mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== © Rand & Rose Flem-Ath Ice Age America. Prior to 9,600 B.C. there were two ice sheets on North America. In the east the larger ice sheet centered on the Hudson Bay occupied most of Canada and is the source of today's Great Lakes. In the west there was a second ice sheet centered on British Columbia but extending to parts of Alaska. Parts of the coast of B.C. & Alaska were ice-free. Notice that Beringia (land now submerged) is ice-free as is northern Siberia and most of Alaska. An ice-free corridor is the supposed entry point for the native people of America. Problem # 3 is: How do we get this configuration of ice in North America? To answer all three problems (ice on Greenland, Antarctica and North America) we need to view the position of the polar zones over three earth crust displacements. [1]Next References 1. http://www.flem-ath.com/iceprob1.htm