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Functionalized fullerenes are divided into two classes: exohedral with substituents outside the cage and endohedral fullerenes with trapped molecules inside the cage. Contents [hide ] * 1 Chemical properties of fullerenes * 2 Fullerene reactions o 2.1 Nucleophilic addition o 2.2 Pericyclic reactions o 2.3 Hydrogenation o 2.4 Oxidation o 2.5 Electrophilic addition o 2.6 Retro additions * 3 Fullerenes as ligands * 4 Multistep fullerene synthesis * 5 Open-cage fullerenes * 6 Fullerene dimers * 7 Nanotube chemistry * 8 Fullerene purification o 8.1 Experimental purification strategies * 9 References [edit ] Chemical properties of fullerenes See also: Endohedral fullerenes Fullerene or C_60 is soccer-ball-shaped or /I_h / with 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons. According to Euler's theorem these 12 pentagons are required for closure of the carbon network consisting of /n/ hexagons and C_60 is the first stable fullerene because it is the smallest possible to obey this rule. In this structure none of the pentagons make contact with each other. Both C_60 and its relative C_70 obey this so-called *isolated pentagon rule (IPR)*. The next homologue C_84 has 24 IPR isomers of which several are isolated and another 51,568 non-IPR isomers. Non-IPR fullerenes have thus far only been isolated as endohedral fullerenes such as Tb3N@C_84 with two fused pentagons at the apex of an egg-shaped cage.^[4] Because of the molecule's spherical shape the carbon atoms are highly pyramidalized , which has far-reaching consequences for reactivity. It is estimated that strain energy constitutes 80% of the heat of formation . The conjugated carbon atoms respond to deviation from planarity by orbital rehybridization of the sp² orbitals and pi orbitals to a sp^2.27 orbital with a gain in p-character. The p lobes extend further outside the surface than they do into the interior of the sphere and this is one of the reasons a fullerene is electronegative . The other reason is that the empty low-lying pi^* orbitals also have high s character. The double bonds in fullerene are not all the same. Two groups can be identified: 30 so-called [6,6] double bonds connect two hexagons and 60 [5,6] bonds connect a hexagon and a pentagon. Of the two the [6,6] bonds are shorter with more double-bond character and therefore a hexagon is often represented as a cyclohexatriene and a pentagon as a pentalene or [5]radialene . In other words, although the carbon atoms in fullerene are all conjugated the superstructure is not a super aromatic compound . The X-ray diffraction bond length values are 135.5 pm for the [6,6] bond and 146.7 pm for the [5,6] bond. C_60 fullerene has 60 pi electrons but a closed shell configuration requires 72 electrons. The fullerene is able to acquire the missing electrons by reaction with potassium to form first the K_6 C6−60 salt and then the K_12 C12−60 In this compound the bond length alternation observed in the parent molecule has vanished. [edit ] Fullerene reactions See also: Bingel reaction and Prato reaction Fullerenes tend to react as electrophiles. An additional driving force is relief of strain when double bonds become saturated. Key in this type of reaction is the level of functionalization i.e. monoaddition or multiple additions and in case of multiple additions their topological relationships (new substituents huddled together or evenly spaced). [edit ] Nucleophilic addition Fullerenes react as electrophiles with a host of nucleophiles in nucleophilic additions . The intermediary formed carbanion is captured by another electrophile. Examples of nucleophiles are Grignard reagents and organolithium reagents . For example the reaction of C_60 with methylmagnesium chloride stops quantitatively at the penta-adduct with the methyl groups centered around a cyclopentadienyl anion which is subsequently protonated ^[5] . Another nucleophilic reaction is the Bingel reaction . Fullerene reacts with chlorobenzene and aluminium chloride in a Friedel-Crafts alkylation type reaction. In this hydroarylation the reaction product is the 1,2-addition adduct (Ar-CC-H) ^[6] . [edit ] Pericyclic reactions The [6,6] bonds of fullerenes react as dienes or dienophiles in cycloadditions for instance Diels-Alder reactions . 4-membered rings can be obtained by [2+2]cycloadditions for instance with benzyne . An example of a 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition to a 5-membered ring is the Prato reaction . Fullerenes react with carbenes to methanofullerenes. [edit ] Hydrogenation Fullerenes are easily hydrogenated by several methods. Examples of hydrofullerenes are C_60 H_18 and C_60 H_36 . However, completely hydrogenated C_60 H_60 is only hypothetical because of large strain. Highly hydrogenated fullerenes are not stable, prolonged hydrogenation of fullerenes by direct reaction with hydrogen gas at high temperature conditions results in collapse of cage structure with formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. [edit ] Oxidation Although more difficult than reduction, oxidation of fullerene is possible for instance with oxygen and osmium tetraoxide . [edit ] Electrophilic addition Fullerenes react in electrophilic additions as well. The reaction with bromine can add up to 24 bromine atoms to the sphere. The record holder for fluorine addition is C60F48. According to in silico predictions the as yet elusive C60F60 may have some of the fluorine atoms in endo positions (pointing inwards) and may resemble a tube more than it does a sphere.^[7] [edit ] Retro additions Protocols have been investigated for removing substituents via retroadditions after they have served their purpose. Examples are the retro-Bingel reaction and the retro-Prato reaction . [edit ] Fullerenes as ligands Fullerene is a ligand in organometallic chemistry . The [6,6] double bond is electron-deficient and usually forms metallic bonds with η = 2 hapticity . Bonding modes such as η = 5 or η = 6 can be induced by modification of the coordination sphere . * C_60 fullerene reacts with tungsten hexacarbonyl W(CO)_6 to the (η²-C_60 )W(CO)_5 complex in a hexane solution in direct sunlight.^[8] [edit ] Multistep fullerene synthesis Although the procedure for the synthesis of the C60 fullerene is well established (generation of a large current between two nearby graphite electrodes in an inert atmosphere) a 2002 study described an organic synthesis of the compound starting from simple organic compounds.^[9] ^[10] Multistep fullerene synthesis In the final step a large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon consisting of 13 hexagons and three pentagons is submitted to flash vacuum pyrolysis at 1100°C and 0.01 Torr . The three carbon chlorine bonds serve as free radical incubators and the ball is stitched up in a no-doubt complex series of radical reactions . The chemical yield is low: 0.1 to 1%. A small percentage of fullerenes is formed in any process which involves burning of hydrocarbons, e.g. in candle burning. The yield through a combustion method is often above 1%. The method proposed above does not provide any advantage for synthesis of fullerenes compared to the usual combustion method, and therefore, the organic synthesis of fullerenes remains a challenge for chemistry. A similar exercise aimed at construction of a C78 cage in 2008 (but leaving out the precursor's halogens) did not result in a sufficient yield but at least the introduction of Stone Wales defects could be ruled out.^[11] [edit ] Open-cage fullerenes A part of fullerene research is devoted to so-called *open-cage fullerenes* whereby one or more bonds are removed chemically exposing an orifice ^[12] . In this way it is possible to insert into it small molecules such as hydrogen, helium or lithium. The first such open-cage fullerene was reported in 1995 ^[13] . In endohedral hydrogen fullerenes the opening, hydrogen insertion and closing back up has already been demonstrated. [edit ] Fullerene dimers The C_60 fullerene dimerizes in a formal [2+2] cycloaddition to a C_120 bucky dumbbell in the solid state by mechanochemistry (high-speed vibration milling) with potassium cyanide as a catalyst ^[14] . The trimer has also been reported using 4-aminopyridine as catalyst (4% yield) ^[15] and observed with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy as a monolayer ^[16] [edit ] Nanotube chemistry Main article: Selective chemistry of single-walled nanotubes Carbon nanotubes , also part of the fullerene family, can be described as graphene sheets rolled into a cylindrical tube. Unlike the spherical fullerenes made up of hexagons and pentagons, nanotubes only have hexagons present but in terms of reactivity both systems have much in common. Due to electrostatic forces nanotubes have a nasty tendency to cluster together into bundles and many potential applications require an exfoliation process. One way to do this is by chemical surface modification. A useful tool for the analysis of derivatised nanotubes is Raman spectroscopy which shows a *G-band* (G for graphite ) for the native nanotubes at 1580 cm^-1 and a *D-band* (D for defect) at 1280 cm^-1 when the graphite lattice is disrupted with conversion of sp² to sp³ hybridized carbon . The ratio of both peaks I_D /I_G is taken as a measure of functionalization. Other tools are UV spectroscopy where pristine nanotubes show distinct Van Hove singularities where functionalized tubes do not, and simple TGA analysis . In one type of chemical modification, aniline is oxidized to a diazonium intermediate. After expulsion of nitrogen, it forms a covalent bond as an aryl radical :^[17] ^[18] On Water Nanotube Functionalization Also known are protocols for Diels-Alder reactions , one assisted by chromium hexacarbonyl and high pressure ^[19] . The I_D /I_G ratio for reaction with Danishefsky’s diene is 2.6. Nanotubes can also be alkylated with alkyl halides using lithium or sodium metal and liquid ammonia (Birch reduction conditions) ^[20] ^[21] . The initial nanotube salt can function as an polymerization initiator ^[22] and can react with peroxides to form alkoxy functionalized nanotubes ^[23] [edit ] Fullerene purification *Fullerene purification* is the process of obtaining a fullerene compound free of contamination. In fullerene production mixtures of C_60 , C_70 and higher homologues are always formed. Fullerene purification is key to fullerene science and determines fullerene prices and the success of practical applications of fullerenes. The first available purification method for C_60 fullerene was by HPLC from which small amounts could be generated at large expense. A practical laboratory-scale method for purification of soot enriched in C_60 and C_70 starts with extraction in toluene followed by filtration with a paper filter. The solvent is evaporated and the residue (the toluene-soluble soot fraction) redissolved in toluene and subjected to column chromatography . C60 elutes first with a purple color and C70 is next displaying a reddish-brown color.^[24] In nanotube processing the established purification method for removing amorphous carbon and metals is by competitive oxidation (often a sulfuric acid / nitric acid mixture). It is assumed that this oxidation creates oxygen containing groups (hydroxyl , carbonyl , carboxyl ) on the nanotube surface which electrostatically stabilize them in water and which can later be utilized in chemical functionalization. One report ^[25] reveals that the oxygen containing groups in actuality combine with carbon contaminations absorbed to the nanotube wall that can be removed by a simple base wash. Cleaned nanotubes are reported to have reduced D/G ratio indicative of less functionalization, and the absence of oxygen is also apparent from IR spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy . [edit ] Experimental purification strategies A recent kilogram scale fullerene purification strategy was demonstrated by Nagata et al.^[26] In this method C_60 was separated from a mixture of C_60 , C_70 and higher fullerene compounds by first adding the amidine compound DBU to a solution of the mixture in 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene . DBU as it turns out only reacts to C_70 fullerenes and higher which reaction products separate out and can be removed by filtration. C_60 fullerenes do not have any affinity for DBU and are subsequently isolated. Other diamine compounds like DABCO do not share this selectivity. C_60 but not C_70 forms a 1:2 inclusion compound with cyclodextrin (CD). A separation method for both fullerenes based on this principle is made possible by anchoring cyclodextrin to colloidal gold particles through a sulfur - sulfur bridge ^[27] . The Au/CD compound is very stable and soluble in water and selectively extracts C_60 from the insoluble mixture after refluxing for several days. The C_70 fullerene component is then removed by simple filtration . C_60 is driven out from the Au/CD compound by adding adamantol which has a higher affinity for the cyclodextrin cavity. Au/CD is completely recycled when adamantol in turn is driven out by adding ethanol and ethanol removed by evaporation. 50 mg of Au/CD captures 5 mg of C_60 fullerene. [edit ] References 1. ^ ^/*a*/ ^/*b*/ Vol. ed.: A. Hirsch. With contributions by C. Bellavia-Lund ... (1993). /Fullerenes and Related Structures (Topics in Current Chemistry)/. Berlin: Springer. 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