http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== Thunderbolts Forum StefanR Location: Amsterdam For those who wish to read further on: Organized Opposition to Plate Tectonics: The New Concepts in Global Tectonics Group Quote: NCGT Group: Origins and Activities The New Concepts in Global Tectonics Group is an informal association of earth scientists who are critical of plate tectonics and want to explore alternative theories. It arose after a symposium on "Alternative theories to plate tectonics" held at the 30th International Geological Congress (IGC) in Beijing in August 1996. The name "New Concepts in Global Tectonics" was taken from an earlier symposium held in association with the 28th IGC in Washington, DC, in 1989 (see Chatterjee & Hotton, 1992). The first issue of the New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter appeared in December 1996. In their editorial, J. M. Dickins and D. R. Choi wrote: Although enormous strides have been made in our knowledge of the earth and much has been added to Geology by Physics and Chemistry, we need to acknowledge that we are only at the beginning of tabulating and understanding what is at the surface of the earth, let alone what is underneath.... In this context, in the 1950s and 60s the new theory of Plate Tectonics was propounded by "Geophysicists" (Physicists) and mainly young Geologists with little experience, depth of understanding or respect for existing geology. The theory, although admittedly simplistic and with little factual basis but claiming to be all embracing, was pursued by its proponents in an aggressive, intolerant, dogmatic and sometimes unfortunately an unscrupulous fashion. Most geologists with knowledge based locally or regionally were not confident in dealing with a new global theory which swept the world and was attractive in giving Geology a prestige not equalled since the nineteenth century. The ideological influence and strength of the Plate Tectonic Theory has swept aside much well-based data as though it never existed, inhibited many fields of investigation and resulted in the suppression or manipulation of data which does not fit the theory. In the course of time the method has become narrow, monotonous and dull: a catechism repeated too often. As new data has arisen there is a growing scepticism about the theory. Quote: Conclusion Since its formation in 1996, the New Concepts in Global Tectonics Group and its newsletter have become the main focus of organized opposition to the reigning paradigm of plate tectonics. The NCGT Newsletter provides a vital forum where critics and opponents of plate tectonics can present and discuss anomalous data and alternative interpretations and theories. The group is now firmly established, and its activities will remain necessary until it once again becomes possible for a variety of competing hypotheses and theories, and the data underpinning them, to be openly aired and debated in mainstream publications. Quote: Comments by editor-in-chief Henry Bauer, JSE 20:1, 2006, p. 2 I learned of the existence of the New Concepts in Global Tectonics (NCGT) group some years ago, when we received a manuscript questioning aspects of the theory of plate tectonics. Until then, I had thought that plate tectonics (formerly described as continental drift) had become as well established as the theory of biological evolution: that while there might remain important questions about "How?", no one doubted that it had happened and was continuing to happen. Now I recognize this as just another instance of what is routine in the mainstream of science: The very existence of unorthodox views is a "hidden event" (Westrum, 1982), irrespective, whether or not those views have intellectual merit. So it is with anti-Big Bang cosmology, anti-HIV/AIDS claims, and more. The popular media are in the thrall of Big Science and there is a lack of investigative science reporting. Knowledge monopolies and research cartels (Bauer, 2004) describe the circumstances of 21st-century science. When David Pratt recently offered a lengthy "Article of Interest" extract from the newsletter of the NCGT group, I asked for a piece about that group, and I'm very pleased that in this issue we have a highly informative essay that details the formation of the group and also makes clear what the chief points of substantive geological contention are. The most appalling point is that mainstream organizations not only suppress unorthodox interpretations, they censor factual material. A general feature that characterizes dissents from established scientific dogmas is also illustrated: While the received view is monolithic, the critiques are anything but. That makes very challenging the task of creating non-mainstream organizations and publications, for those with unorthodox views may disagree among themselves as much as they disagree with the governing paradigm.