mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== Introduction In today's world many people characterize themselves as being "scientists". Only those who always carefully follow the "scientific method" are deserving of that title. The Scientific Method Scientists are distinguishable from artists, poets, musicians, and others in that they use what is known as "the scientific method". It is not that "inspiration" or "the muse" is not valuable in science, it is - but it is not the starting point of what we call science. In the process called the scientific method1 a true scientist will: * Observe nature - carefully record what is seen. * Seek patterns in the observed data - put numbers on the data - fit equations to those numbers. * Generalize those equations into a word description of the process - this is a hypothesis. * Carry out experiments and/or gather independent data to see how well the hypothesis predicts future observations and results. This is called "closing the loop" on your hypothesis. * Reject, or modify the hypothesis if the experiments show it falls short of success in these predictions. * Only after the results of several experiments have been successfully predicted by the hypothesis, can it be called a theory. If two different theories predict a given phenomenon equally well, the simpler theory is probably the best one. This principle is called Occam's Razor. Theories can never be proven to be correct - some other mechanism entirely may be the cause of the observed data. New data can come in tomorrow. But theories can be disproved if they fail to predict the outcomes of additional experiments. Such theories are termed to be falsified. Sometimes the scientific method as described above is called the empirical method. The Deductive Method As an alternative to the empirical method, there is a method of deriving theories from assumed generalizations about the universe. This is called the deductive method. This method was used by Aristotle and Plato. In this process one starts with a "law of nature" or "obviously correct" generalization about the "way things work" and deduces (reasons out - derives) its consequences in detail. A hypothesis arrived at via this method is promoted to the status of being a Theory if a large enough body of experts "accept" it. Thus, in this method, a "vote of the experts" determines if a theory is correct. Once such a theory has been accepted it is not easily rejected in light of conflicting evidence; it is, however, often modified - made more complex - and, unfortunately, new data is often selectively chosen to support it. The selection and publication of only the data that support the accepted theory is expedited by the "peer review system". If the experts who have accepted a given theory control both the funding of future research and also what gets published, there is little chance for conflicting viewpoints to develop. Pseudo Science Some hypotheses, when presented by august, well established scientists, are given credence without anyone questioning whether the hypothesis has been developed using the scientific method. Yet in many cases it is not difficult to check whether or not the scientific method has been used correctly. For example, consider the hypothesis that "There are gnomes in my garden that always make themselves invisible when anyone tries to observe them."1 Clearly, no conceivable experiment or observation could falsify that statement. This is evidence the hypothesis comes from a pseudo-scientific source. Legitimate theories must be falsifiable. The Problem Faced by Modern Astronomy Experiments Are Not Possible Because the stars are light years away, we cannot hope to be able to "go there" and perform experiments on them. Until relatively recently even the planets were out of our reach. Thus, cosmologists never get to complete the scientific method. We cannot "close the loop" in cosmology. But, if we cannot test our hypotheses, how can we reject or modify them? The answer, of course, is that astronomers, more than those in any other branch of science, must be exceedingly careful to continually examine their hypotheses in light of any new data. It is the contention of the author of these pages that they have not been doing this. Einstein was a purely theoretical physicist - he never went near a physics lab. He conducted only gedankenexperimenten - "thought experiments" - in order to arrive at his general theory of relativity (GR). This is a perfect example of the deductive method at work. Its use is exceptionally dangerous in an area like cosmology wherein it is difficult to falsify any theory. Now that the GR Theory is "accepted" by expert astronomers, any new data (such as photographs of the astronomical object known as the "Einstein Cross") are discussed only within the framework of this complicated theory. The images of the four small objects in the Einstein Cross when looked at only from this viewpoint, are considered to be supporting evidence for the GR Theory. However, they could just as well be interpreted as being evidence supporting a much simpler cosmological theory. Evidence contradictory to the accepted Big Bang Theory, such as images of connections between objects that have widely different red shift values, are dismissed as being "mirages". False Assumptions by Astronomers Most of today's "accepted" astronomy/cosmology is a set of deductively arrived at hypotheses precariously based on two false assumptions : 1. Electrical fields, currents, and plasma discharges are not important in space. Only gravitational and magnetic fields are important. 2. If the light from an object exhibits redshift, the object must be speeding away from us. And its distance from us is directly proportional to that speed. Both of these assumptions are demonstrably wrong. They have been, and continue to be, contradicted by actual observations of the sky. Those observations tell us that i. The universe is highly electrical in nature. ii. Redshift is more a measure of an object's youth than its velocity. The continued refusal of astronomers to re-examine their hypotheses in light of these new observations is the focus of these pages. The Proper Role of Mathematics Over time, the two big, false assumptions (above) have been adorned with elegant, abstract, mathematical "models" consisting of equations concerning: mass, energy, velocity of light, etc. The solutions of these equations have led to pronouncements that 99% of the universe must consist of "dark matter": stuff that humans cannot observe, and that a "Big Bang" occurred wherein all the matter in the Universe (presumably including the matter that we cannot see) was created out of nothing, in an instant, precisely 12 billion years ago. Regardless of how elegant the mathematics is, if it is based on faulty assumptions, it is worthless. The proper way to use mathematics in science is to "curve fit" a previously observed set of data. The principle of Occam's Razor tells us that the simplest (lowest order) equation that best fits the data is the one that should be chosen. A straight line can be passed exactly through two data points; a second order (quadratic) curve can be exactly passed through three data points.... and so on. An n+1 order equation can be made to pass exactly through n data points. Thus, if we have a complicated enough equation, (if we have enough coefficients to adjust and arbitrary constants whose value we can choose) we can fit just about any data - even new data. The question however, is can we find a reasonably simple low order model that fits a large number of points such that each time new data arrives, it fits nicely onto the curve without our vastly modifying the coefficients in the equation. If we have to add to the complexity of our model each time new data is received, this is strong evidence that the model is a poor one and we should re-examine our basic premises. An equation is only a model of the real world process. We should never lose sight of this distinction. Some modern day "theoretical physicists" confuse these two things: reality and the model. For them, the equations are indistinguishable from reality. So, if an equation contains a "singularity" (gives an output value of infinity for some value of the input variable[s]) they presume the actual real world quantity must also become infinite. This is where the notion of "black holes" came from. Another limitation on any mathematical model (set of equations) is that it has a finite region of validity. For instance, if the model was developed using a set of input variables whose values ranged from zero to 1,000, then we cannot with any assurance use an input value of 1,000,000 and expect the answer given by the model to have any correspondence to reality. Some astrophysicists have said that "if only they could find the equations God used to make the Universe, all would be known." This demonstrates just how far from reality, and the proper use of mathematics, they have strayed. Invisible Entities Invented To Patch Up Failing Theories The theories that have sprung from these faulty, overly complicated mathematical models have given birth to such arcane notions as: "curved space", "neutron stars", "WIMPs" (and now "WIMPZILLAS"), "MACHOs", several different sizes of "black holes", "superluminal jets", "dark energy", and magnetic field "lines" that "pile-up" and "reconnect". All of these inventions are fictions put forth by astronomers in desperate efforts to defend their theories when faced with contradicting observations. None have ever been observed or photographed. Many of them are demonstrably impossible. But their existence is repeatedly invoked to "explain" new observations and measurements that contradict the enshrined theories of modern astronomy. We continually hear statements such as, "There must be a black hole at the center of that galaxy." (Otherwise we cannot explain its level of energy output.) "There must be invisible dark matter in that galaxy." (Otherwise we cannot explain how it rotates the way it does.) "Ninety nine percent of the universe is made up of dark energy." (Otherwise the Big Bang Theory is falsified.) "Pulsars must be made up of strange matter." (Otherwise we might have to look for an electrical explanation). We are also asked to believe that two objects (like galaxy M 51 and its companion NGC 5195) are not connected together even though we have photographs of the connection. So, we are told not to believe in the things that we can see, but that we should believe in the existence of the magic entities that their theories require - even though we cannot see or measure them. Debating tricks should not be used in science. There is an old debating trick where one side is asked to disprove the existence of something that doesn't exist: "Prove to me there isn't a rhinoceros under this table. It is an invisible, unsmellable rhino, and you can't feel it - it has no mass. But it's THERE! Prove to me it isn't!" This is obviously impossible to do. It is a non-falsifiable hypothesis. In an earlier paragraph it was pointed out that a hallmark of a pseudo science was that it poses non-falsifiable hypotheses. Consider the following example: Dr. John A. Wheeler, emeritus professor of physics at Princeton University and originator of the concept of black holes, has said: "To me, the formation of a naked singularity is equivalent to jumping across the Gulf of Mexico. I would be willing to bet a million dollars that it can't be done. But I can't prove that it can't be done." What he is actually saying is - YOU can't prove that black holes don't exist, so I am free to use the concept as often as I like! When astronomers conjure up invisible entities, the existence of which no one can disprove (black holes, dark matter), they open themselves to accusations of being pseudo scientists. Why are invisible gnomes in my garden any less scientifically acceptable than the concept of "black holes" that no one can see or measure? It should be noted that the word "singularity" as used by Wheeler is directly stolen from pure mathematics. In mathematics it has a precise meaning. There are various types of "singularities" in mathematics, e.g., "essential singularities", "poles", etc. Each of these describes the anomalous behavior of certain terms in mathematical equations. Wheeler essentially kidnaps this mathematical term and erroneously transforms it into being a real world entity. People would laugh if some theoretician announced that he had discovered a "partial fraction expansion" sitting in some galaxy, or a Riemann integral located in some globular cluster. The same ridicule should have greeted Wheeler's announcement that he had found a "naked singularity" in deep space. It is both unscientific and intellectually dishonest to conjure up the existence of unobservable entities in an effort to defend a theory that direct observation falsifies. If you allow me to get away with postulating the existence of ghosts, then, in the future, you will have to put up with my blaming ghosts for an increasing number of otherwise inexplicable events - like why I couldn't find my keys this morning! Ghosts would make it easy for me to avoid confronting the reality that my memory is not as good as it once was. And, every time I get away with "the ghost did it" excuse, I am encouraged to use it yet again. One reality being avoided by astronomers is that the cosmos is highly electrical in nature. Recently astronomers seem to "find" black holes just about everywhere. Astronomers Avoid Electromagnetic Field Theory at All Costs All of the fantasy-land explanations conjured up by mainstream cosmologists would perhaps be unavoidably acceptable IF there were not alternative explanations for all of the phenomena that seem so "mysterious" to them. If astronomy would only open its eyes to the existence of the field of study called experimental electrical plasma physics, none of the fictitious entities mentioned above would have been proposed. In the last half of the 20th century an ongoing debate ensued between "mainstream" astrophysicists and Swedish plasma physicist - electrical engineer (and Nobel prize winner), Hannes Alfvén. Alfvén considered himself to be, first and foremost, an electrical power engineer and rather enjoyed the accusation of being an "outsider to astrophysics" thrown at him by theoretical cosmologists. He was an expert in a research field they had never studied. Alfvén continued the earlier experimental work of Kristian Birkeland and Irving Langmuir on electrical plasmas. He, his students, and associates developed the theoretical - mathematical, foundation for those earlier experimental results. Alfvén was awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society (1967), the Nobel Prize in physics (1970), the Gold Medal of the Franklin Institute (1971), and the Lomonosov Medal of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1971). But even Alfvén was not able to remove the blinders worn by mainstream astronomers who decided to follow the purely deductive mathematical approach. It continues to be standard procedure to view as "flawed" any observations made in either earth-bound electrical plasma laboratories or in space, that conflict with accepted mathematical models that completely ignore the existence of cosmic electrical currents and fields. Dr. John A. Wheeler, of black hole fame, (see above) attributes the following quote to Lord Kelvin (1903). Kelvin was commenting on his view of the utility of Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism. "The so-called `electromagnetic theory of light' has not helped us hitherto... it seems to me that it is a rather backwards step." And the problem is - professional astronomers still seem to believe it! (One wonders whether Wheeler does). Astronomers Denigrate Outsiders - Then Quietly Adopt their New Ideas There have been several instances in the past when the astronomical mainstream has long rejected an idea that is later accepted. There is usually no public disgrace for the in-group who were on the wrong side of the issue. When, after being viciously denigrated, the validity of a new idea becomes inescapably obvious, a few years go by, and then we quietly hear: "Well, Everyone has known for a Long Time that this (the new idea) was always true." An example of this is Hannes Alfvén's discovery of plasma waves. This recently accepted (by astronomers) property of plasmas is now being wrongly over used to explain away all sorts of inconvenient observations such as the temperature inversion in the Sun's lower corona. The Future In a few years, perhaps we will hear: "Well, Everyone has known for a Long Time that quasars are not extremely distant, and red shift is more a measure of the youth of an object than its recessional velocity and distance. No one said for sure there ever was a Big Bang. It was just another false theory. Everyone has known for a Long Time that electric currents flowing in plasmas produce many of the mysterious observed solar and cosmic phenomena." And we will not hear of "machos", "wimps", "neutronium", "dark energy", and "broken magnetic field lines" from any serious scientist ever again. Time will tell. Will the founders of the Electric / Plasma Universe Theory be acknowledged as having been the pathfinders they are? Or will lesser men quietly adopt these ideas without giving credit to their originators and then claim them to be "well known"? This Web Site The following pages discuss some of the people, observations, and ideas, that challenge the false assumptions that mainstream science refuses to re-examine. When you read them, remember that any single unanswered challenge of this sort is enough to bring down the pseudoscientific magic show that modern astronomy/cosmology has become - like a house of cards. The attitude of astronomers - epitomized by the following quote - must change. "If the going gets bad in an argument one can always call upon the universal mantra 'extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof', to extricate oneself from further discussion, or the need to think." - Brian Josephson, Times Higher Education Supplement, 12 Aug. 1994. Reference 1 The Scientific Method Next Page ---> Return to the Main Page [hit00000.gif]