The Effect of Language on Economic Behavior: Evidence from Savings Rates, Health Behaviors, and Retirement Assets M. Keith Chen Yale University, School of Management and Cowles Foundation January, 2012 [mostly deleted] 6.1.1 Language, Attention, and Precision of Beliefs Experimental research on the link between language and thought has focused primarily on the relationship between language and two phenomena: metaphors between space and time, and color perception. For example, Tversky, Kugelmass, & Winter (1991) finds that English speakers spon taneously organize time as moving from left to right while Hebrew speakers organize time from right to left: both following the direction in which their languages write. Even more interestingly, speakers of cardinal-direction languages (who when facing North are obliged to refer to their left hand as their "west" hand), spontaneously organize time as running from east to west (Boroditsky & Gaby 2010). More closely related to my hypothesis are several sets of findings that show that linguistically obligatory color distinctions are correlated with precision of beliefs. Differences in how finely languages partition the color spectrum are widespread; MacLaury (1992) summarizes a large set of cross-linguistic surveys which find that languages around the wold possess anywhere from 2 to 11 "basic color terms".25 In one of the first studies examining the cognitive correlates of these differences, Brown and Lenneberg (1954) find that both English and Zuņi speakers have trouble remembering nuanced differences in colors that are not easily definable by their language.26 For example, Zuņi speakers (who classify green and blue together) have trouble remembering nuanced differences between blue/green colors. More recent studies have confirmed the direct role of language in these findings. Russian makes an obligatory distinction between light blue (goluboy) and dark blue (siniy). Winawer et al. (2007) finds: Russian speakers do better than English speakers in distinguishing blues when the two colors span the goluboy /siniy border (but not when then do not), and these differences are eliminated when subjects must simultaneously perform a verbal (but not a spatial) distractor task. Further implicating language in this differential precision, Franklin et al. (2008) finds that this difference holds for adults, but not for pre-linguistic infants. Similar correlations have been found between linguistic categorization and spatial perception. Levinson (2003) summarizes a large literature which studies the relationship between the way a languages express direction and position, and the relative ease with which speakers can solve puzzles requiring a particular spatial transformation. From Levinson: [footnote: 2 4 Brown (1976) distinguishes the weak Sapir-Whorf hypothesis: "structural differences between language systems will, in general, be paralleled by nonlinguistic cognitive differences" from the strong: "The structure of anyone's native language strongly influences or fully determines the world-view he will acquire as he learns the language". 2 5 MacLaury (1992) defines `basic color terms' as: "the simplest forms of broadest meaning that most speakers of a language will routinely apply to colors in any context". 2 6 The Zuņi (one of the Pueblo peoples), are a Native-American tribe that live primarily in western New Mexico.] "In a nutshell: there are human populations scattered around the world who speak languages which have no conventional way to encode `left', `right', `front', and `back' notions, as in `turn left', `behind the tree', and `to the right of the rock'. Instead, these peoples express all directions in terms of cardinal directions, a bit like our `East', `West', etc. Careful investigation of their non-linguistic coding for recall, recognition, and inference, together with investigations of their deadreckoning abilities and their on-line gesture during talk, shows that these people think the way they speak, that is, they code for memory, inference, way-finding, gesture and so on in `absolute' fixed coordinates, not `relative' or egocentric ones." Most notably, Boroditsky & Gaby (2010) find that cardinal-direction language speakers do much better than English speakers when asked to point which way `North' is. That is, speakers who are required to categorize space in terms of cardinal direction, encode their current physical orientation with much more precision. Also relevant to my hypothesis, several papers have studied the question of how children acquire the ability to speak about and conceptualize time. Harner (1981) finds that among English-speaking children, the use of the future tense begins by age 3 and is relatively developed by age 5. Szagun (1978) finds that the time-path of this development is identical in matched pairs of English and German children, with these pairs of children showing no discernible difference in the rate at which they acquire and use the future tense. Since English is a strong-FTR language while German a weak-FTR language, this suggests that differences between languages in FTR do not manifest in early language acquisition. The FTR difference between English and German is reflected in Szagun's study, but only among adults: the German-speaking parents of the children Szagun studied used FTR much less often than their English-speaking counterparts. While far from conclusive, this suggests that the differences that I study between weak and strong-FTR languages do not reflect either innate cognitive nor cultural differences between speakers of different languages, at least as reflected in the development of children through age five. 6.1.2 Scepticism of the Weak Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis While these studies have been taken to support the weak SWH, there are a large number of scholars who argue that on balance, the idea that cognition is shaped by language is misguided. Many of the most persuasive arguments against a Whorfian interpretation of experimental data come from linguists and anthropologists who subscribe to the Chomskyan school of linguistics. In his seminal work Syntactic Structures (1957), Chomsky argues that humans have an innate set of mechanisms for learning language, and that this constrains all human languages to conform with a "universal grammar". Taken in strong form, this implies that all languages share the same underlying structure, which severely curtails the scope for differences in language structure to affect cognition. In his book The Language Instinct (1994), Pinker argues exactly this: that humans do not think in the language we speak in, but rather in an innate "mentalese" which precedes natural language. He concludes that: "there is no scientific evidence that languages dramatically shape their speakers' ways of thinking" (emphasis mine). In an influential study, Berlin and Kay (1969) apply this type of critique to the color-categorization studies I discuss above. They argue that differences in how languages divide the color spectrum do not support the weak SWH, arguing that languages around the world share many common color-naming tendencies, and that these tendencies map onto human color-vision physiology. For example, Berlin and Kay note that all languages have basic terms for `black' and `white', and if they have a third it always contains `red'. While Berlin and Kay's universal theory of color has needed to be revised in light of newly discovered languages (MacLaury 1992), color-categorization support for the weak SWH remains an hotly debated topic (see Wierzbicka 2008). [18] Chomsky, Noam. 1957. Syntactic Structures. The Hague/Paris: Mouton. [51] Pinker, Steven. 1994. The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language. New York: William Morrow and Company. [69] Whorf, Benjamin Lee. 1956. Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf. ed. John B. Carroll. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.