http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== Mikamar Publishing * Darwin's Creation Myth EBook /Darwin's Creation Myth/ is an E-book of 80 pages plus another 18 pages of articles written by biologist Alexander Mebane. The book is a refreshingly droll analysis of Darwinism--what it is, how it has proved unfit, how it came to be, and why it survives. The analysis is fundamental and devastating. It debunks in lucid terms, point by point, the main building blocks of this form of evolutionism. It is sometimes humorous and often scathingly critical. No one who reads this material should have the slightest doubt about the untenable nature of this theory." Other examples exist in the book, but let's throw this one out for examination. One is tempted think that entire ecosystems come into existence all of a piece. Consider the fig wasp of Africa. There can't be any figs in Africa without fig wasps because the wasps are born within the fruits and pollinate them from within. The fig will not allow them to escape to lay eggs inside other figs until this occurs. No wasp, no fig--no fig, no wasp. But it goes far beyond that. Almost every creature in the African forest eats figs because its the only fruiting tree that flowers at random with no regular season. Somewhere there are always fig trees loaded with fruit. The animals can't subsist on the sugars and fiber alone, so the fig wasps grow inside the fruits, changing the sugar into themselves: protein-rich, high fat little insects. Then consider the secondary relationships that are dependent on the survival of a participating species that is dependent on the figs. What about parasites? Every species of caterpillar has a parasitic wasp that lays its eggs in that caterpillar alone. In other words, the forest is woven in a web that is self-sustaining. It seems to have no possible serial beginning, but more of a massively parallel one. All the relationships seemingly had to come into being simultaneously. The 3 related articles along with the book are: /The Twilight of Evolution/, /The Meaning of Evolution/, and /"Polygeneisis"-Doubly, but not Triply, True./ A word about Darwinism by Niles Eldredge: "In his review of "Extinct Humans" by Ian Tattersall and Jeffrey H. Schwartz (Aug. 6), Richard Dawkins finds the authors guilty of "gratuitous iconoclasm." According to Dawkins, the authors' penchant for seeing more species of extinct hominids in the fossil record than has been tradition is trivial, for if we somehow miraculously had a dense and continuous fossil record of human ancestors, presumably we'd have the devil's own time trying to tell different, species apart. "In clinging to this tired myth, Dawkins completely ignores the past 30 years of paleontological research, which has established beyond question that anatomical evolution is intimately associated with true speciation (i.e., the origin of new reproductive communities); species are discrete entities with distinct beginnings (their evolutionary origins) and ends (their extinction). This is as true of Pliocene hominids as it is of Cambrian trilobites and Jurassic dinosaurs. It follows that paleo-anthropologists' recognition of species of extinct hominids is absolutely crucial to understanding the evolutionary dynamics underlying human history. "That the evolutionary process is a bit more complex than Dawkins's own overly simple picture of the fates of selfish genes is the real "iconoclasm' perturbing him." ** * Contents* • Introduction: Thomas Huxley and Other Skeptics of Darwinism................. 1 /Darwin's Fundamental Hypothesis: /"Microëvolution Makes Macroëvolution................................................... 3 Its Disconfirmations (1) /Experimental/: Observed Non-Transmutability.................................. 6 (2) /First Paleontological/: Observed Non-Evolution................................. 8 (3) /Historical/: Observed DNA Conservation........................................... 12 • Why Microëvolution Cannot Transmute A Species • (Figure: The Geological Periods / The Taxonomic Categories) (4) /Second Paleontological/: Observed Absence of Intermediates..,,,........... 18 (5a) /First Taxonomic/: Cladistic Iconoclasm............................................ 29 (5b) /Second Taxonomic/: Observed Non-Genealogical Relationships............. 32 (6) /Prohibitive Improbability/ of "Accidental" Production of Observed Results..35 (7) (Sensed) /Aesthetic/ "Disconfirmation”................................................ 44 • Why Does Darwinism Survive? * Alternatives To Darwinism* (I) Other Mechanisms for Natural (Mechanical) Evolution........................... 47 • Summary on Natural Evolution • Darwin's Real Achievement • Non-Scientific Alternatives to Darwinism (II) Continuous, But Non-Mechanically Driven Evolution............................ 55 • Summary On Continuous Evolution (III) Sporadic Productions, by Extraterrestrial Designers............................. 63 (IV) Sporadic Productions, By God(s)...................................................... 66 (V) Sporadic Productions, By Subdivine Entities (Daemones)........................ 69 (VI) The Fossil Record A Fiction: Earth of Recent Creation.......................... 71 • The Future of Darwinism Appendix: Some Popular Emotional Criticisms of Darwinism.......................... 75 BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................... 76 3 Articles: /The Twilight of Evolution The Meaning of Evolution "Polygeneisis"-Doubly, but not Triply, True./ * Preface** * A recent catalogue of "anti-evolution" writings reveals the rather dismaying fact that, historically, almost 90% of such publications have based their arguments on the axiom that reliable information is to be found in the creation-myths of the ancient Hebrews. Let me make clear at once that this essay is not in that category! Today, no mind that has not been warped by childhood "imprinting" could find anything to take seriously in those naive and self-contradictory old fables, whose absurdity became evident to unbiased minds some two centuries earlier than that of the later, more plausible creation-myth of Darwin. The ingenuous hopes of countless imprintees cannot wish away the fact that the multiply-punctured credibility of those old fables is simply not capable of ever being re-inflated. Although we stand (and have stood for more than a century) in dire need of a creation-myth more rationally defensible than that of Darwin, it is fatuous to hope to find one in the legends of primitive peoples. *Order Link** * Darwin's Creation Myth + Articles $10.00 home <../Default.htm> store <../thunderbolts-product.htm> policies <../policy.htm> features <../features.htm> contact Mikamar Publishing, 1217 NE 75th Ave, Portland OR 97213 971-255-1059