http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== The Source of Precession The alternative scientific community is ignored, ridiculed and even persecuted by the consensual science community guided only by a few magazine and journal editors with questionable frames of reality. If alternate science wants to get anywhere at all, we had better stop the practice of blindly accepting and building theory on scientific dicta that is received as the gospel truth without knowing the history of the dicta. MOTION IN SPACE To understand precession, we need to have a clear concept of our motion in space. As there is no up or down in space and as stars change their position constantly with respect to the Earth, we have to use a reference point on Earth. The only disequilibrium in the Earth's motion is its rotation and orbiting with respect to its North Pole, where the North Pole is arbitrarily designated using a magnet. The motion of the Earth with respect to its North Pole reflects the motion of the solar system, and presumably the motion of the galaxy. The relationship of the North Pole and the Earth's rotation and orbiting can be remembered by taking the thumb of the right hand and pointing it upwards. This is the direction of the North Pole. The fingers curl in the direction that the Earth rotates on its axis. They also curl in the direction that the Earth is orbiting the sun, the rotation of the sun, the rotation and orbiting of the planets, and in fact, the motion of everything in the solar system with only some disputable and several more interesting exceptions. But for purposes of precession, when we want to find our bearings in the solar system, we merely need reference the thumb of our right hand. Point it up, and we will have a picture of the motion of the solar system by the direction the fingers point. ROTATION: A HARD FACT TO PROVE The Earth rotates on its axis in front of the sun, which is at the center of the solar system. We might consider this to be a trite observation, but we could not demonstrate that the Earth rotated in front of the sun and therefore orbited it until Foucault devised his pendulum in 1851. That was over three centuries after Copernicus proposed (and 2,300 years after Aristarchus of Samos made the same proposal without Copernicus's detailed explanation) that the appearance of the sun moving across the sky was the result of the Earth's rotation rather than the sun actually moving across the sky by circling the Earth. The belief that the sun circled the Earth prevailed throughout recorded history and there is substantial evidence it prevailed in societies that existed before history started recording our activities. The sun looks like it circles the Earth. It comes up in the East and sets in the West. Without consensus belief, it's not easy to convince someone otherwise. The only reason we grow up with a correct picture of the soar system as far as the relationship of the Earth and the sun is concerned is that we all believe that to be the relationship. It is the consensus view that was detailed in 1543 and argued viciously until Galileo's telescope reveled a miniature solar system in the moons of Jupiter in 1610. While Galileo's view of Jupiter's moons was convincing, it was not "proof," which had to await Foucault's pendulum. ORBITING: THE SEASONS The Earth is tilted on its pole with respect to the sun. See Figure 1. This tilt produces the seasons by allowing the sun to trace north and south across the equator. It should also produce a method of measuring one full passage of the Earth around the sun. While there is no up or down or fixed points that can be used to measure location, the tilt of the Earth allows two fixed measuring points, the equinoxes, the points at which the sun passes the equator on its north-south-north journey and night and day are thought to be equal, the source of the word equinox. Because it provides a fixed point, the tilt of the Earth allows us to measure precession, a fixed, immovable point on the Earth's orbit by that orbit's relationship to the sun. In Figure 2, we can see our familiar right hand rule at work. Point the thumb of the right hand north, and the fingers point in the direction that the Earth moves around the sun. The Winter and Summer Solstices are measuring points of a sort because it is at these points the sun reverses its north-south-north motion, solstice meaning the sun stands still, with the Winter Solstice being the point the sun starts to move south and the Summer Solstice the point the sun starts to move north. The measuring points used for precession are the Autumnal and Vernal Equinoxes, and specifically the Vernal or Spring Equinox. The Winter Solstice is the point the Earth passes closest to the sun while the Earth is furthest from the sun at the Summer Solstice. When we look at the night sky, we see stars, but because the Earth is located at the edge of the galaxy, where it is located in its orbit controls the number of stars that we can measure for precession. For instance, at night in the Autumn, we are looking out away from the galaxy into intergalactic space and we don't have a multitude of stars to fix on. (The truth is, we don't know where we are located in the galaxy and some think the reason we can't get fixes on Autumn stars is that we are located on the inside of the Orion arm and its clouds of dust prevent us from measuring the stars in the next arm out, the Perseus Arm.) The real star harvest occurs during the Vernal Equinox when we are looking directly back into the galaxy and can see many isolated stars. This is why precession is associated with the Vernal Equinox. The stars are there to measure. In Figure 3, we can see why our northern winter occurs when the Earth is closer to the sun than in the summer. Because of the Earth's tilt, the sun strikes the southern hemisphere in the northern winter, moving as far away as possible from the northern hemisphere (Figure 3A) and thus producing the winter. In the northern summer, the sun is striking the northern hemisphere, creating its summer (Figure 3B). In Spring and Autumn, of course, the sun hits the equator (Figure 3C) but the most important aspect of this is the path of the sun, which is from north to south and back to north again. As the Earth leaves the Vernal Equinox, the sun moves north until the Summer Solstice where it changes direction and starts to move south. It continues to move south until the Winter Solstice, where it once again changes direction, moving north. If the Earth were stationary with respect to the sun, this is the type of motion that would result if the Earth wobbled on its axis, a north-south-north movement. That's because, permanently tilted with respect to the sun, the axis actually moves with respect to the sun, simulating a north-south-north motion of the sun. It's tilted away from the sun in the winter and toward the sun in the summer, and with the sun shinning on it from the center, the tilt causes the sun to appear to move north-south-north on a continuous basis throughout the year although the sun is stationary. The tilt, orbiting a stationary sun, gives the appearance of the sun moving north to south and back to north again. Because the Vernal Equinox is fixed by its position on the Earth's orbit, it cannot move from that position. There's no argument about this because this is the way things are. If Foucault's Pendulum leaves some unconvinced, the space shots of the last forty-five years confirm how the solar system moves (but not what makes it move). Another point to note is that there is a Celestial Sphere whose equator approximates the line-up of the equator at the Spring and Autumnal Equinoxes. The Celestial Sphere is the equator of the sun and the planets move around the sun within approximate 8ºs of this equator. It is on the equator of the Celestial Sphere that the constellations mark off the houses of the Zodiac so that they are never further north or south of the Earth's equator, its elliptic, than the sun reaches during the solstices. The Precession of the Equinoxes, then, is a movement that follows the orbit of the Earth around the sun rather than the sun's north-south-north movement as a result of the Earth's tilt. CYCLES WITH THE EARTH AT THE CENTER OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM Let us now become geniuses and move back in time several thousand years when the Ptolemaic view of the solar system prevailed. Geniuses are people that are wrong, and when we look at our scientific past, the wronger someone was, the more we revere them as great thinkers. Who was the greatest thinker of the ancient world? Aristotle, of course, and Aristotle had the Earth motionless at the center of the universe. People that travel the seas at night using the stars in a world that believed the sun went around the Earth had to adjust for the error if they wanted to get to where they were going, and one of those adjustments was the famous epicycle, the idea that certain heavenly bodies orbited other heavenly bodies so that the actual Earth orbiting the sun would compute as valid. Epicycles made the Ptolemaic system of the sun orbiting the Earth practical until Copernicus, and a hundred years after. Hipparchus, 190 to 120 B.C. was the inventor of epicycles, although Ptolemy gives credit to Apollonius of Perga, who died the year Hipparchus was born and today's Astronomers claim possible earlier sources. Hipparchus was also the discoverer of the third "cycle of the sun," the very real Precession of the Equinoxes, or at least, what he termed the Precession of the Equinoxes because he believed in Aristotle's dead center Earth. See Figure 4 for a picture of Hipparchus' view of the solar system. The first cycle of the sun is its daily rotation around the Earth. If we take our right hand and hold our thumb up, our fingers point in the direction that the Earth orbits the sun. But to Hipparchus, the Earth was stationary, so to get the east to west motion of the sun's daily movement, the sun had to move from the tips of the fingers to the knuckles and back to the tips of the fingers, around the Earth in an endless cycle. When a Copernican consensus was reached that the Earth went around the sun, all that had to be changed was the motion of the Earth. Put the Earth in rotation in the direction of the fingers, and the sun is observed to move the way we see it move, east to west across the sky. That is why it was so hard for a consensus to accept Copernicus. You couldn't prove either, and both explained precisely what we saw. With the sun moving around the Earth, the science of the time then had to explain the yearly cycle of the sun and that was just as easy. The sun moved in a circle around the Earth, west to east, rising and lowering in the sky to produce the seasons. When the Copernican consensus was reached, the same effect was explainable by the Earth's tilting away from the sun in the winter and also circling the sun west to east. Because the tilt was stable, the sun traced its north-south-north pattern back and forth across the equator, reaching approximately 23ºs (23.3 -.4ºs) north and south each year. When the Ptolemaic system prevailed, we knew exactly where we were in space, but we had to have some way to divide up the year as the seasons passed. Looking at groups of stars, we can imagine them to take the shapes of things, and it wasn't too long before the scientists of the time did their job of dividing the sky into segments, calling the star groupings constellations. They then picked twelve of those constellations to define monthly periods. As the sun traveled around the Earth, these constellations provided a backdrop to the sun's rising, and thus time was marked off as the sun rose in a particular constellation, the twelve constellations named Houses and making up the Zodiac. For instance, for the month after the Vernal Equinox, the sun would rise in Aries, then as the days passed, a month later it would rise in Taurus, then Gemini and so forth until it had completed its cycle back to Aries. When two objects orbit each other, each, from the surface of the other, is orbiting in the same direction and that is why the Ptolemaic system had the Earth orbiting the sun in the correct direction, even though it held the sun was orbiting the Earth. The first representation we have of the Zodiac is at the Temple of Hathor at Dendera in Egypt. The constellations that were chosen for the Zodiac were located 8ºs from the equator of the Celestial Sphere, the Earth's orbit around the sun, and thus not those that lay outside of the course of the sun's rise and fall so that they were within 23ºs north or south of the equator of the Earth. While the seasons cause the sun to move north and south across the equator, the yearly movement of the sun that are the Precession of the Equinoxes causes it to travel west to east along the Earth's orbit. One crossed back and forth across the equator, the other tracked the equator within 23ºs north or south of the equator. This is extremely important in today's misconception of precession where Astronomers compute precession's past and future according to the north-south-north wobble theory while having to directly measure the actual movement a star's precession produces because there is no east-west movement of the equinoxes along the Earth's orbit. In books explaining precession, however, the east-west movement is emphasized, even though it cannot result from the Vernal Equinox moving along the Earth's orbit. At the time of Hipparchus, Capricornus, the sea goat was the first sign before the Winter Solstice followed by Acquarius, the Water Carrier and Pisces, the Fish. The arrival of Aries told that the Vernal Equinox was coming followed by Taurus the Bull and Gemini the twins. Cancer the Crab warned of the warm northern summer ahead followed by Leo the Lion and Virgo the Virgin. Libra the Scales told of the coming of the Autumnal Equinox followed by Scorpius, the Scorpion and Sagittarius the Archer, bringing up Capricornus to start the cycle once again. However, because the Vernal Equinox does actually drift, although not along the circular orbit of the Earth as Hipparchus thought, it has, since its discovery over 2,000 years ago, passed through Pisces and is entering Acquarius. Astronomers not only imply this is from Newtonian's north-south-north motion, if it exists, they actively seek to claim that it does, even though, as we shall see, it can't. And, as it can't be the result of the Precession of the Vernal Equinox, which is fixed in the Earth's orbit, one would think Astronomers would take some time out from peering into black holes and wonder what the heck is causing the Vernal Equinox to move. However, it is not a subject you will readily find intelligent discussions of in an astronomy book. Modern day definitions put thirteen constellations through which the sun passes and parts of eleven more through which it passes partially. But the point is, the second Ptolemaic cycle had the sun passing around generally the middle of the Earth rising in twelve constellations which allowed the scientists to divide the year up quite properly by 30ºs, or 12 months, and the sun actually appeared to move around the Earth and arise in these different constellations. While the daily course of the sun cycle was east to west, the yearly course of the sun through the constellations of the Zodiac was from west to east. Again, we can see this by holding up our right thumb. If the knuckles closest to our wrist is winter, then the next set of knuckles represent the Vernal Equinox, the next set, the summer Solstice and the finger tips the Autumnal Equinox. The sun moves from winter to spring (the Vernal Equinox) and on to summer, so it is clear that this second cycle is a directional reverse of the first cycle. Now even though the sun is not orbiting the Earth, the sun still rises in each equinox in an orderly fashion as the year progresses. If we use our right thumb pointing up, the fingers show the direction that the Earth is moving. When the sun was orbiting the Earth, it was thought to pass through each of the Zodiac constellations as it traveled around the Earth. When we know it is the Earth that is traveling around the sun, the sun being in the center does not affect it arising in a different constellation each month because it is the Earth's motion around the sun that causes the sun to pass from house to house of the Zodiac. As noted above, when two objects orbit one another, the direction of motion of one from the other is the same. The constellations still surround the Earth in its orbit, it's just the orbiting of the Earth that causes the sun to rise in successive houses of the Zodiac, not the movement of the sun. So, we do watch the leisurely movement of the sun as it travels from constellation to constellation, Zodiac house to Zodiac house. With the fingers pointing in the direction of the Earth's movement, putting the sun in the middle of the fingers just illustrates that that movement would provide the same display, a different constellation for the sun to rise in each month as the Earth moves around the sun. So, as far as the sun moving through the houses of the Zodiac is concerned, it is the same as the Earth rotating with respect to the sun. Because we see the same thing, we really can't tell whether it's being caused by the Earth's movement or the sun's cycle. Hipparchus, aware of the sun's two cycles, its daily cycle east-west around the Earth, and its yearly cycle west to east through the houses of the Zodiac, wondered if there was another cycle that the sun passed through in its course around the Earth. Cycles can only be determined if starting points can be fixed in directionless space, so the place to start looking for cycles is where a starting point can be fixed. When the sun passed through the Vernal Equinox, when the sun crossed the equator heading north in the spring, that was definitely a fixed point. It occurred yearly at the same time, and thus if the sun had a third cycle, it would be associated with this fixed point. See Figure 5. In reality, the tilt of the Earth determines the Vernal Equinox, and it cannot be changed in its orbit because it is the position of the orbit that tilts the North Pole and causes the equinox. Hipparchus didn't care about tilt because he was unaware of it (although many in their ignorance claim otherwise - what does the center of the universe tilt with respect to?). The Earth was stationary. It didn't matter where the Earth was in its orbit as the sun passed over the equator, it only mattered that this happened once a year and was thus a fixed point he could use to look for a cycle. To underline an important point, the equinox occurs on the ecliptic, the portions north and south of the equator that contained the full Zodiac constellations which are located along the Earth's orbit. To fix in mind this important point, Figure 6 is a little test. Is Line "A" in Figure 6a the ecliptic the general direction which precession moves or is the Line "A" in Figure 6 B the ecliptic? The ecliptic parallels the equator, so Line "A" in Figure 6A is the ecliptic. In Figure 6B, line "A" shows the path of the sun as the Earth orbits the sun. It travels north-south-north back and forth across the equator. This is important because an explanation for precession that produces the north-south-north motion in Figure 6B cannot be the explanation for the precession that Hipparchus measured, which is east to west along the orbit of the Earth, which is 23ºs north and south of the elliptic, depending on the location of the Earth in it's orbit, Line "A" in Figure 6A One would think this is fairly clear, but actual precession in Figure A today is uniformly explained by the motion that results in Figure B. The Vernal Equinox, like the Autumnal Equinox, and the Winter and Summer Solstices, are a product of the Earth's tilt as it moves around the sun. However, by believing that the sun went around the Earth, Hipparchus thought it was the rising and falling of the sun with respect to the equator that produced the Vernal Equinox and therefore the Vernal Equinox was not fixed on the Earth's orbit. Like the Earth's spin causing the sun to appear to orbit the Earth, the visual result is the same. The sun only passes directly over the equator going north once a year and that is the Vernal Equinox. Without knowing that the Earth tilts, there is no way to place that point in directionless space, but there was no reason for Hipparchus to believe that it did not occur at the same place each year. Thus, Hipparchus felt confident that he could use sunrise on the day the sun crossed the equator at the Vernal Equinox going north as a cyclical starting point to determine if the sun orbiting the Earth had still another cycle. Sunrise is what fixes precession. If you sight a star that appears at sunrise on the Vernal Equinox, then that sighting has been tied to the once-a-year event. It should be a regular occurrence, just like the Vernal Equinox is a regular occurrence. And that is exactly what Hipparchus did. He sighted a star at sunrise on the Vernal Equinox, and then waited until the next year's Vernal Equinox to measure the same event. Expecting to see the star at sunrise on the Vernal Equinox, he was surprised to find the star appearing late. He was looking for the first visible appearance of the star on the eastern horizon before sunrise, and when it didn't appear, he knew something was up. The brief appearance of the star was late, and if the star was late, then, because the stars were fixed in the heavens, the Vernal Equinox was early, it preceded the sighting of the star, preceding becoming precession. If the story of connecting sunrise with noon is a little too far fetched, it does illustrate why the phenomena is called the Precession of the Equinoxes. For the star to appear late, the fixed point, the sun passing over the equator had to appear earlier, and thus the time of the equinox had preceded the equinox the year before. And just so we don't get lost in professional details, another story has it that Hipparchus, in possession of the position of the stars of the Zodiac for a period of over a hundred years, was able to show that the sun was rising in the Houses with an eastward shift of approximately 1º along the Earth's orbit each 72 years before he made his measurements. Thus, if we hold our right thumb up, and pretend that our second set of knuckles is the Vernal Equinox, that Vernal Equinox had shifted one percent toward the knuckles closest to the wrist. It doesn't matter, however, how the precession, the movement of the Vernal Equinox from east to west was discovered, the fact is, it existed and was measurable. Now here is the tricky part. Because for Hipparchus the sun was circling the Earth, and moving from west to east through the houses of the Zodiac on a yearly basis, he concluded that the sun must be slowly shifting from east to west for the equinox to move east, allowing the Houses to produce a westward movement. See Figure 7. THE 26,000 YEAR CYCLE Rounding off is good scientific practice, so we all think of the daily, yearly and 26,000 year cycles of the sun, with the 26,000 cycle broken down into about 2,200 years per Zodiac house. After all, no one knows when the sun starts rising in each House mainly because it has never been recorded to happen, the Houses are constellations, which are subjective, and, when we are talking about such a long time, longer than our known ancestors and probably decedents, does it really matter? What really mattered was that once Hipparchus got his new cycle, he could compute it, and that's what science is all about, computing. If we didn't know that the sun went around the Earth, we would not know that the 72 years that produced a 1º movement of the sun through the houses of the Zodiac could be converted mathematically into a cycle. With 360ºs in the Earth's orbit, all Hipparchus had to do was multiply 1º of each of those 360ºs by the 72 years the 1º represented to produce the full cycle. For each 1% is 72 years and 360 times 72 gets us our approximate 26,000 year precessional cycle. Now I will repeat a very important statement: Without a belief that the sun made a 360º orbit around the Earth, the actual computation of precession could not be converted to a 26,000 year cycle, a 26,000 minute cycle or a 26,000 anything cycle. If the sun does not go around the Earth, there is no way to compute a precessional cycle. With no way to fix ourselves in space, no way to fix the changing position to a year, we have no idea what this change means, and we can not convert the change into a cycle of years. To believe in a 26,000 year precessional cycle, you have to believe that the sun orbits the Earth! So, with no sun traveling around the Earth, we can forget a 26,00 year precessional cycle. This doesn't mean that people that believed the sun went around the Earth could not have arranged their affairs according to a precessional cycle of 26,000 years. It just means the cycle didn't exist. See Figure 8. If we pick a star from the star studded galaxy and line it up with the Vernal Equinox, and we know that it is the Earth's orbit as it reaches a particular position in relation to its orbiting the sun at the center of the solar system that produces the Vernal Equinox, we know for the star to show up late, one of a number of things must have happened. We know that the star moved backwards with relation to the lineup, or the Vernal Equinox moved forward, or we know that there was a combination of both occurring. If the Vernal Equinox moved forward, and it is fixed on the Earth's orbit, the only way that it could move forward is if the Earth's orbit moved forward. Because the Earth's orbit is determined by the sun, if the Earth's orbit moved forward, the only way it could move forward is if the sun moved forward. The thick line shows the direction of the sun's movement. Of course, to modern science, this is impossible because the galaxy turns in the opposite direction. See Sidebar Newton's Color Error Adopted Mindlessly by Hubble Because the Earth's tilt always lines up with the sun's movement, if the sun moved forward, then the point on the Earth's orbit where the Vernal Equinox occurred would also move forward. Of course, the sighted star could be causing the change by moving backwards, and both the star and the sun might well be passing in the night or the sun might even be moving faster than the sighted star. Not to dwell too long on the movement of the sun, the first volume of The Copernican Series, At the Gates of the Citadel: The Subjugation of Modern Science, contains a cover graphic showing how to compute the speed and direction of the sun, two items I am sure everyone would agree the ignorance of which would be basic to the quality of the knowledge of the science dealing with the solar system and all it contains, and specifically precession. Unfortunately, Astronomers, fixated on the big bang, compute the speed and direction of the sun from the fantasy of an historical explosion rather than from the facts at hand. When Hipparchus discovered precession, he believed the Earth was stationary. Other than the absurd notion that the sun is moving at a big bang half million miles an hour, we today believe that the sun is stationary, with the elements of the solar system, putting it together in the heliocentric frame. But see Figure 9 and the Sidebar on The Speed and Direction of the Sun to obtain a better understanding of the solar system's movement. If, however, the sun were moving at about 300 miles per hour, computable because it takes longer for the Earth to move from the Summer Solstice to the Winter Solstice than it does to move from the Winter Solstice to the Summer Solstice, then the Earth would pass in front of the sun in the direction the sun is moving closer than it would when it was furthest from the direction of the sun's movement, which is the way the solar system operates. For those of you who were brainwashed into thinking the sun's gravitational field causes the Earth's speed to increase in winter and decrease in summer, the Earth at no time falls toward, or even close to the direction of the sun. The Earth and the planets do not speed up and slow down, contrary to mindless science. When this idiocy was devised by Tycho Brahe, who believed the Earth was stationary, he was trying to explain the fact that the moon appeared to speed up in the summer and slow down in the winter, an observation he found applicable to the planets. This conclusion, that massive objects like the moon and planets can speed up and slow down on a yearly basis, was then adopted by his note taker Kepler and applied to the universe. (Kepler was also Brahe's poisoner. Read the Gildar's detailed account in Heavenly Intrigue how Brahe's body was exhumed and his mustache hair disclosed the first introduction of Mercury which sent Brahe to his deathbed, but when he lingered longer than a week, the second application of Mercury, both of which the Gildars demonstrate could only have been potioned and provided by Kepler.) If Brahe had understood that the Earth was moving, he would have realized that the change in time could just as well have been caused by a difference in distance traveled rather than a change in speed. Anyone that believes objects the size of moons and planets speed up and slow down needs a little help, although it's certainly a reason for The Amazing Randy to pay himself his million dollar offer, the paranormal procedure being the speeding up and slowing down of the moon and the planets, the scientific proof being Brahe's conclusion that the Earth is stationary. Only idiots would say the moon is accelerating because it is falling to the Earth or the Earth is accelerating because it is falling toward to sun. The eccentricity of the Earth's orbit is just over .025% which means the Earth isn't falling toward anything. I point this out because the stupidity is like precession, empirical science comes to conclusions that are then facts and finally irrefutable laws. For the other set of mindless nitwits that don't want to be included in the category of acceleration idiots, the story is that the moon and the Earth and the rest of the planets are all traveling in straight lines except for the attraction of gravity, which is causing their straight-line motion to curve into the orbits we measure. Perhaps the most notorious example of basing conclusions on mistakes, throwing the mistakes out of the discussion and accepting the conclusions, is Newton's computation of the proportionality of gravity, our universal mass gravity, where he assumed that the matter that made up the Earth and the moon, and indeed, everything, was uniformly made up of identical uniform particles. Newtons's entire mathematical proof that gravity is proportional to matter depended on this assumption because the only way he could put gravity into his equations was by computing it on the basis of the volume of the Earth and the moon, and when it was found to be wrong, after all, how could he have known centuries ago about the periodic table, the universal idiocy of empirical science accepted the proportionality of gravity and ignored that its only demonstration is based on a vagrant thought that could be disproven simply by picking up an apple and a rock and biting into the rock. (Newton's entire mathematical structure was actually stolen from Brahe's orbital velocity measurements which showed a different constant that applied to orbits around each planet and the sun. Newton then named the constant gravity produced by matter's volume, applied it to the Earth and the moon by volume and it came out close enough for mindless science to embrace as a universal law.) This idiotic feature that defines science, accepting baseless conclusions as real even though the evidence upon which the conclusions are based is false, applied to Hipparchus and his discovered precession. What Hipparchus really discovered was another idiot measurement, something that could be computed. If he did not make the assumption that the sun was merely reversing the 360º course of its yearly orbit, he would have had nothing to announce, no 26,000 year cycle, and thus he would not be doing his job as a scientist (and we would remember his name only in the context of his discredited epicycles unless Ptolemy's statement could deflect the error to Apollonius of Perga and then he wouldn't be remembered at all!). Once he announced the 26,000 year cycle, and that cycle became irrefutable law, it had to remain in place when Copernicus figured out that there was no cycle, that the sun wasn't going around the Earth but rather that the Earth was the object going around the sun. Copernicus spent his entire life working on the belief that the planets went around the sun, but he kept the knowledge close to his inner group of friends. The major argument he was up against was Hipparchus' epicycles, so when it came to saving the Precession of the Equinoxes, we can forgive Copernicus a little sloppy thinking. He knew precession existed, and he knew that he therefore had to account for it with the Earth going around the sun rather than the sun going around the Earth, but it wasn't his main focus of argument. He could clearly see how the equinox could precess with the sun going around the Earth, but accounting for it with the Earth going around the sun was pretty hard unless you weren't focusing on the fact that with the sun in the center of the solar system, it was the position of the Earth's tilt that determined the position of the equinox and thus the equinox could not move around the Earth's orbit. Copernicus was so focused on eliminating the epicycles and thus putting the sun at the center of the solar system that he lost sight of the fact that the equinox cannot move along the Earth's orbit and came to the conclusion, on a more off-hand basis than anything else, that the Precession of the Equinoxes was caused by the Earth falling a little short in its orbit each year. Because this mistake was pretty apparent, and because Copernicus was dead before his theory was promulgated, his fear of physical persecution persuading him to deliver it on his deathbed, precession took a back seat to the vicious and endless arguments over the sun-centered system during the next century until Galileo picked up the torch of Copernicus and cut through the ignorance of science prevailing at the time, an ignorance that was probably less than today's ignorance because it was based on religion, whereas today's science is the religion. Galileo succeeded in this, in vindicating Copernicus, when he fortunately and irrefutably demonstrated the Jupiter centered system as a miniature picture of the solar system though his novel telescope. When Newton came along with his explanation about how the planets orbited the sun, and more specifically, how the moon orbited the Earth, the fact that the tilt of the Earth in its orbit was what produced the slow westward drift of precession had been discarded as if it had never been proposed. But, like Copernicus, Newton had to account for precession some way. To Newton, the sun was just as fixed in the sky as the Earth had been to the Ptolemaic fanatics and the Earth's orbit at which the sun crossed the equator heading north in spring was as fixed as the sun. Precession therefore must be caused by some effect of the Earth that occurred at the same position in the Earth's orbit every year simply because precession was fixed by the sun and the tilt of the Earth at that position. Newton, after, I'm sure, much thought, decided that the only way the equinox could precess was if it didn't precess, if it merely looked like it precessed as a result of some motion of the Earth, just like the sun looked liked it was going around the Earth when in fact it was the Earth that was going around the sun. Being an alchemist, a person adept at turning lead into gold, rather than an astrologer, a person who could follow the yearly path of the sun as it passed through the constellations of the Zodiac that belted the Earth's orbit, Newton decided that the Earth's tilt wobbled, and that it was this wobble that produced the appearance of the Precession of the Equinox. See Figure 10. Presuming an open science, what is the first thing precession by wobble suggests? If Hipparchus believed that instead of being stationary at the center of the universe, the Earth went around the sun, and that precession was caused by the Earth's wobble at the Vernal Equinox, then he would note that the star was late because we were in the part of the wobble that made the star appear to be late and that we might as well have been in a part of the wobble that made the star appear early. He was able to compute a 26,000 year cycle only because he believed that the sun was going full circle around the Earth. If you walk around a circular track watching a tower off to the north, which would be the analogy to sighting the star from a rotating planet at one position in its orbit, then when you are walking east, the tower looks like it is moving west, and when you are walking south the tower appears stationary. When you are walking west, the tower appears to move east and when you are walking north, the tower once again appears motionless. There is no 360º circle when you are the 360º circle. There is only a 360º circle when what you are looking at is traveling in a 360º circle around you! For instance, if you were in the middle of the track, and the tower were moving around you, then you could time its movement using the 360º circle, but not when you don't have a 360º circle, which you don't if you are fixed in one place. Thus, Hipparchus could not have come up with his 26,000 year cycle if he believed the Earth traveled around the sun, and Newton couldn't have either. If the background stars moved at 1% of the Earth's orbit in 72 years, Hipparchus could say, well, we can make up a cycle, but if he believed the Earth was orbiting the sun and the Vernal Equinox was therefore stationary, he would just be fantasizing. Newton just said, and, as we will see in a moment, he was attempting to preserve the 26,000 cycle, "We have 1º in 72 years, here's your 360º circle, here's your explanation for the Precession of the Equinoxes." and no one raised an objection (and believe me, if you valued your life, specifically, your limbs, intestines and neck, substitute reputation and income today, you didn't and don't object to Newton's pronouncements). What Newton failed to see was that, with the Earth sitting at the Vernal Equinox at the same place every year, the Vernal Equinox was not moving through the constellations of the Zodiac. The stars had shifted, because something was moving with respect to the stars, but it wasn't the equinox moving along the orbit of the Earth because the equinox was right where it was on that orbit every year, year in and year out. If you believed the Earth circled the sun, rising in the house of Aries and if you believed that the equinoxes were fixed, how could the sun rise in Libra on the opposite side of the solar system as a result of the Precession of the Equinoxes if the equinoxes could not move along the Earth's orbit? In short, we may be entering the age of Aquarius, but not because of the Precession of the Equinoxes. The sun will actually rise in Aquarius but when it does so, it will be for a different reason than the Precession of the Equinoxes because the equinoxes are not precessing in a circle around the sun, they are sitting right where the tilt of the Earth has always dictated that they sit in its orbit, in the same place year after year with respect to the sun. And the Zodiac constellations, which cover the 360º area around the Earth's orbit, certainly are not moving in a circle around the Earth. As noted, the 1º change in 72 years is a result of the sun moving, carrying the Vernal Equinox fixed on the Earth's orbit along with it, the star is moving back away from the direction of the sun's motion, a combination of both are occurring or the sun is simply moving faster than the sighted star. In all probability, the star is simply going slower than the sun. But, because none of these solutions produce a mathematical cycle, the description of what is actually happening is not science when science is defined empirically by mathematical results. Wobble, however, does produce a movement of the sun rising in the constellations. The question is, what motion does wobble produce? We know that the seasons are produced by the tilt of the Earth which, as it circles the sun, causes the sun to hit it 23ºs above and below the equator. In other words, the tilt causes the sun to appear to move north to south and back to north again. What is wobble? Wobble is a tilt of the tilt! As a result, wobble, if it exists, after all, it is simply a figment of Newton's imagination made up to explain precession and bolster his insupportable gravity theory, also makes the sun appear as if it is moving north to south and back to north again. But measurable precession is an equatorial phenomena, with the sun, over the course of the year passing through the constellations that are within the 23º boundaries north and south of the equator. They are a result of the Earth's orbit around the sun, not the north-south-north motion of the sun across the equator. In short, Newton's precession goes in a direction 90ºs different than measurable precession. But the real absurdity is that a stationary location on the Earth's orbit could allow a viewer on the Earth to watch the sun rise in a different constellation 30ºs away from the same location on the Earth's orbit. Let's modify Figure 4, into Figure 11. According to Newton, we somehow will be able to see the sun rise in all twelve houses of the Zodiac as a result of precession even though the Earth at the Vernal Equinox is stationary at the point precession was discovered, at the end of the age of Aries. Again according to Newton, in about 11,000 years, we'll see the sun rise in Libra, even though Libra will not even be visible. Popular books on astronomy shrug this off, and books that are actually on astronomy say, well, precession produces a north-south-north motion of the sun over the equator so that, for instance, in 13,000 years, Virgo will be our north star, and, oh yes, one other effect of precession is that it causes the Vernal Equinox to move through constellations that make up the so-called houses of the Zodiac There are many that believe, in the face of this stupidity, that the sun is part of a multiple star system, and is being circled by one of the stars, specifically Sirius. There is substantial evidence that the ancients had astronomical information about Sirius that we have only obtained recently with our sophisticated equipment but that was possessed thousands of years ago, giving rise to the idea that Sirius was once much closer than it currently is. See for loads of information about this point of view as well as precession and its ramifications. However, jumping to the conclusion that all galaxies were formed in a gigantic explosion of some sort would give rise to the conclusion that galaxies do not evolve, that the stars that make them up do not start off at one distance from one other or speed up and slow down. I set out the mechanics of galactic formation and dissipation in Atoms, Stars and Minds and the forces that cause individual stars to fall in rotation around the center of a galaxy do not permit the mixing that Sirius orbiting the sun would require to produce precession. Besides, Sirius is ahead of our direction of travel and can't be used to compute precession during the Vernal Equinox. However, Sirius could well have been much closer to our sun at one time than it is now. If stars closer to the center of the galaxy are moving at a slower rate than those in the outer arms, then that means stars speed up as the galaxy matures, and Sirius at some time in the past could well have been more of a companion star to the sun than it is now, revealing it's secrets to the ancients. And, of course, only the most blind of empirical scientists (meaning those that wish to preserve their income) fail to recognize that a worldwide civilization preceded ours and that civilization would be perfectly capable of collecting any astronomical information we can, and probably more. Instead of mindlessly explaining precession in a manner that does not physically describe how it causes the stars to shift along the Earth's orbit, we forget that measuring precession in a number of stars can tell us both about the galaxy we occupy and about ourselves. Interest in the equinoxes quickened with the publication of Hamlet's Mill in 1977, a search for an awareness of a common past by Giogio de Santilllana and Hertha von Dechend. However, the precession described is the precession of Hipparchus with the Earth in the center of the solar system. David Childress' unceasing efforts to open up to the general public what appears to be a common past drew in researchers like Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock to look to precession as a way of dating the past. Using the notion that there actually is a 26,000 cycle, they use Newton's wobble, for which there is no way to compute a 26,000 cycle, and for which there is no change in the sun in relation to the constellations of the Zodiac, to attempt to backdate events. In fact, videos produced to illustrate theories that epochs can be backdated by precession show the stars moving north-south-north while the announcer claims that the ages are moving through the houses of the Zodiac, which is east-west along the Earth's orbit, much like the astronomy books do, confusing two directions with one impossibility, a stationary Vernal Equinox that produces orbital precession. These researchers, however, are adding valuable information to the general body of knowledge and while I haven't done definitive research on the subject, different civilizations seem to report different epochs, with precession assigned up to 35,000 years and even in some societies so much higher that opponents insist the myths mean months or days rather than years. However, this would well be the case in an evolving galaxy where the speed of the stars increase with maturity, shortening the epochs based on the movement of the star's past fixed points in the solar system, some of which we can't yet be aware of because we are stuck here on the face of the Earth by ignorant, outdated theories that were turned into laws by men who knew nothing. Unfortunately, even if the entire history of the world was based on Hipparchus' precession, there is no way to use a nonexistent 26,000 cycle and a stationary set of equinoxes to backdate actual events unless you start with the assumption that the Earth is in the center of the solar system and work from there. The software these researchers use does not do that, and, in fact, produces precession that moves in a north-south-north fashion, confusing the situation by using two definitions for precession. We get general statements similar to, due to the wobble of the Earth around its axis, the Earth gradually changes its relationships to the signs of the Zodiac, which is only possible if the sun moved around the Earth. Astronomers, not wanting to disturb Newton's failure to describe actual precession, can easily define the year as the time from the Vernal Equinox to the Vernal Equinox, the tropical year, eliminating the computation of precession altogether as far as its movement along the Earth's orbit is concerned and leaving Newton's north-south- north explanation, and his adoption of the 26,000 year cycle applicable as if the sun orbits the Earth, because, let's face it, who's going to be around to disprove it and who's going to even attempt to disagree with empirical science's Holy Trinity, Newton, Newton and Newton. With radio telescopes and visual sightings of stars at angles to precession all giving off different figures, it's time we recognized that precession is the result of the sun's motion, and that the figures we can derive from our measurements can tell us a lot about the galaxy we occupy. We will have to abandon dating by precession, but alternative scientific researchers have the facts now to start building chronologies of the actual history of our past, and we have a hundred different ways to start fixing those chronologies into a coherent picture. When we misconstrue facts, mix up reality, theorize on the nonexistent, established science can just sit there with its stupidities, because all it has to do is point out alternate science's stupidities to tarnish us in our entirety. Let me put it bluntly. Astronomers use Newton's explanation for precession, wobble, to explain the Precession of the Equinoxes, when all it would explain, if it is true, is that Virgo will be the north star some day, and not necessarily in 13,000 years because wobble does not provide a basis for the computation of a precessional cycle. But, precession exists. The point of the Vernal Equinox is in Pisces, while several thousand years ago it was in Aries. Because of precession, star locations have to be assigned a coded year system such as year 1950, or year 2,000 or year 1995.2 for periods within the year so that Astronomers will know which star charts are applicable. The Vernal Equinox is moving and it is moving constantly, just not along the orbit of the Earth. Our Astronomers, too interested in the internal structure of black holes or the make up of dark matter to concern themselves with why the Vernal Equinox, which is fixed in the Earth's orbit and is not explained by Newton's wobble so far as it's movement along that orbit is concerned, merrily ignore that the only explanation for the actual continuous movement of the background stars is that the sun is moving, and the equinoxes are moving with the orbits of the planets the sun is dragging along with it. One reason Astronomers prefer to deal with things that cannot be demonstrated may be that it is a lot easier and certainly a lot safer to define fantasy than it is explain reality. Another is, of course, if the sun is moving, dragging the planets along behind it, Astronomers would have to explain why those planets adhere to the sun. In short, they would have to admit that Kepler and Newton were both wrong and start over, coming up with an actual explanation for gravity. They would, heaven forbid, have to physically describe gravity rather than assign it as a property of matter like yellow is the property of gold and they would have to take the planets' motion out of the historic, and unprovable swirling mass of gas and physically explain the actual current forces that are causing them to orbit the sun and rotate on their axes. That's why precession is so important, and its contradictions so ignored. What Astronomers do when their backs are to the wall is make up absurd, unverifiable explanations, like five year olds caught with their hands in the cookie jar. One is, because the Vernal Equinox is an intersection of the equator of the Celestial Sphere and the ecliptic, the actual equator, the Earth is stationary on the ecliptic but revolves around the Celestial Equator, which is a complex way of saying it moves along the Earth's orbit, which it doesn't. The one that takes the cake is that the perturbations from Jupiter and Saturn make the perihelion (basically, the Winter Solstice) orbit the sun. The definition of perturbation implies randomness, so this is a real whopper, but then empirical science revels in the Big Lie. Science is the measuring of nature. The sun can be measured to move to cause the effect off precession. Alternative scientists should not fall into the trap of affirming empirical science by building on its fantasies. *RETURN TO PRIOR PAGE * *CONTACT *