mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== Sacred Texts <../../index.htm> Confucianism <../index.htm> Index Previous Next ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTENTS. PREFACE THE SHÛ. INTRODUCTION. I. THE NATURE AND HISTORY OF THE SHÛ. Meaning of the name Shû King. The Shû existed as a collection of documents before Confucius. Number of documents in it in his time. The Preface ascribed to him. The sources of the Shû. Destruction of the classical literature by the emperor of Khin. Recovery of the Shû. II. THE CREDIBILITY OF THE RECORDS IN THE SHÛ. Are the records reliable or not? The Books of Kâu; of Shang; of Hsiâ. The Books of Thang and Yü are professedly later compilations; legendary; based on ancient documents. The Tribute of Yü. Yâo, Shun, and Yü are all historical personages. II. ON THE CHRONOLOGY OF CHINA, AND THE PRINCIPAL ERAS IN THE SHÛ. No detailed chronological system can be made out from the Shû. Attempts at systematic chronology began in the Han period. Ancient method of determining the length of Chinese history. The period of the Kâu dynasty; of the Shang; of the Hsiâ; of Yâo and Shun. A CHART BY THE REV. PROFESSOR PRITCHARD, representing the principal zodiacal stars above the horizon of any place in central China, about the year B.C. 2300 with note, and table of the apparent positions of the principal stars in B.C. 2300, B.C. 1500, A.D. 1, A.D. 1000, and A.D. 1878. PART I. THE BOOK OF THANG. The Canon of Yâo. PART II. THE BOOKS OF Yü. 1. The Canon of Shun. 2. The Counsels of the Great Yü. 3. The Counsels of Kâo-yâo. 4. The Yî and Kî. PART III. THE BOOKS OF HSIÂ. 1. The Tribute of Yü. 2. The Speech at Kan. 3. The Songs of the Five Sons. 4. The Punitive Expedition of Yin. PART IV. THE BOOKS OF SHANG. 1. The Speech of Thang. 2. The Announcement of Kung-hui. 3. The Announcement of Thang. 4. The Instructions of Î 5. The Thâi Kiâ. 6. The Common Possession of Pure Virtue. 7. The Pan-king. 8. The Charge to Yüeh. 9. The Day of the Supplementary Sacrifice to Kâo Zung 10. The Chief of the West's Conquest of Lî. 11 The Count of Wei. PART V. THE BOOKS OF KÂU. 1. The Great Declaration. 2. The Speech at Mû. 3. The Successful Completion of the War. 4. The Great Plan. 5. The Hounds of Lü. 6. The Metal-bound Coffer. 7. The Great Announcement. 8. The Charge to the Count of Wei. 9. The Announcement to the Prince of Khang. 10. The Announcement about Drunkenness. 11. The Timber of the Rottlera. 12. The Announcement of the Duke of Shâo. 13. The Announcement concerning Lo. 14. The Numerous Officers. 15. Against Luxurious Ease. 16. The Prince Shih. 17. The Charge to Kung of Zhâi 18. The Numerous Regions 19. The Establishment of Government 20. The Officers of Khâu. 21. The Kün-khan. 22. The Testamentary Charge. 23. The Announcement of King Khang. 24. The Charge to the Duke of Pî. 25. The Kün-yâ. 26. The Charge to Khiung. 27. The Marquis of Lü on Punishments. 28. The Charge to the Marquis Wan. 29. The Speech at Pi. 38. The Speech of the Marquis of Khin. THE SHIH. INTRODUCTION. I. THE NAME AND CONTENTS OF THE SHIH. The meaning of the character Shih. The contents. Only the pieces of the fourth Part have professedly a religious character. Classification of the pieces from their form and style. II. THE SHIH BEFORE CONFUCIUS, AND WHAT, IF ANY, WERE HIS LABOURS UPON IT. Statement of Sze-mâ Khien; in the Records of the Sui Dynasty; of Kû Hsî. View of the author. Groundlessness of Khien's statement. What Confucius did for the Shih. III. THE SHIH FROM THE TIME OF CONFUCIUS TILL THE GENERAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE PRESENT TEXT From Confucius to the rise of the Khin dynasty. The Shih was all recovered after the fires of Khin. Three different texts:--of Lû; of Khî; of Han Ying. The text of Mâo. IV. THE FORMATION OF THE COLLECTION OF THE SHIH; HOW IT CAME TO BE SO SMALL AND INCOMPLETE; THE INTERPRETATION AND AUTHORS OF THE PIECES; ONE POINT OF TIME CERTAINLY INDICATED IN IT; AND THE CONFUCIAN PREFACE. The theory of the Chinese scholars about a collection of poems for governmental purposes. The music-master of the king got the odes of each state from its music-master; and the collected poems were disseminated throughout the states. How the Shih is so small and incomplete. The authors of the pieces. The year B.C. 776 clearly indicated. The Preface to the Shih. ODES OF THE TEMPLE AND THE ALTAR. 1. The Sacrificial Odes of Shang 2. The Sacrificial Odes of Kâu. 3. The Praise Odes of Lû THE MINOR ODES OF THE KINGDOM. Decade i. Odes 5, 6, 9 Decade iv. Odes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Decade v. Odes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9. Decade vi. Odes 3, 5, 6, 7, 8. Decade vii. Odes 1, 6. Decade viii. Ode 5. THE MAJOR ODES OF THE KINGDOM. Decade i. Odes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 Decade ii. Odes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10. Decade iii. Odes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11. LESSONS FROM THE STATES. Book 2. Odes 2, 4 Book 3. Odes 4, 15 Book 4. Odes 1, 3, 6 Book 5. Ode 4. Book 6. Odes 1, 9 Book 7. Odes 8, 11 Book 11. Ode 6. Book 15. Ode 1. THE HSIÂO. INTRODUCTION. I. THE NAME OF THE CLASSIC; ITS EXISTENCE BEFORE THE HAN DYNASTY; ITS CONTENTS, AND BY WHOM IT WAS WRITTEN. Meaning of the character Hsiâo. Was the treatise called the Hsiâo King by Confucius? It existed before the Han dynasty during the time of the Kâu. it came, probably, from the school of Zang-Tze. II. THE RECOVERY OF THE HSIÂO UNDER THE HAN DYNASTY, AND ITS PRESERVATION DOWN TO THE PUBLICATION OF THE COMMENTARY OF THE THANG EMPEROR HSÜAN ZUNG Recovery of the Hsiâo. The shorter or modem text. The old or longer text. Was another copy in the old text discovered? Can we fully rely on the copies catalogued by Liû Hin? From Khung An-kwo to the emperor Hsüan Zung. The emperor's work. Hsing Ping's work. III. CRITICISM OF THE HSIÂO SINCE THE THANG DYNASTY Works on the old text by Sze-mâ Kwang and Fan Zû-yü. Sceptical criticism;--views of Kû Hsî and Wû Khang. Conclusion regarding the genuineness and integrity of the Hsiâo. Note on the translation. 1. The Scope and Meaning of the Treatise. 2. Filial Piety in the Son of Heaven. 3. Filial Piety in the Princes of States. 4. Filial Piety in High Ministers and Great Officers. 5. Filial Piety in Inferior Officers. 6. Filial Piety in the Common People. 7. Filial Piety in Relation to the Three Powers. 8. Filial Piety in Government. 9. The Government of the Sages. 10. An Orderly Description of the Acts of Filial Piety 11. Filial Piety in Relation to the Five Punishments. 12. Amplification of 'the All-embracing Rule of Conduct' in Chapter I. 13. Amplification of 'the Perfect Virtue' in Chapter I. 14. Amplification of 'Making our Name Famous' in Chapter I. 15. Filial Piety in Relation to Reproof and Remonstrance. 16. The Influence of Filial Piety and the Response to it. 17. The Service of the Ruler. 18. Filial Piety in Mourning for Parents. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Next: Introduction to the Sacred Books of the East Vol 3.