http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== *Prof. Ramirez* *Chicano Literature* *Spring 2005* *Arthur Anderson, Charles E. Dibble. Eds. Florentine Codex. Fray Bernardino de Sahagun* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Chapter 1* Discussion of eight omens that signal the arrival of the Spanish. These omens take place about 10 years before the arrival of Cortes in 1519. Flame shooting up to the heavens Burning of temple of Huitzilopochtli Lightning strikes temple of Xiuhtecutli Comet in three lines Rising of the water of the lake Crying Woman Brown Crane with mirror on its head (an instrument for divining) *Chapter 2* Stewards of Mexican cities believe they see Quetzalcoatl They inform the Spanish that the ruler of Mexico is Moctezuma Moctezuma forbids the stewards to mention this encounter *Chapter 3* Belief in the arrival of Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl from the East (the Atlantic) Moctezuma sends emissaries to meet the arrival of this god. *Chapter 4* Prophecy of the return of Quetzalcoatl "It is said that our lord hath at last come to land. Meet him. Listen well; use your ears well. What he will say you will bring well in your ears. . ."(11). Gifts including the two different arrays for Quetzalcoatl, the array of Tezcatlipoca adornment of the Lord of Tlalocan Gifts made of turquoise, feathers, shells, gold *Chapter 5* Eating of the earth ritual as sign of respect to Captain Cortes. The Indians dress cortes in the mask, jacket, etc. Then Cortes orders for the messengers to be put in irons Account of the lombard gun firing Indians are asked to fight the Spanish to demonstrate their bravery Chapter 6 Moctezuma's messengers return home to Moctezuma with an account of their journey Moctezuma appears in torment Moctezuma orders the sacrifice of captives and the blood of his captives to be shed on the messengers *Chapter 7* Indians describe the steel armor as iron. They take notice of the white skin of the Spanish, and their hair which is both yellow and black. The Indians also notice the black hair of an African, presumably a slave, who is with the Spanish ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Images of Quetzalcoatl and Huitzilopochtli