http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== *Editorial Reviews* *Review* A magnificent description of electricity in space. Authors Thornhill and Talbott offer a sweeping critique of today's popular cosmology. They show that galaxies, stars (including our Sun), and comets can be best understood through the well-tested behavior of electricity the one force about which astronomers seem to know almost nothing. Having now devoted many years to investigating this question, I am in full agreement. --Donald E. Scott, professor of electrical engineering (retired) The last 150 years have seen immense progress in the understanding of electrical phenomena. Nevertheless, the conventional cosmology taught today remains essentially a theory of gravity. "The Electric Universe" presents an alternative theory that recognizes electrical forces as the dominant influence in shaping the universe, and a major factor in determining much of our cultural and historical experience. Based on well-understood principles that can be observed and demonstrated in any plasma laboratory, the electrical model also offers ready explanations for processes that continue to puzzle astronomers today. Compelling, highly readable, and superbly illustrated, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to what will surely be the beginnings of a scientific revolution in the years ahead. --James Hogan, science/SF author On a plane back to London I read The Electric Universe from cover to cover (the light above my seat was the only one that remained on throughout the night). What a masterpiece. Each single sentence is absolutely spot-on and well formulated. This is just such a powerful textbook the potential and logic of the electric universe theory leaps off every page. The omission of mythological and other ancient data from the argument will undoubtedly help to forestall accusations of using 'tales and stories' to bolster a scientific theory. The book also conveys a strong impression that this theory has reached full maturation; it's not the incoherent ranting of someone exploding with a lot of new ideas, but obviously the fruit of many years of careful thinking and making associations. The soberness of tone and the lavish illustrations strike the right chord and I find it hard to imagine a reader who would not find the argument compelling. I have nothing to contend with concerning the main argument. --Rens van der Sluijs *Product Description* 6-3/4"x9" paperback, full color graphics and 140+ illustrations The Electric Universe Monograph by Dave Talbott and Wallace Thornhill, members of the group, is powerful material about the Electric Universe and plasma cosmology. This book not only complements The Electric Sky book, but actually overlaps very little, while covering cosmic quandaries and plasma and electricity in space. The chapter on the electrical properties of comets is such great material, thoroughly convincing. Thornhill & Talbott's other work Thunderbolts of the Gods and Scott's The Electric Sky These are all rather excellent works of science by folks who know what they're talking about, and don't need to resort to "dark matter," "dark energy," "black holes," "neutron stars" or other fictitious entities to explain the workings of the universe. Rather they go about it from an electrical / plasma (ionized matter with electrical properties) point of view. In this way, "surprising" features from the "standard model" point of view are demystified as simple electrical / plasma phenomena known from lab experiments and electrical theory dating as far back as Birkeland, Alfven, CER Bruce, Juergens and a host of others. It's time that good science make its way back into physics and astronomy. It's also time that abstract maths be put in their place as a tool and NOT as a prime mover and shaker. Science should be based first on observation {!}. That's exactly what Thornhill and Talbott do in The Electric Universe. They *observe* the universe *as it is* and then apply known electrical and plasma processes to explain it. The material is accessible to the layman. However, it may behoove readers to do additional reading to fill in any conceptual gaps. Keep an open mind, and your world view may be changed forever. Mine has been changed permanently since introduction to the material a year ago. The universe is finally beginning to make some physical sense that has been lacking in the sad world of "Big Bang" untested (often *untestable* {!}), unproven hypotheticals (dark matter, dark energy, neutron stars, black holes, WIMPs, MACHOs). It's time to end dogmatic adherence to a paradigm that has consistently failed in its predictions and embrace an electrical / plasma interpretation that can make specific testable /verifiable predictions. ...... This is simply a phenomenal book on an alternative theory to account for all scientific observations made in cosmology from decades ago to present. I have also read The Electric Sky by Donald E. Scott and Thunderbolts of the Gods by David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill. I highly recommend all three of these wonderful books to anyone who has the slightest interest in astronomy. These books lay out the theory that electricity runs or powers the universe. Electric currents are everywhere in the universe which consists of 99% plasma which is matter with electric charge. Of course, you can't have electricity without magnetism, so it is this force that shapes and defines our magnificent universe. It was so refreshing to read these books because it was like a great veil being lifted from my eyes allowing me to truly understand what is happening in our cosmos for the first time with real understanding. It was suddenly so obvious. Common sense and logic coupled with direct scientific observation and evidence plus testability of the theory completely verifies and substantiates the claims made in these books. If the rest of the scientific community can latch on to and accept the truth stated in these books, we will truly enter a new age of understanding and leave the current dark ages science has fallen into behind. Talbott, Thornhill and Scott are true pioneers and their work is highly valuable and important to furthering academic understanding. Comment 5.0 out of 5 stars *Paradigm shattering, pathbreaking. Outstanding*, November 12, 2007 By Fred L. Houpt I am not a scientist. I have been fascinated by astronomy and cosmology all my life. The more I read of quantum mechanical or mainstream astonomical explanations for the cosmos, the more complicated and brain twisting it has proceeded. Confusion and an all but impossible math and scientific explanation or better put, an attempt at an explanation have only made me feel totally unsatisfied. Then I found this book and my mind has changed and everything seems much more sensible. It is one thing to see modern physicists try their hands at explaining the universe, almost all of which remains fastened to the paper, deeply buried under an imcomprehensible language of convoluted and super complex math and conceptual assumptions, it is quite another to be introduced to the refreshing and verifiable, laboratory based Plasma science....reducing to rubble almost every mainstream explanation of the cosmos. Beginning from the simple precept that stellar matter is plasma in manifestation, the authors go on to explain how comets, asteroids and meteors operate. The book explains why galaxies appear the way they do. Most controversially, they claim that they entire model for Black Holes is bogus and explainable in electrical terms. Their explanations for tornados on the sun, vortexs of electrical pathways put to bed any notion that the inner realms of the sun is a vast thermonuclear bomb factory. Also on the list of amazing claims, that stars that appear to be blowing up (take for example Eta Carina) are in fact in the early stages of becoming stars. There are so many explanations that turn accepted cosmological "facts" on their behinds, that you get a sense at how audacious it must have been to read of Galileo's claims. They explain many mysterious facts about our own star in plasma terms that all have a verifiable basis in reproducible experimentation. They posit that much of mainstream cosmology has been following an increasingly dead-end mentality and has shut it's mind to learning about plasma in its many complicated states. Since reading this book I no longer am interested in reading any more of the reports from Universe Today or Space dot com because they are full of the old thinking that I am convinced is wrong. Read this book and you will never, ever be able to look at the universe in the same way again. Comment 5.0 out of 5 stars *Simply indispensable* Having studied astronomy and having followed the A to Z of it for decades, I must say that I have never encountered anything as original, sweeping, and compelling as the ideas... *Read more* Published 4 months ago by Mr. Louis Blois 1.0 out of 5 stars *Excuse me, not quite right...* Despite trying to get through this book, I found no evidence or reasonable explanations to support their theories in this book. *Read more* Published 6 months ago by Fred 5.0 out of 5 stars *Absolutely brilliant* After Arp's "Seeing Red" and "The Big Bang Never Happened" this was the third book that unhinged my previous cosmological big-bang-based world view. *Read more* Published 7 months ago by Gunnar Kossatz 5.0 out of 5 stars *The Electric Universe* This book gives a dynamic insight as to the discoveries that have been made in the last 35 years of the space age. *Read more* Published 7 months ago by Andersen Inv Co 5.0 out of 5 stars *Steps forward in understanding* This is a valued book that functions as historical review and insight into steps forward toward a new millenia in understanding of the electric principles which operate at many... *Read more* Published 10 months ago by dhlnz 5.0 out of 5 stars *Electric Plasma Universe spins* The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE - Wallace Thornhill & David Talbott '02 &'07, Mikamar, The 3rd `plasma universe' book in series form Mikamar in last 3 years, is aimed at... *Read more* Published 10 months ago by micheal sunanda 5.0 out of 5 stars *Exiting the philosophical morass of modern cosmology* Talbott and Thornhill offer a way out of an intellectual morass which I'd pretty much written off on purely philosophical grounds before hearing about them. *Read more* Published 10 months ago by T. holden 5.0 out of 5 stars *An Electric Paradigm* This monograph provides a compelling and succinct review of the current gravity-based model of the Universe and its significant problems. *Read more* Published 10 months ago by R. W. Fone 5.0 out of 5 stars *A must read for all* This surprisingly simple model of cosmology allows virtually all of the mysteries of the cosmos to fall into place so sensibly well that you can never entertain the commonly held... *Read more* Published 11 months ago by Colleen Thomas BSN, RN, MCP