mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== radio-carbon dating Index [LINK] Radio-carbon dating is a method of obtaining age estimates on organic materials. It has been used to date samples as old as 50,000 years. The method was developed immediately following World War II by Willard F. Libby and coworkers, and has provided age determinations in archaeology, geology, geophysics and other branches of science. Radiocarbon determinations can be obtained on wood; charcoal; marine and fresh-water shell; bone and antler; peat and organic-bearing sediments, carbonate deposits such as tufa, caliche, and marl; and dissolved carbon dioxide and carbonates in ocean, lake and ground-water sources. Each sample type has specific problems associated with its use for dating purposes, including contamination and special environmental effects. While the impact of radiocarbon dating has been most profound in archaeological research and particularly in prehistoric studies, extremely significant contributions have also been made in hydrology and oceanography. In addition, in the 1950s the testing of thermonuclear weapons injected large amounts of artificial radiocarbon ("Radiocarbon Bomb") into the atmosphere, permitting it to be used as a geochemical tracer. Radioactive carbon, produced when nitrogen 14 is bombarded by cosmic rays in the atmosphere, drifts down to earth and is absorbed from the air by plants. Animals eat the plants and take C14 into their bodies. Humans in turn take carbon 14 into their bodies by eating both plants and animals. When a living organism dies, it stops absorbing C14 and the C14 that is already in the object begins to disintegrate. Scientists can use this fact to measure how much C14 has disintegrated and how much is left in the object. Carbon 14 decays at a slow but steady rate and reverts to nitrogen 14. The rate at which Carbon decays (Half-life) is known: C14 has a half-life of 5730 years. Basically this means that half of the original amount of C14 in organic matter will have disintegrated 5730 years after the organisms death; half of the remaining C14 will have disintegrated after another 5730 years and so forth. After about 50,000 years, the amount of C14 remaining will be so small that the fossil can't be dated reliably. To discover how long an organism has been dead (to determine how much C14 is left in the organism and therefore how old it is), we count the number of beta radiations given off per minute per gram of material. Modern C14 emits about 15 beta radiations per minute per gram of material, but C14 that is 5730 years old will only emit half that amount, (the half-life of C14) per minute. So if a sample taken from an organism emits 7.5 radiations per minute in a gram of material, then the organism must be 5730 years old. The accuracy of radiocoarbon dating was tested on objects with dates that were already known through historical records such as parts of the dead sea scrolls and some wood from an Egyptian tomb. Based on the results of the Carbon 14 test the analysis showed that C14 agreed very closely with the historical information. The natural radiocarbon activity in the geologically recent contemporary "pre-bomb" biosphere was approximately 13.5 disintegration's per minute per gram of carbon. A measurement of the radiocarbon content of an organic sample will provide an accurate determination of the sample's age if it is assumed that (1) the production of radiocarbon by cosmic rays has remained essentially constant long enough to establish a steady state in the 14C/12C ratio in the atmosphere, (2) there has been a complete and rapid mixing of radiocarbon throughout the various carbon reservoirs, (3) the carbon isotope ratio in the sample has not been altered except by radiocarbon decay, and (4) the total amount of carbon in any reservoir has not been altered. In addition, the half-life of radiocarbon must be known with sufficient accuracy, and it must be possible to measure natural levels of radiocarbon to appropriate levels of accuracy and precision. It has long been recognized that if the radiocarbon atoms could be detected directly, rather than by waiting for their decay, smaller samples could be used for dating and older dates could be measured. A simple hypothetical example to illustrate this point is a sample containing only one atom of radiocarbon. To measure the age (that is, the abundance of radiocarbon), the sample can be placed into a mass spectrometer and that atom counted, or the sample can be placed into a Geiger counter and counted, requiring a wait on the average of 8000 years (the mean life of radiocarbon) for the decay. In practice, neither the atoms nor the decays can be counted with 100% efficiency, but the huge advantage for atom counting remains. Samples are also processed in a lab such as the Beta Analytic Inc. Reference McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology-volume 15 pages 136-144.