mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== The Saturn Hypothesis The following minimal description should be regarded as little more than a sort of a pamphlet version, useful mainly for newcomers. It has been clearly established that early religions were astral in nature and that, aside from worshiping the God of the OT, or the one grand God referred to by Plato, they also worshipped the planetary gods. That being the case, the three supreme astral dieties, obviously, should have been the sun, the moon, and possibly Venus. They weren't. The two chieftain gods in all ancient religious systems were Jupiter and Saturn, Zeus and Cronos. That doesn't make sense; most people would have a terribly difficult time just finding Jupiter and Saturn in today's sky, and they certainly would not rate worship. Could there have been some real reason for Saturn worship in the very recent past? The best place to start may be with a couple of cheap, easily obtainable paperback copies of several ancient works; I am going to recommend the Dover paperback copy of E.A. Wallis Budge's "The Egyptian Book of the Dead" (yellow cover), and, as a cheap and easy way of viewing items from both Ovid's "Metamorphoses" and Hesiod's "Theogeny" and "Works and Days" in one place, Rhoda Hendricks' "Classical Gods and Heroes, Myths As Told By The Ancient Authors". Greek authors generally spoke of the antedeluvian world as a golden age, the so-called "Age of Cronos", the antediluvians themselves as the "Children of Kronos". Hesiod says: "First of all, the immortal gods who have their homes on Olympus created a golden race of mortal men, who lived in the time of Cronos when he was king in heaven." Ovid describes the golden age in part: The earth gave forth all good things of her own accord, and mankind, content with foods created without labor, picked the fruit of the trees and the mountain strawberries and the cornel cherries and the mulberries clinging to the wild thickets and acorns that fell from the spreading oak of Jupiter. Spring was eternal, and the gentle breezes caressed the flowers, all springing forth without seed, with clear warm air. Soon, also, the unplowed earth was rich with grain, and fields always fertile, were white with the heavy beards of corn. Then rivers of milk, then streams of nectar flowed forth... After Saturn had fallen to the shadowy lower world [by which Ovid intends some location no longer visible to mankind on earth], and the earth was under the rule of Jupiter, the Silver Age followed... Jupiter shortened the length of springtime, and through winter and summer and a changeable autumn and a short spring he completed a year of four seasons. Then for the first time the scorched air glowed with parching heat and ice hung frozen by the winds. Then first, mankind lived in houses... There are several things to note here. The Greeks and Romans universally acknowledged former golden and silver ages, during which Saturn and Jupiter had been "kings of heaven". There is nothing exotic about the language; in the same language, our sun is the king of heaven now. Charles Ginenthal ("Carl Sagan and Immanuel Velikovsky", page 319) quotes Immanuel Velikovsky in part: "During our conversation [with Albert Einstein at Princeton], I took this lead and remarked: 'If one evening I should stop every passing student and professor on the campus and should ask which of the stars is Jupiter, it is possible that not even one of them would be able to point to the planet. How is it then that Jupiter was the highest diety in Rome and likewise, Zeus in Greece, Marduk in Babylon, Amon in Egypt, and Mazda in Persia -- all of them represented the planet Jupiter. Would you know why this planet was worshipped by the people of antiquity and its name was in the mouth of everyone? Its movement is not spectacular; once in twelve years it circles the sky. It is a brilliant planet, but it does not dominate the heavens. Yet Apollo, the sun, -- the dispenser of light and warmth, was only a secondary diety.' The ancients universally associated some sort of a magic mountain with either Jupiter or Saturn; some kind of a visible structural support on which either of them, when visible, were seen to rest. The picture of Zeus on Olympus, or Jahweh on Zion. Eventually, in every land, some local mountain came to be associated with the original magic mountain, but these were transpositions of a later day. It is interesting to note that the ancients found it necessary to explain SEASONS; they universally believed that seasons had not existed in the antedeluvian world. One may note also that the original great god is always seen inside of some knd of a ring or circle or crescent of light; kings crowns and the idea of halos are a leftover from this idea. Let's go to the Book of the Dead for a moment. Numerous glyphs will be noted for the main chieftain god, Re, but all contain some variation of a dot within a circle; sometimes a hoop- snake with a dot inside the hoop: Osiris, another of the chieftain gods, is also pictured as a kind of a representation of of dot inside a circle; actually a human eye, the form of the eye the ring, the pupil the dot. This glyph is also normally pictured atop a magic mountain but, in this case, you shouldn't need me to draw a picture of it for you with x's on the CRT; just pull out an American dollar bill... it's the oldest metaphysical symbol the human race has. Budge mentions Osiris as the so-called "night-sun" (page 253), more of which later. We have no "night-sun" now. Page 253 also contains two very stark pictures of Horus, hawk and solar disk, atop pedestals. Horus was normally associated with Jupiter. When "The Saturn Myth" was published in 1979, catastrophists believed that the dot inside a circle glyph represented a small star with a ring around it, even as Saturn has such a ring now. That part of the picture has changed. Further research and evidence overwhelmingly suggests that what was being depicted was one or more smaller bodies such as Venus and Mars, seen INSIDE the larger orb of a very near small star (Saturn). What that implies is a system of synchronous orbits, the entire antique system turning like a cane on an axis through its center of gravity. It may be seen that Budge is translating into "Eastern Horizen of Heaven" a symbol: x x x xxxxxxx xxxxxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the lower part of which is normally associated with words meaning "mountain", because the normal context is always something like: "Adoration of Ra, when he ariseth in . Budge, of course, was writing in 1895 or so. The concept of Ra being anything OTHER than our sun, which does rise in the eastern horizen of heaven, had not occurred to anybody then. On page 250 (hymn of praise to Ra), we see in no uncertain terms: "Thou risest in the horizen of heaven [again the mountain-and- ring symbol], and thy disk is adored when it resteth upon the mountain to give life unto the world." Our sun never rests and, when it sets atop some mountain, it's gone ten minutes later. We certainly don't picture it sitting there on some mountain top just glowing and doing its thing. Any word which means illuminate, enlighten, rays, beams, or anything like that usually includes the following glyph (also on page 1, for example): === // | \\ // | \\ ||-----o-----|| \\ | // \ \..|../ / `../.\..' / | \ / | \ / | \ The idea is that of a star or planet surrounded by a ring of sorts, atop some kind of a magic mountain made of lightning forks, which can clearly be seen to point UPWARDS in sharp contrast to any normal kind of depiction of lightning. Likewise also, the familiar ankh symbol is basically a circular enclosure of sorts atop a kind of a T, basically a glyph for a structural support of some sort (often, the god Shu). Numerous images show what is clearly the sun, or what WAS the sun, atop some visible symble representing a supporting column, or pillar: Picture a planet such as ours circling a small star such as Jupiter or Saturn, or possibly a small double star composed of two such, the pole of the planet pointed straight at the small star. This means daylight on one side, darkness on the other. Always... you just don't live on the dark side. This means, no seasons. You just pick what kind of weather you like, and you live at that latitude. Picture a tube of electromagnetic flux between the small star and the planet (as may be seen now between Jupiter and Io). Primative people living on the planet, having no knowledge of physics or electromagnetic flux tubes, would simply believe that the great god, the small star, lived atop the magic mountain, and so draw it on the walls of their pyramids, said pyramids themselves being representations of said magic mountain, or flux tube. _________________________________________________________________