http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file For complete access to all the files of this collection see ========================================================== *Archaeological Evidence of _Aset/Isis_* *Symbols* The Tyet/tjet knot In written sources, the meaning and symbolism of the /tjet/ knot seem to be similar to those of the /ankh/, that is, life, and the sign is thus often translated that way. The /tjet /shape is used in personal objects, such as a cosmetic spoon, as early as the 1st or 2nd dynasty, and as a decorative symbol as early as the 3rd Dynasty, when it appears with both the /ankh/ and with the /djed/ signs, and later, with the /was/ scepter. Perhaps because of its association with the /djed /pillar, which became associated with Osiris, the /tjet/ knot became associated with *Isis*, and thus it is often called "the knot of *Isis*" or even "the blood of *Isis*." Because of the latter term, the sign was cited in a Spell in the Book of Going Forth by Day , in the New Kingdom period, and was used as a funerary amulet, made of a red semi-precious stone such as carnelian or jasper. From the Old Kingdom times, the knot was also used as a badge of office for the /kherep-ah/ or Manager of the Palace.