mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== The Caveman?s New Clothes *From what they wore to how they hunted: overturning the threadbare reconstructions of Ice Age culture* By Kate Wong PARIS-Walking through the human evolution exhibit in the Musee de l'Homme, two things stand out to Olga Soffer: males are depicted to the exclusion of females, and they're wearing the wrong clothes. Only someone who has never sewn before would conclude that this needle could have pierced through hides, she declares, drawing my attention to a delicate sliver of bone in one of the display cases. Rather, the University of Illinois archaeologist asserts, it must have stitched a far finer material-perhaps even something akin to the linen of her blue pinstriped suit. Such needles-some of which date back more than 25,000 years to the Upper Paleolithic period-vaguely suggest that caveman couture extended beyond the crude animal-skin ensembles envisioned by many of her colleagues. Soffer's efforts are revealing just how sophisticated those first fashionistas were. By scouring the archaeological record for evidence of perishable technologies like weaving, she has uncovered clues to formerly invisible activities of Ice Age men-and women-forcing a reevaluation of the men-in-furshunting-megafauna motif that has long dominated reconstructions of prehistoric lifeways. The fabric of their lives, it appears, was much richer than previously thought.*...continued at Scientific American Digital*