mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== Saturn Model Saturnthe ancient god and planet, the central luminary of the sky * Why did the first astronomers celebrate the planet Saturn as the first supreme god? * Why did ancient people sacrifice their children to Saturn? * Why was the original Sabbath, the most sacred day of the week, named after Saturn? * Why did ancient nations invoke Saturn as the primeval "sun?" * Why did early astronomies declare that Saturn ruled from the celestial pole? * Why do so many modern religions carry remnants of Saturn worship? Working from a uniquely holistic viewpoint, David Talbott uncovered an amazing story of beauty and terror in ancient times, when the planet Saturn dominated the sky. The psychological wake of this remarkable epoch deeply influenced humanity across several millennia, and countless symbols of this experience surround us even today. First you must realize the great problem in modern humanitys failure to cope with the following puzzles: * The Golden Age followed by Doomsday is a universal memory. Was a time of paradise, known by various names around the world, such as the Garden of Eden or the Isle of Avalon, a historical fact? Did the Golden Age come to a violent end? Could a collective memory of a once literal paradise account for our deep yearning for a better life--a life our ancient ancestors once lived? * Saturn as the once great primordial sun and universal monarch--a huge but stationary body in the sky. * The Celestial Dragon, or Serpent, who attacks the world. What was this biologically impossible monster that was remembered by virtually every culture? Was this dragon moving in the sky a fantasy or a mass hallucination? * The Mother Goddess who appeared in the sky in both a beautiful and frightening form. Why was she associated with the planet Venus by people in all parts of the globe? * The Warrior-Hero who slays the dragon and carries off the beautiful princess. Why did so many ancient cultures identify the warrior-hero with the planet Mars? When scholars confront ancient writings that dont make sense in the world that we experience today, they reserve comment and move on to other "more fruitful" areas of study. That is why the meaning of the ancient Egyptian pyramid texts and other early writings remain a mystery. Saturn Theory The Roman Saturn This research applies new principles of inquiry that yield reliable results, even when the evidence appears nonsensical if viewed in isolation. See Research Method for the principles of reasoning employed in the research. See the video documentary, Remembering the End of the World, for a highly visual rendering of the conclusions and an animated model of the huge planetary forms our ancestors saw in the sky. Next