http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== 4 Distribution and regional variation Recorded timber circles in England are widely scattered around central and southern counties. If examples found within henges and henge-enclosures were included then the focus of the distribution would be in Dorset and Wiltshire. Timber circles are also known in Wales and Scotland, although again in very small numbers. Further examples no doubt await discovery, particularly through aerial photography, although it may be noted that the existing distribution is undoubtedly biased in favour of landscapes that produce good cropmarks. The nature of the marks produced by timber circles means that they will normally only be seen under good conditions of cropmark development. Timber circles are generally found on elevated ground, local eminences and low hills with extensive views over the surrounding countryside. All currently known discrete timber circles are isolated sites. There is no evidence for the regional dominance of either of the types of timber circle defined above.