mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== SCARRED PLANETARY TOPOGRAPHY AND ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE PHENOMENA Ralph Juergens reprinted from Pensee Journal, 1972 According to Velikovsky's collation of ancient historical accounts, the most recent period of turmoil in the solar system ended less than 2700 years ago. [1] Territorial disputes that continued for nearly a full century brought Venus, Mars, the earth, and the moon into repeated conflicts, scarring all of them to varying degrees. And since all this happened so very recently in geologic time, most of these battle scars should still be prominent and fresh-looking. But what kind of surface markings might be distinctively attributable to close encounters between planets? Religious, historical and literary texts describing the battles of the planetary gods are fraught with references to cosmic lightnings and thunderbolts. The implication, emphasized by Velikovsky in numerous writings, is that electric discharges took place between the planetary bodies during their close approaches. Furthermore, such discharges were evidently of such magnitude as to be visible from earth even when they did not actually terminate on earth. They must therefore have involved enormous exchanges of energy and have produced scars of commensurate proportions. In this and in a sequel article, I intend to suggest that electrical scars of vast proportions are indeed in evidence, particularly on the surfaces of Mars and the Moon. I will emphasize that it is just such markings that constitute the most recent features of these bodies. Velikovsky quotes Pliny's description of a cosmic thunderbolt: "Heavenly fire is spit forth by the planet as crackling charcoal flies from a burning log" 2 This homely simile seems congruent with ancient artistic tradition; early Greek sculptors portraying Zeus, for example, poised him like a quarterback about to launch a football-shaped thunderbolt 3 The impression gained from both these lines of evidence is that the thunderbolts thus referred to and depicted were not luminous streamers akin to atmospheric lightning, but luminous "objects" of missile-like proportions. If so, it seems likely that such thunderbolts were of the nature of the plasmoids described some years ago by Winstons Bostick of Stevens Institute of Technology 4. These objects-"pieces of plasma" with unexpected capacity for maintaining their identity"- were fired from the electrodes of a "plasma gun." They emerged from the gun in doughnut form, then expanded axially to form long cylinders. When fired into a thin gas, they bent themselves double and twisted into forms resembling screws. This suggests, if we are correct in equating plasmoids and cosmic thunderbolts, that the early Greek sculptors may have detailed the thunderbolts of Zeus with screw like twists at each end on the basis of accurate descriptions passed down by their ancestors. While such plasmoids are created in the laboratory by an electric discharge at the "muzzle" of a plasma gun, they are not transporters of electric charge; their plasms consists of essentially equal numbers of electrons and positive ions. The same could well be true of a cosmic thunderbolt, and its impact site, though impressive, might be indistinguishable from an explosion crater produced by the impact of a meteoroid 5. Thus, finding an explosion crater less than 3000 years old, though it would upset a number of theories now current among scientists, would be of little help in solving the problem we have posed. What we seek is some fairly unequivocal evidence of electrical scarring- evidence suggesting that electric charges actually were exchanged, with one body serving as the cathode ("negative electrode") and the other as the anode ("positive electrode"). In such an exchange, the scarring sustained by one body would be different from the sustained by the other. But there are four bodies under consideration. Which two make a pair offering the best prospects for the present inquiry? Perhaps Homer has passed along a useful clue: The Greeks attributed the forging of thunderbolts to Hephaistos. Homer further recounts that Hephaistos forged a net, "fine as gossamer but quite unbreakable," which he used to entangle his wife, unfaithful Aphrodite (the moon) and her tempestuous lover, Ares (the planet Mars), and bind them together long enough for several other gods to come by and make sport of them 6. Could this net have been another of Hephaistos' electrical artifacts? This question occurred to me one day as I was leafing through a newly purchased paperback with the rather unexciting title Gaseous Conductors- Theory and Engineering Application 7. There on page 189 was a photograph of two spheres with sparks streaming between them. The photo caption and accompanying text described the phenomenon as the "formative stages of sphere- gap breakdown..." with "well-defined spark channels being propagated from anode to cathode. In addition, there is evidence of a glow discharge throughout the gap." My mind's eyes saw Mars and the moon struggling to part from one another in the skies of the eighth century. Is it conceivable that Mars and the moon could have been intimately bound- presumably orbiting one another at close range- by gravitational and electromagnetic forces and joined by electrical streamers for so long a period-hours? days?-as to give rise to Homer's outrageous tale? More pointedly, could sparks have reached out and bridged empty space between two planets orbiting at a distance great enough to space them gravitational disruption? I cam across an affirmative answer to this last question in Leonard Loeb's Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism 8. Discussing vacuum sparks, Loeb relates an anecdote to show that, while theory might suggest that sparks- gas-breakdown phenomena- are impossible in a vacuum, industrial experience shows them to be not only possible, but all too frequent and troublesome. He explains that "somehow the spark must create its own gas." The mechanism involves the emission of electrons by solids in the presence of strong electric fields. These electrons, literally "pulled out" out the solid materials, shoot across the vacuum gap to the anode, where they liberate gas and ionize it. Positive ions thus formed then "thread" their way back to the electron source as luminous streamers. Upon striking the cathode, the ions often fuse its surface and form a crater at the point of impact. If the electrodes have not been carefully outgassed in advance, enough gas may be in the gap, and a power arc even more destructive to the cathode may be ignited in the gap. If sparks can thus be produced in laboratory and industrial vacua, it seems within reason to suppose that the same thing can happen in the near-vacuum of interplanetary space. The question remains as to just how Mars and the moon might have been so long detained as to give rise to the love-affair story. Clearly there are many factors to be considered: electrostatic, electromagnetic, and gravitational forces between the two bodies during approach, congress, and separation; influences of the nearby earth on both the participants; influences of Venus, which was in and out of these celestial battles; and whatever effects the sun itself may have had. But this is a problem outside the boundaries of the present inquiry. Electrical Scars on the Moon The moon, with no atmosphere and therefore no weather to alter its features, seems the logical place to look first for scars of electrical origin. Immediately we face a problem, however, seeming evidence of violent electrical activity on the moon is so abundant that we are hard-put to decide which scars to examine first. For example, British amateur astronomer Brian J. Ford published a paper some years ago in which he presented a strong case for the idea that most of the craters on the moon are marks left by electrical discharges on a cosmic scale 9. He backed up his arguments with a report on laboratory experiments in which he had used spark-machining apparatus to reproduce in miniature such otherwise-mysterious features of the moon as craters with central peaks, small craters preferentially perched on the high rims of larger craters, and craters strung out in long chains. Then there are the rayed craters, which from all appearances are the freshest craters on the moon. Velikovsky is on record 10 as believing them to be discharge craters, as distinct from others without ray-for which he favors a gas-bubble origin 11. But rayed craters, though relatively few in number among all lunar craters, are still so abundant as to be confusing12. And there is more evidence to be sifted. Some or all of the lunar remnant magnetism-such a surprise to science when the first moon rocks were returned to earth, although it had been urgently predicted by Velikovsky 13-could be due to cosmic electrical discharges. It is no secret that terrestrial lightning strokes to rocky surfaces while sometimes fusing materials to form glassy fulgurites, also magnetize surrounding rocks without melting them. All these lunar phenomena will bear intense study. For now, however, I would call the reader's attention to yet another type of scar on the face of the moon. Lunar Sinuous Rilles Lowland areas on the near side of the moon are gouged with peculiar valleys, or clefts, now widely referred to as rilles. Many such rilles cut nearly straight lines between points of no apparent significance and appear to follow crustal faults that pierce high and low ground alike. Some are gently arcuate, paralleling the "shores" of lunar maria, as if to suggest that tensile forces rifting the moon's surface formations were responsible for them. Others, upon close inspection, are seen to be strings of closely spaced craters that could be volcanoes, subsidence features, or as Ford, suggests, discharged effects. To one degree or another, all these lunar rilles seem to have counterparts in familiar terrestrial features. But there are still others-the sinuous rilles-that come so tantalizingly close, yet finally fail to measure up to suggested similar features on earth, that they have became a subject of great controversy. I believe that the sinuous rilles may be part of the evidence we seek-evidence of the Moon-Mars encounters of only a few thousand years ago. Sinuous rilles meander across the landscape of the moon for distances as great as 300 kilometers. Schroeter's Valley, largest and most conspicuous of these tortuous excavations, has been recognized since 1788, but for more than a century it was dismissed as just another "crack" it was dismissed as just another "crack" 14. At the turn of the twentieth century, however, W. H. Pickering announced that, from a favored vantage point high in the thin air of the Peruvian Andes, he had observed scores of sinuous rilles on the moon. He described them as "a new kind of rill" and confidently pronounced them to "riverbeds"15. Pickering attributed these special characteristics to his "riverbeds": (i) they "are always wider at one end than at the other;" (ii) the "wide end always terminates in a pear-shaped craterlet;" (iii) "their length is composed almost entirely of curves of very short radius;" and (iv) "one end [the broader end] is nearly always perceptibly higher than the other." This last characteristic prompted him to remark: "But here we come to a very marked distinction from terrestrial rivers, for in the lunar rill the apparent mouth is always higher than the source. What this means, of course, is that if formed by the action of water, as seems from their appearance probable, the lake flowed into a river, and not the river into a lake"16. Since few astronomers were disposed to believe that water could flow on an airless (and probably waterless) planet like the moon, Pickering's identification of the sinuous rilles as riverbeds met with considerable ridicule and helped to earn him a reputation among his colleagues as something of a crank17. In the late 1960's, however, Pickering's idea won the support of Harold Urey. Lunar Orbiter photographs had revealed hundreds of sinuous rilles, and some of them certainly resembled erosion channels. But one problem that had always plagued the riverbed theory, aside from that of providing water on the moon, was that, with one or two questionable exceptions, the imaginary lunar rivers had left no delta deposits or other evidence of outwash materials unloaded at their lower ends. Urey, seizing upon Thomas Gold's suggestion that the lunar maria might be underlain by a permafrost layers "plastic ice" 18, argued that riverbeds carved in ice would yield detritus consisting mostly of ice, and such material would wash out at the foot of the stream and melt, evaporate, and eventually escape into space, leaving no evidence behind19. But John A. O'Keefe, of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, countered by showing, among other things, that the viscosity of ice is such that craters more than one kilometer in diameter, blasted in permafrost, would quickly be destroyed by gravitational action; similarly, Schroeter's Valley, if cut in ice, "would disappear within a year, even if the ice were protected from melting by an overburden of soil" 20. O'Keefe suggested that the missing- delta problem was best solved by supposing that dense flows of volcanic ash had carved the sinuous rilles and then had dispersed over the surface as dust-laden gas clouds- an idea he had published some years earlier in collaboration with E. W. Adams 21. Even before that, O'Keefe's Goddard colleague, Winifred S. Cameron, had proposed that the sinuous rilles were excavated by the lunar equivalent of a terrestrial nuess ardente- a dense cloud of hot gas and ash that explodes from the side of a volcano and rolls down the mountainside, cutting a new valley as it goes 22. In support of this hypothesis, attention was directed to the known self-cohesive powers of nuess ardentes and to their demonstrative ability to flow great distances on extremely gradual slopes. But this theory, too, failed to account for the material gouged out of sinuous-rille channels. In spite of O'Keefe's arguments based on the impermanence of features carved in permafrost, the idea of ice on the moon persisted right up to the time of the first Apollo landing in July 1969. Lunar-Orbiter revelations that Schroeter's Valley and another nearby rille, Rima Prinz I, contain secondary meandering channels in their bottoms inspire Richard E. Lingenfelter, Stanton J. Peale, and Gerald Schubert of the University of California, Los Angeles, to propose an elaboration of Urey's hypothesis 23 The abstract of their report summarizes their main arguments: "Mature meanders in lunar sinous rills strongly suggests [sic] that the rills are features of surface erosion by water. Such erosion could occur under a pressurizing ice cover in the absence of a lunar atmosphere. Water, outgassed from the lunar interior and trapped beneath a layer of permafrost, could be released by a meteoritic impact and overflow the crater to form an ice- covered river. A sinuous rill could be eroded in about 100 years." The UCLA authors also argued that, since rilles are typically of great width relative to the equilibrium thickness of the required ice blanket, "we would not expect the ice to restrict the river's course or hinder the development of meanders...." Furthermore, "because there is no abrupt change in gradient at the end of the rills, we would expect deposition of the stream load to be relatively thin and to cover a larger area." J. E. M. Adler and J. W. Salisbury of Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, "intrigued by the novel suggestion by Lingenfelter et al...." undertook to model the process in a vacuum chamber. They found that in their vacuum tests ice formed, and "water continued to flow under the ice...but it did not necessarily flow downhill. Instead, it percolated through the soil following the greatest pressure gradient, breaking through to the surface first in one place and then in another." Eventually the entire test area became covered with ice. But after this ice was sublimed away, they found that, "although there had been some downslope movement of the soil...no stream channels were ever developed" 24. Colorado State University Professors S. A. Schumm (geology) and D. B. Simons (civil engineering) attacked the riverbed hypothesis on the grounds that "it is our opinion, based on experience with terrestrial rivers, that the differences between lunar channels and terrestrial rivers are significant." They emphasized a number of specific points: Rima Prinz I, instead of continuing, river-fashion, down a slope it has been following, makes a 90-degree bend and proceeds on a course "parallel to regional contours." Rima Prinz II crossed a ridge that should have turned it aside, were it being cut by flowing water. The sinuous rille in the bottom of Schroeter's Valley passed through the valley wall and at least two ridges before it tails out and disappears. "the 'pseudo-meanders' associated with the lunar channels do not resemble the meander pattern of terrestrial rivers." Schumm and Simons then argued that "the emission of gas along fractures, which control the courses of channels near Prinz Crater and in Schroeter's valley, would have formed chains of circular and elongate craters, which upon coalescence could have become the lunar channels" 25. Schumm followed this up with some experiments of his own. Forcing air through holes and slots in the top of a duct buried under a mixture of dust and sand, he claimed to have simulated such lunar feature as explosion craters, crater chains, and sinuous rilles; this, he said, leaves "little doubt that some craters chains, craters clusters, and sinuous rilles are the result of fluidization of lunar regolith [soil] by gases venting from fractures in the lunar crust" 26. After it had been decided by NASA that Hadley Rille (Rima Hadley) at the base of the Apennine Mountains would be visited by the Apollo 15 astronauts, Ronald Greeley of Ames Research Center undertook a detailed analysis of the Orbited photographs of that region. He concluded that Hadley Rille is a collapsed lava tube (27). By that time (1971), astronauts had already completed several trips to the moon and back, and it was well-established that no layer of permafrost existed near the lunar surface. Therefore Greeley could insist that the absence of outwash deposits disposed of the riverbed theory, at least with respect to Hadley Rille. To clinch the argument, he emphasized these points: "The rille narrows 'downstream,' rather than widens as is normal for rivers." "The rille is discontinuous, a situation not possible for fluival channels, but quite common in lava tubes and channels." "The average mare regolith thickness [is]...much less than the several hundred meters required by water erosion of short duration." Hadley Rille is situated on the crest of a topographic high...It is unlikely that any erosive agent, whether ash or water, could have cut a channel along the top of a ridge"27. Greeley then suggested that a lava stream could produce a ridge and a channel simultaneously by overflowing its banks to form levees. He conceded that outgassing processes, such as those proposed by Schumm, could also produce lateral levees, but he cited as practically insurmountable the difficulty of imagining a crustal fracture as sinuous as Hadley Rille. To round out the lava-tube hypothesis, Greeley suggested that the (then- apparent) discontinuities in Hadley Rille are bridges-remnants of the lava- tube roof not yet broken down by meteoritic bombardment. Earlier G. P. Kuiper, R. G. Storm, and R. S. LePoole had reported that sinuous rilles tend to have leveed banks and bridges along their courses, and on this basis had suggested that the rilles might be lava-drainage channels 28. But Schubert, Lingenfelter, and Peale had rejected the idea for these reasons: Terrestrial lava tubes and channels do not exhibit meanders, goosenecks, central meander channels, or the lengths of lunar sinuous rilles. "The distinguishing features of terrestrial lava channels, namely discontinuities (bridges) and raised rims, are not found in the lunar sinuous rilles, contrary to the earth-based observations of Kuiper et al." 29. The Apollo 15 mission to the moon closed the door on several of these theories, although this was not emphasized in the preliminary report of the Apollo Lunar Geology Investigation Team30. Photographs taken from lunar orbit by Astronaut Alfred M. Worden showed conclusively that Hadley Rille is not discontinuous; what had been mistaken in the Orbited photo-mosaics for breaks in the channel are actually "shallow septa," or low ridges, between "coalescing elongate bowls." The mission established that "subtle raised rims are locally present along the rille," and that rim-height and mare-elevation differences from one side of the rille to the other occur at sharp bends in the channel. The latter point was taken as a possible indication that lava flowing in the channel might have over-topped the rim at such bends 31. But the bends referred to, though "sharp" in relation to other bends in the Hadley Rille channel, are in no way of such short radius as to cause flowing water to top the banks, much less sluggish lava. A crude scaling of the photograph indicates that the sharpest bend in Hadley Rille has a radius of the order of half a kilometer. Orbiter and Apollo photoraphs of Hadley Rille fail to show anything at its lower end that could be convincingly described as an outwash deposit, either of water-borne materials or of lava. Yet, by Greeley's estimate, the volume of the rille is 2.8 x 1010 cubic meters-a significant quantity of material to be accounted for32. The only such accounting attempted by the same author, however, is found in a speculation that "multiple surges of lava from the vent, or possibly multiple eruptions over along period of time resulted in overflow of lava from the main channel through distributary channels and tubes...to build a topographic high along the rille aixs"33. Greeley offers no suggestion as to how a valley 400 meters deep might have emptied itself completely by overflowing. Terrestrial lava tubes from within active lava flows, and they represent hollows left behind in cooling, already-viscous lava when hotter, less- viscous material in the core of the stream continues to flow on ahead. The stratification observed and photographed in the walls of Hadley Rille by the Apollo 15 astronauts in no way fits the idea that the rille formed as a lava tube 34; "there is no obvious way that lava could cut cleanly through an entire series of layers [rock formations]" 35. In 1970 University of Pittsburgh scientists Bruce Hapke and Ben Greenspan, using Lunar-Orbited photographs, counted craters in the vicinities of four sinuous rilles and announced some significant findings that were largely ignored 36. The general assumption is that the more heavily cratered a lunar surface is, the older it must be, having been subjected to meteoric infall for a longer time than a less-heavily cratered area nearby. A sinuous rille cut into a mare surface is obvious younger than the mare. But Hapke and Greenspan found that in three out of four cases, crater densities were significantly greater on the floors of the rilles than on adjacent mare surfaces. In the fourth case, densities were greater on the surrounding mare, but the region "appears to have been heavily cratered by secondary ejecta from Aristarchus," one of the freshest-looking craters on the moon. Hapke and Greenspan interpreted their findings as an indication that at least some of the rille-floor craters are not impact craters, and indeed must have something to do with the formation of the rille. They concluded that their results argue "against those hypotheses for the origin of sinuous rilles by simple down-cutting by a moving fluid." All fluid-erosion theorists from Pickering on down have chosen to ignore a matter first emphasized by Pickering himself and re-emphasized by Greeley: The "apparent mouth" of the "stream" is on high ground, and the narrowest part of the channel is on lower ground. The situation should be exactly reversed. As an erosion channel lengthens, more and more spoil must be carried by the eroding fluid, and the channel must grow wider to accommodate the load. Electrical-Breakdown Channels Perhaps the mistaken assumption in all this is that the flow responsible for sinuous rilles on the moon was in response to gravity. Is it entirely beyond reason to ask whether some sort of reversed, or "uphill," flow might have been involved? We are looking for evidence of recent electrical disturbances on the moon- disturbances that might be related to the dalliance of the moon with Mars only a few thousand years ago. SO let us be forthright and frame the inquiry in appropriate terms. To set the stage, let us assume, without too much amplification here, that the following conditions would prevail during a Mars-Moon encounter: Before the encounter, both Mars and the moon would be more or less in electrical equilibrium with the local interplanetary plasma. Their surface potentials, if not precisely equal, would be similar. But Mars, being almost twice the size of the moon, would have to carry roughly twice the negative charge of the moon to have the same surface potential. Elsewhere 37 I have attempted to explain why electrical forces between planets would probably not come into play until the bodies approached so closely that their space-charge sheaths made contact. The moon and Mars, at least in our day, appear to have sheaths of such limited dimensions that it is difficult to imagine an electrical exchange under any condition short of direct, bodily collision. So it seems that we must suppose both of them to have been inside the earth's sheath-the extensive magneto-tail of our planet- at the moment when the hypothetical charge exchange was initiated. (This also puts the action in its early phases in the night sky, an ideal placement for observation by peoples on earth). Considerable difficulty arises when we try to imagine precisely what might take place between three electrified bodies in such close proximity. For now, I suggest that we consider the moon and Mars to have been sufficiently far from the earth during this incident that the earth's influence can be neglected in a preliminary analysis. In anticipation of various lines of evidence to be brought out in what follows, I beg the reader's indulgence in permitting me to postulate yet another condition: Mars, although it enters the fray with greater net negative charge than the moon, suffers a drastic redistribution of its charges as the encounter develops, so that when discharging is initiated, a limited area on the surface of Mars actually assumes the anode role. How this might come about is a matter I intend to discuss after the evidence has been presented. We have already noted a condition to be fulfilled in igniting a discharge in vacuum: the electric field between anode and cathode must build to an intensity great enough to "pull" electrons from the cathode by sheer force. This is difficult enough when the cathode is made of metal; tearing electrons from non-conducting lunar crustal materials and in numbers sufficient to trigger an interplanetary discharge must involve birth throes of considerable violence. On the moon, then, as Mars approaches, we may visualize an external electric field that is intensified here and there by local surface elevations. (For the present, we consider only phenomena taking place on the relatively flat maria, or lowland regions of the moon.) Electrons in local rock formations strain at their bonds and attempt to move toward one or another point of field concentration, but they are prevented from doing so because of their bonds. As a result, a radical electric field is set up around each center of intense stress. To simplify matters, consider what follows in just one such locality. The radial field beckons equally in all directions, insofar as topography and lunar materials are alike in all directions. But no electron-flow of any consequence can start until, at some point or some few points, electrical breakdown is initiated 38. As Mars continues to approach, the field intensifies-globally and locally. Finally, some small underground area of weakness succumbs to the electrical stress, and breakdown starts. Instantly, all hell breaks loose: Everywhere else the radial ground field weakens as lines of force concentrate at the outer tip of the breakdown zone. In a flash, the tiny breakdown point becomes a breakdown path propagating itself outward from the starting point, turning this way and that as the intense field at its probes for weakness in the rock strata. Heat generated by the breakdown process liberates gases and generates plasmas that blast upward through overlying formations and excavate a vast trench. The exploding trench, propagating as fast as the underground breakdown channel, tears hundreds of kilometers across the lunar surface at lightning speed. The initial surge of electrons, upon reaching the local high point where the breakdown started, blasts out a large, irregular crater as it surfaces and launches itself into space in response to the external field. Electrons from more distant parts of the breakdown channel find the external field at various points along the developing explosion channel stronger than that directed along their underground path, and they blast upward short of the main terminus, creating on-channel craters at numerous points. This, of course, is all conjecture. But it can be argued that an underground breakdown channel, if not too deep to begin with, should show the salient features of a lunar sinuous rille: (i) a sinuous course, trending generally uphill toward a local high point, but straying occasionally along topographic contour lines and even plowing through an intermediate ridge or two on occasion; (ii) a narrowing toward the downslope end; (iii) gently leveed banks, due to some upthrusting of adjacent strata as well as to a concentration of ejecta on the trench rims; (iv) a lack of "outwash" deposits beyond the downhill end; (v) occasional or even coalescing on-line craters; and (vi) a prominent explosion crater or irregular basin at the higher end. And this type of sinuous rille is not unknown on earth: Peter E. Viemeister points out that lightning has been known to dig "a furrow- like trench" and even leave "a strange tail of holes in the ground"39. Much more impressive, however, is a photograph reproduced in the National Geographic Magazine for June 1950. The caption of the picture informs us that "Lightning Gouged This 40-foot Trench," and the text further informs us that "three baseball players were killed us when a bolt furrowed the infield during a game at Baker, Florida, in 1949...Ground's resistance to current 'blew' the earth like a fuse." This photo shows a zig-zag excavation roughly 18 inches across and about 6 inches or so deep. The debris from the explosion is spread to both sides of the trench, perhaps six feet each way, and it is so thinly deposited that blades of infield grass can be seen poking through it. Vaguely visible is a marking in the trench bottom that suggests that the hottest part of the current channel meandered even more than the gross outlines of the trench itself. And, just as one example of the excavating prowess of electricity, A. W. Grabau cites this occurrence: "In Fetlar, one of the Shetland Islands, a solid mass of rock 105 feet long, 10 feet broad, and in some places more than 4 feet high, was in an instant torn from its bed by lightning and broken into three large and several small fragments...[One fragment], 28 feet long, 17 feet broad, and 5 feet in thickness, was hurled across a high point of rock to a distance of 50 yards. Another broken mass, about 40 feet long, was thrown still farther, but in the same direction, and quite into the sea..." 40 Back on the moon, we find further evidence that similar forces were at work, at least in the creation of Hadley Rille. The Apollo 15 astronauts noticed that some of the rock formations exposed at the edge of the rille "slope gently away from the rille, which suggests that the strata dip outward a few degrees" 41 This, of course, helps to account for Greeley's observation that Hadley Rille appears to ride the crest of a ridge. But the dipping strata are not lava deposits from an overflowing lava tube; they are, instead, stratified mare formations. Their inclinations at the rim of the rille suggest that they got that way in an explosion throwing material up and out of the rille. And a bit of a case can, perhaps, be made for the electrical-eruption hypothesis on the grounds that rilles of apparently similar ages do not intersect one another. The strong charges transiently assembled in rilles by the breakdown mechanism could be expected to make them repel one another. The magnetic fields of the coursing currents, on the other hand, could b expected to align adjacent streams and pull them together. There seems to be a hint of such attraction-repulsion effects having played a role in steering the rilles near Prinz Crater. Rima Prinz II starts out on an course that, were it continued, would cross that of Rima Prinz I. Before that can happen, however, Rima Prinz II makes a sharp right turn, as viewed in the downhill direction. In the meantime, perhaps itself influenced by another rille reaching out from the direction of Aristarchus, Rima Prinz I makes a similar right turn of its own. The two keep their distance, but Rima Prinz II, perhaps further influenced by another, smaller rille to its right, is forced to traverse a ridge of high ground. These effects, of course, presuppose that all the rilles involved are simultaneously in the act of propagation. And whether such territorial give and take is real or imaginary, it is only of tangential interest to the basic hypothesis of rille formation. Rilles of different ages might well intersect one another's paths. Lunar Orbiter 4's High-Resolution Frame 137 shows an area northeast of Gassendi Crater-an area particularly prone to rille-formation. Schubert, Lingenfelter, and Peale reproduce this frame and claim that it shows a confluence of two rilles42. In my opinion, however, it shows, not a confluence of rilles, but a crossing of a later rille over the line of an earlier one. At the point of crossing, and for some distance each way from that point, the older rille is indistinct, although not indistinguishable, as if it has been partially submerged under a blanket of lateral ejecta from the rille that crosses it. Table I summarizes the known characteristics of lunar sinuous rilles and indicates what I believe to be the competence of all the recent theories offered to explain them. Admittedly, a measure of subjectivity is involved in any such attempt to rate rival theories. Nevertheless, I suggest that the evidence against erosion theories is overwhelming. The gaseous-outburst theory of Schumm fares better, but it suffers from irrelevance at a number of critical points. To my mind, the electrical-eruption theory offers logical answers to each of the mysteries that have plagued the other theories. Green Glass from Hadley Rille An electric current flowing through an underground breakdown channel on a waterless planet like the moon would necessarily be flowing in molten rock. The breakdown mechanism is dialectric breakdown, and more specifically, thermal breakdown, the peculiarities of which are discussed in some detail by Whitehead 43. I mention this here only to establish that, in order to flow, the electric current must first melt the rock. And as a consequence of this, one would expect evidence of such melting to be present in the ejecta blanket spread over the rille surroundings. Apollo 15 was the only lunar-landing mission in the Apollo series to collect soil specimens from a rille region. The report of the Apollo 15 Preliminary Examination Team is in one place most intriguing44: "The particle types in the Apollo 15 soils are similar to those in the soils from the previous missions in most respects. The major difference is the presence of green glass spheres...different from any glass component previously observed in lunar soils [emphasis added-R.E.J.]. They are remarkably homogenous and nonvesicular and are identical to the green glass found in sample 15426..." Sample 15426, "an unusual green material" from the rim of Hadley Rille, is a breccia "consisting of more than 50 percent green glass occurring as spheres and fragments of spheres..." Could these green glass spheres be derived from an underground stratum melted by breakdown currents that produced Hadley Rille? Laboratory analysis of the Apollo 15 green glass produced puzzlement, and the perplexity increased when the crew of Apollo 17 brought back some strange black glass. It was brought out at the Fourth Lunar Science Conference in Houston (March 1973) that "both the Apollo 15 and 17 glasses have markedly similar features that are distinct form other lunar glasses. These include:...pits formed while the glass was hot and soft...different from micrometeroid pits in hard glass that are typically larger and always produce a spalling or shattering [and] splashes on the glass hot sphere of material of the same composition, as if the partly molten glass pieces in a flying cloud were colliding." Experiments conducted on the Apollo 17 glass indicated that "cooling rates of faster than 1,000F/sec. were necessary to form the glass. Such cooling rates are virtually impossible in volcanic eruptions...but are expected in meteorite impacts." But in the same conference it was noted that "impact glasses tend to be nonuniform, since they are a product of an explosive process that mixes a diverse group of surface and subsurface rocks" 45. If the uniform, clear green glass from the Apollo 15 site derived from a single, rather homogenous formation melted in situ by dielectric breakdown, its uniformity and nonvesicular structure would be no mystery. It might be instructive to determine the relative breakdown strengths of various lunar rocks and to investigate the possibilities of duplicating the green glass by subjecting a few Apollo 15 rocks samples to dielectric breakdown. Aristarchus Schubert, Lingenfleter, and Peale have prepared a map showing the distribution of lunar sinuous rilles46 They remark: "The nonrandom distribution of the sinuous rilles is immediately obvious. The rilles are clearly associated with the mare material and are conspicuously absent from the highlands. The tendency of the rilles to occur in groups is also evident." This tendency to occur in groups is something of an understatement. What strikes me about this map is the dense concentration of sinuous rilles in the neighborhood of the crater Aristarchus. Dots marking rille locations in this region frequently overlap, making it difficult to count them. A quick count nevertheless indicates that more than 40 of these features are within 300 kilometers of Aristarchus, and upwards of 70 are within 500 kilometers. The craters Aristarchus has become well-known as the center of a small area on the moon that occasionally emits visible light 47. In 1967 Barbara Middlehursy of the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory published "An Analysis of Lunar Events"-color changes, glows, and other signs of lunar "activity"-reported over the last four centuries 48 Of some 400 such evens, she noted that "the most active region is certainly around the crater Aristarchus, the neighboring Schroeter's Valley and the Cobrahead [the "pear-shaped crater} at the upper end of Schroeter's Valley]." The Aristarchus region has also been identified by gamma-ray spectrometers flown in lunar orbit during the Apollo 15 and 16 missions as one of three localities on the moon showing enhanced radioactivity 49. Even more compelling is the finding of Apollo 15's alpha-particle spectrometer, "designed to detect alpha particles from radon decay and to locate regions with unusual activity on the moon": "The region containing the highest count rate is approximately centered on the crater Aristarchus but also includes Schroeter's Valley and nearby regions" .50. The authors who reported the alpha-particle results, Paul Gorenstein and Paul Bjorkholm, both of American Science and Engineering, point out that "the excess 222Rn at Aristarchus is at least a factor of 4 higher than the lunar average"; "the size of the Aristarchus feature that can be seen above the background [count] is at most 150 km gamma-ray spectrometer indicated at most a 50-percent increase in uranium concentration in this region, relative to adjoining areas, "the increase of 222Rn activity in the reign of Aristarchus must be caused primarily by a local increase in the rate of [radon]gas] emanation." Their report concludes: "...it is not unreasonable to conjecture that the observed radon emanation from Aristarchus...is associated with the same internal processes that will on occasion emit volatiles in sufficient quantity to produce observable optical events." All this seems to suggest that something happened quite recently at Aristarchus, at least on a geologic time scale. Could it be that this crater-actually the brightest spot on the face of the moon today-was created by a discharge from Mars in the eighth century, B.C.? Earlier, we speculated that electrons responding to local ground fields might have assembled at a number of points on the lunar cathode simultaneously. It is quite conceivable, then, that breakdown would occur at many of these locations at practically the same instant, and that the initial surge of electrons headed for Mars would be a complex of individual streams. Would it be likely, in such a set of circumstances, that the resulting mainstroke discharge (to borrow a term from the nomenclature of lightning phenomena), or discharges, would be limited to one, or a very few, streamer channels? Presumably we would have to suppose that some merging of electron streams would take place during the passage to Mars, and indeed close to the surface of the moon, so that all electrons from a single cluster of rilles traveled a single, fairly well-defined path to the surface of Mars. H. Raether, one of the first investigators to concentrate on and finally understand the streamer mechanism, or Kanalaufbau, tells us that the German term was chosen "to characterize the fact that the primary avalanche [of electrons from the cathode] transforms directly into the channel which is later the spark channel" 51. So, without some merging of electron streams leaving the moon, the main "stroke" could be expected to consist of as many channels as there were rilles yielding primary electrons.* It is also pertinent to ask whether the motions of the two planets, particularly differential rotational motion between the opposing faces of Mars and the moon, might distort discharge channels and displace their termini appreciably. The speed of propagation of avalanching electrons is of the order of 107 cm/sec52. And the return streamer travels (propagates) at a speed of about 108 cm/sec 53 We can only guess how far apart Mars and the moon may have been during the consummation of their love affair. Something less than several thousands of kilometers might have brought gravitational disruption to one or both of them. So let us suppose that they approached to within, say. 5,000 kilometers, or 5 x 108 centimeters, before breakdown occurred on the moon. From the figures given above, it is apparent that the Kanalaufbau mechanism then could have bridged the gap between the two planets within approximately one minute after the onset of rille eruption. It follows that relative motions between the opposing planetary surfaces could have only negligible effect on streamer-touchdown points. The clustering of lunar sinuous rilles on the map prepared by the University of California scientists is hardly so well-defined as one might wish. Even the concentration of points near Aristarchus is splotchy, and isolated points are scattered over nearly all mare surfaces on the near side of the moon. Less spectacular concentrations than that about Aristarchus might be associated with the rayed craters Eratosthenes, Eudoxus, Aristillus, etc., many of which are larger than Aristarchus. But the concentration of sinuous rilles in the neighborhood of Aristarchus is so impressive that we are almost compelled to focus attention on that area, particularly since other lines of evidence seem to converge there, too. On the evidence that the Aristarchus region suffered the most rille eruptions of any such concentrated area on the moon, and supposing that in a rough sort of way rille numbers can be correlated with numbers of electrons contributed to the establishment of discharge channels between Mars and the moon, we seem justified in theorizing that this same region would receive the hardest blow from a main stroke. And the crater Aristarchus must be the result of that blow. A clear implication of such a chain of deduction is that Aristarchus was not in existence when the local sinuous rilles were formed; that it is younger-if only by a matter of a minute or so-than the eruption features surrounding it. To check this out, let us re-examine photographs of the area. The mapping camera aboard the Apollo 15 command module obtained a superb shot of this complex terrain 54. The view, from the north, shows Schroeter's Valley originating on a rise that is clearly older than both Aristarchus and nearby Herodotus, since both craters cut into the flanks of the rise. Herodotus, in turn, is older than Aristarchus.55. Small rilles are fairly numerous in the scene, but any of them that approaches within about 80 or so kilometers of Aristarchus seems to have its outlines softened, as if material ejected from that crater had partly buried it. No rille in the area originates on high ground or traverses high ground that can be identified as an elevation produced in the Aristarchus event. The same conclusions can be drawn from Lunar Orbiter 4's High-Resolution Frame 150-156. How Old is Aristarchus? To date, no mission to the moon, manned or unmanned, has returned lunar samples from the Aristarchus region. We may anticipate, however, that when and if such samples are secured, they will be pronounced to be three or four billion years old. Accepted dating techniques based on radioactive decay will be applied, and that will be that. It will be concluded, therefore, that the Aristarchus explosion took place, not three, but millions of millennia ago. Velikovsky 57has already offered a number of valid reasons why such dating methods should be suspect: (i) "uncorrected" potassium-argon ages of lunar materials make some of them older than the inferred age of the universe itself; (ii) lunar materials are strikingly deficient in certain volatile elements, a fact which casts strong doubt on the credibility of uranium-lead, thorium-lead, and rubidium-strontium age of determinations; and (iii) no account is taken of the possible effects of electrical discharges on lunar materials. And Velikovsky pointedly asks: "When we measure the age of the universe, why do we assume that at creation the heavy elements like uranium predominated and not the simples ones, hydrogen and helium? It is philosophically simples to assume that all started- if there ever was a start- with the most elementary elements. A catastrophic event or many such events were necessary to build uranium from hydrogen. Although the radioactive clock cannot be disturbed by heating or hitting, it can be disturbed by discharges of interplanetary potentials..." The cosmologist will, of course, reply: "We do assume that the heavy elements have been built from the lighter ones, starting with hydrogen; it starts in stars like the sun, and the ultimate creation of the heaviest elements take place in supernova explosions." But Velikovsky's point-and it's a good one- is that no theorist stops to consider the atomic-fusion possibilities of the electric discharge; the uranium-lead ratios found in the rocky materials of the universe may just as easily reflect a partial conversion of lead to uranium as a decay of uranium to lead. But of course the stumbling block here is the continuing resistance of theorists to the idea that electrical discharges have taken place, or ever could take place, on a cosmic scale. (I, for one, would predict with some confidence that, once the curtains of thermo-nuclear theory are drawn aside, electrical engineers will quickly discover that the controlled-fusion reactions they have been seeking in vain for a quarter of a century have actually been within their grasp for at least twice that long-that a relatively small throughput of electrical energy will release the pent-up power of matter on a scale far beyond the most fanciful prediction of the late 1940's.) In view of the credibility gulf surrounding the entire premise of radioactive dating and the attendant assumptions that deny the moon any kind of history for the last three billion years, it seems reasonable to look to other kinds of evidence in an effort to determine the age of the crater Aristarchus. And of these other kinds of evidence, we have already noted the appearance, the stratigraphic relationships, the intense radioactivity, and the luminous emissions from this site. Everything that is known about this crater argues in favor of its youth. It would be an exercise in futility at this time to attempt to pin down the exact moment when Aristarchus first appeared as a scar on the face of the moon. Perhaps future generations will develop both the curiosity and the means to attack this problem and will finally be able to assure us that this crater was or was not born in the eighth century. *Noted added in proof: Loeb (Electrical Coronas, Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1965, p. 69) refers to "Raether's proof of convergent avalanches initiating breakdown streams." This appears to be at least partial confirmation of the surmise expressed here. 1. I. Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision (New York: Macmillan, 1950), Part II, "Mars." 2. Ibid., p. 272. 3. W. Schwabacher, "The Olympian Zeus before Phidias," Archaeology 14 (June, 1961): 104-9. 4. W. Bostick, Scientific American 16 (October, 1957): 87-94. 5. Plasmoids, though uncharged, are carriers of concentrated electric and magne tic energy. The impact of a cosmic plasmoid could produce an earth-shaking-per haps even orbit-changing-explosion. According to Bostick, plasmoid velocities i n his vacuum experiments were "comparable to the speed of stars in galaxies and of flares shooting out from the sun"-which is to say, fast enough to travel fr om Jupiter to the orbit of Venus in the space of a month or so, but not so fast as to blur the form and surface details of such an object. 6. Homer, Odyssey, VIII. 7. J. D. Cobine, Gaseous Conductors-Theory and Engineering Applications (New Yo rk: Dover, 1958). Cobine taught electrical engineering at Harvard University be fore moving on to be a physicist at the General Electric Research Laboratory. Though I have never corresponded with him, he can rightly be held responsible, through this volume, for turning me on as and electrical- discharge fanatic. 8. L. Loeb, Fundamental of Electricity and Magnetism (New York: Dover, 1951), p . 501. 9. B.J. Ford, Spaceflight 7 (January, 1965): 13-17. 10. New York Times, early city edition, July 21, 1969. 11. Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision, "The Moon and Its Craters," pp. 360-2. I am afraid I find this concept difficult to accept; particularly, the problem of getting molten rock to hold together as a membrane of thousands of square kilo meters while gas pressure elevates it from below seems insurmountable, and I ha ve to go along with Baldwin (The Measure of the Moon [Chicago: University of Ch icago Press, 1963], p. 392), who finds this mechanism for dome-formation "compl etely impossible physically." 12. This, of course, in no way excludes the rayed craters from consideration in the present inquiry. Indeed, to my way of thinking the rays are strong eviden ce that the craters associated with them are electric-discharge touchdown point s. The rays appears to be Lichtenberg figures-starlike patterns produced on di electric surfaces by electric sparks. They have no discernible depth on the lun ar surface-a point consistent with the idea that they are purely superficial ma rkings produced by avalanching electrons. The pity is that Lichtenberg, who di scovered this phenomenon almost 200 years ago, has had his name attached to a s mall lunar crater of no particular prominence and apparently lacking rays. 13. I. Velikovsky, Memorandum to Space Science Board, National Academy of Scien ces, May 19, 1969, published in Pensee 2 (fall, 1972): 29; see also R. Treash, Pensee 2 (May, 1972): 21. 14. F. R. Moulton, An Introduction to Astronomy (New York: Macmillan, 1910), p. 268. 15. W. H. Pickering, The Moon (New York: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1903). 16. Quotations from Pickering in these last two paragraphs are from V.A. Firsoff's Strange World of the Moon (New York: Science Editions, Inc., 1962), p. 159. 17. Ibid., p. 160. 18. The Nature of the Lunar Surface, ed. W. N. Hess, D. H. Menzel and J. A. O'K eefe (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1966), pp., 107-21. 19. H.. Urey, Nature 216 (1967): 1094. 20. J. A. O'Keefe, Science 163 (1969): 669. 21. J. A. O'Keefe and E.W. Adams, Journal of Geophysical Research 70 (1965): 3819. 22. W. S. Cameron, Astronomical Journal 68 (1963): 275. 23. R. E. Lingenfelter, S.J. Peale, and G. Schubert, Science 161 (19 July 1968): 266-9. 24. J. E. M. Adler and J.W. Salisbury, Science 164 (2 May 1969): 589. 25. SA. Schumm and D.B. Simons, Sciences 265 (11 July 1969): 201. 26. Scientific American 223 (November, 1970), "Science and the Citizen." 27. R. Greeley, Science 172 (14 May 1971): 722-5. 28. Lunar Orbiter 5 photographed a "unique ridge-rille" northwest of Grithuisen Crater. This rille appears to be a chain of oval craterlets joined by short, imperfectly aligned rille sections. See Sky and Telescope for March, 1971, p. 1 72. 29. Ranger 8 and 9, JPL Technical Report 32-800, Part II (1966), p. 35. 30. G. Schubert, R. E. Lingenfelter, and S. J. Peale, Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics 8 (February, 1970): 199-224. 31Science 175 (28 January 1972): 407-15. 32. Ibid., p. 409. 33. R. Greeley, Science 172 (14 May 1971): p. 722. 34. Ibid., p. 724. 35. Science 175 (28 January 1972): p. 409. 36. Scientific American 224 (September 1971), "Science and the Citizen." 37. B. Hapke and B. Greenspan, EOS-Transactions, American Geophysical Union 51 (1970): 346. 38. The electric-field confining capabilities of space-charge sheaths are discu ssed in Pensee 2 (Fall, 1972): 6-12. 39. H. G. Booker writes: "For each dielectric there is a maximum strength of el ectric field that the dielectric will sustain. If the electric field is too st rong, the distortion of atoms...becomes so great that electrons begin to part c ompany from their atoms. The insulating properties of the dielectric then 'bre akdown,' and there is a temporary discharge of the system through the dielectri c....The maximum electric field strength that a dielectric will sustain without breaking down is known as it dielectric strength and depends upon the molecula r structure of the dielectric....In designing capacitors it is desirable to avo id sharp points and sharp edges that would produce locally high electric fields and encourage breakdown of the dielectric..." (An Approach to Electrical Scie nce [New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959), p. 70). 40. P. E. Viemeister, The Lightning Book (New York: Doubleday, 1961), p. 137. 4 1. A. W. Graubau, Principles of Stratigraphy, vol. 1 (A. G. Seiler, 1924; New Y ork: Dover, 1960), p. 72. 42. Apollo Lunar Geology Investigation Team, "Geologic Setting of the Apollo 15 Samples," Science 175 (28 January 1972): 411. 43. G. Schubert, R. E. Lingenfelter, and S. J. Peale, Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics 8 (February 1970): 204, figure 5. 44. S. Whitehead, Dielectric Breakdown of Solids (Oxford: 1951) 45. "The Apollo 15 Lunar Samples: A Preliminary Description," Science 175 (28 J anuary, 1972): 363-75. 46. W.H. Gregory, Aviation Week & Space Technology (17 April 1973): 38-42. 47. G. Schubert, R. E. Lingenfelter, and S. J. Peale, Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics 8 (February, 1970): 207. 48. Cf. J. A. Greenacre, Sky and Telescope 26 (December, 1963): 316. 49. B. Middlehurst, Reviews of Geophysics 5 (May, 1967): 173-89. 50. Science 179 (23 February 1973): 800-3. 51. Ibid., pp.792-94. 52. H. Raether, Electron Avalanches and Breakdown in Gases (Washington, D.C. : Butterworths, 1964), p. 113. 53. L. Loeb, Fundamentals, p. 493. 54. H. Raether, Electron Avanlanches, p. 125. 55. This photograph is reproduced on p.200 of Sky and Telescope for October, 19 71. 56. This age difference between Herodotus and Aristarchus is generally accepted , since light-colored ejecta from Aristarchus can be seen inside the rim of Her odotus. 57. Reproduced by Schubert, Lingenfelter, and Peale, Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics 8 (February, 1970): p. 200. Hadley Rille, at the Apollo 15 landi ng site, does not appear to be one of a cluster of rilles, no does it appear to be overrun to any significant degree by ejecta from a return-stroke crater. P erhaps we might look to nearby crater Aratus and Hadley A as touchdown scars of a multiple or branching streamer to this area. "Aratus and Hadley A are extre mely enhanced in the 3.8- and 70cm radar [images] and in infrared [observations ], are bright in full-moon photographs [a typical rayed-crater phenomenon], and also appear fresh, blocky, and sharp in the high-resolution Lunar Orbiter phot ographs. There appears, therefore, to be an extensive rounding these craters [ to judge from the radar results] and extending out to about 10 km from each of these craters. These features suggest that Aratus and Hadley A are very young. ..(S. H. Zisk, et al., Science 173 [27 August 1971]: 808-12)." Both Aratus and Hadley A are several tens of kilometers from Hadley Rille, and their ejecta bla nkets do not reach that far. The first part of this paper (Pensee, Fall, 1974) was devoted primarily to an argument that sinuous rilles, features peculiar to maria surfaces on the Moon, are of electrical origin. It was suggested that these torturous "riverbeds" were produced instantly and explosively as subsurface formations succumbed to electrical stresses, and that the youngest of them resulted from an encounter between Mars and the Moon. Electrons thus torn from the lunar crust pioneered paths in space along which powerful discharges transferred electric charges between the two bodies. It was further suggests that the energy delivered in just one such discharge was sufficient to create, and probably did create, the large explosion crater, Aristarchus. There were several other lunar surface features that seem best explained as electrical scars. But before taking a look at them we may usefully ask how much electric charge might have been exchanged in the postulated Aristarchus event. Would this charge, for example, be a reasonably small fraction of the total charge carried by each of the two planetary bodies involved? Suppose we approach this problem by taking the measure of an ordinary lightning bolt, which hopefully is the nearest thing to an interplanetary discharge likely to be observable in our time. The energy of a fairly average lightning discharge, according to Viemeister , is about 250 kilowatt-hours- roughly 9 + 108 joules. On Earth, most of this energy is dissipated in the atmosphere. But what might happen is such a bolt were to strike an airless body like the Moon? From Baldwin's analysis of lunar and terrestrial explosion craters , it would appear that such a bolt ought to produce a lunar crater about 85 meter in diameter (see Figure 1.) Aristarchus, as indicated in the figure, was probably formed by an explosion, releasing some 2 X 1021 joules of energy. So we are talking about an interplanetary discharge a few million times as energetic as ordinary lightning. Cloud-to-ground electric potentials in thunderstorms reach values near 109 volts . Presumably the potential drop across an interplanetary spark gap would be considerably greater than this, but by how much we can only guess for now. Let us assume that it would be at least a thousand times greater-say, 1012 volts. On this basis, since the energy of a discharge is the simple product of the potential drop between electrodes and the total charge transferred, we can estimate that a spark transferring 109 coulombs of charge would suffice to produce an Aristarchus on the Moon and wreak corresponding havoc, though of a different kind, on Mars . Some recent estimates of total electric charges carried by solar-system bodies include Bailey's 1018 coulombs for the Earth . Michelson's figure is derived from Bailey's on the assumption that the specific charges- total charges divided by total masses- of all bodies in the solar system might be alike. The same assumption would imply total charges of about 1012 and 1011 coulombs for Mars and the Moon, respectively. However, as pointed out elsewhere , the ubiquitous interplanetary plasma can be expected to equalize surface potentials rather than specific charges; except during near-collision episodes, and perhaps even then to large degree, the potentials of all the planets (or at least the inner planets of the system) should be pretty much alike and equal to that of the Sun. Nor need one put too much stress on Bailey's estimate of the Sun's net charge. Most of his arguments assume that electric fields propagate across interplanetary space, and this seems ruled out by the plasma. Nevertheless, for present purposes we might take Bailey's figure as a minimum value for the Sun's surface "potential"-1019 volts. (In passing, it is well to note that this "potential" is relative to some "zero" of potential that probably does not apply anywhere in the solar system, and may not apply anywhere within the limits of the local galaxy, either. Bailey contended that the Sun maintains a potential of this magnitude relative to is immediate surroundings ("empty space"), but his analysis of the solar-charge problem was made before Mariner 2 demonstrated the all-pervasive nature of the interplanetary plasma.) On this basis, then, since the plasma effectively "grounds" the planets to the Sun, each of them ought to be charged so as to have this same 1019-volt surface potential. The charge one each of them, expressed as a fraction of the Sun's charge, should be proportional to the planet's radius, expressed as a fraction of the Sun's radius. Earth, Mars, and the Moon should then carry respective "normal" charges of approximately 1015, 5 X 1014, and 2.5 X 1014 coulombs. Given such charges-and it bears re-emphasizing that these figures may be substantially on the low side- we can see that the postulated Aristarchus discharge, transferring 109 coulombs between Mars and the Moon, would alter the "normal" charge of Mars by only about two parts in a million, and that of the Moon by four parts in a million. Quite a few such bolts might pass between the two bodies during a single encounter without significantly affecting the electrical balance between either of them and the interplanetary plasma. TYCHO But of course Aristarchus and craters of similar size are by no means the entire story. The crater Tycho in the Moon's southern highlands gives every indication of being one of the most youthful of lunar features; indeed, Shoemaker et al. consider it even younger than Aristarchus, but this solely on the basis of geologic considerations that may not apply to a Moon involved in near-collisions only a few thousand years ago. In any case, as Hartmann and Yale stress , Tycho and Aristarchus are the only two among the larger craters on the Moon with floors of bare rock, unlittered with debris from later eruptive events in their neighborhoods. This would seem to put both in the same age bracket- one of extreme youth. Tycho, about 86 kilometers in diameter, is located in a highland region that is generally more than 1200 meters above the Moon's spherical datum-the surface of a hypothetical sphere of average lunar radius . The crater site appears to be at the summit, of terrain that trends downward in every direction away from the site for hundreds of kilometers. The summit is more than 2600 meters above the spherical data, according to Baldwin . (The crater site is thus topographically comparable to that of Aristarchus, which, according to Baldwin's contour map, is near the summit of a more-than-2700- meter rise from a plain that is generally several thousand meters below spherical datum.) Shoemaker and his colleagues emphasize that, aside from the fact that Tycho is twice the size of Aristarchus, the two craters are remarkably similar in their structural details, which include prominent central peaks, and floors that have preserved the contours of "flows...partly draped or folded around small hills...." (They suggest, too, that "the floors of other large ray craters probably have also been formed by similar flows.") Observations indicating that Tycho is a persistent "hot spot" after sundown on the Moon and that it is a strong reflector of radar beams support the conclusion that its floor is remarkably clean. They also suggest that the flows observable in Lunar-Orbiter photographs are of congealed, lava-like material. And this may be taken as further evidence in support of the discharge hypothesis of Tycho's origin. Explaining a crater floor of bare, once-molten rock in terms of the conventional impact theory is a little difficult. One must resort to ad-hoc theorizing to the effect that something- perhaps the shock of the postulated impact explosion- melted a considerable volume of rock at some depth, and that following the explosion this material welled up to engulf the crater floor and flow around obstructions encountered there; otherwise, debris from the explosion itself could be expected to clutter the crater floor . Impact theory offers no reason, however, to expect such a sequence of events, and nothing in terrestrial experience with crater-producing explosions supports the idea. On the other hand, if Aristarchus and Tycho were produced by electric discharges, their clean floors would be just about what one would expect. The abilities of discharges to produce melting on cathode surfaces and generally to "clean up" those surfaces have been remarked upon since the earliest experiments with electric discharges . Furthermore, though an electric discharge might be thought of as taking place in a very brief span of time, an interplanetary discharge must surely be an event of greater duration than an impact explosion; the long-distance flow of current would persist beyond the instant of any initial touchdown, explosion, and ejecta that chanced to fall back into the crater thus produced could be swept away or melted in place. (The hummocky appearance of the floors of Tycho and Aristarchus may testify in part to such melting fallout blocks too large to be forcefully removed.) Tycho's position in Figure 1 shows that the explosion that produced it, whether attributable to impact or to electric discharge, must have been perhaps 40 times as energetic as the Aristarchus event. Assuming that the explosion resulted from an electrical strike and that the driving potential spark-gap voltage) was of the order of 1012 volts, we are led to concluded that the Tycho bolt must have transferred something approaching 1011 coulombs of charge between Mars and the Moon. But even this amounts to only a few parts in ten thousand of our estimated "normal" charges on Mars and the Moon; the electrical balance between either body and the undisturbed interplanetary medium would be only negligibly affected. But if Tycho, like Aristarchus, is a cathode crater, where are the sinuous rilles that might be expected to have provided triggering electrons for the Tycho discharge? Should not such features be tens of times more abundant around Tycho than in the area of Aristarchus? We have already noted the fact sinuous rilles occur only on mare surfaces. And Tycho is located in a highland region, hundreds of kilometers from the nearest mare margin and even farther from the nearest evidence of sinuous- rille activity. Could a Martian spark to the Tycho site have been triggered in another way? "I suggest that the answer to this last question may be, yes. The supporting evidence seems to lie in Tycho's most obvious feature- its spectacular system of rays. The Origin of Tycho's Rays The rays of Tycho constitute a centuries-old puzzle that has defied solution in terms of conventional thinking about the history of the Moon. Velikovsky's demonstration that Earth's satellite, like the Earth itself, actually has a recent history-and that this history has been punctuated by episodes of interplanetary violence, puts the Tycho-ray puzzle-like many other astrogeological problems- in an entirely new light. In this instance, Velikovsky's work suggests that astronomers, selenographers, and astrogeologists alike may have been searching in too few compartments of scientific knowledge for clues to the puzzle's solution. To judge from the preponderance of recent literature, today's majority opinion is heavily in favor of the idea that lunar-ray systems originated in the ejection of materials from central craters. And Tycho's long rays, some of them reaching so far as to pass out of sight beyond the limb of the Moon's visible disk, are considered exceptional but still explainable as ejecta from Tycho itself. Ralph Baldwin, a leading advocate of this view, mocks those who would seek other explanations: "There must be something about the moon which causes astronomers and others to suffer severe attacks of imagination . He refers specifically to ray-origin suggestions ranging from an efflorescence of mineral salts along radical cracks, or an expulsion of ice crystals through openings in crater walls, to an emission of lava along tectonic fractures, or an ejection of volcanic ash in extraordinarily straight, evenly spaced streams. His answer: The rays are simply rock flour jetted outward by impact explosions. Now, obviously, some of the ideas Baldwin takes exception to are pretty far- fetched. But their common inspiration is just as obviously the many difficulties that plague the ejection hypothesis. For one thing, the rays have no discernible depth. Surely materials squirted laterally occasionally fall more heavily in one place than in another and build up substantial formations. But no one has ever been able to point out such a ray "deposit." Another difficulty concerns the fact that the rays are scarred with numerous small craters. Baldwin's explanation is that "some solid material was shot out with the jets and produced 'on-the-way craters" . But Kopal pointed out some years ago that the total volume of material of this type alone, if called upon to explain the secondary craters along Tycho's rays, would amount to some 10,000 cubic kilometers-an amount of material entirely inconsistent with careful measurements indicating that practically all material excavated from Tycho's crater has been deposited in its rim. Furthermore, Ranger photographs suggest that on-ray craters may be even more abundant than either Baldwin or Kopal thought likely. Baldwin, writing at a time when only Earth- based telescopic observations were possible, noted that "when these rays are closely studied, they are founded to be composed of long, narrow, elliptical sections, often with a small crater or elongated groove in the white region" But after examining the Ranger photos, Shoemaker commented : "...many small secondary craters, too small to be resolved by telescopes on earth, occur at the near end of each ray element." Thus not only the presence of the secondary craters in connection with "each ray element," but their placement, always "at the near end," poses a problem for the ejection hypothesis. Is it conceivable that larger objects randomly mixed with fines in ejecta streams would always manage to drop to the surface just at the inner ends of fallout patterns produced by the fines? The strange proportions of Tycho's long rays seems all-but-impossible to reconcile with ejection origins. Enormous velocities of ejection must be postulated to explain the lengths of the rays, yet the energetic processes responsible for such velocities must be imagined to be focused very precisely to account for the ribbon-thin appearance of the rays. Early in this century Pickering reviewed the ray-origin ideas then abroad and found them wanting . He suggested: "Another and perhaps better explanation is that electrical repulsion...furnished the radial force which caused the arrangement [of Tycho's rays]." It was his personal observation that "those streaks which do not issue from minute craterlets lie upon or across ridges, or in other similarly exposed situations." Although he was none too specific as to the details of an electrical mechanism that might explain Tycho's rays, he drew an interesting comparison between the suggested phenomenon and "auroral streamers." I think that in this case Pickering indeed on the right track. Before pursuing the point, however, suppose we take a close look at the entire Tychonian system. Shoemaker et a. give us this description of conditions must outside the rim of the crater: "The exterior flank of the rim...comprises a belt of terrain 80 to 100 km wide that differs from the surrounding highland terrain in topography, albedo, radar reflectivity, thermal characteristics, and other physical properties. This belt is underlain by a complex sequence of rim deposits. They are divisible, on the basis of both topography and albedo, into distinct geologic facies, which form a series of three concentric rings around the crater.... "The inner ring....[which] extends from the crest of the crater rim a distance of 5 to 10 km down the rim flank...is characterized by irregularly hummocky topography and a normal albedo of 16 to 17%. Within this ring are many well-developed flows, some as long as 8 km... "The second ring is marked by numerous sub-radial ridges and valleys superimposed on a broadly undulating surface....Some undulations clearly reflect ancient craters that have been buried, or partly buried, by the rim materials of Tycho....The ring appears in full-moon telescopic photographs as a prominent, broad, dark halo completely surrounding Tycho.... "Surrounding the dark-halo facies is a third major ring characterized by abundant secondary or satellitic craters....Beyond the third or outer ring, the rim deposits are discontinuous and grade outward into the ray system. "The Tycho rays consist of a discontinuous series of bright streaks. In more distant parts of the ray system, the streaks lie nearly along great circle arcs that pass through the parent crater. Close to Tycho, the pattern is more complex and includes broad, roughly linear, bright bands and numerous bright ellipses and loops. "The pattern of the rays is superimposed on nearly all the other topographic and geologic features of the lunar surface...." But do the long rays-all, or even most of them-actually "pass through the parent crater?" Another point that has long troubled the ejection hypothesis of ray origin is the readily observable fact that Tycho's long rays do not diverge from the center of the crater, although such divergence would be expected for material thrown out by a point explosion. It is often said (e. g., ) that the rays are tangent to the crater rim, and various ad-hoc modifications of the ejection hypothesis has been offered to explain, or explain away, such a peculiarity in ray alignment. As a matter of fact, however, the briefest examination of good photographs of the full Moon indicates that only a few rays are "tangent to the rim of the crater," while others seem to point directly to, or through, the center of the crater. ] Close scrutiny of the long rays suggests that they actually may diverge from a common point, or common focus, located on or buried beneath the western rim of the crater. But Tycho's shorter rays-those which fill the inner regions of the gaps between the long rats and appear to be quite similar to he rays of other craters, such as Copernicus, Kepler, and Aristarchus- seem to diverge from Tycho itself. Could it be that we have here two systems of rays, one superimposed on the other? Such a situation would be consistent with the known behavior of certain electric discharges. In the first part of this paper (note 12), it was suggested that the bright rays associated with lunar craters, recognized some years ago by Velikovsky as electric discharge markings , are Lichtenberg figures-starlike patterns produced when electric sparks terminate on non-conducting surfaces. The proportions of Lichtenberg figures are determined by such variable as the polarity of the surface with respect to the discharge, the magnitude of the impressed voltage (the potential drop across the spark gap), and the abruptness of the wave front in the flow of current . Positive figures- those produced where positive charges touch down, as on a non-conducting cathode- are generally more distinct; their patterns are more obvious, and for a given impressed voltage they are larger than negative figures . Since Lichtenberg figures result from the breakdown of gases immediately adjacent to surfaces , they increase in size both as the spark-gas potential goes up and as the ambient gas pressure goes down . Thus, at atmospheric pressure on Earth, a 1000-volt positive figure might be only a centimeter or so in diameter, while one produced by a 100-million-volt lightning bolt might be meters in diameter; features of the latter proportions are occasionally seared into exposed lawn surfaces. On the Moon, where the ambient gas pressure, even during an encounter in which the atmosphere of Mars might be partially drawn into the gap prior to the onset of electrical displays, would scarcely be significantly greater than that of interplanetary space, a bolt striking with a driving potential of several million volts might well produce a Tychonian rays system. Lichtenberg figures, though they have been known for several centuries and have been employed to practical advantage in various ways , are far from completely understood. The essential function of the process that results in a positive figure, however, seems to be one of assembling electrons. Because the surface receiving the electric spark is non-conducting, the electron-collecting mechanism takes the form of breakdown streamers in atmospheric gases in contact with the surface. By means of strong electric fields associated with concentrated space charges at their outer tips, these streamers propagate outward literally at "lightning speed." At the same time, they are held to the surface by the electrostatic attraction between their tip charges and those they seek to extract from the surface. And, although they originate at a common point where there exists and intensely concentrated field, they are able to extend that field far beyond its initially effective reach in all directions- again by virtue of the strong field at their tips . Now, suppose that Tycho's rays actually constitute two systems: A primary system of long, narrow rays diverging from a point just outside the crater; and a secondary system of much shorter, much more diffuse rays that actually focus upon and are more intimately associated with the crater itself. The visual evidence seems to support this idea, and the local absence of sinuous rilles seems to require it: The long, primary rays would be needed to trigger a discharge to the general area; the more concentrated secondaries- counterparts of the rays of Aristarchus-would be needed to pinpoint the actual site of the strike. Interestingly enough, E. Nasser and D. C. Schroeder, of the Iowa State University Department of Electrical Engineering, have published a report on spark studies indicating that just such a composite system of rays might be expected where there is no other practical means of assembling triggering electrons . This report is illustrated with an "autograph," a Lichtenberg figure recorded on photographic film, showing a less-extensive, secondary figure superimposed on a more-extensive, primary figure. The authors describe their autograph, obtained by placing the photographic film where it would intercept cathode-directed spark streamers, this way: "The usual radial primary streamer pattern is in evidence but superimposed on this are the traces of secondary channels...[which] branch more extensively and have associated with them a very dense net of filamentary 'threads' which leave a circular pattern of traces. The trunks of the secondary channels often form along the path of a primary streamer, but they have been observed to form between primary streamer traces also. The branches of the secondary streamer traces often cross primary traces and the secondary streamer growth would appear independent of the particular paths chosen by the primary streamers. The fine filamentary tips of the secondary streamers seem to propagate in a circular pattern....Although the filamentary traces do cross, the general pattern indicates that they tend to repel each other." Nasser and Schroded interpret their primary streamer traces as effects of a mechanism assembling electrons that triggered the spark event, but their analysis shows that the "secondary channel mechanism...is responsible for creating the highly ionized path along which the spark channel develops" in the gap between the electrodes. In other words, the primary streamers set the stage for a discharge to the area in question, while the secondary streamers selected the precise point of touchdown for the main-stroke spark. If this is what happened at the Tycho site on the Moon, then it is misleading to refer to Tycho as the "parent crater" for the rays; instead, the secondary rays must be considered the parents of the crater, and perhaps the primary rays the grandparents. I suggest that the sequence of events that produced Tycho and its rays was something like this: The external electrical field due to the nearby presence of Mars was locally intensified by the high ground at this site. The center of a radial ground field that resulted was probably a pre-existing peak of ground that now lies buried in Tycho's western rim. The radial field was unable to produce breakdown in subsurface formations by the sinuous-rille process, and as a consequence the field intensified to a point where breakdown was initiated in the thin lunar atmosphere. Instantly, breakdown streamers began to propagate in all directions, generating electrons "the hard way." As the intense fields at the streamer tips passed over susceptible geologic formations, electrons were exploded from the ground, and on-ray craters were born; the lines from each little explosion were carried along for some distance and deposited in an elliptical patch by the "wind" force of the plasma streamer. Small-scale branching of the primary streamers locally broadened the rays, and occasionally led to the splitting of rays, but the force of the guiding field and repulsive forces between the rays kept them generally straight and narrow. The electrons thus collected and fed back to the initial breakdown point were funneled off toward mars by the electric field in the interplanetary gap, and the Kanalaufbau mechanism established a path to be followed by a main-stroke spark. (It seems conceivable that a peak of high ground initially responsible for concentrating the external field might have been destroyed as the primary-streamer electrons took leave of the Moon. If so, it seems likely that in the minute or so between the departure of the triggering electrons and the arrival of the return streamer the field would have shifted its focus to another nearby point of high ground. In any case, the evidence suggests that the Tycho cratering explosion took place some tens of kilometers to the east of the initial focus of the long-ray system.) As the spark streamer from Mars approached, the lunar atmosphere again broke down. Secondary Lichtenberg streamers fed electrons from proliferating local eruption craters toward the new focus of the field, thus determining the precise touchdown point for the Martian streamer. Finally-again, all this probably happened in a minute or so-the Martian streamer bridged the interplanetary gap, and the crater Tycho was born in the resulting explosion. Material thrown from the crater blanketed the outer slopes of the crater rim, itself formed largely of material shoved laterally, creating a dark ring that obliterated the brightest parts of the secondary ray system. Thus the visual evidence suggests that triggering electrons for the Tycho discharge were assembled by means of an atmospheric-breakdown process that drew them from numerous distant points in all directions and hauled them over the surface to a common collection point. On the far side of the Moon are several more long-rayed craters , presumably marking sites where much the same thing happened; these, too, are located in highland terrain. Now let us take another look at Tycho's primary rays. Though some of them pass out of sight to the far side of the Moon, it is readily apparent from those that run in their courses entirely on the visible hemisphere that ray lengths vary considerably. Also, there is a wide variation in brightness and width from one ray to another, and even between different reaches of single rays. When these characteristics are examined in conjunction with Baldwin's lunar contour map , an interesting point emerges: The brightest, widest part of individual rays, seem to be those traversing the highest ground. All rays appear to narrow as they approach mare margins, and some of them terminate abruptly at such points. If we assume, on the basis of reports by careful observers , that ray prominence (or brightness) and width is a reflection of ray-element abundance, we are led to conclude that there is a correlation between ground elevation and ray-element abundance. This recalls Pickering's observation, already noted, that ray elements show a preference for "exposed situations." A proliferation of ray elements could well be explain in terms of the natural tendency of electric fields to become intensified by projections from surfaces; the Moon's highland terrain is notably more rugged than the lowlands. An abundance of stress concentrations induced by the approach of a charged streamer tip could be expected to promote streamer-branching and thus increase the sprawl as well as the density of craterlet eruptions and ray elements. But this does not seem to account for the narrowing of rays as they approach the edges of lowland plains; highland terrain at lower elevations is probably just as rugged as at higher elevations. Part of the narrowing, presumably, is attributable simply to distance from the initial breakdown point; a corresponding narrowing with distance is evident in sinuous rille. But perhaps atmospheric density at ground level has something to do with the effect, too. The lunar atmosphere is everywhere extremely tenuous. Nevertheless, some variation in density with altitude must exist, and the extraordinary broadening of rays at high altitudes and the narrowing at lower altitudes may indicate that streamer-branching was promoted as much by lower gas densities as by surface roughness. But why atmospheric breakdown in the first place? Why should one process- sinuous-rille eruption-provide primary electrons for spark-ignition in lowland regions, while another process-breakdown in the Lichtenberg mode-does that same job in the highlands? The fact that long-rayed craters are so few necessarily limits confidence that can be placed in any answers to these questions. Nevertheless, since sinuous rilles are confined to mare surfaces and long rays seem to be associated only with craters located at considerable elevations above spherical datum, and since there is reason to suppose that both types of feature were produced by triggering events leading to interplanetary discharges, perhaps some speculation as the implications of this dichotomy is in order. Presumably, topographic intensification of an external electric field would be much the same on one part of the Moon as on another. Consequently, the intensities of radial ground fields thus induced should also be comparable. It would seem, then, that if the mode of triggering differs radically between the two locations, the difference must reflect the relative dielectic strengths of materials at the two sites. The present hypothesis suggests that in lunar maria breakdown occurred preferentially in coherent rock formations at shallow depths beneath the regolith, or surface mantle of fractured rock. In the highlands, on the other hand, electrical stresses of equal or perhaps greater intensity failed to achieved a similar result, and nothing much happened until field strengths increased to values sufficient to initiate breakdown in the overlying atmosphere. When this happened, fields of even greater intensity at streamer tips apparently did manage to break down surface materials, but only locally, producing small craters instead of rilles. This could mean that the regolith mantling lunar highlands is much deeper than that covering the maria-perhaps much too deep to be explained in terms of in- situ fragmentation under bombardment of any kind, meteoritic, electrical, or otherwise. Is it possible that, contrary to the accepted notion that the lunar highlands are exposures of the Moon's oldest rocks, these mountains consist largely of debris emplaced from the outside, and that therefore the highland materials, for the most part, are not even "lunar" materials at all? MARS What kind of damage might the planet Mars be expected to sustain from episodes in which electric discharges passed between it and the Moon? In seeking an answer to this question, let us first recall that the medium separating the two planet up to the moment discharging started must have been an almost prefect vacuum by an terrestrial standard. And in such a medium a spark cannot pass until electrons forcefully drawn from the cathode body by the electric field can cross the gap and ionize anode materials (see discussion in Part 1 of this paper). Under the postulated conditions, therefore, Mars, as the anode body, must have yielded up some significant fraction of its own matter for the production of positive ions required by the discharges. Electrons liberated in the ionization process would have remained with Mars, but the positive ions-the identifiable fractions of the atoms and molecules broken in the process-would have been transferred in considerable measure to the Moon. Martian Gases in Lunar Rocks In an encounter of the type described by Velikovsky the atmosphere of Mars would certainly become highly distorted . Gravitational forces, electrical forces, and thermal effects could be expected to pull and push the planet's gaseous envelope in various directions. In any case, however, one would expect that the first Martian "anode" materials to be encountered by triggering electrons from the lunar cathode would be atmospheric gases. In view of this, it is most interesting and suggestive to find that Mars lacks much of the atmosphere it ought to have. Atmospheric pressure at the Martian surface was for many years believed to be nearly one-tenth that at the earth' surface . Then, in the early 1960's, Earth-based studies turned up "surprising" indications of a much thinner Martian atmosphere . And Mariner 4, in 1965, confirmed the fact that Mars' surface pressure is less than one-hundredth that of the Earth . Some 90 percent of the gases Mars should have retained-had it orbited peacefully since the birth of the solar system-seem to have been lost. (It might well be added, lost "recently," for if volcanism has been an active process on Mars, as is generally supposed from the presence of very fresh-looking "volcanoes" on that planet , then the outgassing process has not yet had time to replace the missing gases.) The atmosphere of Mars consists of carbon dioxide and rare gases, notably argon and neon . If the pre-encounter atmosphere was of similar composition, we would expect electrical discharging between an anode Mars and a cathode Moon to result in a massive transfer of these gases to the Moon. It is in the nature of things for positive ions from a discharge medium to become deeply implanted in cathode surface materials . And what gases are found to be implanted from the outside into lunar surface materials? Precisely, carbon dioxide, argon, neon, and other rare gases The accepted explanation for the surprising abundance of argon in lunar soils is rather contrived, as Velikovsky emphasized several years ago . Investigators found that argon-40 was too abundant to have been produced in place by the radioactive decay of potassium-40, and too abundant to have been collected from the solar wind. Therefore it is imagined to have been produced from potassium-40 deep inside the Moon, then to have migrated to the surface, and finally to have been driven into surface materials by impacting solar-wind ions. Velikovsky asked: "Is this not a most artificial explanation, especially in view of my advance claim of rich invasions of argon and neon of extralunar origin?" Almost as surprising as the great abundance of argon-40 were the less, but still "excessive" abundance of neon and other rage gases in lunar materials. For them, all the blame fell on the solar wind by default: "The large amounts of rare gases found in the lunar soil and breccia indicate that the solar atmosphere is trapped in the lunar soil as no other source of such large amounts of gas is known" [emphasis added] . And the story was much the same with carbon dioxide. Those who found this gas in lunar materials were looking primarily for elemental carbon. This they found to be concentrated near particle surfaces, as if it had been implanted, like the rare gases, from the outside. But they found more than just elemental carbon. Several teams of researchers reported that carbon dioxide gas was present, as such, in the lunar fires. It clearly did not belong there, but there it was. This led to speculation that carbon dioxide thus implanted was "consistent with reactions of elemental [solar-wind] carbon...with the mineral matrix" . But the relative abundances of oxygen isotopes in the carbon dioxide molecules did not match those of the rocks themselves. Contamination by Apollo lander rocket gases was ruled out by "the tenacity with which the CO2 is held in the samples" . So it was finally conceded that the matter "calls for further investigations" . As things stand, therefore, the situation is this: Lunar fines are rich in argon, neon, other rare gases, and carbon dioxide. None of these gases is known to be present in the solar wind, nor is elemental carbon a known constituent of the medium , yet somehow the solar wind is supposed to have been instrumental in their forceful implantation on the Moon. And this is not all. The reasoning has been carried full-circle, so that it is claimed that the composition of the solar wind can be inferred with confidence from the evidence in the lunar rocks. In particular, an unusual "excess" of carbon-13 with respect to carbon-12 in the lunar fines has been interpreted as evidence of a similar excess of carbon-13 on the Sun , even though spectroscopy of the solar atmosphere indicates nothing of the kind . It will be most interesting, when and if a detailed analysis of the Martian atmosphere becomes possible, to learn whether or not carbon-13to-carbon-12 ratios there resemble those of the carbon atoms and carbon dioxide molecules stranded in lunar rocks. For now, however, it seems highly significant that precisely those gases known to be present in the atmosphere of Mars-the great bulk of which has been mysteriously "stolen" away in the not-too-distant past-are also found tenaciously held in superficial crystalline layers of the Moon's outermost blanketing materials. This would be a most incredible coincidence if the interplanetary discharges described by Velikovsky never took place. Anode Scars on the Surface of Mars Even though the Martian atmosphere were importantly involved in furnishing positive ions for electric discharges between Mars and the Moon, we need not suppose that the Martian surface would go unscathed. The spark streamers triggered in the atmosphere by electrons from the Moon would almost certainly reach backward, too, and very quickly establish the body of the planet as the true anode in the exchange. Typical anode effects of a destructive kind, leaving detectable markings after discharges are extinguished, include intense heating by streams of high- energy electrons , and erosion due to the leaching away of surface matter in the form of positive ions , as well as to the bulk extraction and removal of materials . In the first part of this paper we noted Leonard Loeb's explanation of the triggering process by which vacuum sparks are ignited and his further comment that if the electrodes in an industrial or an experimental setup are not carefully outgassed in advance, a vacuum spark will usually lead to a general breakdown of the gap in the form of a power arc-essentially a high current, low-voltage discharge that persists rather longer than a spark discharge . In the postulated Mars-Moon discharge, even though we must imagine vacuum conditions to prevail at the cathode (the Moon), where triggering electrons are extracted only with some difficulty, we can hardly suppose that Mars, with its atmosphere, will behave as an "outgassed" electrode (anode). So it seems entirely likely that any spark channels established between the two bodies immediately have been transformed into arc channels. This would facilitate the enormous transfers of charge already inferred from the dimensions of lunar craters like Aristarchus and Tycho. It would likewise facilitate a drainoff of great masses of Martian atmosphere and their emplacement in lunar rocks . And it leads us to look for arc-anode scars on mars; these traces, like the spark-cathode markings on the Moon, should be among the youngest features of the Martian surface. Concerning thermal effects, the Thomsons tells us that a distinguishing feature of the arc discharge, due to high current densities, is the high temperature of the anode junction: "This is so high that the anode vaporises, the vapour combines with the gas through which the arc is passing and forms a flame...." Also, anode materials can be heated to hundreds of degrees above their boiling points. It is instructive, too, to take notice of the thermal effects produced on Earth by mere lightning bolts. One such effect is the formation of fuglurites-glassy objects, usually tubular and often (such as dune sands) as concentrated streams of electrons funnel into the Earth from the lower ends lightning channels . Another is the vaporization of surface materials, as shown by their appearance as emission features in lightning spectrograms . And of course the fire-ignition capabilities of lightning are well-known and too numerous to list. It remains to be added that in most cloud-to-ground lightning strikes the Earth's surface is the anode. Now, which are the youngest features on the surface of Mars? We know a lot more about this planet than we did just a few years ago, thanks to the thousands of excellent photographs taken by Mariner 9. But still this knowledge is rudimentary compared with what we know of surface details on the Moon. Therefore, any ranking of Martian features by their relative ages must for now be highly speculative and tentative. Nevertheless, by all accounts of those who have studied the Mariner 9 evidence in great detail, the great volcanoes that rise many Amazons and Tharsis regions of Mars are among the youngest of Martian formations. Volcanoes surely indicate sites of intense thermal activity. Could volcanism be initiated by an arc discharge of cosmic proportions? Possibly so. In the first place, no one really knows what causes volcanism on Earth . Presumably the basic requirements are a source of heat and a breach in the planetary crust. Whether either or both are due to external or internal causes may well be immaterial. The volcanoes of Mars have some strange features. For example, the huge Nix Olympica structure-some 600 kilometers across at its base and standing perhaps 23 kilometers above the surrounding plain -has a summit "caldera" 65 kilometers in diameter that is unlike anything ever observed on Earth. It is described as " a complex multiple volcanic vent" , or as a complex of "successive collapse pits" , but it has peculiarities hard to reconcile with such explanations. Presumably, if molten materials simply welled up from a series of successive vents, flows radiating from the later vents would over-ride and at least partially obliterate the outlines of the earlier vents; in this case, however, although the later scars do deface the earlier ones, such effects are strictly local, and there is no evidence of overflowing between or among them. The idea of collapse does not seem to square with the near-perfect circularity of the pits, or with their extremely flat floors. A study of Mariner 9's overhead shot of Nix Olympica suggests that the summit crater on this vast pile is indeed the result of one pit having been superimposed on another, the process repeated at least five times. But the sequence seems to run from larger to successively smaller pits in at least the first three stages, and in every case the later pits appear to be centered on rims of earlier pits. Such a seeming preference of later craters for high points on the rims of earlier ones is strongly suggestive of electrical activity. One hesitates to propose that Nix Olympica, in spite of its obvious youth, is a result of Mars-Moon discharge activity only 2700 years ago. Its bulk alone is enough to give pause to such speculation. Still, who can say what internal forces might be trapped by a thunderbolt to a body like mars? Conceivably the heat and shock of such a strike could have been all that was necessary to produce an enormous outpouring of lava, especially from a Mars already disturbed by not-much-earlier contacts with Venus. An observation by M. H. Carter may be of great significance in this connection: "Nix Olympica is unique among the Martian shield volcanoes in being surrounded by an aureole of what appears to be highly fractured terrain. " Could this region have been disturbed and fractured during one interplanetary encounter, then provoked to massive volcanism during a similar encounter closely following the first? If indeed this volcano resulted from sudden triggering by a Mars-Moon arc discharge, ad if the arc continued to play on it summit as it rose, occasionally shifting its focus in response to changes in the local electric field, the diminishing sizes and rim locations of the successive craters forming the present caldera would be understandable . The enormity of Nix Olympica, of course, makes this difficult to imagine. One is inclined to argue that any conceivable discharge of static electricity must surely burn itself out long before a mountain of molten lava equal in volume to "the total extrusive mass of the Hawaiian Islands chain" could be built up beneath it. Still, given a ready-made body of magma under great pressure, the sudden shock of an interplanetary bolt, and the gravitational pull of the nearby Moon, who can say what is to limit the rate at which molten material might be delivered to the surface? It is by no means excluded, of course, that only the uppermost parts of the Nix Olympica structure were added to the pile in the final episode affecting the site. There remain several phenomenological limbs to ex explored on Mars, and with the reader's indulgence I would like to climb out on each of them rather briefly. Another Martian "volcano" has features that differ from those of Nix Olymipica, but which may also be suggestive of discharge origins. This is a "mountain" near Nodus Gordii that has been dubbed "South Spot" . It is more a crater than a mountain-an enormous pit 140 kilometers across at the crest of an impressive 17-kilometer rise from the floor of the Amazonis basin to the west . Both inside and outside the flat-floored crater, its otherwise remarkably smooth rim is scarred by what have been described as "multiple concentric fractures" or "concentric grabens" . Again we have a structure with no known close counterpart among terrestrial volcanoes. Might this be the planetary-surface equivalent of what R. D. Hill has termed a "fulgamite" ? _Discussing the effects of lightning on metals placed over the ends of lightning rods, Hill calls attention to "pip," or mounds of metal, "melted and raised above the surface of the metal." He describes the sides of these fulgamites as "usually ridged with closely space concentric grooves" and their bases as "usually flared like a bell." And he remarks: "Sometimes the position of the strike is found to wander slightly during the formation of the mound [as] shown by the shallow development of the 'borrow pits' [concentric graben?] from which the mound is built up." Hill attributes the mounding-up of fulgamites to magnetic-pinch forces at the junction of the discharge with the electrode (lightning rod). His calculations indicate that such forces in a lightning column are easily adequate to raise metallic welts a centimeter or so in diameter, and they neatly account for the bell-shaped fulgamite surfaces as well. The concentric rings and ridges, in his opinion, are best explained as remnants of ripples set up in the molten surface during fulgamite formation by oscillation in the plasma of the lightning column. But what of the great disparity in scale between the Martian feature, South Spot, and Hill's tiny fulgamites? In diameters, this amounts to at least seven orders of magnitude. As for mound heights, if we assume that Soth Spot's central crater resulted from subsidence of material initially mounded much higher, the difference in scale is at least five orders of magnitude. And the disparity in masses of material melted and elevated can only be guested at, but it must be roughly proportional to the cube of the mean difference in dimensions. Is the proposed analogy even marginally reasonable? The area of an anode "spot"-the usually molten area where the discharge makes electrical contact with the anode surface-is determined by the total magnitude of the discharge current and the rate at which a unit area of anode surface can accept charge. Metallic anodes can be induced to accept current densities of tens of thousands of amperes per square centimeter . In contracts, the great resistivity of carbon has the effect of limiting current densities at carbon-arc anodes to less than 10 amperes per square centimeter; when the arc current is increased, the anode crater enlarges, so than an acceptable current density is maintained . Now the resistivity of carbon responsible for this effect is roughly a thousand times that of copper. Accordingly, we may suppose that a refractory planetary body might display electrical resistivity sufficient to limit acceptable current densities to, say, no more than 0.0001 ampere per square centimeter. (Actually, the resistivity of dry earth is about 109 times that of carbon.) Again taking the Tycho discharge as an example, we can make some further assumptions and estimate-very, very roughly-how large the corresponding anode spot on Mars might have to be. We have 1011 coulombs of charge to accommodate, but we do not know the arrival rate. Let us guess that the discharge persisted for a full minute after the conducting channel between Mars and the Moon was established. The average discharge current in this case would have been 1011 coulombs/60 seconds = 1.7 X 109 amperes. And pushing a current through a surface capable of accepting a current density of only 10-4 ampere per square surface centimeter would involve a total surface some 1.7 X 1013 square centimeters in area. This works out to a circular spot some 46 kilometers in diameter-within an order of magnitude of the size of South Spot. Obviously this kind of calculation involves many assumptions and pure guesses. But it suggests that anode scars the size of South Spot on Mars are at least conceivable in terms of the present hypothesis. As for exotic erosional features on Mars, there is almost too much variety. For now, let us simply take a brief look at a system of enormous canyons near the Martian equator. The rims of these canyons are serrated and gouged in a most peculiar fashion. Some canyons appear to be doubled, their parallel reaches separated by ridges showing similar gouging on both sides. It is estimated that some two million cubic kilometers of material was removed in the formation of the "canyonlands", yet the spoil seems nowhere in evidence on the surface of the planet. Some suggest that subsidence can explain these features . But to me this entire region resembles nothing so much as an area sapped by a powerful electric arc advancing unsteadily across the surface, occasionally splitting in two, and now and then weakening, so that its traces narrow and even degrade into lines of disconnected craters (see note 126). The proportions of this vast excavation seem to put it beyond comparison with any feature of the Moon we have discussed (except, perhaps, the lunar- highland deposit that blankets more than half of the Moon). But it is well to remember that Mars tangled with Venus and with the earth, too, according to Velikovsky. I can only wonder: Is it possible that Mars was bled of several million cubic kilometers of soil and rock in a single encounter with another planetary body? Might the canyonlands of Mars have been created in an event perhaps hinted at by Homer when he wrote: "Athena [Venus] drove the spear straight into his [Ares' (Mars')] belly where the kilt was girded: the point ran in and tore the flesh...[and] Ares roared like a trumpet...." ? An Anode Role for Mars It remains to be shown that the planet Mars, probably carrying twice the negative charge of the Moon as the two bodies first approached one another, could have become the anode (positive electrode) in discharge activity that followed. In private conversation at the McMaster University symposium on "Velikovsky and the Recent History of the Solar System," Professor Clement L. Henshaw of Colgate University kindly took the time to discuss this problem with me. He argued, for example, that when two negatively charged bodies are brought close together without actually making contact, there results at some point between them a mathematical "surface" of zero electric potential-an effective barrier to the transport of charge from one body to the other . It appears to me, however, that this argument assumes too readily that both bodies are good conductors of electricity, so that their charges reside entirely on their surfaces. In such a situation, there would be no electric field in the interior of either body, and the electric potential at any internal point would equal that of the surface. And, as the bodies were brought together, the surface charges would simply distribute themselves so that the demands of the interacting electric fields and the necessity for preserving uniform surface potentials would be simultaneously met . But consider what happens when a storm cloud passes over the surface of the Earth. Typically, the underside of the cloud is negatively charged. The surface of the Earth normally carries negative charge, too. Beneath the cloud, however, the Earth becomes positively charged (relative to the cloud), so that cloud-to-ground lightning delivers electrons to the Earth. And this happens even though the Earth as a whole carries net negative charge, and the cloud as a whole is probably electrically neutral. The easiest explanation is that the Earth's surface and near-surface charges are more mobile than those in the cloud; they are repelled by the electric field of the cloud, and as they flee they leave behind a region that is positive with respect to the cloud . The electrical situation in an encounter between Mars and the Moon might be similar to that just described. If we assume, for example, that the conductivity of the Martian surface (or some interior region where the bulk of the charge may reside) is greater than that of the Moon, it would seem likely that a "positive charge"-a relatively high potential- would be induced in a localized part of the Martian surface by the electric field of the "overhead" Moon. Martian electrons would flee the zone in question, raising its electric potential (and presumably lowering the potential of regions to which the repelled negative charges retired). Figure 2 is a schematic representation of the kind of electric field such a sequence of events might establish between Mars and the Moon. No attempt has been made to consider distortional effects due to the nearby presence of the Earth, or confining effects due to the surrounding plasma. Nevertheless, it seems generally reasonable to expect the field lines (solid lines in the figure) to diverge from a limited, sub-lunar point on Mars and to converge upon the Moon from all directions; a critical assumption here is that the Moon's negative charges would be practically immobile until discharging got underway. Ensuing activity, of course, would quickly alter and for the most part destroy the initial field. Several other participants in the McMaster symposium in June, 1974, offered critical comments on the theme of this paper. Professor Derek York, a specialist in the radiometric dating of terrestrial and lunar rocks, had this to say concerning electrical scarring of the Moon: "If much of the sculpting of the surface was produced in this fashion, then based on the radiometric dating results..., these discharges must have occurred over three billion years ago and not in present time during postulated recent catastrophes." The issue raised, of course, is the validity of accepted interpretations of radiometric evidence, and this is a subject that must be dealt with elsewhere. But it bears noting that if meteoritic bombardment of the Earth and the Moon is a process that has gone on from the distant past to the present at anything like the present rate, the "freshness" of the lunar rilles and crater discussed here is exceedingly difficult to reconcile with ages of more than a few thousand years. And rays must almost certainly disappear completely in relatively short spans of time, since they are purely superficial in nature. Professor David Morrison, of the Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, objected to the discharge hypothesis for its speculative extrapolations "from small-scale terrestrial effects to landforms on the Moon that are many orders of magnitude larger." This kind of argument certainly compels caution; it is difficult to imagine how one today might establish conditions capable of duplicating any of the processes proposed here on a scale that would remove all doubt. However, the same objection can be leveled at the widely accepted impact theory, which is also an enormous extrapolation from terrestrial effects observed on a very small scale; no meteorite capable of producing a large "lunar" crater has ever been observed to fall on Earth. Perhaps some support for the present ideas can be drawn from observation in which electric-discharge effects appear to be closely duplicated on scales ranging from that of tiny scars, visible only under magnification, to that of damage caused by lightning. Since the first part of this paper was written, it has come to my attention that microscopic features remarkably similar to earth-channels excavated by lightning (and to lunar sinuous rilles) are produced when electrons are wrested from photographic emulsions by cathode electric fields. Loeb describes these "delta ray tracks" as having the appearance of "grainy dots." They are formed when "the cathode surface through the image force field of the [approaching] positive [spark] streamer gives a very heavy field across the emulsion." This strong field liberates electrons in the emulsion. "Sixteen-fold magnification indicates the dots to be small, very torturous tracks, of lengths on the order of 0.05mm...." (emphasis added). Thus, if lightning can cut "delta ray tracks" some five orders of magnitude larger than those observed in photographic emulsions (see photo illustrating Part 1 of this paper), it seems conceivable that an interplanetary discharge might duplicate the effect and magnify it another five orders of magnitude in scarring the surface of the Moon. Velikovsky's reconstruction of the recent history of the solar system indicates that electric discharges passed between planets some thousands of years ago as they encountered one another in near-collisions. If this is so, we would expect the Moon and Mars, involved in the most recent of those near- collisions, to display "fresh" surface markings interpretable as discharge scars, and this indeed seems to be the case. Furthermore, as anticipated by Velikovsky, the Moon's surface materials contain surprising abundances of precisely those gases that Mars could be expected to have planted there if it were the anode and the Moon were the cathode in electric discharges between the two planets. Viewed as a whole, the complex of evidence would appear to add considerable substance to the thesis of Worlds in Collision.