mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== archaeomagnetism Index The field of study concerned with ancient geo-magnetic phenomena and the use of archaeological material in determining past variation in the earth's magnetic field is called archaeomagnetism. These variations have been recorded in London, Paris and Rome over the past four centuries. The fact of these variations in the earth's magnetic field from time to time in direction and intensity are the basis of archaeomagnetic dating. This magnetism occurs naturally and is called fossil magnetism. (Tarling 145) A main property in these magnetic particles in rocks is that they may acquire a remnant at some specific points in time in space. Since the earth's geometric field changes in direction and intensity in time and space the time of the acquisition can be determined by the comparison of the magnetic particles with already existing records of the past geometric field at the locality of which the specimen was found. The values of declination, inclination and intensity define the magnetic field at any point on the earth's surface. These readings are by no means permanently fixed. The earth's magnetic field is indeed dynamic and does shift. At present the declination for London changes by approximately 1degree every decade. The angle of dip is also subject to shifting. When past variations of the earth's geomagnetic field have already been established, archaeomagnetic dating can be as accurate as the original dating of the record itself because of the comparison of the magnetic properties in the specimen and that of the geomagnetic field at that historic time to the geomagnetic field at the same place at the present time. But even when these records are absent archaeomagnetic dating is usually possible. This can be achieved by identifying differences in the magnetic parameters of the geomagnetic field of the two times. If these differ and are related to the past geomagnetic field, then the samples are of different age, while similar parameters of the geomagnetic field would indicate a similar age between the two specimens. This method is fine for relative dating, but in order to have more exact dates, the long term changes in the earth's geomagnetic field, also called secular variations, or "Master Curves" (Tarling p. 149)of dated secular changes need to be constructed by finding the rate of change of the geomagnetic field from archaeomagnetic studies of materials that have already been dated by other means. Now because observatory studies of the geomagnetic field only extend back for 400 years at the most, only relatively recent material can be dated by direct comparison. So for older specimens, archaeomagnetic dates are determined by finding a rate of the geomagnetic field by comparing the pole location of an archaeomagnetic sample with a master curve of a polar movement that has been constructed from independently dated material with mutually geomagnetic poles. Therefore, an archaeomagnetic date depends not only on the collected sample and curve summary, but also on the set of independently dated pole positions that go into making the curve. Magnetic information is also recorded in ferromagnetic elements in baked clay which have kept their position on cooling from the last firing of the clay. This means that baked clay, used for thousands of years in the construction of hearths, ovens and kilns, contains a weak but permanent magnetization which can be measured to determine the magnetic intensity and declination at the time of its last cooling. The thermoremnent magnetism (TRM) of baked clay is gained from the magnetic properties of magnetite and hematite, iron-oxides that make up on the average of 6-8% of the earth's crust. In raw clay magnetic particles of these minerals are aligned to form magnetic domains, or crystals. Before clay is baked these domains (which may be thought of as tiny bar magnets) are orientated in random directions. They do, however, tend to balance each other out magnetically by turning domains next to them in opposing directions, thus, balancing out the magnetic effect of the lump of clay. If the temperature is raised to over several hundred degrees Celsius, the thermal agitation of the crystals allows some of the domains to be aligned by the earth's magnetic field. When the clay cools their directions remain fixed, and there is a weak permanent magnetization in the same direction as the earth's field. This magnetization can then be measured and compared to a regional time scale developed from TRM readings from artifacts of known age, similar to the concept used for dendrochronology. When considering which burnt features are suitable for dating by this method, the archaeologist's first consideration should be whether the feature has been moved since its last firing. A reliable sample may come from the floor or wall base of a kiln or oven. Before the sample is extracted it must be marked with its exact orientation to geographic north. Archaeomagnetism is capable of providing results that are very precise on samples of archaeological features up to about 10,000 years old. Sources Tarling, D.H. Paleomagnetism: Principles and Applications in Geology, Geophysics and Archaeology. Chapman and Hall Pr. New York. 1984. Irving, E. Paleomagnetism and its Application to Geological and Geophysical Problems. John wiley and Sons Inc., New York/London/Sydney. 1964. WWW. Colostate.edu, Jeffery L. Eighmy. Archaeomagnetism;A Handbook for the Archaeologist.