http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== Egyptian Gods: Aah (AAH-TE-HUTI) A minor Egyptian moon god. A manifestation of Thoth in the form of an ibis. Aken Egyptian underworld god. Keeper of the ferryboat of the Underworld. Akephalos A type of 'headless' demon of Hellenistic Egypt. These demons were believed to be the spirits of beheaded criminals. Aker Egyptian earth god who ruled over the meeting point between the eastern and western horizons in the Egyptian underworld. Guardian of the gate through which the pharaoh passes into the underworld. He provided safe passage for the barque of the sun during its night passage through the underworld. Aker was represented by two pairs of lions or of human heads facing away from each other. Akeru Egyptian chthonic earth gods associated with the god Aker. Amaunet "Hidden One". Egyptian mother or fertility goddess. Amaunet merged with the god Neith at the beginning of time. She was a member of the group of Egyptian gods known as the Ogdoad. Amun was her consort among the Ogdoad. She was regarded as a tutelary deity of the Egyptian pharaohs, and had a prominent part in the pharaoh's accession ceremonies. Amenhotep (AMENHOTEP-SON-OF-HAPU) Egyptian architect raised to status of god of building. See Imhotep. Amentet (AMENTHES) Egyptian goddess of the West and of the underworld of the dead. Am-heh Egyptian chthonic underworld god. Ammit See Ammut. Ammut (AMMIT) "Devouress of the Dead". Egyptian demonic goddess who attended the Judging of the Dead. She was depicted as having the head of a crocodile, the torso of a lioness and the hindquarters of a hippopotamus. She waited in the Judgement Hall of the Two Truths during the Weighing of the Heart ceremony, and devoured those deemed to be sinners. Amon See Amun. Amun (AMON, AMANA, AMMON, HAMMON, AMEN) "The Hidden One". Egyptian sky god who came to be regarded as a sun god and the head of the Egyptian pantheon. Originally a local god of Khmun, then also of Thebes. Amun's cult rose in prominence as Thebes rose to a preeminent political position within Egypt. In the New Kingdom he became syncretized with the Heliopolitan sun god Re as Amun-Re, in which form he was the "king of the gods" and the tutelary deity of the pharaohs. The pharaohs, who had been considered "sons of Re", thus came to be regarded as incarnations of Amun-Re. Amun took on the role of a primeval deity and creator in the cosmology of the New Kingdom, creating earth and sky out of his thought. He was a member of the Ogdoad, paired with the goddess Amaunet and representing hidden power. Also a member of the Theban triad, which made him the husband of Mut and adoptive father of Khons. Amun was depicted in human form, with blue skin and either the head of a bearded man or a ram's head with curved horns. He wore a crown composed of a modius surmounted by two tall feather plumes. He was sometimes depicted in ithyphallic form with an oversized erect penis. His true appearance was considered beyond human understanding. He was said to be "hidden of aspect, mysterious of form", invisible yet omnipresent throughout the cosmos. Amun's sacred animals were the ram and the goose. His primary sanctuaries were at Karnak and Luxor near Thebes. Amun and his influential Theban priests suffered a temporary eclipse during the reign of Akhenaton, who tried to impose a monotheistic worship of Aton. The cult of Amun revived soon after Akhenaton's death. It was not until the sack of Thebes by the Assyrians in 663 BC that Amun was reduced to mere local importance. As Ammon, however, he had an oracle at the Siwa Oasis in the western desert that remained prominent at least until the time of Alexander the Great, who visited the oracle. Amun-Re (AMON-RA) A combination of Amon and Ra worshipped in later Egyptian history. Under this name, the Theban god Amun (qv) became the national god of Egypt. Andjety (ANEZTI, ANEDJTI) Egyptian underworld god. His worship originated in the ninth nome of Lower Egypt. His cult center was at Busiris. Andjety was responsible for the rebirth of the individual in the afterlife. Depicted in anthropomorphic form, he wore a high conical crown surmounted by two feather plumes, and bore the crook and flail. He was associated with Osiris, whose symbols were also the crook and flail as well as the 'atef' crown which resembled that worn by Andjety. Anhur (ANHERT, ANHURET, Greek ONURIS) Egyptian warrior and hunter god. His cult originated in the Upper Egyptian city of This (Thinis), near Abydos. His consort was the lion goddess Mekhit. He was depicted as a bearded warrior wearing a long robe and a headdress with four tall plumes, often bearing a spear. He is often shown accompanied by Mekhit. Anhur was the champion of Egypt who hunted and slew the enemies of the sun god Re. He was sometimes equated with the god Shu. The Ptolemaic Greeks equated him with Ares. His main cult center was at Sebennytos in the Nile Delta. Anti Egyptian guardian deity. Depicted as a falcon or with a falcon's head, often standing on a crescent-shaped boat. Anubis (ANPU) Egyptian god of the dead, represented as a black jackal or dog, or as a man with the head of a dog or jackal. His parents were usually given as Re in combination with either Nephthys or Isis. After the early period of the Old Kingdom, he was superseded by Osiris as god of the dead, being relegated to a supporting role as a god of the funeral cult and of the care of the dead. The black colour represented the colour of human corpses after they had undergone the embalming process. In the Book of the Dead, he was depicted as presiding over the weighing of the heart of the deceased in the Hall of the Two Truths. In his role as psychopomp he was referred to as the "conductor of souls". The Greeks later identified him with their god Hermes, resulting in the composite deity Hermanubis. His principal sanctuary was at the necropolis in Memphis and in other cities. Anubis was also known as Khenty- Imentiu - "chief of the westerners" - a reference to the Egyptian belief that the realm of the dead lay to the west in association with the setting sun, and to their custom of building cemeteries on the west bank of the Nile. Anuket (ANQET, ANQUET, Greek ANUKIS) Egyptian goddess personifying the Nile as nourisher of the fields, and particularly associated with the lower cataracts near Aswan. She also appears to have been a protective deity of childbirth. Her principal sanctuary was at Elephantine. She was variously considered the daughter of Re, Khnum or Satis. Depicted in human form, bearing a crown topped with ostrich feathers. Her sacred animal was the gazelle. Apep (APOPHIS, APEPI) Egyptian snake god. The eternal enemy of the sun god Re and of the cosmic order. He was the personification of darkness, evil and of the forces of chaos. Each night he did battle with Re on his journey through the underworld on the barque of the sun, and each night Re triumphed to be reborn at dawn in the east. Often it was the god Seth or the serpent Mehen who were depicted defending Re and the solar barque. Occasionally, Apep would gain a temporary victory, causing an eclipse, but Re always triumphed in the end. In one variant Egyptian account, Re finally gained a permanent victory over Apep, cutting up and burning his body. Apis (Greek FORM; EGYPTIAN HAPI, HAPE) Egyptian bull god of Memphis. Originally a form of the Nile god Hapi, later regarded as the living embodiment of the god Ptah. Isis was supposed to have conceived him after being struck by a flash of lightning. After death he was said to become, or enter, the god Osiris. Apis was represented by a black and white bull selected on the basis of distinguishing markings: all black save for a white triangular patch on the forehead. His priests derived omens from his behavior. When an Apis bull died, it was mummified and buried with much ceremony at Sakkarah in an underground tomb known to the Greeks as the Serapeum. His priests then searched for a calf with the appropriate markings that indicated that it was his successor. The Egyptian pharaohs were closely associated with the Apis bull, partaking of his strength and fertility in life and aided in their ascent to the sun-god after death. In iconography, the Apis bull was depicted with the solar disk between its horns and also bearing the uraeus (cobra amulet) on its head. Arensnuphis (EGYPTIAN ARI-HES-NEFER; ARSNUPHIS, HARENSNUPHIS) Benign god of Egyptian Nubia. He had a temple at Philae, where he was referred to as the companion of Isis, the chief local deity. Depicted in human form with a plumed crown or in the form of a lion. Ash (AS) Egyptian god of the Libyan Desert (Sahara). Known as the 'Lord of Libya'. Depicted in human form, sometimes with the head of a hawk. He was particularly associated with the fertile oases of the desert whose produce was prized in ancient Egypt. In his capacity as a desert god, Ash was sometimes identified with the god Seth. Aten (ATON) "Disk" or "Sun Disk". Egyptian sun god. Originally a manifestation of the sun god, later a deity separate from the sun gods Atum and Re. Aten was depicted as a winged sun disk or as a sun disk from which rays ending in hands extended. The sun disk was also subtended by the uraeus (cobra amulet) and some of the hands held the ankh ("life") symbol. His main sanctuaries were in Thebes, Heliopolis, and Akhetaten. His cult reached a peak under the pharaoh Akhenaten, who attempted to establish a monotheistic cult with Aten as the sole object of worship. This monotheistic cult antagonized the powerful priests of Amun-Re, who lost much of their influence during Akhenaten's reign. Akhenaten built the city Akhetaten (modern Tel el-Amarna) to serve as Aten's cult center. However, Egypt returned to polytheism after Akhenaten's death. Akhetaten was abandoned, the priests of Amun-Re regained their power and influence, and Aten's significance dwindled to that of a minor god. Athyr See Hathor. Aton See Aten. Atum (TEM, TUM) Primeval Egyptian sun god, creator of heaven and earth. Evening aspect of the sun, representing the setting sun. He was later syncretized with Re, the god of the rising sun, as the god Atum-Re. His principal cult center was at Heliopolis, which he shared with Re. Both Atum and Re were represented by the black bull Mnevis, bearing the sun disk and uraeus (cobra) between its horns. The Egyptians regarded him as the father of the pharaoh, and he played an important part in the rites of coronation. Atum was depicted in human form, usually as an older man symbolizing the setting sun. Among the animals sacred to him were the bull, lion, ichneumon, snake and lizard. Atum was said to have engendered himself out of the primeval waters. He then created the deities Shu and Tefnut, either from his semen in the act of masturbation or, alternatively, from his spittle. From those two the remainder of the nine gods of the Heliopolitan Ennead were descended. Ausaas Egyptian wife of Herakhty (Horus). Ba (1) Early Egyptian ram god of Mendes in Lower Egypt. He was a fertility deity whom women worshipped in the hope that he would aid them in conceiving children. See also Banebdjedet. Ba (2) (PL: BAW) Egyptian term for a spiritual power, later for the manifested form of a god. Babi Egyptian demonic god. Depicted as a baboon with an erect penis. Babi was both a dangerous god who was said to live on human entrails and a god associated with sexual prowess in the afterlife. Mentioned in the Books of the Dead, he attended the ceremony of the Weighing of the Heart in the Hall of the Two Truths, waiting with Ammut to devour the souls of those found unworthy. His penis was depicted being employed as the mast of the underworld ferry. Banebdjedet (BA NEB TETET, BANEBDEDET, BANEB DJEDET, BANADED) Egyptian ram god of Lower Egypt.Consort of the fish goddess Hatmehyt and father of Harpokrates. Depicted in anthropomorphic form with the head of a ram. His cult was centered on Mendes in the Nile Delta. According to one tradition, he interceded in the contest between Horus and Seth for the Egyptian throne. Banebdejedet advised the gods to consult the goddess Neith, who advised them to award the throne to Horus. In this account, he was said to reside on the island of Seheil near the first cataract of the Nile at Aswan. Ba-Pef "That Soul". Minor Egyptian god of malevolent aspect. Bastet (BAST, UBASTI) Egyptian cat goddess. A goddess of the home and of the domestic cat, although she sometimes took on the war-like aspect of a lioness. Daughter of the sun god Re, although sometimes regarded as the daughter of Amun. Wife of Ptah and mother of the lion-god Mihos. Her cult was centered on her sanctuary at Bubastis in the delta region, where a necropolis has been found containing mummified cats. Bast was also associated with the 'eye of Re', acting as the instrument of the sun god's vengeance. She was depicted as a cat or in human form with the head of a cat, often holding the sacred rattle known as the sistrum. Bat (BATA) Egyptian cow goddess of fertility. Primarily a deity of Upper Egypt. She was depicted as a cow or in human form with cow's ears and horns. Behedti Egyptian god in the form of a crouching falcon. Worshipped at Behdet (Edfu), he later was identified as a local form of the god Horus. Benu Egyptian bird-like sun god. Linked with Atum, the better known sun god of Heliopolis. Said to have been self-created from the primeval ocean. Bes (BISU) Egyptian dwarf god believed to guard against evil spirits and misfortune. In contrast to the other Egyptian deities, who were usually depicted in profile, Bes was depicted full face. He was shown to be ugly and grotesque in appearance, with a large head, protruding tongue, bow legs and a bushy tail. He bore a plumed crown and wore the skin of a lion or panther. Despite his appearance, he was a beneficent deity and his appearance was meant to scare off evil spirits. He bore swords and knives to ward off evil spirits, as well as musical instruments which he used to create a din which would frighten them off. Bes aided the hippopotamus goddess Taweret in childbirth. He was originally the protective deity of the royal house of Egypt, but came to be a popular household deity throughout Egypt. Beset Egyptian goddess, a female version of Bes. Buchis Egyptian holy bull of Hermonthis, the living image of the god Month. He had a white body and a black head. Buto (EDJO, UDJO, WADJET, WADJIT) Tutelary goddess of Lower Egypt. Chensit Egyptian goddess of the twentieth nome of Lower Egypt. Chenti-cheti (Greek CHENTECHTAI) Originally an Egyptian crocodile god, he later took on the form of a falcon. Chenti-irti (MACHENTI-IRTI) Egyptian falcon-god of law and order, identified with Horus. Chepre (CHEPRI) Egyptian primeval scarab-god connected with the rising sun. He was identified first with Atum, later with Re. Cherti Egyptian ram-god and ferryman of the dead. His cult was centered on Letopolis. Chnum (CHNUMU) Egyptian ram god and protector of the source of the Nile. Depicted in human form with a ram's head. He was said to fashion children out of clay and then place them in the mother's womb. Chons Egyptian moon god, son of Amun and Mut. He is usually depicted as a young man in the posture of a mummy. Chontamenti (CHONTI-AMENTIU) Egyptian god of the dead and of the land of the west, represented as a crouching dog or jackal. Dedun (DEDWEN) Egyptian-Nubian god of wealth and incense, associated with the riches of the southern lands. Usually depicted in human form but occasionally as a lion. Djebauti (ZEBAUTI) Egyptian local god. Dua Egyptian god of toiletry. Duamutef (TUAMUTEF) Egyptian funerary god, son of Horus. Esenchebis Greek name for Isis. Eset Egyptian, see Isis. Geb (KEB, SEB) Egyptian earth god. Son of Shu and Tefnut. Brother and consort of the sky god Nut. Father of Osiris, Seth, Isis, and Nephthys. Geb was generally depicted lying on his back, often wearing the crown of Lower Egypt, with the naked body of Nut arched above him. In this context, he was often shown with an erect penis pointing upward toward Nut. Sometimes, however, the air god Shu was shown standing on the body of Geb, supporting Nut and perhaps separating her from Geb. His skin was often green, indicative of his role as a god of fertility and vegetation. The goose was his sacred animal and his symbol in Egyptian hieroglyphics. Geb was also said to imprison the souls of the dead, preventing them from passing on to the afterlife. The laughter of Geb was said to cause earthquakes. Ha Egyptian god of the western desert. Hapi (1) (HAPY, HAP, HEP) Egyptian god of the Nile. Particularly associated with the annual floods which were responsible for the fertility of the land adjacent to the river. Although he had no specific cult centers, he was believed to live in caves near the Nile cataracts. Depicted in androgynous human form with a beard, large belly, pendulous breasts and a crown of aquatic plants. He often bore a tray of produce symbolizing the abundance and prosperity brought by the Nile floods. His court included a retinue of crocodile-gods and a harem of frog-goddesses. Hapi (2) Egyptian god. One of the four sons of Horus. Protector of the lungs of mummified corpses. Depicted as an baboon or in human form with the head of a baboon. Harakhti (HARACHTE) "Horus of the Horizon". Egyptian god of the morning sun rising on the eastern horizon. One of the manifestations of Horus. Depicted in the form of a falcon. The Egyptian pharaoh was said to be born on the eastern horizon as Harakhti and to rule over the two horizons (east and west) in that form. Harakhti coalesced with Re as Re-Harakhti, in which form he was worshipped at Heliopolis. Harendotes "Horus the saviour of his father". A special form of the Egyptian god Horus. In this form Horus guards his father Osiris in the underworld. He was one of the protective gods typically depicted on the Egyptian sarcophagi. It is this form that also refers to Horus's vindication of his father and triumph over his enemy Seth. Harmachis (Egyptian Har-em-akhet) "Horus in the horizon". A form of the Egyptian god Horus in which he figures as a sun god. Inscriptions from the new kingdom (1550- 1000 BC) identify the sphinx at Giza, originally made in the image of Pharaoh Khephren, as Harmachis looking toward the eastern horizon. Harmerti Egyptian tutelary god of Seden. Haroeris (Egyptian har-wer) "the elder Horus". One of the manifestations of the Egyptian god Horus, in which form Horus reaches maturity and avenges his father Osiris against his enemy Seth. In this form Horus defeats Seth and seizes control of the Throne of Egypt. Depicted in the form of a falcon. Harpokrates (Harpocrates, Egyptian har-pa-khered) "Horus the child". The form of the Egyptian god Horus as a child. Depicted as a naked child sitting on the knee of his mother Isis, wearing the juvenile side-lock of hair. Often, he is either sucking his thumb or suckling at his mother's breast. Harpokrates was invoked to ward off dangerous creatures. Harsaphes see Heryshaf. Harsiesis (Harsiese, Egyptian har-sa-iset) "Horus the son of Isis". A form of the Egyptian god Horus which emphasizes his role as the son of Isis and Osiris. In this form he exemplifies the ideal of the dutiful son. In the pyramid texts Harsiesis performed the 'Opening of the mouth' rite on the dead pharaoh, ensuring that the pharaoh would have the use of his faculties in the afterlife. Harsomtus (Egyptian har-mau)"Horus the Uniter". A manifestation of the Egyptian god Horus. This form celebrates Horus's achievement in uniting the kingdoms of upper and lower Egypt. Hathor (athyr) Egyptian cow goddess. Daughter of Nut and Re. In early Egyptian mythology she was the mother of the sky god Horus, but was later replaced in this capacity by Isis. Hathor then became a protectress of Horus. She was depicted either as a cow or in human form wearing a crown consisting of a sun disk held between the horns of a cow. Her name appears to mean "house of Horus", referring to her role as a sky goddess, the "house" denoting the heavens depicted as a great cow. Hathor was often regarded as the mother of the Egyptian pharaoh, who styled himself the "son of Hathor". Since the pharaoh was also considered to be Horus as the son of Isis, it might be surmised that this had its origin when Horus was considered to be the son of Hathor. Hathor took on an uncharacteristically destructive aspect in the legend of the eye of Re. According To this legend, Re sent the eye of Re in the form of Hathor to destroy humanity, believing that they were plotting aganist him. However, Re changed his mind and flooded the fields with beer, dyed red to look like blood. Hathor stopped to drink the Beer, and, having become intoxicated, never carried out her deadly mission. Hathor was often symbolized by the papyrus reed, the snake, and the Egyptian rattle known as the sistrum. Her image could also be used to form the capitals of columns in Egyptian architecture. Her principal sanctuary was at Dandarah, where her cult had its early focus, and where it may have had its origin. At Dandarah, she was particularly worshipped in her role as a goddess of fertility, of women, and of childbirth. At Thebes she was regarded as a goddess of the dead under the title of the "lady of the west", associated with the sun god Re on his descent below the western horizon. The Greeks identified Hathor with Aphrodite. Hatmehyt (hatmehit) Egyptian fish goddess. Her worship centered on the nile delta, particularly at Mendes. Hedetet Egyptian scorpion-goddess. Heh Egyptian goddess of infinity. Heket (heqet) Egyptian goddess of childbirth. Depicted as a frog or in human form with the head of a frog. Women often wore amulets bearing the image of Heket to protect them during childbirth. Hemen Egyptian falcon-god. Hemsut (hemuset) Egyptian goddess of fate. Heron Egyptian deity. Heryshaf (herysaf, herisef; greek harsaphes) "he who is upon his lake". Primeval ram god of middle Egypt. His cult centered on Hnes (modern Ihnasya el-Medina; Greek herakleopolis) near Beni Suef on the west bank of the Nile. His temple featured a sacred lake representing the primeval waters from which Heryshaf emerged at the beginning of time. Originally a local god, he came to be identified with Re and Osiris and attained national significance. Hesat Egyptian cow goddess. The Egyptians referred to milk as the 'beer of hesat'. Hez-ur Egyptian baboon-god. Hike (heka) Egyptian personification of magic. Hor-hekenu Egyptian variant of Horus. Horus (Egyptian har or hor) Egyptian sky god. Usually depicted as a falcon or in human form with the head of a falcon. The sun and the moon are said to be his eyes. Son of Isis and the dead Osiris. He was born at khemmis in the nile delta, and Isis hid him in the papyrus marshes to protect him against Seth, his father's murderer. Horus later avenged the death of his father against Seth. Horus lost his left eye (the moon) in the contest between the two. Horus was identified with lower Egypt and Seth with upper Egypt in this battle, which lasted eighty years. The gods judged Horus to be the winner, and Seth was either killed or castrated. The consequence of Horus's victory was the union of upper and lower Egypt. The Egyptian pharaoh was believed to be an incarnation of Horus, and the name of Horus formed part of his name. The pharaoh was said to become Horus after death. Seth restored the eye he had torn from Horus, but Horus gave it instead to Osiris. The image of the "eye of Horus", a human eye combined with the cheek markings of a falcon, became a powerful amulet among the Egyptians. Among the various manifestations of Horus were: + Harpokrates (Heru-Pa-Khret, Harpakhrad): "Horus the child". This refers to his birth and secret rearing by Isis. In this form he is often depicted as a naked child seated on Isis's lap. + Haroeris (Har Wer): "Horus the elder". In this form Horus battled against Seth. + Harakhte (Harakhti, Heraktes): "Horus of the horizon". Horus at Heliopolis, linked with Ra in the sun cult. In this form he is associated with the rising sun. + Harendotes (Har-nedj-itef, Har-End-Yotef): "Horus the saviour of his father" A reference to the avenging of his father's murder. + Harmachis (Heru-Em-Akhet, Harmakis): "Horus in the horizon". Horus as symbol of resurrection, linked with the setting sun. + Harsiesis (Harsiese, Har-si-Ese, Hor-Sa-Iset): "Horus, son of Isis". + Harsomtus (Har-mau): "Horus the uniter" This is a reference to his role in uniting Upper and Lower Egypt. + Hor Behdetite (Behedti): "Horus of Behdet". Originally a local form of Horus as Behdet in the Delta region. In this form he was symbolized by the winged solar disk. Hu primeval Egyptian god personifying authority. He was born from a drop of blood from the penis of Re. When the pharaoh became a lone star, his companion was Hu. Huh and Hauhet see ogdoad. Ihi (EHI) Egyptian god of the sistrum. Imhotep (imhetep) Egyptian god of learning and medicine. Imiut Egyptian protective deity of the underworld. Imset (amset) Egyptian son of Horus. Inmutef (iunmutef) Egyptian bearer of the heavens. Ipet (ipi) Egyptian hippopotamus goddess. Isdes Egyptian 'lord of the west' and judge of the dead. Isis (aset, eset) "throne". Egyptian mother goddess. Daughter of Geb and Nut according to the Heliopolitan genealogy. Sister and wife of Osiris. Mother of Horus. She was depicted in human form, crowned either by a throne or by cow horns enclosing a sun disk. A vulture was also sometimes incorporated in her crown. She is sometimes depicted as a kite above the mummified body of Osiris. As the personification of the throne, she was an important source of the pharaoh's power. Her cult was popular throughout Egypt, but the most important sanctuaries were at Giza and at Behbeit el-Hagar in the Nile delta. Isis later had an important cult in the Greco-Roman world, with sanctuaries at Delos and Pompeii. Her Latin epithet was Stella Maris, or "star of the sea". It was Isis who retrieved and reassembled the body of Osiris after his murder and dismemberment by Seth. In this connection she took on the role of a goddess of the dead and of funeral rites. Isis impregnated herself from the corpse and subsequently gave birth to Horus. She gave birth in secrecy at Khemmis in the nile delta and hid the child from Seth in the papyrus swamps. Horus later defeated Seth and became the first ruler of a united Egypt. Isis, as mother of Horus, was by extension regarded as the mother and protectress of the Pharaohs. The relationship between Isis and Horus may also have influenced the Christian conception of the relationship between Mary and the infant Jesus Christ. The depiction of the seated Isis holding or suckling the child Horus is certainly reminiscent of the iconography of Mary and Jesus. Isten Egyptian god. Joh (JAH) Egyptian moon god.. Juesaes (JUSAS, IUSAS) Egyptian goddess. Junit Egyptian goddess. Ka Egyptian name for the vital force of life. Kebechet Egyptian goddess. Kebechsenef (KEBEHSENUF) Falcon-headed son of Horus. Kematef Late Egyptian name for Amun. Kemwer (KEMUR) Egyptian black bull. Khenty-Imentiu (OPHIS, OPHOIS) Khepra (KHEPER, KHEPERA, KHEPRI) Egyptian: Ra as scarab beetle. Kherty Khnum (KHNEMU) Egyptian god of fecundity and creation. Khons (CHONS, KHENSU, KHONSU) Egyptian god of the moon. Kis Egyptian god of Kusae. Maahes Egyptian lion-headed god. Maahes was of Nubian origin. Maat (MA'AT, MAYET) "Straight": i.e. law and order. Egyptian goddess of truth and justice. She was associated with Thoth, Ptah and Khnemu in the Egyptian Creation. She was a goddess of the underworld, sitting in judgment over the souls of the dead in the Judgment Hall of Osiris. Mafdet Egyptian goddess in feline form. Mahes Egyptian god in form of a lion. Mehen Egyptian divine snake. Mehet-Weret (MEHET-URET) Egyptian cow sky-goddess. Mehit (MECHIT) Egyptian lion-goddess. Menhit (MENCHIT) Egyptian lion-goddess. Menthu (MONT, MENTU, MENTHU, MONTH) Egyptian hawk-headed war god. His centres of worship were at Hermonthis and Karnak. Meret (MERT) Egyptian goddess of song and rejoicing. Meretseger (MERTSEGER, MERESGER) Egyptian funerary snake goddess of the Theban necropolis. Meskhenet (MESKHENT, MESHKENT, MESENET) Egyptian goddess of childbirth. Mesta (IMSETI) Egyptian protector of the liver of mummified dead. Min (MINU, EGYPTIAN MENU) Egyptian fertility god. Sometimes given as either the son or consort of Isis. He was depicted in human form with an erect penis. He generally held a flail in his raised right hand and wore a crown surmounted by two tall plumes. Min was preeminently a god of male sexuality, and in the New Kingdom (1567-1085 BC) he was honoured in the coronation rites of the pharaohs to ensure their sexual vigour and the production of a male heir. The "White Bull" appears to have been sacred to him, as was a type of lettuce which bore a resemblance to an erect penis and had a white sap that resembled semen. His most important sanctuaries were at Koptos (Qift) and Akhmim (Panoplis). Min was also worshipped as a god of desert roads and of travellers. In addition to his role in coronation rites, Min was honoured in harvest festivals during which offerings of lettuce and sheaves of wheat were made. Montu See Menthu. Mut Egyptian sky goddess and wife of Amun-Ra. She is depicted as a vulture or with a vulture head-dress. She was considered to be the mother of the gods. Naunet Primordial Egyptian goddess. In the cosmogony of Hermopolis she was a member of the Ogodoad of eight primordial deities. Her male counterpart and consort was Nun. Naunet personified the primordial abyss of the underworld. Nebtuu (NEBETU) Egyptian local goddess. Nechbet Upper Egyptian tutelary goddess of the monarch. Nechmetawaj (NEHMET-AWAI) Egyptian goddess. Neferhor (NEPHOROS, NOPHEROS) Egyptian god. Nefertum (NEFERTEM; Greek NEPHTHEMIS) Egyptian god of the primordial lotus blossom. A personification of the blue lotus out of which the sun god Re emerged. In the Pyramid Texts he was described as the 'lotus blossom on the nose of Re'. Nefertum was usually depicted in human form wearing a headdress topped by a lotus blossom. He could also be depicted with a lion's head when given as the child of the Memphite lion goddess Sakhmet out of her union with Ptah. His major cult center was at Memphis. At Buto in the Nile delta region, Nefertum was held to be the child of the cobra goddess Wadjet. Elsewhere, his mother was sometimes said to be the cat goddess Bastet. Nehebkau (NEHEBU-KAU, NEHEBKHAU) Egyptian snake god. In the Pyramid Texts, he was said to be the son of the scorpion goddess Serket. Another tradition made him the son of the earth god Geb and the harvest goddess Renenutet. According to legend, he was tamed by the sun god Re and thenceforward acted as the god's servant, riding with him in the sun barque. His name was invoked in spells providing protection against snake bites and scorpion stings. Nehebkau protected the dead pharaoh in the afterlife. He was depicted in the form of a serpent with human arms and legs. Neheh (HEH) Egyptian personification of eternity. Neith (NEIT) Egyptian creator goddess. Also a goddess of war and of domestic arts. Her symbol was a shield bearing crossed arrows. Said to be a self-begotten virgin. She later came to be identified as the consort of Seth and the mother of the crocodile god Sobek. Her principal sanctuary was at Sais in the Nile delta, where she originally developed as a local goddess. After rising to national prominence, a sanctuary was dedicated to her at Memphis. In the Esna cosmology, Neith was said to have emerged from the primeval waters to create the world, subsequently following the Nile north to the delta where she founded Sais. Depicted in the form of a woman wearing the red crown of Lower Egypt and bearing a shield with crossed arrows. Nekhbet (NEKHEBET, NECHBET) "She of Nekheb". Egyptian vulture goddess and tutelary goddess of Upper Egypt. Also a protective goddess of childbirth who was depicted as the nurse of the future monarch during his infancy. In her capacity as protectress of the infant monarch she was known as the "Great White Cow of Nekheb". She was usually depicted as a vulture wearing the white crown of Upper Egypt and holding the eternity symbols in her talons. Her principal sanctuary was at Nekheb (modern El Kab) in Upper Egypt. Nenun (NENWEN) Egyptian falcon-god. Neper Egyptian god of grain. Particularly associated with barley and emmer wheat. Nephthys (Greek FORM; EGYPTIAN NEB-HUT, NEBTHET) "Mistress of the House". Egyptian goddess of the dead. Daughter of Geb and Nut. Sister of Isis, Osiris and Seth. According to one tradition, she was also the mother of Anubis by Osiris. Her principal sanctuary was at Heliopolis. Along with Isis, she was one of the guardians of the corpse of Osiris. Depicted in human form wearing a crown in the form of the hieroglyph for house. Sometimes depicted as a kite guarding funeral bier of Osiris. Nepit Egyptian corn goddess: female counterpart of the corn god Neper. Nun (Nu) Egyptian god who personified the primeval waters from which the world was created. Partner of Naunet as one of the eight creator deities of the Ogdoad. He was referred to as the 'father of the gods', which referred to his primacy in time rather than any literal parentage. Nun played no part in Egyptian religious rituals and had no temples dedicated to him. He was symbolized by the sacred lakes associated with some temples, such as Karnak and Dendara. Depicted in human form holding the solar barque of Re above his head. Nut (NEUTH, NUIT) Egyptian goddess of the sky and of the heavens. Daughter of the air god Shu and Tefnut, the goddess of moisture, in the Heliopolitan genealogy. She was typically depicted as a woman with her elongated and naked body arching above Shu and the earth god Geb to form the heavens. Sometimes she appeared in the form of a cow whose body forms the sky and heavens. Nut was the barrier separating the forces of chaos from the ordered cosmos in this world. Her fingers and toes were believed to touch the four cardinal points or directions. The sun god Re was said to enter her mouth after setting in the evening and travel through her body during the night to be reborn from her vagina each morning. Nut was also a goddess of the dead, and the pharaoh was said to enter her body after death, from which he would later be resurrected. Her principal sanctuary was at Heliopolis. Ogdoad A group of eight Egyptian deities representing the primeval chaos that existed before the creation of the sun god. They are divided into four parings of male and female deities: Nun and Naunet representing the primordial abyss, Kek and Kauket darkness, Heh and Hauhet infinity, and Amun and Amaunet representing hidden power. They created out of themselves the mound upon which lay the egg from which the sun god emerged. Their cult centered on the town of Khemnu (Greek Hermopolis) in Middle Egypt. They also had a sanctuary at Medinet Habu in western Thebes. Onuris Greek form of the Egyptian god Anhur (qv). Osiris (USIRE) Egyptian god of the underworld and of vegetation. Son of Nut and Geb. His birthplace was said to be Rosetau in the necropolis west of Memphis. Brother of Nephthys and Seth, and the brother and husband of Isis. Isis gave birth to Horus after his death, having impregnated herself with semen from his corpse. Osiris was depicted in human form wrapped up as a mummy, holding the crook and flail. He was often depicted with green skin, alluding to his role as a god of vegetation. He wore a crown known as the 'atef', composed of the tall conical white crown of Upper Egypt with red plumes on each side. Osiris had many cult centers, but the most important were at Abydos (Ibdju) in Upper Egypt, where the god's legend was reenacted in an annual festival, and at Busiris (Djedu) in the Nile delta. One of the so-called "dying gods", he was the focus of a famous legend in which he was killed by the rival god Seth. At a banquet of the gods, Seth fooled Osiris into stepping into a coffin, which he promptly slammed shut and cast into the Nile. The coffin was born by the Nile to the delta town of Byblos, where it became enclosed in a tamarisk tree. Isis, the wife of Osiris, discovered the coffin and brought it back. (The story to this point is attested only by the Greek writer Plutarch, although Seth was identified as his murderer as early as the Pyramid era of the Old Kingdom.) Seth took advantage of Isis's temporary absence on one occasion, cut the body to pieces, and cast them into the Nile. (In the Egyptian texts this incident alone accounts for the murder of Osiris.) Isis searched the land for the body parts of Osiris, and was eventually able to piece together his body, whole save for the penis, which had been swallowed by a crocodile (according to Plutarch) or a fish (according to Egyptian texts). In some Egyptian texts, the penis is buried at Memphis. Isis replaced the penis with a reasonable facsimile, and she was often portrayed in the form of a kite being impregnated by the ithyphallic corpse of Osiris. In some Egyptian texts, the scattering of the body parts is likened to the scattering of grain in the fields, a reference to Osiris's role as a vegetation god. 'Osiris gardens' - wood-framed barley seedbeds in the shape of the god, were sometimes placed in tombs - and the plants which sprouted from these beds symbolized the resurrection of life after death. It was this legend that accounted for Osiris's role as a god of the dead and ruler of the Egyptian underworld. He was associated with funerary rituals, at first only with those of the Egyptian monarch, later with those of the populace in general. The pharaoh was believed to become Osiris after his death. Although he was regarded as a guarantor of continued existence in the afterlife, Osiris also had a darker, demonic aspect associated with the physiological processes of death and decay, and reflecting the fear Egyptians had of death in spite of their belief in an afterlife. Osiris was also a judge of the dead, referred to as the 'lord of Maat' (i.e. of divine law). Pachet Egyptian goddess of the desert. Petbe Egyptian god of retaliation. Petesuchos Egyptian crocodile-god. Pharaoh Egyptian god-king(s). Ptah Egyptian creator god. Also a god of artisans, designers, builders, metal workers, architects and masons, whose skills he was said to have created. His major cult center was at Memphis. At Memphis and Thebes his consort was the lioness goddess Sakhmet. Together with Sakhmet's son Nefertum, they formed the 'Memphite triad'. His sacred animal was the bull, and he was particularly represented by the Apis Bull at Memphis, which acted as an intermediary between the god and humankind. He was depicted in human form, tightly wrapped like a mummy, with shaven head or wearing a close fitting skull cap, holding the scepter of dominion composed of a 'djed' staff topped by the ankh (life) symbol. According to one tradition (the Memphite creation myth), Ptah was the primary motive force in creation, thinking and speaking the cosmos into existence. (Elsewhere, he was said to have created the cosmos out of mud.) In this tradition, propagated by his priesthood, it was Ptah who was pre-eminent among the gods. He was said to have invented the 'opening of the mouth' ceremony restoring the faculties of life to the corpse by performing it on the mouths of the gods when he created them. Ptah-Seker-Osiris Egyptian composite funerary god. Qebhsnuf (QEBEHSENUF) Egyptian son of Horus, Canopic guardian of the viscera after mummification. He was represented as a mummified man with the head of a falcon. Qetesh Originally a Syrian goddess, Qetesh came to be worshipped in Egypt as a goddess of love. She was considered to be one of the forms of Hathor. Ra (RE) Egyptian sun god. See Re. Rat-taui Egyptian goddess. Re (Ra) Egyptian sun god and creator god. He was usually depicted in human form with a falcon head, crowned with the sun disc encircled by the uraeus (a stylized representation of the sacred cobra). The sun itself was taken to be either his body or his eye. He was said to traverse the sky each day in a solar barque and pass through the underworld each night on another solar barque to reappear in the east each morning. His principal cult centre was at Heliopolis ("sun city"), near modern Cairo. Re was also considered to be an underworld god, closely associated in this respect with Osiris. In this capacity he was depicted as a ram-headed figure. By the third millennium B.C. Re's prominence had already become such that the pharaohs took to styling themselves "sons of Re". After death, the Egyptian monarch was said to ascend into the sky to join the entourage of the sun god. According to the Heliopolitan cosmology, Re was said to have created himself, either out of a primordial lotus blossom, or on the mound that emerged from the primeval waters. He then created Shu (air) and Tefnut (moisture), who in turn engendered the earth god Geb and the sky goddess Nut. Re was said to have created humankind from his own tears and the gods Hu (authority) and Sia (mind) from blood drawn from his own penis. Re was often combined with other deities to enhance the prestige of the latter, as in Re-Atum, Amun-Re, or in the formula "Re in Osiris, Osiris in Re". Renenutet (ERNUTET, RENENET) Egyptian cobra goddess. Depicted either as a hooded cobra or in human form with the head of a cobra. Her name seems to have the meaning of nurturing or raising a child, and she was both a goddess associated with motherhood and the tutelary deity of the pharaoh. Her gaze was said to have the power to vanquish all enemies and also to ensure the fertility of the crops and the bounty of the harvest. She was associated with the magical properties believed to inhere in the linen bandages that wrapped the dead and was known at Edfu as the 'mistress of the robes'. She had an important cult center in the fertile Faiyum region, where she was closely associated with the local crocodile god Sobek. In the Greco-Roman period she was worshipped as the goddess Hermouthis, in which form she came to be syncretized with Isis. Renpet Egyptian goddess of youth and spingtime. Reret Egyptian hippopotamus goddess. Resheph (RESHPU) Egyptian version of the Sumerian Aleyin/Amurru, originally a vegetation god, regarded by Egyptians as a warrior. Ruti Pair of lions worshipped in Egyptian Letopolis. Saa Egyptian personification of intelligence. Sai (Greek PSAIS) Egyptian personification of destiny. Sakhmet (SACHMET, SEKHMET) "The Powerful One". Egyptian lioness goddess. Daughter of the sun god Re. At Memphis she formed part of the Memphite triad together with Ptah as her consort and Nefertum (otherwise the son of Bastet) as her son. Depicted as a lioness or in human form with the head of a lioness. She was generally shown crowned by the solar disk, holding the ankh ("life") symbol or a scepter in the shape of a papyrus reed. At Thebes Sakhmet came to be syncretized with Mut, the consort of the Theban sun god Amun. She had a warlike aspect, and was said to breathe fire at the enemies of the pharaoh. Like the goddess Hathor, Sakhmet could become the 'eye of Re', an agent of the sun god's punishment. She was believed to be the bearer of plague and pestilence, but in a more benign aspect she was called upon in spells and amulets to ward off disease. Sarapis (SERAPIS) Syncretic god of Ptolemaic Egypt and later a deity worshipped throughout the Roman Empire. Sarapis was the Greek form of Osiris- Apis, a deity who combined the attributes of the bull god Apis and the underworld god Osiris. To this the Hellenistic rulers of Egypt added characteristics taken from Greek deities such as Zeus, Dionysos, Hades, Helios and Asklepios to create a universal god. Depicted in human form with curly hair and crowned with a basket- shaped headdress known as a kalathos. His cult was taken over by Ptolemy I Soter, who elevated Sarapis to the status of a national god. His major cult center was Alexandria, home of the famous temple known as the Sarapeum. Satis (Greek form, also Sati; Egyptian SATJIT or SATET) Egyptian goddess whose primary role was that of a guardian of Egypt's southern (Nubian) frontier, killing enemies of the pharaoh with her arrows. As 'Queen of Elephantine" she figures as the consort of Khnum and the mother of Anuket, the three sometimes being referred to as the 'Elephantine triad'. Depicted in human form wearing the tall conical white crown of Upper Egypt bounded on either side by plumes or antelope horns, holding a scepter and the ankh ("life") symbol. She had a major sanctuary on the island of Sahel near Elephantine (near modern Aswan). Satis was also associated with the annual inundation of the Nile. Sebek (SEBEQ, SEBK, SOBK, Greek SUCHOS) Egyptian crocodile god of Fayum. Sechat-Hor Egyptian cow-goddess. Sed Egyptian 'saviour' god. Seker See Sokar. Sekhmet See Sakhmet. Selket See Serket. Sentait Egyptian cow goddess. Sepa (SEP) Egyptian chthonic god. Septu (SOPD, SOPDU) Egyptian war god. Serapis See Sarapis. Serket (SELKET, SELKIS, SELCHIS, SELQUET; Egyptian SERKET HETYT) "She who causes the throat to breath". Egyptian scorpion goddess. Depicted in human form with a scorpion-shaped headdress, or with a scorpion body and a human head. She was early a tutelary deity of the Egyptian monarchs. Serket was associated with mortuary rites who helped guard the canopic jars in which the viscera of the dead were placed. From this association she came to be a tutelary goddess of the dead. She was called upon in Egyptian magic to avert venemous bites and stings. Seshat (SESAT, SESHETA) Egyptian goddess of writing. Also associated with libraries, letters, archives and historical records. Depicted in human form with a star or rosette above her head, wearing a leopard-skin robe, holding a scepter made of a notched palm branch on which she recorded the jubilee years. Seshat helped the pharaoh mark out the boundaries of a temple in a ritual known as 'stretching the cord'. Sesmu Egyptian god of oil and wine pressing. Seth (SET, SETEKH, SETESH, SETI, SUTEKH, SETECH, SUTECH) Egyptian god of chaos who embodied the principle of hostility if not of outright evil. He was associated with foreign lands and was the adversary of the god Osiris. Seth was usually depicted in human form with a head of indeterminate origin, though said to resemble that of an aardvark. He had a curved snout, erect square- tipped ears and a long forked tail. Sometimes he was represented in entirely animal form with a body similar to that of a greyhound. He was said to be the son either of Nut and Geb or of Nut and Ra, and the brother of Isis, Osiris and Nephthys. Nephthys was sometimes given as his consort, although he is more commonly associated with the foreign, Semitic goddesses Astarte and Anat. Despite his reputation, he had an important sanctuary at Ombos in Upper Egypt, his reputed birthplace, and his cult was also prominent in the north-eastern region of the Nile delta. For a time during the third millennium BC, Seth replaced Horus as the tutelary deity of the pharaohs. However, the story of Seth's murder of Osiris and subsequent war with Horus gained currency and Horus was restored to his original status. The war with Horus lasted eighty years, during which Seth tore out the left eye his adversary and Horus tore out Seth's foreleg and testicles. Horus eventually emerged victorious, or was deemed the victor by a council of the gods, and thus became the rightful ruler of the kingdoms of both Upper and Lower Egypt. Seth was forced to return the eye of Horus and was himself either castrated or, in some versions, killed. In some versions Seth then went to live with the sun god Re, where he became the voice of the thunder. In the Book of the Dead Seth was referred to as the "lord of the northern sky" and held responsible for storms and cloudy weather. Seth protected Re during his night voyage through the underworld against the Apophis-snake. On the other hand, Seth was a peril for ordinary Egyptians in the underworld, where he was said to seize the souls of the unwary. Among the animals sacred to Seth were the desert oryx, crocodile, boar, and the hippopotamus in its aspect as a destroyer of boats and of planted fields. The pig was a taboo in Seth's cult. The Greeks later equated Seth with their demon-god Typhon. Shait Egyptian goddess of destiny. Shu (SU; Greek SOS) Primordial Egyptian god of the air and supporter of the sky. In the Heliopolitan creation myth, Shu was, with his sister Tefnut, one of the first deities created by the sun god Atum, either from his semen or from the mucus of his nostrils. Tefnut then became his consort, giving birth to the sky goddess Nut and the earth god Geb. Shu separated Geb and Nut (heaven and earth) by interposing himself between them. Depicted in human form wearing an ostrich feather (the hieroglyph for his name), with his arms raised to support the goddess Nut above the supine form of Geb. Sobek (Greek SUCHOS) Egyptian crocodile god. Sobek symbolized the might of the Egyptian pharaohs. Son of Neith. Depicted as a crocodile or in human form with the head of a crocodile, crowned either by a pair of plumes or sometimes by a combination of the solar disk and the uraeus (cobra). His cult was widespread, although the Faiyum was particularly noted as a center of his worship, where one of the towns came to be called 'Crocodilopolis' by the Greeks. Kom Ombo (north of modern Aswan) and Thebes in Upper Egypt later became centers of his cult as well. Sokar (Seker; Greek Socharis, Sokaris) Egyptian funerary god of the Memphis necropolis. Depicted in human form with a hawk's head. As early as the Old Kingdom, Sokar came to be regarded as a manifestation of the dead Osiris at Abydos in Upper Egypt. Also in the Old Kingdom, he came to be syncretized with Ptah as Ptah-Sokar, in which form he took the lioness goddess Sakhmet as his consort. In the Middle Kingdom, the three were sometimes merged in the form Ptah-Sokar-Osiris. Sokar was associated with the manufacture of various objects used in embalming and in funerary rituals. He became a god of the craftsmen working in the necropolis at Memphis and ultimately a patron deity of the necropolis itself. He also played a prominent role at Thebes where he was depicted on the royal tombs. An important annual festival was held in his honour at Thebes. The festival celebrated the resurrection of Osiris in the form of Sokar and the continuity of the Egyptian monarchy. At this festival his image was carried in an elaborate boat known as the 'henu'. Somtus (HARSOMTUS) Egyptian god of Dendara. Sopedu (SOPDU) Egyptian god of the eastern frontier. Depicted either in the form of a falcon or as a Bedouin crowned with tall plumes. Sopedu was the god of the eastern desert, of the Sinai peninsula and of the turquoise mines in the Sinai. In the Pyramid Texts he took on an astral aspect, impregnating Isis in her manifestation as the star Sirius, whose appearance in July heralded the annual inundation of the Nile. Isis subsequently gave birth to the composite deity Sopedu-Horus. His primary cult center was at Saft el-Henna in the north-eastern Nile delta. Sothis (Greek form; Egyptian SOPDET) Egyptian goddess who personified the Dog Star, Sirius. The appearance of Sirius at dawn in July (the 'heliacal rising') heralded the annual inundation of the Nile. She naturally became associated with the fertility and prosperity resulting from the annual floods. Depicted in human form wearing the tall conical white crown of Upper Egypt surmounted by a star. In a fourth century BC papyrus, Isis identifies herself with Sothis as she laments the death of Osiris and vows to follow him in his manifestation as the constellation Orion. Su Suchos See Sobek. Tanen See Tatenen. Tasenetnofret Egyptian goddess. Consort of Horus as Haroeris. Tatenen (TATHEN, TANEN, TENEN, TEN) "Exalted Earth". Primordial Egyptian god who personified the fertile silt of the Nile. Originally an independent god at Memphis, he came to be syncretized with Ptah in his aspect as a creator god. In this form he took on an androgynous form and was given the epithet 'father of the gods'. He was usually depicted in human form with ram's horns and wearing a feathered crown. As a vegetation god, he could be portrayed with green skin. Taweret (TAUERET, TAURT, APET, OPET; Greek THOUERIS, THOERIS, TOERIS) "The Great One". Egyptian hippopotamus goddess and protective deity of childbirth. She was depicted with the head of a hippopotamus, the legs and arms of a lion, the tail of a crocodile, human breasts, and a swollen belly. This appearance was meant to frighten off any spirits that might be harmful to the child. She was often depicted holding the Sa amulet symbolizing protection. As a protective deity of childbirth she was often depicted in the company of the dwarf god Bes, who had a similar function. Taweret was most popular among ordinary Egyptians as a protectress. Pregnant women commonly wore amulets bearing the goddess's image. Tefnut (TEFNET, TEFENET, Greek TPHENIS) Primeval Egyptian goddess personifying moisture, particularly in the forms of dew, rain and mist. According to the Heliopolitan cosmology, she was the daughter of Atum (sun), the sister and wife of Shu (air), and the mother of Geb (earth) and Nut (sky). Tefnut could take on the role of the 'eye of Re' (Re being another form of her sun god father), in which case she was depicted as a lioness or in human form with the head of a lioness. She could also be depicted as a snake coiled about a scepter. In the Pyramid Texts she was said to create pure water from her vagina. Her principal sanctuary was at Heliopolis. Tefnut and Shu were also worshipped as a pair of lions at Leontopolis in the Nile delta. Tenenit Egyptian goddess of beer. Thoth (THOT, THOUT; EGYPTIAN DJHOWTEY, DJEHUTI, TEHUTI, ZEHUTI) Egyptian moon god. Over time, he developed as a god of wisdom, and came to be associated with magic, music, medicine, astronomy, geometry, surveying, drawing and writing. Thoth was generally depicted in human form with the head of an ibis, wearing a crown consisting of a crescent moon topped by a moon disk. He could also be depicted wholly as an ibis or a baboon. Both the ibis and the baboon were sacred to him. His principal sanctuary was at Hermopolis (Khmunu) in the Nile delta region. Thoth served as an arbiter among the gods. In the Osirian legend, he protected Isis during her pregnancy and healed her son Horus when Seth tore out his left eye. Thoth was later identified with the Greek god Hermes in the form of Hermes Trismegistos ("Hermes the thrice great"), in which form he remained popular in medieval magic and alchemy. Thoth was also a god of the underworld, where he served as a clerk who recorded the judgments on the souls of the dead. Alternatively, it was Thoth himself who weighed the hearts of the dead against the feather of Truth in the Hall of the Two Truths. Toeris See Taweret. Triphis Greek name of Egyptian Repit. Tuamutef Egyptian guardian god of dead person's stomach. Uajyt (UATCHET, PER UADJIT, UAZET, UTO, BUTO) Guardian goddess of Lower Egypt. She was represented either as a serpent or a vulture. Uneg Egyptian plant-god. Unut Egyptian hare-goddess. Upuaut See Wepwawet. Urthekau (WERETHEKAU) Egyptian supernatural powers. Uto See Wadjet. Wadjet (UTO) Egyptian snake goddess of Buto. Wepwawet (UPUAUT; Greek OPHOIS) "Opener of the Ways". Egyptian jackal god. Wepwawet had a dual role as a god of war and of the funerary cult, and could be said to "open the way" both for the armies of the pharaoh and for the spirits of the dead. He originated as a god of Upper Egypt, but his cult had spread throughout Egypt by the time of the Old Kingdom. Depicted as a jackal or in human form with the head of a jackal, often holding the 'shedshed', a standard which led the pharaoh to victory in war and on which the pharaoh was said to ascend into the sky after death. Despite his origin in Upper Egypt, one inscription said that he was born in the sanctuary of the goddess Wadjet at Buto in the Nile delta. Another inscription identified him with Horus and thus by extension with the pharaoh. Wepwawet also symbolized the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. In his capacity as a funerary deity he used his adze to break open the mouth of the deceased in the "opening of the mouth' ceremony which ensured that the person would have the enjoyment of all his faculties in the afterlife. At Abydos the 'procession of Wepwawet' initiated the mysteries of Osiris as a god of the dead. Wosyet Egyptian protector goddess of the young. Zenenet Egyptian goddess of Hermonthis. copyright by Mark de la Hey, 1994, 1995.