mirrored file at http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ For complete access to all the files of this collection see http://SaturnianCosmology.org/search.php ========================================================== Home Up Search remove underscore>Mail remove underscore> /NEW / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conversion of radio carbon dates When dealing with radio carbon dates, one has to remember that the measured date is not the calendar date. For this one has to calibrate the radio carbon date *Uncal BP (in former times written as bp or as bc [=Uncal BP-1950])* towards the calendar date *BP* or *BCE (in former times written as Calbc)*. The following table is calculated with the help of the program CALIB (using data from Stuiver, M. and Pearson, 1993). The uncertainty in the radio carbon date *Uncal BP* is taken 100 years. The error/uncertainly in the calendar date *BCE* is then in the order of 80 years (1 sigma). Conversion table Period Radio carbon date Avg. Calendar date Uncal BP BCE middle bronze 2950 1140 middle bronze 3450 1780 early bronze 3550 1860 early bronze 3730 2220 late neolithic 3950 2430 late neolithic 4450 3170 early neolithic 4950 3720 early neolithic 5450 4290 Remarks: * BP * Before Present. Reference date is 1950 CE. BCE Before Common Era, the calendar date. *Remember that in practice this is not a straight line,* *it has many dips in it, but it gives a general indication at least.* *More information can be found here .* A CALIB computer program (Windows ) and a web page are available to calculate the conversion. Conversion historical dates and astronomical dates *Historical Date* *Astronomical Date* 2 CE 2 1 CE 1 1 BCE 0 2 BCE -1 3 BCE -2 Another thing to remember when looking at astronomical dates, is that most computer programs use the Julian calendar before October 15^th , 1582 (even in the BCE times, while we don't know the calendaring then) instead of the Gregorian calendar we use at present dates. So e.g. December 21^st , 2800 BCE becomes January 11^th , -2798. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /Disclaimer en Copyright / Home Up Search remove underscore>Mail remove underscore> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /Last content related changes: August 29, 1997/