_________________________________________________________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY _________________________________________________________________ [LINK] Preface v Acknowledgments xii Illustrations xvii Introduction 1 I. The Chronicler's Tale 12 II. The Figure in Finland 26 III. The Iranian Parallel 36 IV. History, Myth and Reality 43 Intermezzo: A Guide for the Perplexed 56 V. The Unfolding in India 76 VI. Amlodhi's Quern 86 VII. The Many-Colored Cover 96 VIII. Shamans and Smiths 113 IX. Amlodhi the Titan and His Spinning Top 137 X. The Twilight of the Gods 149 XI. Samson Under Many Skies 165 XII. Socrates' Last Tale 179 XIII. Of Time and the Rivers 192 XIV. The Whirlpool 204 XV. The Waters from the Deep 213 XVI. The Stone and the Tree 225 XVII. The Frame of the Cosmos 230 XVIII. The Galaxy 242 XIX. The Fall of Phaethon 250 XX. The Depths of the Sea 263 XXI. The Great Pan Is Dead 275 XXII. The Adventure and the Quest 288 XXIII. Gilgamesh and Prometheus 317 Epilogue: The Lost Treasure 326 Conclusion 344 Appendices 351 Bibliography 453 Index 485 _________________________________________________________________ Ackerman, Phyllis. "The Dawn of Religion," in Forgotten Religions, V. Fermi, ed. New York, 1950. Aelianus. De natura, animalium, A. F. Scholfield, trans. 1958, 1959, 3 vols. LCL. Afrikanistiche Studien. Diedrich Westermann zum 80. Geburtstag ge- widmet, J. Lukas, ed. Berlin, 1955. Albright, William Foxwell. "The Mouth of the Rivers," AJSL, vol. 35 (1919), pp. 161-95. Albright, William Foxwell. "Notes on Assyrian Lexicography," RA, vol. 16 (1919), pp. 173-g4. Albright, William Foxwell. "The Goddess of Life and Wisdom," AJSL, vol. 36 (191_20), pp. 258-64. Albright, William Foxwell. "Gilgamesh and Engidu," JAOS, vol. 40 (1920), pp. 307-35. Albright, William Foxwell, and Dumont, P. E. "A Parallel Between Indian and Babylonian Sacrificial Ritual," JAOS, vol. 54 (1934), pp. 107-28. Alexander, Hartley Burr. 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