mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== Numerical Solution of the Planetary Alignment Equations Emilio Spedicato Department of Mathematics, University of Bergamo Piazza Rosate 2, 24129 Bergamo, Italy - emilio at unibg.it Zhijian Huang Presently at Computer Science Department, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Abstract Starting from Talbott, several mythologists have argued that during the initial phase of human history the planetary system of the Sun was radically different than now, the planets being aligned during their revolution around the Sun, with Saturn in a dominating position (the polar model). In this paper we study numerically the planetary alignment equations introduced by Grubaugh. The equations constitute a nonlinear underdetermined system of m-1 equations and m variables (the distances of the planets from the Sun). The system is homogeneous of degree -2, hence if x is a solution so is x for any nonzero . Suitable variable transformations are used to force an assigned planetary configuration. After setting one of the variables (actually the distance of the Earth from the Sun) to a given value, the obtained determined system is solved by the Newton method, which converges in few iterations from several considered starting points. Computed parameters of interest are discussed in their relation with the polar model. Overall the numerical results are basically in agreement with that model. 1 Introduction Analysis of the invariant elements in essentially all religions and in the oldest mythologies worldwide has led several mythologists, notably Talbott (see The Saturn Myth, 1980), Cardona (see for instance Let There Be Light, Kronos III, 3, 1978) and Cochrane (see for instance The Birth of Athena, Aeon II, 3, 1990), to introduce the idea that during a remote time in the human experience the planetary system was radically different than now. Such ancient planetary configuration, called the polar model, some of whose features are recalled below, evolved into the present state after probably violent and dramatic events not too many millennia ago. This approach can be seen as a development of ideas already expressed even if not in a systematic way by Immanuel Velikovsky in his seminal monograph Worlds in Collision (Mc Millan, 1951). From an analysis of mainly biblical sources Patten (see Catastrophism and the Old Testament, 1986) has also introduced a different, albeit not so radically different, planetary scenario for the period from about 9500 BC to the year 701 BC. According to Patten during such a period Mars was moving in an elliptical orbit and every 54 years it approached the Earth with catastrophical effects (megacatastrophes, including the Flood, happening at longer intervals depending on the relative positions of the largest planets). Leaving to a future paper the attempt to conciliate the polar model with the Patten scenario, here we concentrate on the mathematical study of a feature of the polar model, namely the alignment of the planets along a single line during their solar revolution. The following are in fact basic elements of the polar model: * the Sun was not visible (obviously, from the part of the Earth where man was living) * Saturn was the dominating object in the sky. It loomed large and his position in the sky appeared fixed * Venus appeared centered in the middle of Saturn and very luminous; it was often referred to as the eye of Saturn * Mars appeared centered in the middle of Venus, but with variable angular size; it was of dark reddish colour and was often referred to as the pupil of the eye * no other planets, in particular Jupiter, were in the record. The above features indicate the following physical state of the planetary system: * a synchronous revolution of the visible planets, including the Earth, possibly along circular orbits, with the exception of Mars * the fixed position of Saturn can be explained if it is assumed that the Earth revolved around the Sun keeping the same face towards the Sun (as the Moon does with respect to the Earth). The Earth's axes of revolution and of rotation would coincide and would be orthogonal to the ecliptic plane. The "day" of the Earth would be equal to the year. Introducing a rotation axis of the Earth lying in the ecliptic plane, as envisaged for instance in Grubaugh (Aeon, III, 3, 1993), would require difficult to explain non gravitational forces to provide the torque necessary to maintain Saturn in a fixed position in the sky * the nonvisibility of the Sun can be explained by the fact that living conditions on the terrestrial hemisphere facing the Sun were impossible for man (here we conjecture that the idea of "hell" as an underworld and a fiery place came from some knowledge of the climate on the hemisphere facing the Sun). Hence man lived on the less hot hemisphere facing the external planets * nonvisibility of Mercury is explained as in the case of the Sun * nonvisibility of the planets Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune can be explained either by their irrelevance, being much farther away, or by their location directly behind Saturn, if the planetary alignment extended also to them, or finally by their absence. It is tempting to hypothesize here that Jupiter may have been a late comer and the actual agent of the great perturbation which eventually tranformed the polar planetary configuration into the present one. In this paper we only consider the equilibrium equations governing the planetary alignment, under the following assumptions: * the planets are actually aligned * the orbits are circular * the only relevant forces are the gravitational ones * the planets are spheres with the same mass and size as now * their order in the alignment is given * the presence of possible satellites of the planets is ignored. The equilibrium equations, which are essentially those considered by Grubaugh (Aeon, III, 3, 1993), are solved numerically using the Newton method. It appears that at least in a sizable region of the variable space they have a unique solution. We also compute related quantities of interest in the polar model, as angles of visibility, duration of the Earth year, ratios of gravitational tidal forces, giving some discussion of their significance. 2 The Grubaugh equations for the planetary alignment Suppose that we have a system of m planets with masses M1,..., Mm revolving around the Sun on circular orbits, with the same period and along a same line. Let their distances from the Sun be x1,..., xm. Let Vi be the modulus of the velocity of the ith planet. Then syncronicity and circularity of the orbits imply for every i, j: Vi/ xi = Vj/xj. (1) Under the given assumptions the gravitational force acting on the ith planet must be equal to the centripetal force, hence we obtain, with M0 the Sun mass, x0 = 0 and G the gravitational constant, for i=1,...,m Cancelling Mi in (2) and using (1) to express V2i in terms of, say, the Earth velocity VE and distance xE we obtain, for i=1,..., m Equations (3) are a system of m equations in the m+1 variables xi and VE. We can get VE from one of the equations, for instance from the Earth's equation, obtaining a system of m-1 equations for the m variables xi. Such equations have the following form, with E the index of the Earth in the given planetary sequence Notice that G does not appear in (4) and that if we write the above system as F(x) = 0 , then F( x) = F(x)/ 2, hence the system is a homogeneous one of degree -2. Therefore if x is a solution, so is x for any nonzero . Notice also that the system can be put in the following matrix form Zu = Su, (5) where u is the vector of the planetary masses, u = (M1,..., Mm)T, Z is skewsymmetric and S is rank one. Hence the system can be viewed as a special case of a generalized eigenvalue problem, where the eigenvector u is given. 3 Solving the equation numerically Equations (4) have been solved numerically for three planetary configurations. Configuration A consists of the planets Earth, Mars, Venus and Saturn in this order; configuration B has Mercury between Sun and Earth; configuration C has Jupiter beyond Saturn. In order to obtain a solution respecting the given configuration we use a change of variables. For configuration A let xE, xMS, xV and xS be the distances of Earth, Mars, Venus and Saturn from the Sun. Then we define variables y1,..., y4 by relations xE = y21, (6) xMS = xE + y2 = y21 + y22, (7) xV = xMS + y23 = y21 + y22 + y23, (8) xS = xV + y24 = y21 + y22 + y23 + y24. (9) In a similar way the distance from Jupiter to the Sun is written as xJ = xS + y25, while for the distance xME of Mercury we use the following transformation which forces 0 xME xE xME = [ y26 /(1 + y26)] xE. (10) By fixing a value of one of the variables, say xE equal to unity, the system becomes determined and can be solved numerically, using one of the standard methods (we do not consider using algorithms for underdetermined nonlinear systems, like the ABS methods developed by Spedicato and Huang, Optimization Methods and Software 5, 1995). We have chosen the Newton method, with the Jacobian matrix approximated by finite differences (it would not be difficult however to evaluate it analytically). The stepsize for the approximation of the derivatives was taken as = min {10-6, ||ri||}, ||ri|| being the Euclidean norm of the residual vector, ri =[ Z(xi) - S(xi)]u. This choice for guarantees, in exact arithmetic, Q-quadratic rate of convergence. Initial values must be given to the variables to start Newton method. We used five different starting points. For configuration A we took xS = xE + k/5 xE, k=1,...,5. We took xV = xE +( k/5 xE) / 3, xMS = xE + ( k/5 xE) / 4. The computations were done on a compatible 386DX2/40 with zero machine 10-20. From all starting points Newton method converged in a few iterations to the same solution. While this is not a proof that the system has a unique solution (there are actually multiple solutions in the transformed space) this however can be taken as an indication that the solution may be unique in a rather large region of the variables space. 4 The computed results Tables 1 to 9 give the numerical results (1 to 3 relate to configuration A, 4 to 6 to configuration B, 7 to 9 to configuration C). We first notice that the addition of Mercury makes almost no difference, so we can only consider configurations A and C. Table 1 gives in the first four columns the distances xE , xMS , xV , xS for different values of x1= xE taken as a parameter. Notice that the equations have been individually solved despite the fact (which was not noticed initially) that once the solution for a given x1 is known then the solution for x1 is just times the solution for x1. Columns headed by RES and IT give the final residual Euclidean norm and the number of iterations required by Newton method to achieve the given stopping criterion (||r|| 10-8). Notice that the estimated (by LINPACK routines) condition number of the final Jacobian, given in Tables 2, 5, 8 under the heading RCOND, depends generally on x1 and may affect the number of iterations (it might also affect the dynamical stability of the solutions, to be investigated in a later work). Table 2 gives, under the headings ALPHA2, ALPHA3, ALPHA4, the angles in degrees under which Mars, Venus and Saturn would be viewed from the Earth. Under VT we give the velocity of revolution of the Earth, measured in astronomic units per (present) year. Under YT we have the corresponding length of the year, in terms of present years, its inverse under 1/YT giving how many times shorter than presently would be the corresponding Earth "year". In Table 3 we give the ratios of the gravitational tidal forces of Saturn over Sun (under TPS), of Saturn over Mars (under TPMS), of Saturn over Venus (under TPV) and of Sun over Mars (under TPO). The following Tables are similarly to be interpreted, noticing that x(0) gives the distance of Mercury to the Sun, x(5) and ALPHA5 are the distances of Jupiter to the Sun and its visibility angle from the Earth. 5 Analysis of the numerical results The following observations follow from an inspection of the Tables: * in agreement with the Talbott et al. interpretation of the mythological record planet Saturn revolves quite close to the Earth. Its distance from the Sun is only about 5% greater than the Earth distance, if Jupiter is not considered, about 4.5% if Jupiter is considered. Jupiter would be only about 12% more distant than Earth and completely invisible, its visibility angle being smaller than the angles of Mars, Venus and Saturn * Venus visibility angle is about the half of the Saturn angle, this value being essentially unaffected by the presence of Jupiter * Mars visibility angle appears to be about 7% greater than the Venus angle, and therefore about the half of Saturn angle * Saturn visibility angle would be greater than the present Moon's angle for xE less than about 1.5 astronomical units * for xE = 1 the Earth would revolve around the Sun about 7% slower than presently in absence of Jupiter, about 14% slower in presence of Jupiter; for xE = 1/2 the Earth would revolve 2.6 times faster than presently in absence of Jupiter, 2.4 times faster in presence of Jupiter * gravitational tidal force of the external planets would be larger than the Sun's tidal force, the planets closest to the Earth having the greatest force. Notice that the ratio of these forces is independent of the actual Earth distance from Sun, due to the homogeneity property of equation (4). Notice that the ratio of the planetary tidal forces over the Sun's tidal force would be comparable with the present ratio of Moon's over Sun's tidal force (about 2.2), but the resulting action would be greater if the Earth kept the same face towards the planets. This fact may have had remarkable influence on the geological structure of the Earth (it is tempting to associate the formation of a unique continental mass, the Pangea, with such a tidal action). While most of the numerical results appear to be quite favourable to the polar model, a problem is that Mars, having a greater visibility angle, would completely cover Venus, the "eye" of Saturn. However there are two possibilities to remove this problem: * according to the polar model the visibility angle of Mars was not fixed but varying; this could be explained either by Mars not moving along a circular orbit, but along an elliptical one, as suggested by the stability analysis of Grubaugh, or by the fact that the atmospheres of Venus and Saturn would periodically and syncronously expand, increasing their visibility angle, or to the presence of the Moon, that has been ignored here * since the numerical results assign to Saturn an orbit much closer to the Sun than presently, it is quite possible that the atmospheres of Saturn and likely of Venus were hotter than presently and consequently more expanded, resulting in a visible diameter of the planets larger than the present diameter, which has been considered in the computations. Moreover if the system collapsed after the catastrophical capture of Jupiter from possibly the molecular cloud in the Orion region that was crossed by the solar system not more than a few million years ago, then substantial loss of mass from Saturn and Venus could be expected, again leading to a reduction of the diameter. 6 Conclusions The polar model has been partially investigated under some assumptions. The numerical results do actually provide a quite satisfactory validation. Further work is necessary along the following lines: * analysis of the dynamical stability of the circular syncronous orbits (i.e. time integration of the motion equations to verify if the alignment is stable; this may be true only for a range of values of xE ). * analysis of the orbits in presence of a strong perturbation. It is of particular interest to investigate if the arrival of Jupiter as a body coming from outside the previous solar system and passing presumibly close to Saturn and Venus could result in its capture, with the removal of Saturn to a farther away orbit, the passage of Venus into the present orbital region and a perturbation of Mars' orbit into an elliptical one with strong eccentricity. This would result in the close and catastrophical interactions of Mars with Earth that have been considered by Patten. * determination of the distance xE of the Earth to the Sun at the time of the polar model configuration. This could be estimated, in addition to the stability argument given before, if mythological information could be obtained on the relative size of the visibility angle of the Moon versus the planetary angles, under the assumption that the Moon-Earth distance has not changed. Of course the above problems, particularly the last one, are of considerable mathematical difficulty, both in the modelling and in the numerical solving, but should be within reach of computation of present workstations. Ackowledgements Thanks are due to Patten and Cardona for epistolarian exchange and personal discussions which have led to the study of this fascinating problem. Work supported by MURST 60% 95 funds.