http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== Since stars are not powered by hydrogen fusion but by incoming electric currents, whatever fusion does take place is most likely taking place close to or on the surface. There is no super-compressed, intensely hot core, radiating energy from thousands of kilometers deep inside. Instead, heavy elements are synthesized in the exterior plasma discharges and then "precipitate" into the star's interior like a rain of metal atoms. According to EU physicist Wal Thornhill: "External electrical or gravitational stresses on a star may cause some of its internal positive charge to be offset from the center of the star. And since like charges repel, the offset charge will tend to accelerate toward the surface. It is a form of internal lightning. This process may lead to the expulsion of a substantial portion of the positively charged interior of the star. The visible result is a nova, or star-wide lightning flash, as electrons in the stellar atmosphere rush toward the emerging positively charged matter. The ejected material constitutes a powerful electric current, which generates its own magnetic field. That magnetic field constricts the charged matter to form a jet. The leading matter is neutralized and stops accelerating, causing the following charged matter to pile into it. So is born a companion star or gas giant planet. This explains why so many stars have been found to have extremely close-orbiting gas giant planets." As orbits adapt to a new stable configuration, dust, stones and boulders arriving from space or blasted from distant parts of the same body are deposited. Plasma etching, combined with ionic discharges, are responsible for rounding the rocks, scattering them uniformly across the landscape, and leaving "flow streaks" from electrical "winds." Blowing gases and flowing liquids require action over long spans of time. Electrical erosion, caused by forces billions of times stronger than mechanical forces, can achieve observed effects in short times. Electric Universe advocates predict that when it becomes possible to send probes to other star systems like our own, we will most likely find similar planetary systems in orbit around them. The electric forces that formed and energize this planet most likely formed the exoplanets, so it is expected that we will find Earth-like planets sooner or later. Extra-Solar Habitable Zones Jun 08, 2009 MOTD