafik. /Beiträge zum Hathorkult (bis zum Ende des Mittleren Reiches)/, 1963. Alliot, Maurice. /Le culte d'Horus à Edfou au temps des Ptolémées/. 1949, 426. Daumas, François. "Hathor." /Lexikon der Ägyptologie/. Band II.1977. Rochemonteix, Marquis de and Émile Chassinat. /Le Temple d'Edfou/. Vol. I-4. 1987, 524. Wilson, Penelope. "HsAt." /A Ptolemaic Lexicon/, 1997. Hathorlogobksm.gif (3053 bytes) [ Up ] [ Seven Hathors ] [ Red Scarf ] [ Cow ] Text and original graphics copyright © 1999-2007 by Neferuhethert. All rights reserved. All graphics which are not original works have been credited to their source or used with permission, and their copyright remains the property of the source cited. No use of any original written or graphical material is allowed in any form whatsoever without prior written permission. Questions should be directed to neferuhethert at This is a non-profit website for educational purposes only. Last updated 06/01/07.