http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== Teopantecuanitlán _________________________________________________________________ By 1983, most of the pieces of the Mesoamerican calendrical puzzle had come together in such a coherent manner that I was encouraged to summarize my research in an article titled "The Origins of Civilization in Meso-America: A Geographic Perspective". (See the complete bibliography in my book.) In the same year, a Mexican archaeologist, Dra. Guadalupe Martínez Donjuán, began excavating a site in a remote area of western Mexico which in subsequent years was to send a ripple of unease throughout the anthropological community as more and more surprising information came to light. (The site is situated in the Valley of the Balsas river, seen in the background of the above photograph.) First, we learned that the site -- named "Teopantecuanitlán" by Dra. Martínez, or "the place of the temple of the jaguar-god" -- was "Olmec" in origin, a special surprise inasmuch as no known "Olmec" site had been found in that region before; geographically, it certainly did not fit the "established pattern" of "Olmec" settlement, most of which was concentrated in the vast alluvial lowlands bordering the Gulf of Mexico. As radio-carbon dates for the site became available, we also learned that its nucleus was fully as old as La Venta, one of the principal "Olmec" ceremonial centers on the Gulf coastal plain, in that it had been constructed about 1000 B.C. Naturally, whenever such a discovery is made, all previous research has to be reevaluated in light of the new data which is being uncovered. So, my first reaction to Martínez' discovery was to ask, "What does this do to my calendrical diffusion hypothesis?" Certainly, in view of the site's "off-side" geographic location and its early date of origin, it could conceivably throw a major "monkey wrench" into my arguments. (Indeed, just such a scenario took place with respect to the numeral glyphs used by the early Mesoamericans; researchers who had just published a "definitive" work on the origins of writing in Mesoamerica, ascribing them to the Zapotecs of Monte Albán about 600 B.C., now found that dots and bars were in use among the "Olmecs" of Teopantecuanitlán at least four centuries earlier!) For a time, it was difficult to get precise information on just where the site was located, so I could not evaluate it in terms of a possible solsticial orientation. As more accurate data came to hand, I ventured to start examining detailed maps of the region surrounding the site with an eye toward such a possibility. Then, when I discovered in 1996 that there seemed to be a strong likelihood that the site was indeed solsticially oriented, I knew that I would be obliged to visit it in person to confirm or deny my hunch. However, an attempt to reach the site in early January, 1997 was stymied by an "impossible" road and I had to content myself with studying more about the place in a newly published volume (Los olmecas en Mesoamérica) available only in Mexico. There I found a site-plan of Teopantecuanitlán which proved almost exciting as visiting the ceremonial center itself: Dra. Martínez' carefully executed map revealed that the entire site was oriented to the setting sun on August 13th! -- proof positive that the sacred almanac had not only diffused from Izapa, the only place where such a date has true astronomical significance, but also that the sacred calendar was already in use in the remote interior of western Mexico as early as the first millenium B.C.-- a fact which further strengthened the support for my computer study which placed its origin in the mid-14th century B.C.! Thus, on the very eve of my book's publication, a couple of the most supportive clues that I could have ever hoped for, unexpectedly fell into place. In February, 1998 I was privileged to visit Teopantecuanitlán in the company of Dra. Martínez and make my own observations at the site. Although a GPS (Global Positioning System) measurement of its latitude and longitude, namely 17º 54' 06.7" N. and 99º 06' 38.6" W., confirmed the site's alignment to Teotepec (the highest mountain in the Sierra Madre del Sur) at the winter solstice sunset, a hill immediately back of the ceremonial center precludes the observation of this phenomenon from the site itself. Likewise, a ridge lying to the west of the ceremonial center cuts off any view of the distant horizon, making the direct observation of the setting sun on August 13 also impossible, so unless some sort of 'relay station' existed on the adjacent hilltop, neither of these key dates could have been calibrated by naked eye astronomy from Teopantecuanitlán. Yet, unless one is willing to write off the site's solsticial orientation as a pure 'coincidence' --especially in view of the fact that this has been shown to have been a prime concern for Olmec planners -- then it seems quite likely that such a 'relay station' still remains to be found. (Return to Home Page)