On Thu, 14 Feb 2013, Leroy Ellenberger wrote: .............comments by ellenberger. He is correct > I have contacted one of the authors of this paper who confirms > my suspicion that IF the solar wind flux had been ten to 100 > times greater than now for at least a century, as Peratt > believes, THEN such an increase would have affected the > production of [10]Be and [14]C, whose effect on [10]Be would > be seen in the profile for [10]Be concentration in the > Greenland ice. No such effect is seen.  > > Peratt has been very diligent in documenting the provenances > of petroglyphs and doing laboratory simulations, but he has > not shown any interest, so far as I am aware, of testing his > ideas about solar wind flux variation against the physical > record in the Greenland ice and other relevant proxy records, > such as tree rings which preserve the [14]C record. > > Then, too, considering that all archaeoastronomers understand > that observers in the northern hemisphere cannot see the stars > in the southern sky and at the South Pole (n.b.: Hipparchus, > observing from Rhodes, could not see any stars further south > than about 5 degrees below the equator), how come Peratt > claims that observers in high northern latitudes, where the > "squatting stick man" petroglyphs are found in positions > suggesting a viewing to the south, were able to see the > stupendous aurora impinging on the south magnetic pole? > > There are other problems attending Peratt's revolutionary > hypothesis, such as the petroglyphs being found on islands in > the Pacific that were not inhabited until many thousands of > years after Peratt claims the enhanced solar wind ceased AND > the aurora extending out from the south pole farther than the > Earth-Moon distance when the magnetosphere is only about 1/10 > that thickness now and would have been compressed to an even > smaller thickness when the solar wind flux was ten to 100 > greater than now. But NONE of the "explorers" that Dave has > recruited into his movement seems to have been bothered by > such inconsistencies. And Peratt, to judge from his recent > publications, does not seem to have considered them, either. > Shame, shame, shame. Where is Peratt's "plan for action" that > S.J. Gould admonished be formulated by revolutionary thinkers? > > IF the petroglyphs that fascinate Peratt and his fellow > "cosmic electricians" at kronia.com and thunderbolts.info and > mythopedia.info were really motivated by something seen in the > sky, then they might do well to find another phenomenon such > as the effects of Earth's episodic, energetic interaction with > the Taurid-Encke complex all during the Holocene, as Victor > Clube, Bill Napier, Mike Baillie, Moe Mandelkehr and others > have been elucidating for the past 28 years. Yeah, that's the > ticket! Is Bruce Mainwaring listening?