http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== *The Speed and Direction of the Sun* Empirical science is a mathematical enterprise that has no way to control the accuracy of the terms it uses in its equations, producing a 400 year record of inconsistencies that rates value on how erroneous the equation was (at the center of the shrine stands Newton who "proved" gravity is proportional to matter by assuming that all matter is identical, in short, his equations equate matter to volume, about as erroneous a connection as anyone could make). This has led to the erroneous view of precession that dictates we cannot determine the speed and direction of the sun. According to Kepler, the Earth slows down from the Winter to the Summer Solstice and speeds up from the Summer to the Winter Solstice. See Figure 9. We are mindlessly taught this with the stupidity that because the sun is closer to the Winter Solstice than the Summer Solstice, the sun's gravity causes the sun to speed up in the summer as it starts to fall toward the sun and slow down in the winter when it starts to fall away from the sun. The fact is that the Earth at no time falls toward the sun, but if it did, if the solar system were the race course we are taught it is, then the sun's pull would be equal on the Earth throughout the year. The distances between the solstices and the equinoxes are identical. "X" represents the distances from the Winter Solstice to the equinoxes and "Z" from the Summer Solstice to the equinoxes. If the sun accelerated the Earth, then it would slow down between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal equinox at the same rate that it would speed up between the Autumnal Equinox and the Winter Solstice. The sun would also slow down between the Vernal Equinox and the Summer Solstice at the same rate that it would speed up between the Autumnal Equinox and the Winter Solstice. In each case the rates and distances would be identical for both legs. The result would be the same if the "falling" occurred where it would be physically indicated, between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox and the Summer Solstice and the Autumnal Equinox and the slowing down also occurred where it would be physically indicted, between the Vernal Equinox and the Summer Solstice and the Autumnal Equinox and the Winter Solstice as the mindless theory would really dictate. In short, this business about the planets speeding up and slowing down - look, something the size of the Earth just doesn't speed up and slow down - absurd even to the dumbest of minds, if true, would result in the same speeding up and slowing down, making rate in the formula for how a planet moves around the sun equal, and thus neutral. No matter how you slice it, the Earth is traveling at the same rate between the Winter and the Summer Solstices as it is between the Summer and Winter Solstices. Yet we know that the times are different! It generally takes 181.77 days to go from the Winter Solstice to the Summer Solstice and 183.48 days to go from the Summer Solstice to the Winter Solstice. When there is a time differential, the basic formulae, time equals rate times distance, means that to result in a time differential without a change in rate, then the distances must be different. But science assumes that, with the sun stationary in the center of the solar system, there can't be a change in distances, so it must be a change in rate. How did this come about? How is it that science's exalted mathematics ignores distance as a possibility, and insists that it is the rate that is different even though the rate has to be the same? Tycho Brahe believed the Earth was stationary at the center of the universe. He was the one who measured the time differentials and because he believed the Earth was fixed, he knew they couldn't result from a change in distance. After all, the Earth was stationary. He had no choice but to conclude that the time differentials resulted in a change in rate. Kepler, his assistant, didn't agree that the Earth was motionless at the center of the solar system, but he did believe the sun was motionless so that, upon Brahe's death when Kepler "inherited" the forty years of Brahe's observations, he, himself, was incapable of making, the time differential had to be the result of rate rather than distance. But which God told them the sun was motionless? That's easy. The same secular God that tells today's scientists that the sun is motionless, consensus. Of course, the expanding universe people have the sun moving at half a million miles an hour, give or take three or four thousand mph depending on the school your following. Now, not to make this too long, if the universe were expanding at a half million miles an hour, and our scientists couldn't prove it simply by the motion within the solar system, they are in The Amazing Randy's dimension. The Earth is moving at 67,000 miles per hour. If it were going around a sun traveling at 500,000 miles an hour, it would have to go in excess if 567,000 mph half the year just to keep up, not to mention if everything is expanding, then everything in the solar system would be moving away from each other. Science avoids the fact that everything in the solar system isn't moving away from each other by creating the heliocentric frame, lumping all the matter in the solar system into one unit that expands together without its components expanding. Forgetting the expanding universe business and assuming that Brahe was wrong in discarding distance because he thought the Earth stationary and Kepler was wrong in discarding distance because he thought the sun was motionless, then our formula for time equals rate times distance is not limited to a variable of rate. The difference in time could be either rate, which means the Earth or the sun were motionless, or it could be a difference in distance, which means the Earth or the sun were moving. Here's what mathematics can do if the difference in time is the result of a difference in distance. If the sun is moving in the direction of the Winter Solstice, which of course would cause the Earth to pass the closest at the Winter Solstice, which it does, then the time it takes for the Earth to move from the Winter to the Summer Solstice would be affected by the distance the sun moved in the opposite direction. The motion of the sun therefore shortens the distance the Earth moves between the Winter and Summer Solstices. The time it takes for the Earth to move from the Summer to the Winter Solstice would also be affected. Just as the sun is moving in the opposite direction while the Earth is traveling toward the Summer Solstice, it is moving in the same direction as the Earth when the Earth is moving from the Summer to the Winter Solstice and therefore this distance would be longer than the distance it took for the Earth to move between the Winter and Summer Solstices because the sun, along with the Solstices have been moving forward in the same direction the Earth is moving. The Summer Solstice would also be the furthest point from the sun because it is the furthest point the planets are being dragged behind it, which is the actual measurable situation. When we have something traveling the same speed over identical distances at different times and we know the rate is the same, we have the mathematical tools to determine the rate that is causing the difference, here the speed of the sun. The math can be found at here. The answer is a surprising, at least to me, leisurely 312.576 miles per hour. This is the Precession of the Equinoxes. As the sun moves forward in its orbit, the point of the equinox fixed on the Earth's orbit moves forward with it, and as it does so, the star that was sighted one year is late the next year because it is moving slower. Going back to the question, who determines whether it's rate or distance? No one. Distance isn't even considered because the rate figures were determined by irrefutable laws created four centuries ago by men who were ignorant of reality, a man who believed the Earth was the center of the universe, made computations which were then generalized by the equally convinced Kepler who believed the sun was the stationary center rather than the Earth. RETURN TO PRECESSION *CONTACT *