mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== Uniformitarianism is a research tradition in geology that continues to hold sway despite the fact that its logical inconsistencies were exposed in 1965. In that year, Stephen Jay Gould wrote one of his earliest published papers entitled 'Is Uniformitarianism Necessary?'. Gould applied logic to the problem and was able to show that this idea was actually two ideas parading as one idea. The early uniformitarians, like Hutton and Lyell, argued that science must not rely upon the assumption that changes of the Earth could be explained through the actions of supernatural forces. They put forward a very important principle that became one of the key foundations of modern science: the idea the physical laws are invariant. What this means is that the laws of gravity, the dynamics of physics, are constant in the Universe and do not change through time or space. The principle of invariance became one of the pillars not only for geology but also for science itself. It is an act of faith to believe that physical laws do not vary through time and space but it is an act of faith that seems entirely reasonable to most scientists. We also support this notion but the problem arises when the second of uniformitarianism's dual ideas is brought into the equation. [1]NEXT References 1. file://localhost/www/sat/files/stws7.htm