A NEW PARADIGM OF SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT - THE ELECTRIC UNIVERSE - Article 1 - by Rev Nicholas Sykes It was a great experience for me to attend a four day science conference in early July on the University of Maryland campus. This was the most recent conference of the Natural Philosophy Alliance, attended by some 200 independent scientists, each one fired with strong conviction and most with convincing scientific credentials. It was especially interesting to me to see that the great majority of the participants were physicists, that many of them had strong mathematical arguments in their papers and also that the majority by far were extremely concerned that "big science" as it has developed over the twentieth century had taken some egregiously wrong paths - paths which unhappily are being reflected in the science teaching within our schools today. Nearly all of these independent scientists concerned about "big science" had developed serious and substantial positions against the overall correctness of Albert Einstein's work on Special Relativity and General Relativity, for example. The Chairman of the Natural Philosophy Alliance is Greg Volk, who also prepared a paper entitled "The Convergence of New Physics Paradigms: Unity in Diversity", whose inspiring leadership has clearly brought the Alliance to fresh heights in its 18-year life as an organisation. My own recent prophecies from the pulpit notwithstanding - that the scientific schools are heading for a "meltdown" quite as devastating as the recent worldwide economic meltdown (the effects of which continue) that surfaced in 2008 - I write here not theologically but as a scientist. Readers of mine in the Cayman Islands may not be in a position to recognise me in that capacity, because the platforms upon which I have made public expression here have not been those of physics (my first intellectual love). Nevertheless I have taught physics and mathematics at high school level for many years, functioned as the Chairman of a regional association of science teachers in Jamaica for several years and was elected Chairman of the Association of Science Teachers of Jamaica in 1979. I have also published a groundbreaking article on radioactive decay constancy in an international magazine. The scientists of the Natural Philosophy Alliance seem to be mostly in agreement that either some kind of an academic meltdown is inevitable or that "big science" will continue to be propped up possibly for many years by a closed "old boy" network of financial grants which shuts out promising interpretations of data from being considered because they upset the status quo by showing the current paradigm to be deeply and indeed outrageously flawed. Proponents of the "Electric Universe", for example, who joined forces with the Natural Philosophy Alliance in preparing for this conference, interpret the data of NASA in the context of a universe being powered by electric forces rather than gravitational force, and show how in this context the data make good sense and demonstrable in a scaled down way in the electric discharge laboratory, rather than being an unexplainable puzzle after puzzle, as the frequent expression "We have to go back to the drawing board" so often testifies. The first three days of the conference were packed with some 135 presentations of half-hour lengths, most of them occurring in tandem in two separate rooms, so it was important to try to map out in advance which room to be in at any given time to hear the lecture one preferred. As well as the schedule giving the title of the talk, the organisers had the Proceedings of the whole Conference produced in advance - a rather weighty tome of some 730 pages - so it was possible to get a good idea of what one wanted to hear. Some of those giving presentations were fortunate to be given a time of day in which only one room was being used, and for my own presentation of "The Paradigm of an Electric Universe" I was one of those fortunate enough not to have a competing lecture. I had given an earlier version of this presentation at the UCCI conference here in March, to a small audience with several competing lectures being held simultaneously, and I think the presentation benefited from this earlier run, as it was well received, and I felt very honoured to be presented at the end of my talk by one of the scientists present with a mathematically illustrated book written several years ago on the general topic of "the electromagnetic nature of things", which fits on the whole well with the much more newly expressed Electric Universe paradigm. This part of the conference was climaxed with the 2011 John Chappell Memorial lecture presented by the Australian physicist Wal Thornhill on "Stars in an Electric Universe", which is soon to be produced on a DVD, some of which can be viewed on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFcNHHxSFl4 In addition to the lectures themselves there was some time over lunch and supper and during breaks to interact with and get to know one another, and to get a feel for that person's point of view and to form friendships. For three nights I slept for about 4 hours each night, and returned home much stimulated but very exhausted. The conference continued (after I had to depart) with a Public Day in which several experiments were demonstrated by some of the independent scientists. I hope to produce further articles in this paper from time to time that will describe aspects of the fresh scientific paradigm of the electric universe.