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Geerts_ ___Updated and partly revised by the author._ ________________________________________________________________ _I grew up in the period shortly after the second World War in The Netherlands, a period in which our parents had to rebuild our partly destroyed society._ __ _My father was, as several others, captured by the Germans and from 1943 imprisoned in several, so called, Concentration-Camps because he refused to work for the Germans and was categorized as "Politik Heftling". Finally he was freed in April 1945 from Camp "Buchenwald", near Weimar in former East-Germany, by the Americans._ __ _During my youth in the 50s and 60s I was raised in a orthodox Calvinistic community with a father how often told his children (a total of 13) the horrible stories in the Concentration Camps where he stayed in the 40s. During my life as an adult this should have more and more impact on my life and I could not accept that Humanity is able to murder and destroy their own fellow-creatures._ __ _As mentioned I was raised in an Orthodox Calvinistic community so I willy-nilly learned the Bible by rote. When I was 11 years old I became aware that I was betrayed (not intended) by both my parents, in church and my teachers at school._ __ _Because of that I started to read other books about ancient history and soon learned to read the Bible with other eyes and saw how different our history was portrayed as compared to what I had been taught._ __ _The books of Emanuel Velikovsky for instance tells a different story about ancient times. His theories made sense. In the seventies and later most scholars began to believe Velikovsky's theory that the evolution of our earth was much different from what they had previously believed._ __ _Velikovsky's theory gives the reason why dinosaurs vanished from the face of the earth in such a short time. His theory explains that Venus is a stranger in our solar system, and that there was once a planet between Mars and Jupiter thousands of years ago. It points out that the chronological timetable of Egypt after the Bronze Age has a hole of at least 400 years._ __ _In later chapters of my book I will try to explain more of the theory of Dr. Emanuel Velikovsky, who is now respected by most scholars._ __ _During later years I became more and more interested in Ancient history of Mankind and the stories from all over the World including Myths, Legends and Sages. During this study I became aware that the stories in the Bible are not unique and were told en written literatim everywhere around the Ancient World._ __ _When looking for evidence I began to read the history of Mesopotamia, Assyria, Egypt and other regions myself and soon found what I already presumed._ __ _Because of that I started reading the Bible again and now as an historical book, soon I mentioned that the nowadays Christian Bible and Jewish Torah tells us only the "colored" history of the Hebrew and Jewish people and are only fragments of the history of the Middle East. So the Bible became for me a useful historical book written by several ancient writers and much later rewritten shortly after the captivity of the Jews in Babylon by the Prophet Daniel in the 6th century BC._ __ _The at that time composed Torah consist for most parts the, in some cases, thousands of years older stories on clay tablets and papyri from Mesopotamia, Assyria and Egypt, including names and places._ __ _The final Torah and in later times the final Christian Bible are arbitrary composed and differs within Jewish and Christianity itself. Several original Canonical Bible books were later in the 2nd century AD set apart as Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha books._ __ _Even in the 21st century, our known history is based on theories of scholars who have been raised in the same dogma we all share. They don't believe any other scenario of our ancient and modern history, even when scholars shed new light on our ancient history. The old guard refuses to see with open eyes or to face the truth. I think it's time to reconsider our ancient history and to try to see it with new eyes._ __ _The reason we still don't know who we are and where we came from is that our thoughts are still based on religious thoughts learned by our parents, grandparents, ancestors and taught to us by the Church Fathers. It would be wise to first consider where religion came from, and then the reason these religious beliefs have been spread all over the world since ancient times._ __ _If we forgot our religious teachings we learned at home, church and school and take the time to start reading the Bible in a different way than we might see that many things written in the Bible really did happen as they are written and that most of these stories are based on much older stories._ __ _All the "strange" stories, written in the Bible, on clay tablets and in all kinds of Myths, Legends and Sages from all over the world and by all cultures, wouldn't be "strange" if we believe they really happened in ancient times. And that all that has been written down is to let us know who we are and the real history of mankind. Most of these stories are retelling's of historical facts. Some are less fairy tales then eyewitness events._ __ _In this book I will try to prove that the Bible is only a small part of the ancient history of mankind. It is a book based on important stories much older than the Bible itself. The Bible contains several fragments of stories and retellings. It tells stories of the period during and after the Babylonian overthrow of Israel in the 6th century BC. These stories fit together as the "holy" book of the Jews, as the first the Pentateuch and afterwards as the Torah._ __ _There is no evidence that the Bible should be seen as a religious book. It slowly became religious during the last 2,500 years and was often updated to fit in the beliefs of the Jews and later Christianity._ __ _Parts of the "original" Bible, has been modified since and so were born the Apocryphal and Pseudepigrapha books, this in spite of the real historical facts of these books. Proof of these facts came out when the "Dead Sea Scrolls" were found in the year 1947 and a small part of the scrolls were translated and published._ __ _I am still waiting for the publications of all the Dead Sea scrolls. I'm sure that what I have written proven once this happens. Nevertheless I invite the reader to study all historical scrolls to find the truth._ __ _In this book I will try to figure out what has happened in the past 500 million years with our Earth and with our ancestors. I will try to prove that the history of our earth is much different as SCHOLARS belief and think today._ __ _September 1998 / October 2003_ __ _L.C.Geerts_ __ _Dordrecht_ __ _The Netherlands_ ________________________________________________________________ ___e-mail [36]webmaster at earth-history.com_ _________________________________________________________________ _[37]Sign my Guest Book_ _________________________________________________________________ [38]Home [39]Bible Generations [40]Bible search [41]The Canaanite Gods My History book [42]King James Bible [43]Sumerian Tablets [44]Sons of God, Watchers [45]Synod Dordrecht [46]Up [47]Chapter 1 [48]Chapter 2 [49]Chapter 3 [50]Chapter 4 [51]Chapter 5 [52]Chapter 6 [53]Chapter 7 [54]Chapter 8 [55]Chapter 9 [56]Chapter 10 [57]Chapter 11 [58]Chapter 12 [59]Chapter 13 _________________________________________________________________ _Send mail to [60]L.C.Geerts with questions or comments about this web site. Copyright © 1998 / 2003 Earth-history.com Last modified: 01/03/04_ This is copyrighted information presented under the Fair Use Doctrine of the United States Copyright Act (section 107 of title 17) which states: "the fair use of a copyrighted work...for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright." In practice the courts have decided that anything which does not financially harm the copyright holder is fair use. This is a Non-Profit Web page, © 1998-2003 L.C.Geerts The Netherlands. (c) 1998/99/2003 copyright L.C.Geerts all rights reserved. _It is strictly forbidden to publish or copy anything of my book without permission of the author, permission is granted for the recourses, for personal use only._