Customer Review 7 of 33 people found the following review helpful: 2.0 out of 5 stars Thunderbolts of the gods, March 1, 2008 By dhlnz This review is from: Thunderbolts of the Gods + DVD (Perfect Paperback) Initially, after reading this book, i was very pleased with its content and the effort to make sense of all the world's various legends about their different gods, then i realized that a page was missing from my early copy. A replacement revealed that, this page alone cut through my hope that the book could be read without the need of picking out the bones. While accurately attributing the identity of some cultural-deities as planetary bodies, the author presents the speculation that 'every' culture's ancient texts can be reduced down to a representation with only a celestial meaning. Every culture was not likely totally immune from the confusion that overtook the world during the catastrophic period, but this does not mean that Yahweh be reduced to the same identity as the physical god's of diverse cultures. Any confusion, before the time of Christ, about the identity of Yaweh, the God of all creation, was resolved by an act of reconciliation as He once again walked among mankind as the person, Jesus of Nazareth, and through demonstration of spiritual realities and power over the physical realm revealed that he is not like the other gods which people honored. Confusion is being reintroduced as mankind mixes their doubts and unbelief with modern scientific discoveries. In this book, there may be a valid explanation for what happened in this world which caused so many cultures to worship celestial bodies as gods but that potential solution only applies to physical realities and can never disqualify the spiritual realities that are experienced to this day in them that exercise their faith in Jesus. dzp Comments Showing 1-1 of 1 posts in this discussion Initial post: Mar 18, 2011 11:36:24 AM PDT J. E. White says: However, that does not merit reducing this to two stars, because - 1) the Genesis narrative , at the time it was codified, was designed to challenge the world view, culture, and gods of Babylon, Israel's captor, and to give unique identity to both Jahweh and His creation, and to Jahweh's created and designated people who were called to (and failed at) representing Him to the nations. 2) That identity of Jahweh stands for ALL time against ALL other cultures, worldviews, and gods, be they Babylonian, those described by Thornhill, et al. or those we encounter today, whether modernism , enlightenment, reason, pscience, post modernism, or whatever. 3) The scenarios suggested by Thornhill should not be dismissed on this account. These merit further scholarly investigation. As a possible alternative to varieties of creationism and to Darwinian evolution, they provide not only an alternative to a multitude of interpretations, but remind the thinking person of the difference between fact and interpretations of fact. Scientific knowledge is limited to facts, not to interpreations. For every man there is that which goes beyond the facts of science (whether they be postulated by Darwin, Thornhill, Newton, or Einstein) to give meaning to who we are, why we are here, and where we are going. The claims of Jahweh (from Genesis to Revelation) to have created (whatever the mechanics) ex amore, to have invested Himself in, to inhabit, as a composer, His creation, to have fashioned mankind in His image to be co-creators of His symphony, still stand as a challenge and a choice. It is the derivatives and interpretations of facts that are in question, not the facts.