http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== *Maya Java to Guava* *The Return of Mayan Priests * *and their **Patolli Computers* *As explained by a Los Angeles Replicant* *and Supplicant Nexus Tzacol* *NeuroChip Implant* * "Entrad, pues, en consulta, abuelo, abuela: Ixpiyacoc; Ixmucane . . . echad la suerte con vuestros granos de maiz y de tzité y averiguad si hemos de labrar en madera la boca y los ojos del Nuevo Hombre! . . ." (Popol Vuh)* For those who don't speak Spanish or the Mayan-Nahuatl language, the above statement is taken from the Indigenous Bible commonly named Popol Vuh and says about guessing with beans and sticks the fate of the New Man. To the reader, I ask apologies because English it's not my native language. However, I will attempt to translate my experiences from the oral teachings of my cosmic ancestors as told in the Popol Vuh. As we speak, the last Mayan generation is fighting for their survival and genetic heritage in Chiapas, Southern Mexico, and there are many indigenous organizations helping them to prevent complete elimination of their gene pool. But, their land and natural resources are being taken away. The lucky ones are able to move to other foreign domains and be segregated in more ghettos such as in Los Angeles. Sort of Mayan prophecy and predicted holocaust! This pattern has continued for hundreds of years until Quetzalcoatl returns to judge our people and rule again the Mayas as told by Chilam Balam de Chumayel. This Web site is not about social revolution, though. Everything has a sidereal is about Mayan knowledge, the purest ideas of a conscious race associated with syncronicity, mathematics, and galactic navigation. Thus, this site is unique in its own kind because it tells a different story, the lost Iuracrunu Codex with a message about Mayan mathematics. As you probably know, the Mayan had "natural" computers called 'esteras' in which they made calculations and play games such as the Patolli. My mission is to tell you how they applied this knowledge to build, trade, measure, and have fun with Mayan priests (known as programmers in our time). I would like to add the time has arrived for you to open your consciousness to universal harmony and start the New Mayan Cycle again. It's our gift to you and the new scientists of the next 26,000 years! Meantime, please be considered to our genetic pool on this planet. Thanks for learning about the most beautiful people I know in this world. In the Year of 5 Kan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *. . . Enter Now to the World of Ah* *May Our God Forgive You. . .* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *LINKS OF INTEREST* Please bookmark this site for quick reference. Other links found of consideration to Maya culture and deep appreciation of our national heritage. UNAM -The server of the Universidad Nacional de Mexico (in Spanish). A superb exhibition Gods of Ancient Mexico presented by the Colegio de San Ildefonso with more than 100 exhibits. A must to see for serious Maya researchers. UMI CH - The server of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo <#> (in Spanish) in Mexico presenting Mundo Maya. NativeNet - Designed to promote dialogue and understanding regarding indigenous peoples of all parts of the world. It provides a set of electronic mailing lists and archives and maintains a list of references to relevant information on the Web. soc.archaeology.mesoamerican - Newsgroup for serious aficionados. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *SOME UGLY LINKS THAT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MAYAN CULTURE FOR THEIR OWN PROFITS.* Maya Ecological Tours - Site that claims to protect the environment but there is no mention of protection to Mayas or Rainforests. This site designed and maintained by Espiritu Maya Prophecy 2000 *Created on 7/1/97* Copyright ©1997-2002. All Rights Reserved. Please protect our Tropical Rainforests. Don't spend your travel dollars to trash our environment.