mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== Sumerian Questions and Answers _________________________________________________________________ 1. Hebrew and Sumerian 2. Permission to Use Cuneiform Writing Sample 3. Timeline of Mesopotamian History 4. Sumerian Version, Biblical Story of Job 5. Sumerian True Type Font 6. "pukku" and "mekku" in Gilgamesh 7. Sumerian Language ba- Prefix 8. Sumerian Eden? 9. Hungarian and Sumerian 10. Enable Sumerian True Type Font 11. Development of Cuneiform From Pictographs 12. Sumerian Word for Venus 13. Sumerian Alphabet? 14. Sumerian "mashkim" as Demons? 15. Zecharia Sitchen; Sumerian Language Suppressed? 16. Hebrew ELOHIM 17. Sumerian Proverbs Page 18. Sumerian Audio File? 19. "The Sumerian Problem" 20. The Deity Ningishzida 21. Organization of the Sumerian Lexicon 22. Cuneiform Symbols in Sumerian Lexicon? 23. Poetry to Woo a Sumerian Girl? 24. Translate Sumerian Alphabet? 25. Letters of Sumerian Alphabet? 26. Importance of Sumerian Invention of Cuneiform Writing 27. Sumer, Not Sumeria 28. Could Sumerian "ur" Mean Ox or Cow? 29. Pronunciation and Meaning of Sumerian Words 30. Is Sumerian the Earliest Written Language? 31. Preflood Mythology - Ziusudra, the Sumerian Noah 32. How to Interpret "dirig-...-she"? 33. The Planet Nibiru 34. Zechariah Sitchin and Extraterrestrials 35. Name of Sumerian Religion? 36. The Sumerian People 37. Meaning of Sumer? 38. Sumerian Speech from Buffy the Vampire Slayer 39. Sumerian Planet Names 40. Who Were the Sumerians? 41. Annotated Version of Lexicon? 42. Origin of Picture of Counting Tokens 43. Another Translation into Sumerian 44. Vowels in Sumerian Writing? 45. Did Sumerian Have Vowel Harmony? 46. Sumerians Live During or Before the Time of Biblical Moses? 47. Different Dialects? - Text Partially in Sumerian 48. Where Does One Learn Sumerian? 49. What is the Relation of Sumerian to Other Language Families? 50. Sumerian Money 51. The Greatest Sumerian Ruler? 52. Vinca Culture Writing - Tartaria Tablets in Romania 53. Sumerian Determinatives 54. Sumerian Vocabulary from a Woman's Viewpoint 55. Sumerian Words in CAPITAL Letters 56. English to Sumerian Dictionary? 57. Sumerian Origins 58. Out-of-Print Jacobsen Book 59. 'I Love You' in Sumerian 60. Determinative Before Month Names 61. Sumerian Words in Akkadian and Hebrew 62. Teachings of Suruppak to His Son Ziusudra 63. Sumerian Freedom Tattoo 64. Age/Location of Sumerian Vocabulary 65. Hungarian Roots 66. Dilmun, Lemuria, and Sumer 67. Need Background for Novel that I Am Writing 68. Disputing the Etymology of the Sumerian Word for 'Breast' 69. Symbols for Mesopotamian Gods? 70. Sumerian and Babylonian Holy Days 71. Yet Another Translation into Sumerian 72. Permission to Use Tokens Picture 73. How Did Writing Start? 74. Books to Study Day-to-Day Life of Sumerians? 75. Necronomicon; Learning Sumerian 76. Sumerian Tenses? 77. Cuneiform Words? 78. Letters or Sounds Missing from Sumerian 79. Sumerian Pictographic Writing 80. History of Bookkeeping and Sumerian Term "shubati" 81. Sumerian "danna" and Akkadian "beru" 82. Dilmun, Paradise, Bahrain, Eridu, Enki 83. How Reliable Is John M. Allegro? 84. Definite Article in Sumerian? 85. Which Style of Cuneiform to Learn? Copyright Notice _________________________________________________________________ Return to Sumerian language page. _________________________________________________________________ 1. Hebrew and Sumerian >Is Hebrew a daughter language of Sumerian? No. Hebrew belongs to the Afro-Asiatic language family. Sumerian is a different language family. >How different are the following languages. Akkadian, Phoenician, Egyptian >It is believed that Jesus (on the cross) said, Eli eli lama shabatani ( I >think this to be Aramaic) in Hebrew it would be Eli Eli lama azaftani, >consequently could I assume that Hebrew is a branch of Aramaic.? The languages mentioned are all sister languages, spoken simultaneously in different places. Egyptian is related to Semitic languages such as Akkadian, Aramaic, Hebrew, and Phoenician. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 2. Permission to Use Cuneiform Writing Sample >i am working on an old testament commentary & i would like to include a >sample illustration of cuneiform script. i was wondering if i might be able >to use the sample sumerian proverb at url >http://www.sumerian.org/proverbs.htm Sure, that is just a scan of a page in Gordon's book on Sumerian Proverbs, and it did not have a copyright notice on it. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 3. Timeline of Mesopotamian History > I am a student who studies at [snip]. I've recently been given >a task to research for a timeline based on Mesopotamia in my history >class. Since I am new to the net, I need some help from u. Could u pls >suggest me good sites for timelines based on Mespotamia? Look at the bottom of the Mesopotamia links on my links page, for a site called A Chronology of the Ancient Near East. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 4. Sumerian Version, Biblical Story of Job >Any idea where I might find a copy of the story, legend of the >Sumerian Job? thanks. Samuel Noah Kramer translated a text that he described as a Sumerian Job text starting on page 127 of his book The Sumerians, Their History, Culture, and Character, 1963. I do not know where the cuneiform text or its transliteration was published or even its museum number. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 5. Sumerian True Type Font >I love your Sumerian page. By chance do you have a Sumerian True Type Font? >If so, where did you acquire it? I don't think that you got to the bottom of the overview page, where it says that the downloadable Winword file archive includes a Sumerian TrueType Font, which I created deliberately with no copyright notice. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 6. "pukku" and "mekku" in Gilgamesh >I have read a Swedish translation of the Gilgamesh epos published in >1965. In the 12th tablet Gilgamesh makes and loses a tambukku and a >mikkû (the diacritic sign of the last letter should be turned upside >down, but I cannot get it correct). The translator remarks that it is >unknown what these things are; they are probably instruments or weapons. >Do you know whether scholars have been able to establish the meaning of >these words? I read the Sumerian version of Gilgamesh and Enkidu going down to the underworld at UCLA last spring with Dr. Englund. We understood the terms to be pukku and mekku and, while it is not completely certain, that they involve a stick and ball or stick and hoop, with which the young men played in a game in the central street, at which it was rather important to win, for some ritualistic or other social reason. It sounded as if at sunset they left the ball or hoop in position, and resumed the next day. Wolfram von Soden's Akkadisches Handworterbuch has a different point of view from that of Benno Landsberger, who is primarily responsible for the view above. He translates pukku(m) as 'drum' and mekku as 'clapper' or 'drumstick'. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 7. Sumerian Language ba- Prefix >I am trying to study the Sumerian language. >So far I know about two main views about the prefix ba-: 1. reflexive, >medial or passive ("used when there is no transitive subject", as you >have written in the LSL) and 2. like bi- , expressing a simultaneous, >logically connected or finished "perfektivisch" process (if I have got >Victor Christian, Bertraege zur Sumerische Grammatik correctly). But >this is an old book (from the 1950's, the only one available in >Bulgaria). I've got the impression that Thomsen's The Sumerian Language >is "currently the standard text" , expressing the most modern views >about Sumerian. However, I don't have the book and can't get it for now. >So could you please tell me which one of these two views is defended in >Thomsen's and if neither of them - what? Thomsen, page 179: "/mu-/ is preferred with animate and agentive subjects, that means that /mu-/ occurs mostly in transitive forms. "/ba-/ is preferred when the subject is inanimate and/or non-agentive, i.e. most often in intransitive/one-participant verbal forms." /bi-/ has been claimed to have locative-terminative force as opposed to purely locative force for /ba-/, but Thomsen says on p. 184, that it "is most probably not automatically employed for the reason of concord with a loc.-term. or loc. noun, but it rather serves the semantic differentiation of the verb. It seems to be used with certain verbs or in a specific sense of the verb...." Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 8. Sumerian Eden? >I was wondering if you could answer a question for me. I have read somewhere >that the name "Eden" was a Sumerian word. I would have thought it was a >Hebrew word, but then again, I don't know the relationship of the Sumerian >language and the Hebrew language. > >At any rate, if Eden, Adam, and/or Eve are Sumerian words, would you >please tell me if they have a translation/meaning? EDIN is a Sumerian word, but it refers to the steppe land between the two rivers, where the herd animals grazed. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 9. Hungarian and Sumerian >I am trying to identify the modern and archaic Hungarian words which >have their alleged origin from the Sumerian logograms on your site. > >I would like to publish (a set of) web page(s) of my comparisons. I >cannot claim to be a professional linguist so my work will have faults >and mistakes. The pages will simply have the logogram and its meaning >together with the Hungarian words which I believe 'evolved' out of the >Sumerian. > >I have already examined a few hundred of the logograms and the results >are interesting. I would like permission to use your information >concerning the Sumerian logograms on my personal web pages at >[snip] Please e-mail to me in advance your proposed use of my material. Have you seen the similar work by Fred Hamori? There is a link to his Ural-Altaic comparison pages in my links page. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 10. Enable Sumerian True Type Font >"When you open the SUMERIAN.DOC file, ensure that at File, >Templates, there is a valid path to the enclosed >SUMERIAN.DOT template file." > >I did all that and added the Sumerian true font file, but it >seems to make no difference, am I doing something wrong. >What should it look like? It should have the tilde over some of the letters g, and it should have the dish under the letter h. Those characters in particular make the special font necessary. Did you go to Start, Settings, Control Panel, Fonts, and select File and Add New Font? When you scroll down in the Fonts listbox, does it show you the Sumerian font? >How kind of you to care. > >I have it working now, thank you. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 11. Development of Cuneiform From Pictographs >Is there another author like Labat that shows >the early development of cuneiform from pictographs and have >his identifications been universally accepted? Labat was a good scholar who worked in the mainstream of Assyriology. His book is not controversial. Other books that you could check out: M.W. Green and H.J. Nissen, Zeichenliste der Archaischen Texte aus Uruk [ZATU] (Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in Uruk-Warka, 11; Archaische Texte aus Uruk, 2); Berlin 1987. P. Steinkeller, review of M.W. Green and H.J. Nissen, Bibliotheca Orientalis 52 (1995), pp. 689-713. R. K. Englund & J.-P. Grégoire, The Proto-Cuneiform Texts from Jemdet Nasr, Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin, 1991. A. Deimel, Die Inschriften von Fara I: Liste der archaischen Keilschriftzeichen, WVDOG 40, Leipzig 1922. Y. Rosengarten, Répertoire commenté des signes présargoniques sumériens de Lagas, Éditions E. de Boccard, Paris, 1967. K. Volk, A Sumerian Reader, vol. 18 in Studia Pohl: Series Maior; Rome 1997 (this practical, inexpensive book includes a nice, though incomplete, sign-list). Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 12. Sumerian Word for Venus >What is the sumerian word for venus? Most often, Venus as a planet is called Ninanna, the lady of heaven. But Inanna, Sumer's most popular goddess, who had many functions, was identified with the planet Venus, both as the war-like morning star and as the love goddess evening star. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 13. Sumerian Alphabet? > I am trying to find a Sumerian alphabet. Does one exist? Or is it all >symbols meaning whole words. If you can help me or direct me to a web site >that can help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanking you in advance, When the Sumerians invented their writing system around 5400 years ago, it was a pictographic and ideographic system like the Chinese, and as you know, the Chinese have over a thousand characters to their writing, so it is not alphabetic. At my web site you can order the book, A Manual of Sumerian Grammar and Texts, by John L. Hayes which will introduce you to the Sumerian writing. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 14. Sumerian "mashkim" as Demons? >Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Sumerian word "Maskim" mean one of >seven demons that were said to devour blood at night. If or if not, could you >possibly tell me a little about these demons? Possibly the later Babylonians used the word in this way, by which time Sumerian had been dead as a spoken language for centuries. When the language was spoken, mashkim meant "inspector, monitor, sheriff, commissioner". Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 15. Zecharia Sitchen; Sumerian Language Suppressed? >Zecharia Sitchen translates Sumerian and writes extreme thought provoking ideas. >I have read all his works, and have read others opinions of his >translations and conclusions, but not another scholar on Sumerian >language. What do you make of his translations and conclusions, I am too >old to learn Sumerian as I am still learning English. You know the saying, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing? When looking at early materials, it really helps if you know what their writings meant in the context of their culture, which Sitchen neither knows nor cares about. >One more question. >How could Sumerian not be related to any other language? It was my >understanding that there was a commonality with all spoken languages. What is the source of your information? And whatever your source is, how could he or she know that? >Sitchen's books answer a lot of >questions, and of course, raise many others. Still, looking at the >Sumerian religious beliefs, and knowing how civilized they were, why >wouldn't their religion be the most mainstream? I read that there are >many untranslated Sumerian texts, and that there are many hundreds still >in museums unnoticed in basements, how was this knowledge suppressed? >Why are we now just reading about the Sumerians? The Church takes some >blame, but what of the scientist and linguist? How was it so long ignored? Not everything is a conspiracy. The Sumerian language was actually remembered in Mesopotamia for 2,000 years after it stopped being spoken. But the Greeks did not know about it, so the existence of the Sumerians was forgotten. The latest cuneiform clay tablet to be dated astronomically was written in the late 1st century A.D. Scholars have been trying to figure out the Sumerian language for about 140 years now. You can find some good introductory books by Samuel Noah Kramer at an on-line bookseller. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 16. Hebrew ELOHIM >Does the hebrew word ELOHIM have sumerian origins? There is an Afro-Asiatic root `ilay, which means 'to be high'. In Semitic and Hebrew, it manifests as elow, which is probably the origin of elohim, 'gods'. So the answer is no, the word does not have Sumerian origins. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 17. Sumerian Proverbs Page >I was very pleased to see your page on Sumerian. I'm currently building >proverb pages at http://cogweb.english.ucsb.edu/Discourse and wondered if >you had trouble uploading the proverb page at >http://www.sumerian.org/proverbs.htm or if it is simply >under construction. >Your page of Sumerian proverbs at http://www.sumerian.org/proverbs.htm is >unfortunately truncated; it looks like the upload process was interrupted. >Your readers would very much appreciate a full version! Sorry there aren't more proverbs there, but it is intended more as an illustration of Sumerian writing and language than as a list of proverbs. To understand why it ends the way that it does, you have to try clicking on some of the signs in the graphic - different parts of the graphic are mapped to hidden labels for each Sumerian word on its own line. The page was in the nature of an exercise for me to demonstrate a sample of cuneiform writing and Sumerian sentences to a curious public. If you are interested in Sumerian proverbs, Bendt Alster has published a comprehensive, authoritative book in 2 volumes, Proverbs of Ancient Sumer, 1997, available from Eisenbraun's, to which there is a link at my links page. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 18. Sumerian Audio File? >Dear sirs, navigating I came about your pages in the net. Actually what >I need to find is an audio file for sumerian and ancient egyptian languages, >are there any? >could you give your advise. Order the CMAA audio tape of the Joan Goodnick Westenholz lecture, Enheduanna: Princess, Priestess, Poetess, from May 10, 1999 in which the lecturer read quite a bit of Sumerian, tape WAW99-2 in the California Museum of Ancient Art audiotape catalog. There is also a link at my links page of brief Sumerian and possibly Egyptian greetings from the Voyager spacecraft record. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 19. "The Sumerian Problem" >I was just wondering what your take on "the Sumerian problem" was. I am in a >class at NC State on Civilizations of the Ancient near East and I have been >trying to gather opinions on the so-called Sumerian problem. I have read >through Tom Jones' book the Sumerian problem and am frankly stumped. There is >evidence to suggest that they were indigenous to the area and there is also >evidence to suggest some outside influence...even a migration, perhaps from >the Indus Valley. I think that the Sumerian 'problem' is an illusion. The Sumerian lexicon indicates continuity within Mesopotamia and then coexistence with the Akkadians. The map at my web site shows you what I think about the origin of the Sumerians. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 20. The Deity Ningishzida >Isn't the word Ningishzida a sumerian word for the serpent-god??? >Please enlighten me. Ningishzida was a guardian of the door to the underworld who has a horned snake as his symbol. He appears to have been associated with trees, fertility, and snakes. Thorkild Jacobsen wrote that the roots of the tree draw nourishment from deep underground and have the appearance of entwining snakes. >I do appreciate the information. Is Ningishzida a Sumerian word?? Yes, it means lord of the good tree (or faithful tool). Sometimes there is some interplay between the word for tree and the word for penis, so he could be a god of fertility also. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 21. Organization of the Sumerian Lexicon >A very basic question/complaint: why not give the Akkadian translations as >well? I realize of course that not every student of Sumerian knows Akkadian; >and that your emphasis is on Sumerian; and rightly so. Nonetheless, in my >opinion a strong case for including the Akkadian translations would be that >one can gain access to a much wider range of meaning, and therefore a >more precise understanding of the Sumerian word's specific meaning(s), >by looking up the Akkadian translations in AHw or CAD. I would be unnecessarily duplicating the information that is now available at the ISL/Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary web site, which recently added complete cross references to the AHw. There is a link at my web site. Give that a try. You will see that there can be 20 Akkadian words that correspond to a single Sumerian word. There is not a one-to-one mapping between the two languages. What you want is a Sumerian-Akkadian lexicon, equal in size to the Sumerian-English lexicon. >And, finally, it might be helpful, in the introduction, to explain how the >CVC words are alphabetized. I think I have it figured out, but I don't >understand the reasoning behind it. Since the lexical material is presented in a single document that can be scanned, instead of via a look-up database, the method of sorting by the final consonants allows words with related meanings and forms to often be listed adjacently, e.g., gub3, hab, and hub2 are related words that are listed next to one another. >But, with these remarks, I don't intend to criticize. You've presented an >impressive piece of work and an admirable way of 'publishing' it. I will be >using it and, though silently, thanking you for it! Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 22. Cuneiform Symbols in Sumerian Lexicon? >I have downloaded you Sumerian Lexicon as a Word for Windows 6.0 version. I >am able to view the document, but cannot see cuneiform symbols. The symbols >seem to appear as our regular alphabet but with various accent marks etc. > >I was able to load the TrueType Sumerian font into windows and I made sure >that the template had a correct path to the Sumerian.dot file. The Sumerian true type font is needed for specialized transliteration symbols, such as the g with the tilde over it and the h with the dish under it. It would take many more than the 256 spaces available in a true type font to display cuneiform. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 23. Poetry to Woo a Sumerian Girl? > Dear John, What a beginning, eh? Without great ignorance, I've just >begun a relationship with a beautiful, young Sumerian girl and would love >to show some devotion to her heritage. I wished to make a prose in her >native language (I, obviously have no idea of the Sumerian tongue) and >ventured into your site. I (honestly) was looking for a quick fix, but am >willing to make the grade. Without getting into ancient texts, is there >any such poetry I may find upon the net or in the local library, which >will include beautiful prose? I ask this in all humble nature. She is putting you on. There have been no Sumerians for almost 4,000 years. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 24. Translate Sumerian Alphabet? >hello, i need to translate the sumerian >alphabet to english alphabet letter please help me . The Greeks invented the alphabet long after Sumerian had ceased to be a living language. Sumerian writing did not use an alphabet. Sumerian writing started with pictographs and progressed to ideographs and logographs. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 25. Letters of Sumerian Alphabet? > Can you give me the main letters of the alphabet? Thanks, this is for a >project. The Sumerians did not have an alphabet. They wrote with pictograms in a manner similar to the Chinese. At my links page you will find a link to the Signs of Old Sumerian. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 26. Importance of Sumerian Invention of Cuneiform Writing >1. Do you think the invention of Sumerian Cuneiform was a major turning point >in history? Why? Yes, for the same reasons that A&E Biography put Gutenberg at the top of its list of the most important 100 people of the last millenium. >2. How was Sumerian cuneiform a big influence and building block for the written >language over time? Writing on clay was an inexpensive yet permanent way of recording transactions. The fact that the Sumerians shared their land with Semitic-speaking Akkadians was important because the Akkadians had to turn the Sumerian logographic writing into phonetic syllabic writing in order to use cuneiform to represent phonetically the spoken words of the Akkadian language. >3. How was Sumerian cuneiform tracked through other cultures as they developed >their own written language? The cultural influence of the Sumerians upon later Mesopotamian peoples was enormous. Cuneiform writing has been found at Amarna in Egypt, in the form of an alphabet at Ugarit, and among the Hittites who used it to render their own Indo-European language. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 27. Sumer, Not Sumeria >Thank you for the proverbs and the cuneiform writing. I teach 6th grade >social studies and we are presently doing Sumeria. This was interesting to >read and I will share the site with my students. Thank you. You will help your students by teaching them that the country is called Sumer, not Sumeria. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 28. Could Sumerian "ur" Mean Ox or Cow? >I'm very much interested in things Sumerian and enjoying your Sumerian >Language page. >Your page suggests that the word Ur means dog or other carnivorous >animal.The other day, I enjoyed talking with Mr. [snip],who is a >friendly acquaintance of mine and also a writer, He insisted that the >Sumerian word Ur means ox or cow according to his own source. I insisted >the word definitely denotes dog !! So, I would appreciate it if you >would give me a kind explanation which is right. Is there any >possibility that the word means ox or cow ? He is now planning to write >on Sumer and other ancient civilizations, and he also would like to know >the true meaning of the word. Please help him !! Thank you very much for >your kind advice in advance. There is no possibility that ur means ox or cow. Previously, there was no complete modern lexicon of Sumerian available, so it was possible for proponents of different theories relating Sumerian to this or that language family to quote mangled definitions of Sumerian words and no one would know any better. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 29. Pronunciation and Meaning of Sumerian Words >I have a question for you; I am a student of languages interested in >Sumerian. How do people who translate Sumerian cuneiform know how the >words were pronounced? Certain Sumerian cuneiform signs began to be used to represent phonetic syllables in order to write the unrelated Akkadian language, whose pronunciation is known from being a member of the Semitic language family. We have a lot of phonetically written Akkadian starting from the time of Sargon the Great (2300 B.C.). These phonetic syllable signs also occur as glosses indicating the pronunciation of Sumerian words in the lexical lists from the Old Babylonian period. This gives us the pronunciation of most Sumerian words. Admittedly the 20th century saw scholars revise their initial pronunciation of some signs and names, a situation that was not helped by the polyphony of many Sumerian ideographs. To the extent that Sumerian uses the same sounds as Semitic Akkadian, then, we know how Sumerian was pronounced. Some texts use syllabic spelling, instead of logograms, for Sumerian words. Words and names with unusual sounds that were in Sumerian but not in the Semitic Akkadian language can have variant spellings both in Akkadian texts and in texts written in other languages; these variants have given us clues to the nature of the non-Semitic sounds in Sumerian. >For that matter, how do you know what the words >mean besides referring to Sumerian/Assyrian bilingual dictionaries? In fact, bilingual Sumerian-Akkadian dictionaries and bilingual religious hymns are the most important source for arriving at the meaning of Sumerian words. But sometimes the scholar who studies enough tablets, such as the accounting tablets, learns in a more precise way to what a particular term refers, since the corresponding term in Akkadian may be very general. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 30. Is Sumerian the Earliest Written Language? >i am doing some research, and was wondering if you knew of the earliest known >written language. is there anything known to exist before the egyptians, >sumerians, or mesopotamians? The Sumerians were the first to write spoken language. The report that writing in Egypt is older than in Sumer is based on archaeologists in Egypt who use calibrated Carbon-14 dating, whereas Sumerologists are a conservative lot who keep quoting the conventional 3100 B.C. date for the invention of writing, when it should be 3400 B.C. according to calibrated C-14 dates. The last major overview dealing with Mesopotamia as a whole that I know of which collected the various calibrated C-14 dates was that by Mellaart in Antiquity 53 (1979), with important comments in Antiquity 54 (1980) - these comments acknowledged that the extremely high Mesopotamian chronology that resulted should be reduced by an average 100 years due to calibrated dates for wood/timber being too high by that average. The end result was still to support a high chronology rather than a middle chronology, especially for the transition between Uruk IV and Uruk III (AKA Jemdet Nasr). This transition appears to have occurred around 3300 BC using calibrated dates with the 100 year reduction. You will also find pictures and discussion of a repertoire of symbols in Marija Gimbutas' publications on 'Old Europe', predating Sumerian. But the Vinca culture 'writing' appears more to have been tribal or family heraldic emblems like tatoos, found engraved on pots, with no indication that it represented the words of spoken language. For so-called writing before the Sumerians, check out works by Alexander Marshack on calendar type markings (Stone Age Europe) and Marija Gimbutas on the Vinca culture writing (Neolithic Europe). Despite such precursors though, it is clear that Sumerian writing was the first in which there was a correspondence between the words of the spoken language and the written symbols. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 31. Preflood Mythology - Ziusudra, the Sumerian Noah >Could you give me any information on sumerian mythology relating to preflood >times on the earth. This would be of great help to me. Thank you very much. A search at http://www.google.com for Ziusudra turns up 1,420 documents. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 32. How to Interpret "dirig-...-she"? >i am very interested about the sumerian language, i >have been reading the Sumerian Lexicon and much other sumerian >related-topics. Now, i was wondering if you could fill a doubt of mine. In >the lexicon i read the sumerian word for "beyond" is "dirig-...-se" , and i >do not understand what the middle space with >the 3 points means. If it isn't much trouble could you explain me why is >that or give me another sumerian word for "beyond". The dots substitute for the noun that is there in actual speech. So if you say, dirig-kur-s^e, you are saying 'beyond those mountains'. The kur-s^e in this case indicates 'those mountains there within view', so the speaker says 'exceeding or greater than those mountains there'. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 33. The Planet Nibiru >I am writing a paper on God, for a philosophy class. I am trying to prove >that the creation story is a story about the birth of an individual, each and >every one of us are our own God. I have read all of Zecharia Sitchin's books >and believe that what he wrote could be true, but I believe that the physical >world is only a reflection of our collective inner or spiritual world. I am >curious of how you would translate - Nibiru. I have used your dictionary and >some other ones and Sitchin translates it as "The Planet of crossing". I get >the planet or body part but not the crossing. I think that maybe it has >something to do with a lessening of the physical to equal the spiritual. >Could that be plausible? The Sumerians were smart about ethical and practical concerns, but I don't think that they were as abstract as you are being. Neberu is an Akkadian word, not a Sumerian word. It referred to a river crossing, ford, or a ferry (boat). The city of Nippur was probably located at such a spot. The planet Jupiter, which we know was later called Neberu, belonged to the chief deity in the Babylonian pantheon, Marduk. We don't have proof, but earlier it may have belonged to the Sumerian Enlil, the temple god of Nippur and chief deity in the Sumerian pantheon. There is a possibility that Neberu also referred to the North Star. The Sumerians tended to project what they knew on earth onto the heavens. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 34. Zechariah Sitchin and Extraterrestrials >I am attempting to find an expert in the Sumerian language who can >verify or debunk Zechariah Sitchin's claims of Sumerian translation. As >far as I can tell, no one with a scholarly and reputable background has >ever verified or denied his claims. >His eight books on the subject of the Annunaki have gone unchallenged >for years. If you are unfamiliar with his works, it is his contention >that sumerian texts verify that the human race was genetically altered >to service a superior extraterrestrial race called the annunaki. >Can you verify or refute these claims? >Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am very familiar with the Sumerian language and culture. There is nothing extraterrestrial about it. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 35. Name of Sumerian Religion? >what was the name of the sumerian religion You mean, like Southern Baptists or Roman Catholics? The Sumerians did not have a word for religion, because worshipping the gods at their temples was basic to their existence. As you can imagine, it is difficult to have a name for their religion, when they don't even have a word for religion. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 36. The Sumerian People >I would like to ask you a question concerning the sumerian people. First , were >they indoeuropeen I believe that the proto-Sumerian language predates the proto-Indoeuropean language. > and second, were they blonde people with nordic white skin. Probably not. They described themselves as the black-headed people and the book by Cavalli-Sforza et al., The History and Geography of Human Genes, suggests that their modern day descendants are the people of Kuwait. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 37. Meaning of Sumer? >I just wanted to know what the word Sumer itself means >in the Sumerian language. Could you kindly let me know ? It is not known why the Akkadians called the southern land Shumeru. The Sumerians called it ki-en-gir15 ('place of the civilized lords'). The etymology of the Akkadian term is unknown. It could possibly be a dialectal pronunciation of the Sumerian word kiengir. This possibility is suggested by the Emesal dialect form 'dimmer' for the word 'dingir'. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 38. Sumerian Speech from Buffy the Vampire Slayer >This is probably going to sound really strange to you, but ... >I was watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer on TV and they said something >in Sumerian. I wanted to know what they said so I hopped onto the net to >see what I could find. >I found someone else who was trying to find out what it meant and I found >your dictionary site. I looked through your site, but wasn't too successful as >I have no knowledge of the language at all. I was hoping you might be able >to translate it for me. >The other person who was trying to get a translation wrote the Sumerian >as follows: >Sha me-en-den 'we are heart' >Gesh-toog me-en-den 'we are mind' >Zee me-en-den 'we are spirit' >Oo-kush-ta me-ool-lee-a ba-ab-tum-mu-de-en 'from the raging storm we bring the power of the primeval one' >Im-a sheg-ab. 'heat/boil the wind' Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 39. Sumerian Planet Names >Yesterday, I came across the following words which are supposed to >be the Sumerian names of the planets: >Udu-idim-gu-ud = Mercury >Nin-si4-an-na = Venus 'lady of the rosy dawn' >Si-mu-ud = Mars 'dark or bloody horns/rays' is the probable translation, but unlike the others, I don't recall actually seeing this term used. Can you tell me where this term occurs? >Mul-sag-me-gar = Jupiter sag-me = mesu II = 'cult, rites' and gar = 'to establish', but it is usually written SAG-ME-GAR to show that we are not sure of the pronunciation, because it was also a logogram for Neberu, which calls to mind Nippur, the Sumerian's cult center. >Udu-idim-sag-us = Saturn >Of these 'gu-ud' means of course 'gu4-ud' (=bull of sun) and 'sag-us' is >of course 'sag-us2' (=steady star), 'mul' is 'star' but I'm not sure about the rest. >Would you be so kind as to point out the correct rendering of the five words? udu-idim is 'wild sheep'. We have no textual gloss or actual evidence that the signs were read this way, instead of udu-bad, which, meaning 'dead sheep', would refer to the planets as omens, but Benno Landsberger with his extensive knowledge of Sumerian deduced that this is the most probable reading. From the other meanings of gu4-ud I would infer that the Sumerians themselves knew the planet Mercury, and I may have seen nin-si4-an-na in a Sumerian textual context, but the other names only occur in later contexts, so I don't know how early they were invented and applied. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 40. Who Were the Sumerians? >Is it possible that you could give more details concerning the Sumerians? Who >are they? Where did they come from? >I must admit that I have never heard of this race and I am eager to learn more. There are some excellent books out there. My favorite introduction is by Samuel Noah Kramer, called History Begins at Sumer: Thirty-Nine Firsts in Man's Recorded History. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 41. Annotated Version of Lexicon? > I've just had a look at your site. It's a very impressive compilation. >I'm wondering whether you have produced an annotated version of your >lexicon, with references to the source-bibliography you list on your page? >Such a version would be a very useful tool for scholarship. I'd be very >interested to know whether one is in development or currently available. No, that would have taken twice as long. If you look at Santag 5, A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian, it doesn't have such references either. The searchable PSD index has most of the source references. And it is very helpful how it now indexes all of the Sumerian references in the AHw. After you trace down all the PSD index references for a word, though, don't be surprised if you end up with basically the same range of meanings that are given in my version 3 lexicon. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 42. Origin of Picture of Counting Tokens >I would like to use the pictures of the counting tokens that you used in your >site (http://www.sumerian.org/tokens.htm) in a piece that I'm working on. > >Since I need to print what I'm designing, I need higher resolution pictures. >Could you please do me the favor of telling me where you got the originals? >Do you own them or high res. versions of them? I paid the Louvre museum for black and white photographs back in the 1980s. I am not sure where the package with that photograph is right now. I went through a library department at UC Berkeley that obtains things like that - you could do the same. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 43. Another Translation into Sumerian >I've been doing this project where I've been translating the song Twiggy >Twiggy into any language I can. I was trying to use your dictionary to make a >Sumerian version but I'm not finding all the words I need and I think there >may be tricks to it that I'm not aware of. The first 2 lines came out "ñe za >es dana/ni ñe gul-lum" (I waited three hours/along with my cat) and then the >next line I couldn't do because there doesn't seem to be a word that means >'wearing'. If you're interested in helping with a translation, the song goes: > >I waited for three hours along with my cat es danna-am3 su-a-gu10-da mu-da-tush Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 44. Vowels in Sumerian Writing? >Did the sumerians have vowels in their writings? Yes. Some of the Sumerian ideograms gradually became used as syllabograms, which included the vowel indications. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 45. Did Sumerian Have Vowel Harmony? > In your opinion, is that possible that the sumerians had vowel harmony >in their language? Very definitely the Sumerians had vowel harmony. Here is the entry for zabar, the Sumerian word for the metal bronze. zabar[UD.KA.BAR]: bronze (zil; zi; zé, 'to pare, cut', + bar6, 'bright, white'; Akk. siparrum, 'bronze' borrowed before vowel harmony changed Sumerian word; cf., barzil, 'iron') [ZABAR archaic frequency: 1]. It shows the transformation zilbar > zibar > zabar. According to David Crystal's Dictionary of Language and Languages, Turkish and Hungarian are examples of languages that display harmony as a systematic feature of their sound system. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 46. Sumerians Live During or Before the Time of Biblical Moses? >I am interested to know if Sumerian were exist as a people either during the >time of Moses or before? The Sumerians flourished before the time of Moses, who lived in the middle of the second millenium B.C.E. The Sumerian language ceased to be spoken before the time of Moses. In the book of Genesis 11:2, the Bible sets the story of the tower of Babel in the land of Shinar, which is how the Hebrews wrote Sumer. Shinar is also briefly mentioned in the Bible at Genesis 14:1, Isaiah 11:11, Zechariah 5:11, and Daniel 1:2. In Genesis 11:28-31, the Bible describes how Abraham, the putative ancestor of Moses and all Hebrews, was a native of the Sumerian city of Ur. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 47. Different Dialects? - Text Partially in Sumerian >I was wondering whether or not there were different dialects to Sumerian? >I have read what I thought to be some Sumerian text and a lot of the words that >I was interested in translating into English are not found in your lexicon and others. >"DINGIR UD KALAMA SINIKU" The first three words are Sumerian ideograms, and the fourth word is Akkadian. So it is Akkadian and the reader would have substituted the Akkadian words for the Sumerian ideograms, such as elu shamash matu, god sun land. I don't know Akkadian that well, but sanaku means 'to come near, approach'. The Sun god approached the land ? There is the EME-SAL dialect, or women's dialect, which has some vocabulary that is different from the standard EME-GIR dialect that is in my lexicon. Thomsen includes a list of eme-sal vocabulary in her Sumerian Language book. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 48. Where Does One Learn Sumerian? >How's it going? I know this is a long shot, but do you know of any school or >place that teaches one how to speak Sumerian? Thanks for your time. Where do you live? You can search the e-mail addresses of Assyriologists - I have a link to them at my links page. See at what universities they teach. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 49. What is the Relation of Sumerian to Other Language Families? >I have a question: is Sumerian related with the Ural Altaic languages, >or with the Indo European languages? > >Doesn't there exist any relation between Sumerian and the semitic >language family? There appears to be some slight relation between Sumerian and both Ural-Altaic and Indo-European. This may just be due to having evolved in the same northeast Fertile Crescent linguistic area. I don't see any connection at all between Sumerian and Semitic. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 50. Sumerian Money >During my rather cursory examination of your impressive >work, I ran across several terms which could be construed >as economic units of measure; gur, a unit of volume roughly >equal to 26 bushels, kug or ku, silver or money, and gin or >gig, a small axe head used as money roughly equal to a shekel. >Did the Sumerians have a common unit of economic exchange > at 2400 to 2300 BC and, if so, what was it? Our documentation is much better for the Ur III period starting 2100 BC than for the Old Sumerian Ur II, Girsu/Lagash/Adab period that you mention. From the Ur III period we have tablets from different places and times that give the silver equivalents of different quantities of different commodities. For the period that you mention, I know that there were standardized weights and measures, although they were slightly different from the later period. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 51. The Greatest Sumerian Ruler? >i am a current student in 9th grade. i am doing an in depth research paper. >and i was wondering if u knew who the greatest ruler was of the sumerians????? That would probably be King Shulgi of the Third Dynasty of Ur. He reigned for 47 years during a time of great prosperity, from 2094 to 2047 B.C. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 52. Vinca Culture Writing - Tartaria Tablets in Romania >What explanation can be given to the fact that three clay tablets >containing sumerian pictographs made with local clay , but 1000 years >older than the oldest tablets found in Mesopotamia , are found in a region >where the surrounding cities have sumerian names , URASTIE , >SIMERIA ; KUGIR ? Is it possible that sumerian groups have migrated >as far north as the western Rumania ? It probably was the case that some early Sumerian-speakers from the Samarra culture made their way north instead of south. The words that you quote do use the same combination of consonants and vowels as Sumerian, but I would also see if you can derive them from simpler Sumerian words, as is possible with the actual Sumerian lexicon. Have you visited Fred Hamori's web site which makes many comparisons of Sumerian to Uralic and Altaic vocabulary? There is a link to it near the bottom of my mesopotamian links. Do dictionaries of Romanian include scholarly etymologies for the words, as dictionaries of English do? I am familiar with the Vinca culture 'writing', discussed by Marija Gimbutas in her books and the subject of a 1973 UCLA doctoral dissertation by Milton McChesney Winn. There were about 200 symbols used by the Southeast Europe Chalcolithic civilization. But just like the Indus culture script, they mainly occur on pottery. Personally, I believe that they are heraldic family emblems, and not attempts to render speech in written signs. They are not the same as Sumerian writing. > Yes , the Tartaria tablets are included in the "Vinca" culture , and I >am familiar with Maria Gimbutas remarkable work , but I have to disagree >with your conclusion that those three clay tablets "are not sumerian writing" . > I cannot explain the similarities , but the facts are that they contain >pictograms absolutely identical with those found in Djemet-Nasr , they >are carbon dated 1000 years before , and are made of local clay . And >they definitely are clay tablets , no doubt about it , found in a burial place , >and very distinct from the more common pottery symbols found >throughout southeastern Europe , both in function and in form . > The problem is that the inclusion of just these three tablets in the >"Vinca" culture seems , graphically , forced by the >lack of a better explanation , yet another problem being the evident >isolation and distant placement of the tablets from >the rest ( if they indeed belong to a proto-mediterranean culture , >more widespread than it is ascertained today ) . I wrote to an expert on the Jemdet Nasr script. He responded regarding the Tartaria tablets, "There are some graphic similarities, but not so many really, so a discussion of these tablets is not time well spent." Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 53. Sumerian Determinatives > Hello, Mr Halloran. I am in the process of comparing Egyptian and >Sumerian determinatives. I found an Internet source for Egyptian >determinatives. Could you please inform me of any Internet (or otherwise) >source for Sumerian determinatives? There is actually a decent list of determinatives at the Akkadian web site that is at the top of my links list. However, the most complete list that I know of is on pages 152-153 of an inexpensive paperback book from Eisenbrauns by Douglas B. Miller and R. Mark Shipp, An Akkadian Handbook. See also 60. Determinative Before Month Names Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 54. Sumerian Vocabulary from a Woman's Viewpoint >BTW also, I had a little trouble with your definition of the "l" sound. You >stated "tireless producers of abundance, males". (?) That confuses me. I >thought the producers were always the females, and the supervisors were the >males. You have to look at what are the actual Sumerian words that have just this one consonant. E.g., la: abundance, luxury, wealth; youthful freshness and beauty; bliss, happiness; wish, desire [LA archaic frequency: 20; concatenates 4 sign variants]. lá: to penetrate, pierce, force a way into (in order to see); to know; to look after; to have a beard (cf. also, lal) [LA2 archaic frequency: 57]. lu: n., many, much; man, men, people; sheep. v., to be/make numerous, abundant; to multiply; to mix; to graze, pasture (reduplication class [?]) (cf., lug). lú: grown man; male; human being; someone, anyone, no one; gentleman [LU2 archaic frequency: 85]. lù: to disturb, agitate, trouble; to fluster, embarrass; to stir, blend. Males are associated with providing abundance and wealth from the woman's point of view. Don't these associations appear to be from a woman's point of view? I think that a group of women were the original inventors of the Sumerian language. Although it seems like a big deal to us now, when they started it probably seemed to them like they were just playing an exciting new game, assigning different vowels and consonants as an abstract shorthand for things in their world. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 55. Sumerian Words in CAPITAL Letters >BTW, what's the difference between the word you give a definition to, and the >words that are in brackets with capital letters and periods between syllables >after the word? That's a reasonable question. The names in capital letters refer to the particular cuneiform sign, without prejudging how the sign is pronounced. That is the name that Assyriologists have given to the inscribed sign - usually its most common pronunciation. One sign may have several lower-case pronunciations, each of which is a separate word in the spoken language lexicon. The periods separate different signs. Sometimes one word in the spoken language is represented by multiple written signs. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 56. English to Sumerian Dictionary? >I am presently studying Sumerian, and have been using the lexicon on your >website. Do you have, or know where I can find a complete >English-to-Sumerian/Akkadian dictionary, the opposite way around from yours? Just download the lexicon in Word for Windows form and use Word's find function to find a particular English word. Or get the Adobe Acrobat Reader with Search and use that with the PDF file. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 57. Sumerian Origins >Do you think Sumerians are native of Southern Iraq ? >I dont think so, I think they colonized the UBAIDIAN people. Why do you think that? Archaeologists are now saying that Choga Mami ware is transitional between Samarra pottery and Ubaid pottery. This agrees with my belief that mastery of irrigation agriculture is what marked the Sumerians, that they moved down from the middle of Mesopotamia, site of the Samarra culture. The simplest words of Sumerian include words for dikes and channels. >What do you think of their look ? they looked like mongols ? Is that the main reason for your opinion about the Sumerians as late colonizers? What do you think, that the Sumerians came in on horseback? Their language is farming-oriented, not warfare-oriented. The History and Geography of Human Genes by Cavalli-Sforza et al. finds distinctive genes in Kuwait and speculates that Kuwaitis are the genetic descendants of the Sumerians. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 58. Out-of-Print Jacobsen Book >I am looking for an out of print book by Jacobsen. Title: Toward an Image >of Tammuz and other Essays. >Do you have any information on how to buy a copy. I have only seen that out-of-print book in libraries. I don't own a copy. It is an excellent book, full of Thorkild Jacobsen's scholarly articles. If your local university library does not have it, I would visit the Interlibrary Loan Department of your local public library. They can get it for you and then you can photocopy what interests you. This advice applies to getting any out-of-print book. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 59. 'I Love You' in Sumerian >I am trying to find out how to spell "I Love You" as a man would say to a >woman in the following languages but I'm having great difficulty with it. > >Sumerian In Sumerian, you would say, za.e ki-ag2-gu10, which translates as "you are my beloved" It would be pronounced, ze ki angu, where ang is as in English bong or dong. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 60. Determinative Before Month Names >You have worked with this and the notations extensively. They are familiar >to you, but I need a little clarification. > >One entry was as follows ... > >iti(superscripted)BARA-ZA-GAR -- calendar month 1 at Nippur during Ur III. >Note that the example you provided above also included the "iti". > >I was scanning for the word 'month' in the document and each instance >(at least up to the B's) contained the above superscript. What is its >significance? Is it a reference to an article word (such as 'the') that >separates or indicates that the word following is to mean a 'month' and not >one of the other possible meanings? itud, itid, itu, iti, id8; it4, id4: moon; month; moonlight (te, 'to approach, meet', + ud, 'sun'). Yes, certain Sumerian words are written before the noun or name as a 'determinative', such as dingir being written before divine names or lu2 being written before male profession names. iti is the determinative written before month names, so that the reader will know that the sign(s) that follow refer to a month. It is thought that determinatives were not pronounced in speech, but only appear in writing. >The definitional references to the month number and city location and >historic time period I understand. Is the purpose for providing the reference >locations and timings to identify 'where' the particular word for the month >has been encountered written down on a clay tablet? No. As you may notice in the example, the same month name can refer to a different month depending on the city and period. So this information is provided so that the translator who knows where his tablet is from will know which number of month is referenced. >In your studies, have any of the months seemed to be numbered, or the >words that appear to be names of months intimate a numbering sequence? > Example: the language root for the name of month X is the same as >number X (numbers 1 through 12 or 13 only) even though the complete >spellings end up as different. No, I have not seen numerical Sumerian month names. They are usually the names of seasonal festivals that took place in that month. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 61. Sumerian Words in Akkadian and Hebrew >As a linguist, a translator with a excellent background in Hebrew, I found >your monograph utterly fascinating! I can see myself among those people, >beginning to see things differently that they seem, trying to express my feeling, >and pronouncing some vowels and consonants .... Like in a dream, you are >trying to speak and words don't come out, or you speak a language, which >you think is, say, German, but it is not .... > >Several words, or sounds, as you are certainly aware, have lived through the >millenia and entered into Semitic languages, like "uz", a goat, the same as in >Hebrew, or even "ga" milk, "khalav" in Hebrew, and "gala" in Greek. I was >surprised, though, that "ur," does not appear to mean "city" or "town," >as in Chaldean and old Hebrew. That would be: uru(2)(ki), iri, ri2; iri11: city, town, village, district [URU archaic frequency: 101; concatenation of 5 sign variants; UNUG archaic frequency: 206; concatenates 3 sign variants]. which relates to: uru3(-m)[E]: n., watch fire; light; glowing, luminous object. v., to watch, guard; to protect. As for broad-based connections between Sumerian and Afro-Asiatic, I don't see them. I can see how the Sumerians created their vocabulary, and in M.L. Foster's article referenced in the footnotes to my Proto-Sumerian paper she appears to show how the Indo-Europeans created their vocabulary, but I don't know if anyone has determined the logic or pattern according to which the first Afro-Asiatic speakers created the words of their vocabulary. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 62. Teachings of Suruppak to His Son Ziusudra >Sir, according to the book "ATRA-HASIS: The Babylonian >Story of the Flood by lambert & Millard, pg 19... >"A literary work, of which copies contemporary with >those of the King List are extant, professes to be the >teaching of Suruppak to his son Ziusudra. It consists >of admonitions of a quite general kind..." >I'd like to find this record. Do you have any idea of >where this came from. I found no references in the >book to locate this. The bibliography for the Sumerian lexicon at my web site includes the following: B. Alster, The Instructions of Suruppak: A Sumerian Proverb Collection (Mesopotamia: Copenhagen Studies in Assyriology, Vol. 2); Copenhagen 1974. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 63. Sumerian Freedom Tattoo >I recently got the following tattoo on my left shoulder (see the attachment). >According to a company in the USA called Liberty Fund. Inc. This sign was a >Sumarian design motif for the word "freedom" (ama-gi). > >Do you know anything about these motifs and if it actually is Sumarian? >Would it be correct to say it was carved in a wall about 2000 BC? Your information is correct. The term ama(-ar)-gi4 meaning 'freedom' is in my on-line lexicon. The jpg shows the transcribed signs ama and gi4 and yes they are in a form appropriate to 2000 B.C. >Do you have any idea where this motif was found? If you don't know, maybe >you known somebody who does. It is not a motif. It is a word that the Sumerians used both in speech and in writing. The jpg that you sent shows a transcription by a modern scholar. It does not show the actual ancient tablet or inscription that the scholar was looking at. The scholar used an ink pen to make that transcription. The Sumerians used reed styluses to make impressions in clay, so their tablets actually look quite different and are not as easy to read as is a modern scholar's transcription. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 64. Age/Location of Sumerian Vocabulary >In relation to your Sumerian Lexicon 3.0, I'd need to >know of what age/location is it. It would be nice if the lexicon indicated the provenance for which particular words and meanings are attested, but I am just one person and did not have the time to do that. The majority of our texts are from the Ur III and Old Babylonian periods. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 65. Hungarian Roots > after examining your site of Sumerian expressions, would like to ask >you a question: ever heard of Dr Sándor Nagy? Specifically referring to >his publication of "The Forgotten Cradle of the Hungarian Culture"; >(translated by László and Margaret Botos); Patria Publishing Co. Ltd., >Toronto, Canada 1973. > > In that book he promotes the idea that Hungarian language is a >'descendant' of the Sumerian folks who populated the Danube basin prior >to the Magyar conquest in the 9th century. Would appreciate your >opinion. > > I'm supporting a genealogy list of Magyar descendants who are >searching for their roots (speak, read and write Hungarian) and one of >the list member sent me samples of Dr. Nagy's book, which I did not read >- except a few pages - so far. If you look at the map at my web site, you will see that trade routes head north from the Samarra culture sites. Hungarian does appear to share some simple vocabulary, but not the more complex words. Check out Fred Hamori's web page on Ural-Altaic language connections, on my links page, towards the bottom of the Mesopotamia links. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 66. Dilmun, Lemuria, and Sumer > I have recently purchased the book, "Looking for Dilmun" Is that by Geoffrey Bibby? If so, that's a great book. I read that a long time ago. > and while reading it I came across info. on Sumeria A lot of people who should know better call it that. The correct name is Sumer. >....it brought back a book I read >as a young girl...I can't recall the name of it but it intrigued me even >back then...I'm sure it was already out of print, I borrowed it and its >owner was adamant about its return...the book was about an ancient >civilization, I think Sumeria....although also went by another name as I >recall...people could communicate by thought and wrote tablets...I think I >recall people thought it was the lost Atlantis at one time... You are probably thinking about books regarding the hypothetical civilization of Mu or Lemuria, by Col. James Churchward. I read those books too when I was a kid. Of course, there is no place in actual human history for such a civilization. The only recent discovery that could possibly support the disappearance of such a civilization would be the discovery of the caldera volcano of Toba which erupted around 70,000 B.C. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 67. Need Background for Novel that I Am Writing >Thank you very much for answering me. Well, the thing is that my novel >starts in the first part of the summerian civilization, I mean even before >Sargon I and the other ones. > >I speak about several aspects about religion. I already know that they >didn't believe in a life after death, or inclusive that this "life" was >really dark when dead. I want to know the name of the ancient gods, and >specific aspects about their believings in how was suppose to be the life >after death. > >Also if it possible to know some things about the first important cities in >summerian civilization, how were suppose to be the houses, the palaces, the >FOOD, or ANY domestic aspect, I will be VERY VERY pleassed. I am sorry. I am used to answering more specific questions than this. I cannot do the job of educating you. I suggest that you order and study a 1998 novel, Between the Rivers, by Harry Turtledove. This author already did the background research that you describe and it fills his book. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 68. Disputing the Etymology of the Sumerian Word for 'Breast' > Hi: I have looked at your Proto-Sumerian Language Invention Process >web-site again to see what elements would comprise compound words. The >first word in the list is gaba 'breast' (ga 'milk' + ba 'to give'). It is >not my intention to dispute the phonetic form and its meaning because >'milk' can be semantically connected with women's breast and ga + ba seems >to be a convincing combination at first glance. But it isn't so evident if >one looks at the cuneiform signs of ga, ba and gaba. Neither ga or ba can >be detected in the cuneiform sign of gaba which appears to be a unique >individual sign by itself. The spoken words were invented long before the written signs. The inventors of the written signs had learned the spoken words as unbroken phonemic sequences which were no longer analyzed into components. > Could it possibly be that gaba was a neutral >word used both for men and women? Yes, that is what the word became. > In that case milk would have nothing to >do with the appellation, it simply meant part of the human body we call >'chest'. This would be confirmed by the Hungarian kebel 'chest' and old >Turkish gogoz 'chest'. Each o in the Turkish word is marked with dieresis. >A possible common source for the roots gab, keb and gog may not be too >difficult to find. The Sumerian gab is present in the Hungarian male >forenames Gabi and Gabor, also in the surname Kabos (old form Kaba), which >denote barrel-chested individuals. Thus the -a in the Sumerian gaba may be >a suffix that forms adjectives. (Both -a and -os are adjectival suffixes in >the Hungarian language). Are there regular sound-change rules that connect Hungarian 'kebel' with Turkish 'gogoz'? For the root of the Hungarian words, note the root 'kopa II' meaning 'lungs' in Gyula Decsy's book The Uralic Protolanguage: A Comprehensive Reconstruction, Eurolingua, Bloomington, 1990. Turkish belongs to the Altaic language family. The suffix -a forms nouns or participial phrases in Sumerian, so applying your logic, the breast or chest would be the thing that gabs, although Sumerian has no such verb, having hab, 'to stink', and gub, 'to stand'. Personally, I think that the vocabulary of Sumerian is older and more conservative than the vocabulary of Hungarian or Turkish. This would mean that some Hungarian vocabulary could have evolved from an early form of Sumerian. Studies of the rates of lexical change have found that the vocabulary of farming cultures is especially conservative and resistant to change. > It would be interesting to find out if the >'milk' + 'to give' logic was applied by the Sumerians for 'udder'. They >were engaged in animal husbandry, therefore, must have had a word for it. ubur: female breast, teat (ub4, 'cavity', + ir(2), 'liquid secretion'). Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 69. Symbols for Mesopotamian Gods? >I have been trying to find all the symbols for the different gods in >Mesopotamia. I have only found one version of Anu, and I am not sure if >it is correct. Do you know of anywhere I might be able to get this >information? I suggest the paperback book: Gods, Demons, and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia by Black and Green. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 70. Sumerian and Babylonian Holy Days >I am a Pastor seeking information on Sumerian and Babylonian >worship and ceremonies. - Do we have any knowledge of the >actual ceremonies, the sights and sounds that would meet a visitor to an >ancient temple in Sumer and Babylon? > >Especially I am trying to find information on the Shapatu, the holy day >in the middle of every month in the Sumerian and/or Babylonian lunar >calendar. According to my lexicon, it is the origin of the Hebrew Sabbath. >I would like to find out as much as I can about what deity was attached to >this date, and what cermonies and rituals were performed. > >I do not expect you to send me a lenghty thesis on this. But a hip shot >answer from whatever knowledge you may possess would be of great help. >Plus of course a possible reference to written sources on the subject. Here is an entry in the recent book, A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian. shapattu(m), shabattu "15th day of month" OAkk, Bab., OA [UD.15.KAM]; also "period of 15 days, fortnight" The books that you might examine include: Babylonian Menologies and the Semitic Calendar, by Stephen Langdon Cultic Calendars of the Ancient Near East, by Mark E. Cohen Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 71. Yet Another Translation into Sumerian >The reason I'm emailing is with a somewhat lighthearted >research question. I was assigned to write a story about a cat's >travels through various underworlds and afterlifes. In the story, the >cat is cast out of each underworld and into the next by being told, >"Go to hell!" > >He makes a visit to a Sumerian netherworld, and is told (after >wreaking some typically feline destruction), "Go to hell!" So my >question is...how can we represent that statement in Sumerian? > >A quick troll through your paper "The Proto-Sumerian Language >Invention Process" yields "urugal" (the netherworld) and a couple of >verb possibilities (éd, è; i and èd, e11), but I am completely stumped >as to conjugations and declensions, and whether there are any >prepositional equivalents. You could use: urugal-ce3 ba-ra-ed3 where c can be transcribed as sh and you can drop the logogram numbers. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 72. Permission to Use Tokens Picture > Hello John: > I would like to use your picture of sumerian tokens for an article that I >am submitting to [snip]. I am not getting any money for it, and >plan to put your copyright notice on the figure caption along with your >name. Sound OK? The Louvre museum sold me permission to use that photograph about 15 years ago. I think that they retain the rights to it. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 73. How Did Writing Start? >Intuitively, I imagine that the first kind of written language was >pictographic, and that at some point there was a breakthrough in the >discovery of a way of notating the sounds of words. This must sound crude >and laughable to you, given the depth and specialty of your work, however I >am genuinely interested in this, and I want to start with an overview of >written language development worldwide before digging in deeper >Can you help? At an on-line bookseller look either for a book by Denise Schmandt-Besserat or for a book by Robert Englund and Hans Nissen. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 74. Books to Study Day-to-Day Life of Sumerians? >For the past 6 months I have gathered internet >resources, as far as the Sumerian language is >concerned, and wish to know what books you would >suggest for further reading. Due to circumstances, I >do not have the resources to study at college, but >wish to know more about the field of anthropology - >primarily linguistic and cultural. I know of a few >books that would be helpful, but would like to know >more about the grammatical structure and day to day >lives of these people. I would sincerely appreciate >any information you would have to offer. You need to get the Thomsen and Hayes books on Sumerian that I sell - and would need those textbooks even if you did study Sumerian at a university. As far as daily life is concerned, the best books, listed in order of detailed information, are: D.T. Potts, Mesopotamian Civilization: The Material Foundations; Ithaca, New York 1997. D.C. Snell, Ledgers and Prices: Early Mesopotamian Merchant Accounts; New Haven and London 1982. D.C. Snell, Life in the Ancient Near East: 3100-332 B.C.E.; New Haven and London 1997. Thorkild Jacobsen's writings contain much insightful cultural and linguistic speculation about the Sumerians. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 75. Necronomicon; Learning Sumerian >Hello. I'm merely 15 but I'm greatly intrigued with the Assyrians and Sumerians. >This is concerning some Sumerian words from the Lexicon that I'd like to >know about. You stated that Alal means water.....but in Necronomicon it >says Alal means Destroyer. It confused me. Do you know much of anything >about Necronomicon? It was written by Abdul Alhazred (The Mad Arab) in >about the 8th century A.D. Anyway I'd like to know for sure if it had to do >with the Sumerians or not and I figured you may know the answer to that >as well. Is there any way I could buy tapes or books for learning all or >a majority of the Sumerian language? Thanks for your time and patience. >I hope to recieve a reply. Until then.....Farewell and Blessed Be..... My lexicon has alal as 'pipe for making libation offerings to the deceased'. In this way it is associated with death. Are you sure that the Necronomicon is not a modern invention? I would go to http://www.google.com and put in the search words Necronomicon and Author. All I know about it is that it has attracted a number of people with an occult bent to learn Sumerian who would not otherwise. I don't personally own a copy of it. A number of students of Sumerian are starting by ordering the John Hayes book that I sell from my web site. >Alright I understand the whole thing about Alal being associated with Death now. > >I'm pretty sure that Necronomicon isn't a more common invention but I'll >do a little more research to make sure. It says on the back cover that it was >written in the 8th Century A.D. around the area of Damascus by Abdul Alhazred. > >Alhazred was known as a hermit who was very well learned for the times >and bragged about knowing so many languages. He was a philosopher of sorts >as well as an Astronomer. > >That's how I got into Sumerian.....was from Necronomicon. It started out >that I decided I didn't entirely believe in Christianity and somehow I heard >about Necronomicon and decided to buy it and check it out. It seemed to make >more sense to me and I follow the beliefs but I haven't done any of the rituals >or anything because I can't get the items needed. I still read on more religions >though. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 76. Sumerian Tenses? >saw the site--does sumerian have tenses and if so are they past present >future or something else Sumerian had two sets of verbal forms, which the Akkadians called hamtu and maru, "quick, sudden" and "fat, slow". Quoting from the Manual by John L. Hayes, "The difference in function between the two has been interpreted in various ways. It has been argued that the difference was one of tense (past ~ present/future); one of aspect (perfect ~ imperfect); one of Aktionsart (punctual ~ durative, and so on). An explanation in terms of aspect seems to fit the evidence best, and they will be called aspects here." p. 46. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 77. Cuneiform Words? >Does Your Website have any words in Cuneiform? Only what you see on the Proverbs page. Cuneiform refers to a type of writing, not to a language. In the Ancient Near East, different, unrelated languages such as Akkadian, Sumerian, Hittite, and Elamite were written in cuneiform writing. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 78. Letters or Sounds Missing from Sumerian >In studying your list of Sumerian words, the following letters >seem to not be in their alphabet: >c,f,j,o,q,v,w,x,y (although the "x" is there in a different font). >Am I correct? The Sumerians had a syllabary, not an alphabet. They may have had the o sound, but the Akkadians from whom we have our knowledge of Sumerian did not and represented it with the u sound. You are basically correct about the Sumerians not using those sounds. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 79. Sumerian Pictographic Writing >I am looking for any information >on the full Sumerian picture >writing that they used around >3000 bc. If you know of any >websites or books that would >help I'd appreciate it. For information on proto-cuneiform pictographic writing, at my links page, click on Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Also, if you have the patience for the pages to load or you are on a fast connection, check out the link to Old Sumerian Signs copied from Labat. See also 11. Development of Cuneiform From Pictographs Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 80. History of Bookkeeping and Sumerian Term "shubati" >Looking for information about the history of money resp. >the history of bookkeeping, I discovered the interesting >babylonian word "shubati", mentioned in a publication of >'The Banking Law Journal'; What is money? by A. Mitchell >Innes 1913 (*) . Innes translated 'shubati' as "received" >It seems, that this expression 'shubati' appeared very often >on babylonian clay tablets, used as records of economic >transactions. > >I would kindly ask you: Could You let me know Your opinion >resp. Your translation regarding the exact meaning of the word >'shubati'? This Sumerian term is well understood. You will find the verb in question in my Sumerian Lexicon in the compound words section under shu...ti, 'to receive'. shu means 'hand' and ti means 'to approach', so the compound means 'to receive'. ba- is the simplest of the verbal prefixes, used when the subject is inanimate and/or non-agentive (intransitive). Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 81. Sumerian "danna" and Akkadian "beru" >Why can't I find the word beru? Can the word ever signify a "day" or a >"double-day"? That is an Akkadian word. Look in the Sumerian Lexicon under danna in the DAN section. beru is the Akkadian equivalent, translated 'double-hour; league'. Never 'day' or 'double-day'. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 82. Dilmun, Paradise, Bahrain, Eridu, Enki > Thank you for your informative reply. My question pertains to >Dilmun's location. Some records which you certainly know affirm that Dilmun >is "30 beru away" from Mesopotamia itself. I have found reasons for >believing that Dilmun was located in the East Indies, as Dr. Kalyanaraman >argues in some detail in his Sarasvati site. I had responded, "I know of no reason to doubt the traditional Sumerological identification of Dilmun as the island of Bahrain. You will find Dilmun, Magan, and Meluhha all referenced in my lexicon." > You may be right, after all. But it is hard to believe that anyone would >ever equate this region with Paradise. If you want to research this further, the one thing that comes to mind is the Sumerian tradition of the antiquity of the city of Eridu (etymologically, 'city' + 'sweet, good; beautiful; favorable; pleasing; fresh (water)'). The god of Eridu, Enki, was the lord of the sweet underground waters for which Dilmun was reknowned, according to Geoffrey Bibby in The Search for Dilmun. That tradition of Eridu's antiquity combines with the reputation of Enki as having been the Sumerian Prometheus, bringer of the arts of civilization to Sumer. Perhaps the Sumerians saw Bahrain as Enki's natural home and hence as the mother land for Sumerian civilization. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 83. How Reliable Is John M. Allegro? >I've read John M. Allegro's Book "The sacred mushroom and the cross" >and I want to proove his theses for my interpretation of his book. > >Hence I'm not a scientiest for early languages it is quite difficult to >me to proove his interpretation of sumerian words (which are his points of >start for several causally determinations). > >I tried to find equivalents between Allegros sumerian words in your sumerian >lexicon - some fit other not - but maybe I'm not familiar enough to proove >it this way. > >So - if you have a position to John M. Allegro it would be very interest in it. Allegro was not a Sumerologist. Read: http://www.nybooks.com/articles/10583 Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 84. Definite Article in Sumerian? >I thought Sumerian did not have the definite article. You have "a" as the >article. Can you tell me your source. On page 241, Thomsen calls /-a/ the subordination suffix, explaining that this is her preference and that most Sumerologists since Falkenstein have called it the nominalization suffix. John Hayes uses the term 'nominalizer' for .a or /a/ throughout versions 1 and 2 of his book. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ 85. Which Style of Cuneiform to Learn? >I wonder if you could help me out here. I am trying to find a kind of >cuneiform to learn. There seems to be more than one. Which one is the most >common, and which one is the best? Is it Ugaritic, Old Persian, Sumerian >etc.? I am a little confused about why they are different from each other. Cuneiform refers to using reed styluses to render the sounds of the language. They are all descended from Sumerian pictographs. Which signs and styles of writing to learn depend on which spoken language you want to learn. The standard cuneiform signs are usually considered to be those of the late Assyrians, which are good mainly for reading Akkadian language tablets from the first millenium B.C. The library of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, was the first huge library to be discovered, so that is why those are the standard signs. But also the Assyrians were to the Babylonians what the practical-minded Romans were to the Greeks, they organized and standardized the Babylonian signs. The Assyrian signs are the style of cuneiform signs that you will learn from Daniel C. Snell, A Workbook of Cuneiform Signs, available on my Undena Publications order form. Return to questions list. _________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2002-2004 John Alan Halloran, Los Angeles, California. All Rights Reserved. Last modified on March 7, 2004. http://www.sumerian.org/sumerfaq.htm