mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== Lectures on the Saturn Model and the Electric Universe For thousands of years humans lived in the shadow of planetary catastrophes that colored their imagination and culture, and influenced the development of their religions. For the last 100 years or so, belief in a clockwork Solar System and gradualistic evolution has dominated the theoretical sciences. For the last 50 years since Immanuel Velikovsky published his groundbreaking Worlds in Collision and Earth in Upheaval the thinking of science has been swinging back to theories of astral catastrophism. Now, inspired by the vision of Velikovsky and by evidence of planetary catastrophe in ancient times, David Talbott and others have forged ahead with explorations of a "Saturn Model." The result is a meticulously-developed reconstruction which can now be presented in substantial detail. This reconstruction is not only supported by comparative mythology and an eclectic mix of ancient cultural remnants, but by the unequivocal evidence for the "Electric Universe," a new paradigm in the sciences propounded by Wal Thornhill. A crescendo of dramatic findings from the new telescopes and ongoing space exploration is now certain to change the way we see the physical world and our own planetary history. (For example, the findings of astronomer Halton Arp, published in Quasars, Redshifts, and Controversies and Seeing Red, have already removed the underpinnings of modern cosmology, and there is much more to come.) Today we stand on the threshold of a new and deeper understanding of ancient events in the heavens and their reverberations across all of the early cultures. How did these events affect our racial psychology and concepts of our origins, the human condition and the destiny of our world? Together, the Saturn Model and Electric Universe provide a more holistic "big picture," answering many of the great mysteries and paradoxes left unanswered by orthodox theories. The Lectures In light of recent developments and the mounting evidence supporting the model, we are offering a lecture service for groups that want to learn more about this groundbreaking reconstruction. The following 3 slide-lectures have been prepared for presentation: 1. Synthesis of evidence for big-picture view This lecture covers a wide range of evidence for the Saturn Model and reflects on fundamental implications, including the collapse of uniformitarianism and gradualism, the influence on the world religions and theology, and the impact on racial psychology. Includes segments on: + Role of the Polar Configuration in the Saturn Model + Universal myth of the Golden Age + Universal myth of different ages and different "suns" + Global geo-physical evidence for the Planetary Alignment + Universal Cultural evidence for the Polar Configuration + The Catastrophic influence on word structure and development of language + Role of Plasma Effects in the alignment + Inter-planetary discharges and scarring + References in Modern Literature + Influences of Saturn on Time concepts and Time-keeping structures + Origin of major symbols + Influence on monument building + Evidence for recent dating + Reasons why Science & Academia have misread the record of the past 2. The Saturn Model In this lecture the emphasis is on the comparative study of cultural themes and ritual practices in ancient times. The subject is a unified theory of myth and symbol based on concrete forms once seen in the heavens but no longer present. The emphasis is on the underlying coherence of human memory, and simple rules for drawing reliable conclusions from that evidence. Includes segments on: + The Co-linear or Polar Configuration + Myth of the Golden Age + Myth of the Universal Monarch + Myth of the archaic polar sun god + Beginning of time or time keeping + Cosmic Eye, Wheel, Breast, Egg + The Breakup and the great deluge + Biblical references to Saturnian gods + Saturnian influence on Holidays + Radiant Venus, queen of heaven + Role of Mars and Venus in ancient literature and symbolism 3. The Electric Universe This lecture lays a foundation of both concepts and evidence for understanding the majorand over-lookedrole electricity plays in the functioning of our physical universe. The lecture material is primarily from Wal Thornhill and includes segments on: * Birkeland current structure in plasmas * Electrical activity in the Solar System * Electrical scarring (craters, rilles and channels) on planets and moons * The electrical nature of the Sun * Electrical features of the Solar System * The effect of plasma-structure forces on circularization of orbits * Laboratory reproduction of Cathode & Anode scarring and arc machining * High atmosphere red Sprites, blue jets, "elves", and gamma-ray bursts * Cometary electrical characteristics * Major problems with "gravity" The Lecturers David Talbott is the primary visionary responsible for the Saturnian Reconstruction whose specialty of the last 26+ years has been comparative mythology. He is conversant with the information and implications of the electric universe, the findings of Halton Arp, and the vast amount of evidence for his reconstruction in the various fields of global monument building, geology and especially from the space exploration efforts. He is the author of the book The Saturn Myth, the featured subject of the video movie "Mythscape: Remembering the End of the World", the founder of two important journals, Pensée: Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered and Aeon: A Journal of Science and Myth, dealing with planetary astral catastrophism. He has engendered two international conferences dealing with catastrophism, has been the guest on a number of radio talk programs, and has held seminars lecturing on the Saturnian Reconstruction. Michael Armstrong has studied the Saturn Model Reconstruction for over 25 years. He also is conversant with the information and implications of the electric universe, the findings of Halton Arp, and the vast amount of evidence for this reconstruction in the various fields. He has lectured on the Saturn material at an international conference sponsored by the province of Milano, Italy and hosted by the University of Milano/Bergamo. He has toured the ruins of Rome and visited the various Roman temples built for and dedicated to the Planetary Gods; he has also witnessed the multitude of referents in the Vatican and other museums related to the ancients preoccupation with Saturn, the end of the Golden Age and planetary catastrophism. He is the producer of the video "SEARCH: In Saturns Shadow", former editor and now publisher of the electronic newsletter THOTH, and has also been a guest on talk radio. Arrangements and Pricing The lecture service format and pricing is structured to accommodate both small and large groups. Pricing for larger groups includes base rate plus 20% of the attendance fee for every participant beyond the first 50. You must arrange for the facilities and they must include accommodations for slide or LCD projector lectures and a projector screen must be provided. Travel expenses and lodging for the speaker(s) must be paid in advance for confirmation. Promotional-Informational brochures are available at cost from Mikamar Publishing. Scheduling requirements include 50% payment of base rate two weeks prior to the event and the balance upon completion. Base rates * Single lectures per day 1 lecturer 3 hrs + question time $ 750.00 * Weekend 3 lecture series 1 lecturer 1 lecture per day $1800.00 * Day-long Seminars 2 lecturers 7 hrs + question time $1600.00 * Full weekend seminar includes all 3 lectures+ and both lecturers * 2 full days $3200.00 With previous evening $3600.00 Call David Talbott at 503-641-1524 or Michael Armstrong of Mikamar Publishing at 503-645-4360, or email Michael Armstrong at mikamar at kistech.com for questions, scheduling, and arrangements. Copyright 2001 Kronia Group. All rights reserved. ||