mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== simple fact from his field. This is from Noel Boaz. He is talking, below, about Homo Erectus, who ranged over East Africa and Asia (into China) 1,800,000 to maybe 200,000 years ago. Erectus weighs about 100 to 150 pounds, walks on his hind legs, has a brain case only a little smaller than us or Neanderthals, and likely was a lot smarter than dogs, apes, or chimps. But did he 'think?' He was most likely naked, and had a very thick skull, like Neanderthals. Unlike Neanderthals, he does not bury his dead. He eats fruit, vegetables, and road kill; but also hunts down antelope, uses fire to roast meat and to burn down prairies, and makes tools... well, **one** tool. Quoting Noel Boaz (emphasis is his).. "The available archeological data on Home Erectus reveals that one type of tool was used for about a million years -- **one** type of stone tool, for a **million** years, all over Africa wherever Homo Erectus is found after 1.4 million years ago. For some reason it is not associated with Asian Homo Erectus. This stone tool is the Acheulean hand ax. "It is not an easy tool to make and modern Homo Sapiens graduate students are not able to fashion a very good one even after an entire academic term of practical experience. "The implication is that Homo Erectus would have expended a tremendous amount of time and energy -- years -- laboriously learning how to make hand axes. The technique must have been passed on by rote repetition. Hand axes stayed the same for untold generations. "This method of cultural transmission is entirely foreign to us. Nothing that we Homo Sapiens learn and internalize stays the same. We have to change it, improve it, make it look better, modify it to fit our specific needs -- be it a chair, an art form, or our own language. But this never occured to Homo Erectus, not in a million years. It looks like the Paleolithic weapon of mass destruction. To put Homo Erectus in perspective: Neanderthals fashioned stone spear points, cutting blades, scrapers, and awls, besides hand axes. Homo Neanderthalus overlaps Homo Erectus by maybe a half million years. On a lesser scale, so do we. We do all that, and make art, but so did the Neanderthals.