mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== Neanderthals _________________________________________________________________ Jay Matternes' reconstructions of Neanderthals appeared in the Oct. 81 issue of "Science". Scientists had known for some time that the standard reconstructions were based entirely on early, arthritic skeletons, but nobody had really done a serious job of reconstructing an image of these people from more recent evidence. Neanderthals are supposed to have died out 50,000 years ago; another one of these standard time frames based upon projecting present conditions and processes into the distant past. Somebody may have forgotten to tell the artists and sculptors of Harappa and Mohenjo Daro (about 1500 BC) about this... Sir Mortimer Wheeler "Civilizations of the Indus Valley and Beyond notes that the physical type noted, which he calls a "priest/king type" appears in statues along with other images more easily recognizable as modern people, and assumes that the type shown is non-representational art. The September 95 issue of Discover magazine has a cover article titled "Living with Neanderthals, how could we live side by side for 50,000 years and never have sex?" What does this mean? It means that you have several areas, the Levant for instance, in which you have fossil evidence of neanderthals and modern men (us) living side-by-side for prolonged periods of time, with no genetic crossover at all. The article notes that sex is invariably a stronger human drive than racism, and that recorded history notes no instance of two races coming into contact without interbreeding. There is no realistic way to believe that some government or religious restriction prevented this for 50K years; the longest running government in recorded history was probably the Byzantine, which only lasted 1000 years and you don't easily picture prehistoric people having institutions last longer than that. The article notes a number of possible explainations, including the possibility that neanderthal-modern halfbreeds may have been sterile, like mules, which is probably your safest bet, and the one which matches up most closely with what we know from animal breeding and fruit-fly experiments etc. The article mentions a "Levantine Paradox": "The idea seems scarcely imaginable. Continuity believers cannot credit the idea that two human types existed in sexual isolation. Replacement advocates cannot conceive of such a long period of coexistence without competition, if not outright confrontation..." Apparently, humans are no exception to the rule of the fossil record showing only stasis. What all of this does to the theory of evolution is never mentioned, but you do not need to be Albert Einstein to figure it out. We are clearly not descended from Neanderthals via any gradualistic process, and the reasons for rejecting Goldschmidt's hopeful monster system are well known. Particularly amongst humans amongst whom single births are the norm and even twins are rare, two neanderthal mothers having cro-magnon children at the same time in the same locale via chance mutation and doing anything with them other than killing them is not believable, and that is what it would take for us to be related to neanderthals. Even punk-eek requires that all intermediate steps between dissimilar kinds of animals be interbreedable however and, if we could not interbreed even with neanderthals, the only fossil near relative ever found, then how could we have ever interbred with any of the other proto-human types which are much further removed from us than the neanderthals? How could we possibly be related to any of them? It seems fairly obvious that belief that humans are products of evolution requires modern humans and neanderthals to be related, and that the chain is now clearly broken. Any hypothetical common ancestor of both us and neanderthals, aside from requiring an explaination for having left no fossil trace, would be at least as far removed from us as neanderthals and probably further, and would present the same paradox. _________________________________________________________________