mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== Robert Grubaugh I've been following David Talbott's material for a number of years, and the first response, generally, to what he had proposed in the way of the planets all lined up like a "shish-ka-bob" was, "That's nonsense, David. It's against the laws of physics; you can't do that. Kepler's Laws and all that sort of thing...You're dreaming. Forget about it." Well, when I got wind of this I thought, "Well, my goodness, I don't believe that's the case at all. I believe that Kepler's Laws do not necessarily apply to this kind of a configuration. And I also do not necessarily believe that the system would be unstable or that the system would not maintain that configuration for a long period of time." And so I've contacted him, and here I am. (First slide) Now if we accept David's premise, these are the requirements the model would have to fulfill: Number one, Saturn would definitely have to be something more than the speck in the sky we see today. For that reason it would have to be relatively close to the earth; much closer to the earth than at present. It has to remain in a fixed position, opposite the North Pole. And in that case this would require a certain alignment of the earth's polar axis, which would be a system which would mitigate against causing the axis to rotate because of the centrifugal forces and the requirements of a spinning object to maintain its polar alignment. It should have a lighted crescent, and he's talked about that fairly long. Venus and Mars have to be aligned concentrically, with Venus in a position closer to Saturn, and Mars closer to earth, and Jupiter not visible. Jupiter does not enter into his mythological model at all. And then he has the mountain-like apparition, and I have nothing much to say about that. My competence has to do with the orbital configuration. (Next, please.) So this is what I propose would be the configuration that would fulfill these requirements, as mentioned by David. (Well, let me see if I can work this. There we are.) We have the Sun and we have this array of planets, and this is the array of planets orbiting. And what we have is Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mars and Earth all rotating about a common center of gravity with Jupiter being on the opposite side and the center of gravity, of course, being between Jupiter and Saturn. So then Jupiter would be behind Saturn. And then the planets would be lined up. And Jupiter would not be visible because of the angle of visibility. Now this array would orbit the Sun as an array, but the group of planets would orbit in a clockwise direction, while the array orbits in a counter-clockwise direction. And this puts them in a retrograde motion. (I'll have a little something to say about that afterwards.) The retrograde motion is quite significant. And the planets are aligned...If this is synchronous-that is, if this spin or the orbiting of these bodies is actually in the same period of rotation as the orbit of the whole thing around the Sun-then the stack alignment will remain in a permanent position. And this requires that the Earth's spin axis does not have to precess. So the Earth's axis would be pointed along this line, and it would always be pointed in space towards some point in space, and be immovable relative to that point in space. I believe that's all on that one. (Next one please.) I'm not going to bore you with the equations, but what I show here is: Here is the center of gravity around which these planets are orbiting. This would be Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mars and Earth, and these will be orbiting in this direction, whereas this whole thing would be orbiting in this direction around the Sun. And in order to determine the distances between these things you have to solve a substantial number of algebraic non- linear equations. To be exact there're ten equations for the five planets. And so it's a task in itself just doing this. I've worn myself out, and my computer, quite extensively, trying to solve these at times. Then the distances solved from these equations, where "A" is the distance from the center of gravity, "B" the distance to the center of gravity, "C" between Venus and Saturn, "D" between Mars and Venus, and "E" between Earth and Mars. And then these are the values you get out of these equations. Now I don't vouch for the total accuracy of these things right now because my method of solving these equations was quite approximate. I would beat it to death on my computer with great anxiety and terror! A man by the name of Spedicato, who was supposed to be here today, a man from Italy, had taken the trouble of setting up a very elaborate scheme in which he could compute these numbers to a much greater precision than I could. And that precision was really necessary in order to demonstrate that this system is indeed stable. And I contend, as a result of the calculations that I made, that this orbiting system in itself (not in the realm of the Sun), is a stable configuration. It will do this, and it will stay in that configuration for a long time, except for one thing. And that is this: (If I can push the right button here...Yes...) Now we have the little tiny planet Mars, here. What we have is generally two bowling balls, two golf balls and a marble. The two golf balls and the marble won't have a great deal of influence on these two bowling balls. They can bang it and beat it and do anything they want, but it's not going to change their configuration. But Mars-being the smaller planet in between these two larger ones, namely Earth and Venus-is like having a steel bearing on a plate, positioned between two magnets. And you have the plate, and you would tip the plate a little bit. And it would try to roll towards one, but then the magnet would try to pull it. And then you'd have to tip the plate back the other way. So what I contend will happen, and have yet to calculate, the equations of which I'm in the process of setting up to do now, leads me to be almost certain that this will set up a resonant condition. That is, we have a synchronous orbit. But this thing can get moving back and forth in sync with the synchronous orbit, and it's like a shock absorber on your automobile going down a rough road. If your shocks aren't very good your wheels will bounce and it gets what is called a "disastrous motion." (Could I have the next one now?) So in order to demonstrate that this thing would work, I have made the calculations of the in-line position, and it is stable and it does work very well. Now the question is, "When you put that in orbit around the Sun, will the Sun tear it apart?" Now the first response of the astrophysical community to David's position was, "Well, even if it were stable, when you put it in the Sun's gravity, the Sun will just tear it apart. It can't possibly exist." And so I said, "Well, I'll try to see what I can do about that, and maybe I can make it stay." Well, hopefully Newton will do that for us. The first calculation was just to take Jupiter and Saturn, which can be treated individually as a separate sort of set. And you can sort of throw Earth and Venus and Mars out because they don't have too much effect on this. And these are generally the conclusions that all of my great fans are pointing out to me, which number, I think, a half! Now what I have done is set up a mathematical model, calculating step by step in time the orbit of these two planets around their mutual center of gravity as they orbit the Sun. And in doing so I'll later give a little example of what the process of the mathematics is. And I discover when you do this that the Sun does indeed have a significant influence on the behavior of these two as they orbit. But the Sun's influence is not of a total effect; it is one of a relative effect. It is a condition called a "gradient." That is, as the planetsrotate each other (and this is the Sun). They rotate about their center of gravity. At one point they're at the inferior conjunction; at this point they're at the superior conjunction. Now the Sun's gravity is different at this point than it is at this point. And by virtue of that, then, the system is not in a constant gravity field. Now, I've been a dynamicist and a dynamic modeler for a couple years, and one of the things about the dynamic system is that when you put a dynamic system, any kind of a rotating system, or any kind of a vibratory system (except a pendulum; a pendulum is the exception) the motions of that system-its frequency, its period and its response to external accelerations- are independent of the gravity field in which it is functioning. It's just a law of physics. And so if the Sun's gravity were constant, that is, if this, for example, were so far away and the things were so close together as you would think of the Moon and the Earth...The Moon and the Earth are very close together. And they're quite far away from the Sun. And so there is not as much difference between the gravity force at a distance away from the Sun as it is towards the Sun. And so this says that that would not have as great an effect. Well, the Moon does have an orbit that does that sort of thing-and it has been shown, it has been calculated, that it does do this. And this was a distortion of Jupiter. It tended to want to bulge out on each side; it tends to want to compress on the other. I started at the twelve o'clock calculation...The fact that it doesn't come back to the twelve o'clock calculation is related to two things. One, the input conditions that I use were arbitrarily selected so it will take it a while to settle down. And secondly, the thing is grossly sensitive to the magnitude of the integration step that you use to make the calculation. And the integration step is simply: How short a period of time do you calculate these things as you do it step by step in time, because you can't make a smooth mathematical representation, because the equations cannot be integrated directly-or, they can be, but it takes Herculean intelligence to do it, and I'm not in that category. (Let's have the next one.) The second calculation, again a trial calculation, but here the idea was to see whether, if I put a tiny planet out here, which would be a little farther distant away than Saturn and Jupiter were from the center of rotation, and if I put the Earth out here at a position, it would undergo a larger change in the gravity force, since the gravity force has a lapse rate and drops off. The farther away you get from the Sun, the less the gravity is. And so I tried this. And what I did was do something (of course I'm beloved of the astrophysical community for doing anything like this) which demonstrated that as long as these things are lined up I can lump the mass of the two together. And as long as they stay in the oriented position...and I determine the mass of this orbiting...the magnitude of this lump mass gives the same gravitational effect as the two planets would be together. Then I feel I've modeled it, in a sense. And I can determine if putting another planet in is going to cause it to do something bad. Well the answer is, "No, it doesn't do anything bad." It's a little farther away and has a little more ellipticity. That is, it tends to want to bulge out a little more on one side. But again this is still subject to the kind of input conditions you introduce into the magnitude of the time step employed in the integration procedure. (Could I have the next one?) No. This one would represent the entire thing without Mars. And I think you can consider that Mars would not have any influence on the general configuration, or the general stability of the orbits. Mars would, in my contention, get a resonant condition going and would cause all three-that is Venus and Earth and Mars-to start oscillating in a very undesirable way. This would cause either the Earth to approach Mars or Mars to approach the Earth and then to go apart, for Mars to approach Venus, and Venus to approach Mars. In other words, it would be sort of a pulsating thing, synchronous with their orbiting around their center of gravity and their orbit around the Sun. Let me have the next slide. (Missing text due to change of audio tape) ...pattern and you have the Sun pulling on Saturn. And the resultant of those two acceleration factors is that little line right there. And that is the force that is involved as a function of the angle. And so, you set up a little mathematical subroutine in your computer program, and you fix it so that whatever the position is of this angle, and the angle "I" is the angle that I use as the variable of its rotates. For every angle "I" and every distance between the two there is a difference of this gravitational vector. And so you put this in a little calculational procedure. And when you get it into this position, you call it forth and say, "Tell me what that vector is." And you do it and it gives that, and it gives you the angle. Then you go to the next step... Now I'm having a hard time seeing this, but this is the velocity vector triangles formed. For example, Saturn has a component of velocity clockwise around this center of gravity. So you represent it as an arrow. That's the arrow there. The center of gravity has a counterclockwise velocity vector perpendicular to this axis going in this direction. And that's this one right here. So those two vectors, then, are the two vectors which determine which, in combination with the gravitational vector, make the calculation of what the motion of these two things are, relative to each other and relative to the angle "I." Then to do this, I take the resultant vector and use that resultant vector, and find, then, the displacement at a given step in time. Find this displacement and then this displacement, which is the one of Saturn versus inertial space. This is the displacement vectors of the center of gravity in inertial space, and this is the vectors of Jupiter in inertial space. You can take the vector sum of these two, and that will give you what the change in this radius will be. And that's what gives you that swelling back and forth. As this thing circles and the gravity changes, then these radii will move back and forth. (Let's see about this last one here. Oh, all right.) The next step-once you've determined the length of this, then you can re-determine this velocity. To do that I used two methods. One of the fears of a dynamicist in making a time-dependent calculation is to get what you call a "boot-strap operation." That is, you start to calculate something, which depends upon its position. And then you change that position by integrating certain components of velocity and acceleration, and you get a changed position which gives you a changed force acting on it. And this changed force changes again. And what you end up doing is calculating a displacement, which determines the input, which determines the placement, which determines the input, which determines the displacement, which determines the input. And you end up with a mathematical instability, not a physical instability. It's liable to go anywhere. As a matter of fact, my suggestion has been, sometime if you try to use some of the so-called end body models on this thing, you'll end up with Saturn in your garage! I used two methods. One method was to find the acceleration component tangential to this point and the acceleration component tangent to this point, and then you vectorially subtract those two. Then that becomes the resultant acceleration vector of this point. Then you can compute that. But if you do, you end up possibly with a boot-strap operation. So to avoid that, I found that if I do that, let's say, for about a 90 degree movement of this angle, I find that if I go back and assume for a minute that there was an equilibrium condition formed that is, assumed that the velocity is related to this radial distance-and apply, then, the same law of equilibrium that was applied in the line of planets, I can see what velocity it gives. And it turns out that that velocity is less than a half a percent different from the other one. And so it becomes a convenient way to keep the whole thing tied to that radius and prevents the boot-strap operation. Now in some of the larger programs, the larger end body computer codes, they go to something like double precision, and in some cases triple precision, which means in order to make their calculations, in some cases, they'll have the parameters out to as much as ten, fifteen significant figures, which is well beyond the scope of my dealing with this thing. I want to stay within a realm of precision which will serve my purpose of not determining what is the precise location of this at any precise moment of time. But does it hang together? Well, so what I would say in conclusion is this. On the basis of my calculations and with only modest approximations and only modest assumptions-no assumptions, only modest approximations-I maintain that the system is stable and will remain stable for a prolonged period of time, until such time as the planet Mars disrupts the whole thing and causes it not to fall apart because it's unstable in the beginning; it's unstable because Mars is not going to let it be too stable. If there's anything that can possibly start Mars in a resonant mode it'll tear up the whole situation, and it will be disastrous. Something's going to hit something or come very close to hitting something. One other conclusion about this is that I noticed that the spin of the planet Venus today is in retrograde. It is spinning backwards from everything else in the solar system. And it's been sort of a mystery. Why does Venus spin backwards? It spins backwards at a very, very slow period, at a period of something like 250 - 260 days, which is nearly a year. It not only spins backwards, but every time it comes into conjunction with the Earth it gives the Earth its same face. It aims its...It moons us! (Laughter...) So I took the trouble of saying, "Well my goodness. In all my calculations I have assumed that the distance between the Sun and this orbiting system (which would be the distance from the Sun to the center of gravity) was roughly what the distance is from the Sun to the Earth today. Now that would put, then, the Earth in this system...This is exaggerated scale, of course, this distance here is nowhere near that large. We're talking something which is eight to ten percent of this distance. So it's exaggerated here only to show my procedure. If Venus was orbiting in a contrary way to the center of gravity, it would, in a period of time which would be fairly substantial, align itself. It would eventually cause its rotation, its rotational period, to equal that of the orbital period exactly the way our Moon does. Our Moon has a spin which is totally synchronous with the Earth, so we only see one side of the Moon. We never can see the other side. Now what would happen then if it were orbiting here and we're in a period long enough so that it would have that period of 250 to 260 days? Just pretend for a minute that it didn't change. When the thing blew up or tore apart or did whatever it was going to do...Obviously it can't be totally stable or it we'd still be in the configuration today. That's why I tell everybody when they say, "Why, your system isn't stable!" And I say, "Well you know it can't be too much or we'd still be there. We'd still be looking at Saturn right now." Anyway, so what we do here is say that...Let's pretend that it has the same spin period as the period of this thing around the Sun. That will tell us from Kepler's Law how far it is from the Sun. It turns out to be something close to the Earth's orbit, but between the Earth's orbit and Venus' orbit. So it is something less than it is today, which would make the Earth a little bit warmer, but the seasons would be kind of the same. In other words there would be a seasonal variation very much as there is today, and it would fix the position of this. So then I made another calculation. I said, "Well, what is the total energy of these planets in the solar system today?" So you can take Saturn out in its orbit, way out, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Earth. Take their kinetic and potential energy condition as of today, and see what position it would have to be, relative to the Sun, in order to produce that same energy. And the energy balance occurs at about the distance that we were talking about-where Venus would be, in order to put itself into that retrograde spin condition. Which gives another sort of credibility to the fact that it could indeed exist in this manner. I think that's about all. (Applause.) Moderator: Well done, Sir, time-wise. Are there questions or comments? Well, all right, go ahead. Better go to the microphone. Grubaugh: I don't need the microphone. I have a booming... Questioner 1: I'm somewhat mathematically challenged, as are most of us here. So if you don't mind, I'll refer to this one as the ferris wheel. You have Jupiter and Saturn orbiting about a common gravitational or ...(???)... center which, in effect, is not unlike an Earth-Moon system today. But there are also some Lagrangian points beyond the Moon's orbit, which would be like beyond Saturn's orbit. Now wouldn't the Venus-Mars-Earth system be in that Lagrangian area-whether it's L-3 or whatever, I'm not quite sure-beyond Saturn, if they are orbiting together following Saturn, as it were, in its orbit...? Grubaugh: As they orbit around Saturn, the Earth moves farther away and is on the position beyond Saturn at one point, and then as it gets around to the other side it's between the Sun and Saturn. Questioner 1: No, no, no...It's orbiting beyond Saturn, but you never see Jupiter. Grubaugh: Oh, Jupiter. Questioner 1: ...because in the Earth-Moon system...If you're in, I think it's position L-3, I'm not quite sure...You're beyond the Moon. You never see the Earth, but you're in that position. And you go around with the Moon. Now I see this in that configuration, but these Lagrangian points are unstable. Grubaugh: The what now? Questioner 1: Lagrangian. Moderator: The Lagrangian points are unstable. Grubaugh: Oh, this has nothing to do with the Lagrangian points. Questioner 1: You are describing Lagrangian points. Grubaugh: No, Lagrange point is only one. Questioner 1: You are. I see the Earth, Mars and Venus in a Lagrangian system, and this is the description I get. Moderator: Would you explain what is a Lagrangian point? Grubaugh: Lagrange was a mathematician-astronomer who derived various positions in which a planet could orbit the Sun, relative to another planet. In other words, there was like a three planet system. And in his, Lagrange points are not orbiting. You would have Jupiter and Saturn orbiting the Sun in some synchronous manner, not one orbiting the other while it orbits. And so there is no Lagrange point here. The only Lagrange point that would be similar would be when this thing arrives in the superior conjunction position, where Saturn would be beyond Jupiter. That would be a Lagrange position. But for that to be a Lagrange position it would have to stay with that same angle, relative to the Sun. And that's not what it does. In this model it doesn't do that. It is orbiting as it orbits the Sun. And so a Lagrange point is only a stable orbit of two planets around the Sun, not orbiting each other. And Lagrange does not apply to the Moon and the Earth system. The Moon-Earth-Sun is not applicable to the Lagrangian points. There is no Lagrange point that corresponds to the Moon orbiting the Earth orbiting the Sun. I think that answers it. Questioner 1: Well it sounds reasonable. But I think there may a... Grubaugh: Could I get some help, Bob, from you? Would you back me up on that? Questioner 2: Let's see, I have six points but I can't cover them all now. On the Lagrange points-I think the last questioner's point was well taken. You haven't distinguished between stable and unstable equilibriums. You have described equilibriums, but you have done nothing about stability which needs to be addressed, and I hope that you have taken a close look at Victor Slabinski's critiques... Grubaugh: Oh yes, but Victor Slabinski's critique was a specific condition in which Saturn and Jupiter were not orbiting each other. He has the position where Saturn and Jupiter are orbiting the Sun in sync. And in order for them to orbit the Sun in sync, they would have to have Jupiter and Saturn in the same orbit, and they would have to be separated at a distance, equal to the distance from both of them to the Sun. So it would have to be an equilateral triangle which is not applicable to what we're talking about. Questioner 2: Well, there is a question of definition there, because if you take the perspective of a distant inertial observer, your configuration is not really orbiting at all. It's remaining... Grubaugh: Oh no it's orbiting, absolutely. Questioner 2: You're describing it going around the Sun, but they're maintaining a fixed direction in inertial space. Grubaugh: It doesn't maintain a fixed direction relative to the Sun. It maintains a fixed direction relative to the... Questioner 2: ...Relative to distant stars which means that... Grubaugh: In order to do that it has to orbit; you have to have orbits. They have to orbit the center of gravity. Questioner 2: Well, the laws of inertia seem to refer to inertial space with the direction of the fixed stars, which means that they're not moving with respect to the fixed stars. And I think there would be a problem there. Ultimately let me get to the point about the way all dynamicists check their models with a numerical integration, as you know. But as you also know, this model does not hold up under a numerical integration, which is the only way you can tell if you're faithful to the Newtonian laws. Grubaugh: Let me answer that, I think, as carefully as possible. This is a numerical integration. This is all Newton's laws. It is Newton's laws of equilibrium, and it is a numerical integration. Now what you're referring to, I think, is the fact that...My great number of fans that I've developed on the news-and I have a large number of fans...a large number of fans...They say, "Grubaugh, give me some numbers." And I say, "Get your own numbers." "No, we have to have input conditions." And I say, "Oh you need input conditions? Well, what are we going to give you for input? Well, I'll give you my input. I have a relative...I guess you would call it a Larian (sp?) type of system in which I'm using as my variables...are the component of velocity relative to the center of motion of the group as they...plus the movement of that center of gravity as it moves around the Sun." Now in making that calculation it ends up that you have... The only two independent variables of that calculation are the velocity of the thing relative to the center of gravity and the velocity of the center of gravity as an input condition. Now if you take those two and add them vectorially, that becomes the dependent variable. And the dependent variable is not an operable variable. So when I gave these numbers to several of my friends, they said, "Well, you don't understand. You just used...That's the velocity." I said, "Well, if you use that velocity you're going to put Saturn in your garage." And they went ahead and they did it anyway and they said, "It's unstable." So I've gone to another end-body model with another researcher. And instead of putting my numbers in, which are lousy, they're not numbers that you can use in that model...If you're going to integrate and determine a position of an object by the means of a boot-strap integration, you have to have the exact input conditions or you'll get garbage. If you don't have the input conditions, it will integrate itself and add itself up and indeed you will end up flying apart. And they end up with absurdities. Like the thing disintegrating in a quarter of a cycle. And that's absurd. It can't...even if it's unstable it wouldn't do that. It would take it at least an orbit or so and, the way it would become unstable and disintegrate would be to spiral outward. And finally to spiral out to a point where the gravitational forces that would hold it to its point of orbit would disappear. I've told these people and they choose to ignore me. Questioner 2: Well there's a little difficulty in communication because you're using terms with a slightly different meaning than is conventional in the field. For example, your model is what we call an analytic theory, not a numerical theory. If it were a numerical theory you'd have to... Grubaugh: I'm a dynamicist, not an astrophysicist. Questioner 2: In dynamical terminology you have to have precise positions, velocities and masses for each of the bodies in your system... Grubaugh: Absolutely. And if they're not correct when you do the numerical integration you get the wrong answer. Questioner 2: ...And the configuration, which, if you perturbed the initial condition slightly and it flies apart, it's called unstable. Even if it's in equilibrium, it's called unstable. And that means that in physical reality the slightest force that came along, it would come apart and fly apart faster and faster as it went. Grubaugh: Well let me say this: ...If you had Saturn and Jupiter orbiting their center of gravity...If you bring them farther and farther apart, so that the gradient of the Sun's gravity is sufficient to cause it to be disrupted and cause that little...where I showed that orbiting distortion. When that distortion becomes larger it would be essentially unstable, which I have done. I took the model and ran it with Saturn and Jupiter and put the distance out to (instead of one-tenth), out to about 40%. In other words, instead of having the distance between Jupiter and Saturn being one-tenth of the distance to the Sun, I moved it out so that it was four-tenths of that distance to the Sun. And it blows up. It just goes unstable as hell. It starts out and it goes up and it won't center, and then it goes on, it spirals away. It just won't stay. And that's an instability. But up until then, it's stable as hell. As a matter of fact, I can't disturb it enough to cause it to go unstable. Questioner 2: Yes. Well one last quick comment, then we'll have some more discussion later, I'm sure. There would be spectacular transits or eclipses of the Sun under these conditions. And also you'd get 6 month days on certain points on the Earth. Why aren't those in the record too? (Then I'll sit down.) Grubaugh: Oh well, yes. The answer to that is yes, if the things are in perfect plane. And, of course, I would assume that they're in perfect plane because I haven't modified my equations to allow for any slope of the eccentricity. But as you know today, if the Moon and the Earth were in absolute plane or condition, there would be an eclipse every month. And so you have to say, "Well, yes, once a year the Sun is going to be behind Jupiter and Saturn." Once a year. Now I will just say that the likelihood of these things being perfectly coplanar is very slim. They probably will have some slight edge, some slight turn. Not only that, but they won't be absolutely perfectly aligned, probably. The equations of the stack itself tends to pull them in a line. It's like having them with a rubber band between them. You try to pull one out of line and it will twang right back into position because the gravity forces tend to make it more stable and bring it together. The fact is, I'm worried about the stability of that stack itself, because I'm going to have trouble, I think, putting in a kind of a nudge to get Mars to do something bad. And if I can't do something bad I'm not sure what I'm going to...We'll have to tell David that maybe Mars isn't going to come back and forth. I kind of feel that it will-that it will set up some kind of a synchronous condition. But to go back and repeat: The problem with using the end-body models is that they do not work in reverse. You can't say, "I have an orbiting system of these things and you tell me what the input conditions are to put into that model in order to make it an orbiting system. It doesn't exist. You have to put in numbers and then it calculates it. And I'll say it again: If you don't put it in, if you're doing double precision or triple precision, if you give it the wrong number you're going to get the wrong answer. And that's what they're doing. And I found one model, now, where what we have done is adjusted. Let's say we take the conditions that I have given and said you can't use, and tried it, and of course in the model just flies away. It won't even go 20 degrees. It goes 20degrees and flies off. Well, now, wait a minute. We've got bad influence. Let's change the inputs just a little bit. So we change the inputs a little bit...ah!...It doesn't do so bad. Finally we get this adjusted right in the place-"Home sweet home." Talbott: This question of the Lagrange point troubles me in terms of a conversation we had and I just want...It's a fundamental theoretical issue here and the possibility of actually an error that is ultimately discrediting to the system. When I asked you many months ago, "Now how far would we have to put the Moon away from the Earth for the Moon to revolve around the Earth, so to speak, in one year?" You said, "Well now, curiously, that's a Lagrange point." Grubaugh: No. It is not. Talbott: It is not? Grubaugh: No. It is not. Talbott: Okay, then that answers the question. Because if, indeed it was, then it's revolving... Grubaugh: You asked me...I'll tell you the question you asked me. "How far would you have to put them apart so they would orbit the Sun in exactly the same period?" The two of them orbiting the Sun at the same period. The answer is they would have to be one Earth diameter distance from the Sun apart, in other words, a 60degree triangle. Talbott: Okay, then. And that is a completely different position than the position at which it would revolve...the Earth and the Moon would revolve around that very center in one year. That's a completely different position. And it might... Grubaugh: ...It's totally different from a Lagrange point. It has nothing to do with a Lagrange point. Talbott: Okay. That does answer it. From audience: Is that true, Tom, by the way? (Laughter) Talbott: Excuse me, just a second. The other night I asked him that question. When I asked Tom that question the other night, he said, "No. That position in which it would revolve in one year is the Lagrange point." Grubaugh: No it isn't. No it isn't. (Laughter from audience.) It is orbiting. Grubaugh: I might amplify that a little bit. Facts are the enemy of truth. Questioner 4: Somebody said that this discussion is "far out!" I thought I heard you say in your model that the Jupiter-Saturn system was orbiting the Sun retrograde? Grubaugh: No. Saturn and Jupiter...Well, it depends on what you want to call retrograde. That is, I say that Saturn-Jupiter, they align, so the stack is orbiting its center of gravity in a clockwise orientation and the whole stack is orbiting the Sun counterclockwise. And that makes one or the other retrograde. Questioner 4: I misunderstood. I thought you said that it was clockwise. Grubaugh: Well sometimes my tongue gets a little bit loose and you have to, sort of, correct me. What I'm saying and I'll repeat it: The stack is orbiting its center of gravity in a clockwise rotation, a clockwise orbit. The whole system is orbiting the Sun counterclockwise. Questioner 4: All right. Then I did hear you right. Then when the system flew apart, because it has come apart... Grubaugh: Well, when I...If I put the wrong numbers in an end-body model. Questioner 4: Have you given thought to why these planets are now orbiting... Grubaugh: I think it fell apart because of the...I think because it's set up. ...It's my opinion, I don't know, I wasn't there, but I would guess that since there is a good chance of a very severe instability resulting from that small planet... (Missing text due to change of tape) Questioner 5: Yes, actually I hope this doesn't require a technical answer. I wouldn't understand it anyway. But the innermost planet, Mercury, would that be of such small mass as to have no implications on the dynamics... Grubaugh: It is not in the model, and I wouldn't know where to put it in. If David will tell me what the myth's say about where Mercury should be, I'll put it in there somewhere and see what it does. See if it sticks. We'll try it. Moderator: Charles, do you want to make your announcement as well as ask your question? Questioner 6: Yes, if possible. I'll ask my question first, then make my announcement. I'm interested in the effects on the gravity of the Earth of the model that you created. That is, Ted Holden was talking about the dinosaurs, and he spoke of them as being in an environment which implies lower surface gravity. And...Have you...Would this model, in some way, I don't see... Grubaugh: Yes, you can calculate the change. There would be a substantial tide as a result of all these planets acting on the Earth at these close distances. Yes. The Earth would have a very substantial tide. A tide, I'd say, depends upon what you consider to be tidal. If it's Earth and there's not too much water...Let's say, if you assume that there's a lot of water there, then the water would be pretty much piled up on the North end...There would be an early substantial permanent tide. Now if there is not much water, then it wouldn't make much difference. But there would be a substantial Earth tidal effect and the effect of gravity at that point... Questioner 6: I just want to know in a general sense. Grubaugh: My immediate reaction is to say that the gravity would be less, but I hesitate to say that. I'm not sure, Charles. I'm not sure that these gravity accelerations of a particle on the surface of the Earth-those gravity acceleration components-would vectorially add into a lesser gravity. I kind of think it will. But if I say it is...I have some fans who will tell me, "Boy, you're wrong again, Grubaugh."