mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== Electric Universe We live in an electric universe, because space is filled with plasma, the fourth state of matter. Plasma consists of hot ionized atoms and is influenced by magnetic fields. Plasma also conducts electrical current. Such current flow creates magnetic fields which affect the structure of the plasma. The energy states and resulting structure are so complex that scientists are not able to adequately model plasma phenomena mathematically. However, we have a great deal of empirical knowledge of plasmas since they have been used in industry for over a hundred years. Arc lamps and arc welding processes create plasmas. The familiar red glow inside the glass tube of a neon light is actually a plasma at work. [14]Sun | Click to enlarge [15]Sunspot | Click to enlarge _Is the sun actually a ball of lightning?_ Problems with the current model of the sun as continuous fusion reaction, releasing energy from the core: * Missing neutrinos * Temperature in corona 300 times that of surface * Rotates faster at equator, faster on surface * Solar wind accelerates upon leaving the Sun * Sunspots reveal cooler interior * Sunspots travel faster than surrounding surface * Sunspot penumbra (interior walls) reveal structured filaments _What causes lightning?_ Lightning is a dense stream of luminous plasma, a powerful electric discharge. But where does the energy in the form of electric charge come from? New low-light photographs of the upper atmosphere show that less-dense forms of plasma discharge occur as high as 70 km above the surface at the same time as the lightning. Planet Earth appears to be exchanging electric charge with surrounding space which is filled with solar plasma. Other glow discharge phenomena have been detected between the ionosphere and the center of a hurricane. Atmospheric storms may be driven by energy from the larger environment through which Earth travels. The high altitude discharge patterns shown to the right were published in a 1997 issue of Discovery magazine. [16]Lightning | Click to enlarge [17]Plasma discharge | Click to enlarge Birkeland Current _"Birkeland" Currents in Plasma_ Plasmas do not behave like a gas. They develop structure when a charge gradient produces the movement of electric current. The current flow and resultant magnetic fields cause the plasma to form filaments that twist together into ropes. As long as the current continues, the structure remains intact. Venus Tail _The Tail of Venus_ In mid-1997, the Soho satellite detected a plasma structure issuing from Venus and almost reaching the surface of Earth. The report described the structure as "stringy." Such a structure could only remain intact if a current were continuously flowing from Venus to the surrounding space via the plasma tail. The discovery supports the idea that Venus assumed its present position in the solar system only recently, and has not yet achieved charge-equilibrium with its environment. Interestingly, ancient names of Venus include the Long Haired Star and Bearded Star. Symbols and glyphs that carried the meaning "planet Venus" also carried the meaning "comet." We suggest that in ancient times, this same "plasma tail" of Venus emitted a visible glow by the same mechanism that comets do today, plasma discharge.