mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== All ancient peoples told stories of awe-inspiring and terrifying gods in the sky. The gods were gigantic and often capricious. In their wars they hurled thunderbolts at the earth and at each other, setting the cosmos aflame. Ancient people also drew pictures and carved images of the gods. They built great temples, cities and kingdoms as monuments to the gods, and they imitated the gods in their rituals and customs. Cross-cultural comparison reveals that different tribes and communities were telling the same story, each in its own way. But why did the earliest astronomical traditions identify the gods as planets? And why did all of the ancient accounts say that the gods ruled for a time, then went away? The modern discovery of plasma, magnetism, and electricity in space allows for a new answer to such questions: planets are charged bodies in space, and they have not always moved on their present orbits. Only a few thousand years ago our ancestors lived beneath an alien sky, as planets close to Earth loomed huge above them. In any consideration of this possibility, the cosmic "thunderbolt" launched by planet-gods is a key. Many archaic images, while finding no reference in the sky today, exactly match the high-energy electrical discharges generated in plasma laboratories. This stunning correspondence, illuminated by the ancient astronomies, demands a new perspective on planetary history. David Talbott has spent more than thirty years investigating the origins of ancient myths and symbols. Wallace Thornhill has devoted a similar time to studying the nature of plasma and electricity in space. Their research converges in this volume, Thunderbolts of the Gods. [1]READ A TIMELY ANNOUNCEMENT [2]DOWNLOAD A PDF OF THE INTRODUCTION AND CHAPTER ONE Let us hear from you. Please send your comments, suggestions, and criticisms to: [3]michael at kronia.com Hit Counter References Visible links 1. http://www.thunderbolts.info/announce.htm 2. http://www.thunderbolts.info/PART%20I_Chap1.pdf 3. mailto:michael at kronia.com Hidden links: 4. http://www.thunderbolts.info/announcement.htm