http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== Thunderbolts Forum Last Ice Age happened in less than year say scientists Published Date: 02 August 2008 By angus howarth THE last ice age 13,000 years ago took hold in just one year, more than ten times quicker than previously believed, scientists have warned. Rather than a gradual cooling over a decade, the ice age plunged Europe into the deep freeze, German Research Centre for Geosciences at Potsdam said. Cold, stormy conditions caused by an abrupt shift in atmospheric circulation froze the continent almost instantly during the Younger Dryas less than 13,000 years ago – a very recent period on a geological scale. The new findings will add to fears of a serious risk of this happening again in the UK and western Europe – and soon. Dr Achim Brauer, of the GFZ (GeoForschungs Zentrum) German Research Centre for Geosciences at Potsdam, and colleagues analysed annual layers of sediments, called "varves", from a German crater lake. Each varve records a single year, allowing annual climate records from the region to be reconstructed. tholden <./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=400> ......... Varves Very Unreliable <#p8760> New post <./viewtopic.php?p=8760#p8760>by *Lloyd <./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=184>* on Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:09 pm - The statement that an Ice Age started in less than a year seems entirely plausible, but dating said Ice Age to 13,000 years ago based on varves seems unreliable, as per the following. Such views as represented by evolution actually rely on assumptions that these varves are laid down consistently year after year. In fact when Mount St. Helens erupted in Washington State it produced 25 feet of finely layered sediment in a single afternoon! Other such catastrophic events such as the Flood of Noah could also imply the action of laying down many layers quite rapidly within a year time-frame. Thus even millions of layers could be formed in just a few years. Furthermore experiments show that the thickness of the layers in a continuous heterogranular deposition is independent of the rate of deposition, but is related to the difference in grain size. So varves are not really a problem for a young earth, they just show that deposition rates were higher during and immediately following the Biblical flood than they are today. Some secular geologists believe that varves may actually be diurnal, reflecting tides instead of seasonal causes. If this is so, formations like the Elatina Formation in South Australia(which is about 250 meters thick) could be accounted for in a mere 60 years.(Williams & Schmidt p. 21-25)(Horgan p. 11) Lloyd <./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=184> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Re: Last Ice Age happened in less than year say scientists <#p8830> New post <./viewtopic.php?p=8830#p8830>by *karpaty <./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=439>* on Fri Aug 08, 2008 7:24 am I'll add my thoughts. Please look at this website: It is full of very interesting data and information on a subject that is woefully barren of coverage during these days where the focus is SUV maligning, carbon credit trading and general misinformation about the algoreicized notion of global warming. As this site admits, the volcanic activity beneath the oceans is astonishing, yet our science knows more about the surface of Saturn's moons than it does about the seafloor and what is happening down there. Recent information also shows that the solar system is going through its own global warming, though its hard to say why, at least in current, acceptable understanding, why Neptune is warming up. Now, if the planets act as capacitors for the sun's electric field, then this idea would be more tenable. Each would experience heating from the interior. I'm a big proponent of "expanding earth" theory, which make utter sense when viewed beside the nonsensical plate tectonics and lopsided Pangea floating around the globe on convection currents created by the interior heat of a "still cooling" earth. Or is that heat created by the pressure of gravity or a 5 mile-in-diameter radioactive pile of uranium at the center of the earth (this is an actual theory)? Why do volcanoes continue to erupt? In an electric universe, the interior of planets are dynamically charged and probably consist of plasma at their centers. After process of condensation and cooling, the plasma becomes magma (another type of plasma) and either becomes igneous rock or forces its way to the surface as a volcano (sub-oceanic or on land) or as new seafloor along the tens of thousands of miles of mid-oceanic rifts. The cyclic interchange from energy to matter and back to energy is as simple as eating an apple. We experience it all the time as life itself. Why can't this conversion be happening at the center of the earth? Isn't the pace of this conversion and exchange dependent upon the primary source of energy, the sun? Can a tree grow and produce apples without the sun? If a tree can electrosynthesize the solar electric field (what do solar panels do?), then why not a planet do the same at its center? Does this process have anything to do with the sun's output? It is currently at minimum, few to no sunspots and little to no surface activity. Might planetary capacitance be absorbing the solar electric field through an unknown process and on a cyclic basis? These are big questions and I want to know! Look at this website. Unfortunately, it's author is unaware of the electric universe, but he does draw some very interesting conclusions. There is alot of conflicting data out there. Much of it is ignored if it doesn't fit the accepted paradigm, as frequenters of this site well know. Jeff karpaty ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Re: Last Ice Age happened in less than year say scientists <#p9966> New post <./viewtopic.php?p=9966#p9966>by *WhiteLight <./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=520>* on Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:38 pm Thanks for the link to IceAge Now karpaty , I think these people may be onto something. I hadn't thought about it before :oops: but it makes sense that the majority of volcanoes , hmm maybe 70% of them , would be under the oceans ! :o "Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality" Nikola Tesla, Modern Mechanics and Inventions, July, 1934. Fast forward 74Yrs->yawn! :) User avatar <./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=520> WhiteLight <./memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=520>